Palestine Today

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“Lebanese actress Manal Issa holds a sign that reads "Stop the Attack on Gaza" at the premiere of "Solo: A Star Wars Story" at #Cannes2018 . Israeli soldiers shot and killed 59 Palestinians in mass protests on the Gaza border on Monday.” -AP Entertainment

(Photo by Vianney Le Caer/Invision/AP)

RE: PalestineToday
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This poster ("Resisting Settler Colonialism Since 1948") is a trinket from an era, and in a time, → long since past when there were those that wish to be or do something but lacks the lack the understanding, knowledge, skills, and abilities to actually be a patriotic nation builder.

Back in the day (1948) being a Harley Motorcycle Rider, wearing a black leather jacket and boots was synonymous with being a glamorous tough scary, tough guy.

BEING a tough and hard, with an indomitable spirit that vigorously supports their country and is one that faces their opponent → charging headlong into adversity and still emerges ready to enter the fray again → is one type of patriot. The Arab Palestinian does NOT present such a picture. Instead, the Arab Palestinian is best described as a portrait of cowardice and sociopaths. The Arab Palestinian is one of those that would attack soft target noncombatants resulting in the death of the unarmed; deliberately including children.

Resisting Settler Colonialism Since 1948

In 1948, the Jewish Agency and later the Provisional Government of Israel were not involving the practice of gaining political control over other countries and occupying them with settlers. This is often called colonialism but in reality, it is more an "a means to an end" for the accomplishment of capitalist expansion.

• The first stage had two basic objectives:
◇ Monopolizing the trade of essential items of maufacture goods.
◇ Plunder natural resources for the redistribution.​
• Second, the political conquest of the colony enabled:
◇ Domination of critical trade routes.
◇ Control of specific markets.
◇ Maintain the means of both import and export Markets at Port.
◇ The seizure of surplus goods for resale in other markets.​

As it relates to the territory (formerly under the mandate) colonialism strives to attain: political, economic, intellectual property in such a way that would make it profitable for the colonial organization. This is NOT the case with Israel. The primary import and export commodity exchanges are limited primarily OUTSIDE the entire Region

• Import partners partners include the United States, China, Germany and Belgium,
• Export partners include the United States and Hong Kong.​

The general reasoning used by the various Pro-Palestinian Movement is the liberal interpretation ICRC Article 49(6), Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 7(1d) of the Rome Statues.

• The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies. (GCIV)
• Deportation or forcible transfer of population;(RS-ICC)​

The pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli Movements tend to focus on one or two similarities to colonialism. The most visualized characteristic used is the movement of people. But that is just one of many characteristics that constitute "colonialism." And it is a poor interpretation of the law at best.

There was no colonial power that was controlling the import and export platforms in Israel after independence; nor was there platform or lootings in the time territory under a mandate.

Most Respectfully,
“Lebanese actress Manal Issa holds a sign that reads "Stop the Attack on Gaza" at the premiere of "Solo: A Star Wars Story" at #Cannes2018 . Israeli soldiers shot and killed 59 Palestinians in mass protests on the Gaza border on Monday.” -AP Entertainment

(Photo by Vianney Le Caer/Invision/AP)


She objects to “ peaceful protesters “ being shot ? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Keep posting !!
RE: PalestineToday
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This poster ("Resisting Settler Colonialism Since 1948") is a trinket from an era, and in a time, → long since past when there were those that wish to be or do something but lacks the lack the understanding, knowledge, skills, and abilities to actually be a patriotic nation builder.

Back in the day (1948) being a Harley Motorcycle Rider, wearing a black leather jacket and boots was synonymous with being a glamorous tough scary, tough guy.

BEING a tough and hard, with an indomitable spirit that vigorously supports their country and is one that faces their opponent → charging headlong into adversity and still emerges ready to enter the fray again → is one type of patriot. The Arab Palestinian does NOT present such a picture. Instead, the Arab Palestinian is best described as a portrait of cowardice and sociopaths. The Arab Palestinian is one of those that would attack soft target noncombatants resulting in the death of the unarmed; deliberately including children.

Resisting Settler Colonialism Since 1948

In 1948, the Jewish Agency and later the Provisional Government of Israel were not involving the practice of gaining political control over other countries and occupying them with settlers. This is often called colonialism but in reality, it is more an "a means to an end" for the accomplishment of capitalist expansion.

• The first stage had two basic objectives:
◇ Monopolizing the trade of essential items of maufacture goods.
◇ Plunder natural resources for the redistribution.​
• Second, the political conquest of the colony enabled:
◇ Domination of critical trade routes.
◇ Control of specific markets.
◇ Maintain the means of both import and export Markets at Port.
◇ The seizure of surplus goods for resale in other markets.​

As it relates to the territory (formerly under the mandate) colonialism strives to attain: political, economic, intellectual property in such a way that would make it profitable for the colonial organization. This is NOT the case with Israel. The primary import and export commodity exchanges are limited primarily OUTSIDE the entire Region

• Import partners partners include the United States, China, Germany and Belgium,
• Export partners include the United States and Hong Kong.​

The general reasoning used by the various Pro-Palestinian Movement is the liberal interpretation ICRC Article 49(6), Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 7(1d) of the Rome Statues.

