Palestine Today

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)RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Shusha, P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, this is a misrepresentation of the facts.

In its Judgment No. 5, The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, the Permanent Court of International Justice also decided that Palestine was responsible as the successor state ...

I'm going to guess it says no such thing. Please provide paragraph number where it claims Palestine was a state.


It is not "Palestine" which is defined by the Palestine Order in Council → it is the "Government of Palestine" which is the British Government for which the succession makes liable. READ the Screen Shot from the highlighted point onward.

It should be noted that:

The year, with its preoccupations about Public Security consequent on events in Syria, was not propitious for an advance in the political organization of the Country