• The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies. (GCIV)
• Deportation or forcible transfer of population;(RS-ICC)​

The pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli Movements tend to focus on one or two similarities to colonialism. The most visualized characteristic used is the movement of people. But that is just one of many characteristics that constitute "colonialism." And it is a poor interpretation of the law at best.

There was no colonial power that was controlling the import and export platforms in Israel after independence; nor was there platform or lootings in the time territory under a mandate.

Most Respectfully,
BEING a tough and hard, with an indomitable spirit that vigorously supports their country and is one that faces their opponent → charging headlong into adversity and still emerges ready to enter the fray again → is one type of patriot.
Indeed, the Palestinians (Basically an unarmed civilian population.) have been facing down well armed militaries for a hundred years. They have not surrendered yet and I don't see that happening any time soon. So far, Israel has won nothing.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ ILOVEISRAEL, P F Tinmore, et al,

Is someone holding a position that Israel is not allowed to defend its border?

“Lebanese actress Manal Issa holds a sign that reads "Stop the Attack on Gaza" at the premiere of "Solo: A Star Wars Story" at #Cannes2018 . Israeli soldiers shot and killed 59 Palestinians in mass protests on the Gaza border on Monday.” -AP Entertainment

(Photo by Vianney Le Caer/Invision/AP)

She objects to “ peaceful protesters “ being shot ? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Keep posting !!

Was there an attack on Gaza?

My understanding was that no attack was made, that the IDF/Border Police merely were defending the border... IS that incorrect?

I also understand that on 14 May '18 approximately 59 or 60 protesters/rioters were killed at 12 different locations along the border when HAMAS militants attempted to penetrate the border fensing. IS that correct?

Most Respectfully,
RE: PalestineToday
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This poster ("Resisting Settler Colonialism Since 1948") is a trinket from an era, and in a time, → long since past when there were those that wish to be or do something but lacks the lack the understanding, knowledge, skills, and abilities to actually be a patriotic nation builder.

Back in the day (1948) being a Harley Motorcycle Rider, wearing a black leather jacket and boots was synonymous with being a glamorous tough scary, tough guy.

BEING a tough and hard, with an indomitable spirit that vigorously supports their country and is one that faces their opponent → charging headlong into adversity and still emerges ready to enter the fray again → is one type of patriot. The Arab Palestinian does NOT present such a picture. Instead, the Arab Palestinian is best described as a portrait of cowardice and sociopaths. The Arab Palestinian is one of those that would attack soft target noncombatants resulting in the death of the unarmed; deliberately including children.

Resisting Settler Colonialism Since 1948

In 1948, the Jewish Agency and later the Provisional Government of Israel were not involving the practice of gaining political control over other countries and occupying them with settlers. This is often called colonialism but in reality, it is more an "a means to an end" for the accomplishment of capitalist expansion.

• The first stage had two basic objectives:
◇ Monopolizing the trade of essential items of maufacture goods.
◇ Plunder natural resources for the redistribution.​
• Second, the political conquest of the colony enabled:
◇ Domination of critical trade routes.
◇ Control of specific markets.
◇ Maintain the means of both import and export Markets at Port.
◇ The seizure of surplus goods for resale in other markets.​

As it relates to the territory (formerly under the mandate) colonialism strives to attain: political, economic, intellectual property in such a way that would make it profitable for the colonial organization. This is NOT the case with Israel. The primary import and export commodity exchanges are limited primarily OUTSIDE the entire Region

• Import partners partners include the United States, China, Germany and Belgium,
• Export partners include the United States and Hong Kong.​

The general reasoning used by the various Pro-Palestinian Movement is the liberal interpretation ICRC Article 49(6), Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 7(1d) of the Rome Statues.

• The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies. (GCIV)
• Deportation or forcible transfer of population;(RS-ICC)​

The pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli Movements tend to focus on one or two similarities to colonialism. The most visualized characteristic used is the movement of people. But that is just one of many characteristics that constitute "colonialism." And it is a poor interpretation of the law at best.

There was no colonial power that was controlling the import and export platforms in Israel after independence; nor was there platform or lootings in the time territory under a mandate.

Most Respectfully,
BEING a tough and hard, with an indomitable spirit that vigorously supports their country and is one that faces their opponent → charging headlong into adversity and still emerges ready to enter the fray again → is one type of patriot.
Indeed, the Palestinians (Basically an unarmed civilian population.) have been facing down well armed militaries for a hundred years. They have not surrendered yet and I don't see that happening any time soon. So far, Israel has won nothing.

Israel has won nothing? Keep talking to yourself. Israel exists to the dismay of the Arabs whose goal was their destruction. What have the “ Palestinians” won? Nothing and they never will.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH, did you think I was implying that the Arab Palestinians were patriotic? NOT SO!

BEING a tough and hard, with an indomitable spirit that vigorously supports their country and is one that faces their opponent → charging headlong into adversity and still emerges ready to enter the fray again → is one type of patriot.
Indeed, the Palestinians (Basically an unarmed civilian population.) have been facing down well armed militaries for a hundred years. They have not surrendered yet and I don't see that happening any time soon. So far, Israel has won nothing.

I don't think the Arab Palestinians, especially those from the Gaza Strip, have an ounce of courage among them... Certainly, nothing to be proud of.

The Arab Palestinians do everything they can to incite violence --- and when they do cross the line and Israel responds, the very first thing we see is the Arab Palestinians run like the chickens they are to the UNHRC and the Media to protest the Israel response to the incited violence.

Israel was not trying to win anything. They did not even cross the border... The responded to the threat, in the manner in which the Arab Palestinians wanted them to respond.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ ILOVEISRAEL, P F Tinmore, et al,

Is someone holding a position that Israel is not allowed to defend its border?

“Lebanese actress Manal Issa holds a sign that reads "Stop the Attack on Gaza" at the premiere of "Solo: A Star Wars Story" at #Cannes2018 . Israeli soldiers shot and killed 59 Palestinians in mass protests on the Gaza border on Monday.” -AP Entertainment

(Photo by Vianney Le Caer/Invision/AP)

She objects to “ peaceful protesters “ being shot ? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Keep posting !!

Was there an attack on Gaza?

My understanding was that no attack was made, that the IDF/Border Police merely were defending the border... IS that incorrect?

I also understand that on 14 May '18 approximately 59 or 60 protesters/rioters were killed at 12 different locations along the border when HAMAS militants attempted to penetrate the border fensing. IS that correct?

Most Respectfully,
Is someone holding a position that Israel is not allowed to defend its border?
Your clunker of the day. Israel has no borders. Then you base your conclusions on false premise.
RE: PalestineToday
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This poster ("Resisting Settler Colonialism Since 1948") is a trinket from an era, and in a time, → long since past when there were those that wish to be or do something but lacks the lack the understanding, knowledge, skills, and abilities to actually be a patriotic nation builder.

Back in the day (1948) being a Harley Motorcycle Rider, wearing a black leather jacket and boots was synonymous with being a glamorous tough scary, tough guy.

BEING a tough and hard, with an indomitable spirit that vigorously supports their country and is one that faces their opponent → charging headlong into adversity and still emerges ready to enter the fray again → is one type of patriot. The Arab Palestinian does NOT present such a picture. Instead, the Arab Palestinian is best described as a portrait of cowardice and sociopaths. The Arab Palestinian is one of those that would attack soft target noncombatants resulting in the death of the unarmed; deliberately including children.

Resisting Settler Colonialism Since 1948

In 1948, the Jewish Agency and later the Provisional Government of Israel were not involving the practice of gaining political control over other countries and occupying them with settlers. This is often called colonialism but in reality, it is more an "a means to an end" for the accomplishment of capitalist expansion.

• The first stage had two basic objectives:
◇ Monopolizing the trade of essential items of maufacture goods.
◇ Plunder natural resources for the redistribution.​
• Second, the political conquest of the colony enabled:
◇ Domination of critical trade routes.
◇ Control of specific markets.
◇ Maintain the means of both import and export Markets at Port.
◇ The seizure of surplus goods for resale in other markets.​

As it relates to the territory (formerly under the mandate) colonialism strives to attain: political, economic, intellectual property in such a way that would make it profitable for the colonial organization. This is NOT the case with Israel. The primary import and export commodity exchanges are limited primarily OUTSIDE the entire Region

• Import partners partners include the United States, China, Germany and Belgium,
• Export partners include the United States and Hong Kong.​

The general reasoning used by the various Pro-Palestinian Movement is the liberal interpretation ICRC Article 49(6), Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 7(1d) of the Rome Statues.

• The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies. (GCIV)
• Deportation or forcible transfer of population;(RS-ICC)​

The pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli Movements tend to focus on one or two similarities to colonialism. The most visualized characteristic used is the movement of people. But that is just one of many characteristics that constitute "colonialism." And it is a poor interpretation of the law at best.

There was no colonial power that was controlling the import and export platforms in Israel after independence; nor was there platform or lootings in the time territory under a mandate.

Most Respectfully,
BEING a tough and hard, with an indomitable spirit that vigorously supports their country and is one that faces their opponent → charging headlong into adversity and still emerges ready to enter the fray again → is one type of patriot.
Indeed, the Palestinians (Basically an unarmed civilian population.) have been facing down well armed militaries for a hundred years. They have not surrendered yet and I don't see that happening any time soon. So far, Israel has won nothing.

Sure sure, unarmed and civilian, especially when coming to collect "protection".
Now You talk about surrender and then You'll tell us they didn't even participate in any war.

The simple truth is they have nothing to surrender really, the little they've managed to get for their imaginary country is an act of great generosity by the Israelis, and they managed to make that into a dump as well.

So much for the nostalgia of Your bourgeoisie feudal lords.
Rushdi Shawa, mayor of Gaza City (1938-1951), and his wife, Shafiqa Husseini and their children, 1940

Source: Threads of Identity, by Widad Kamel Kawar

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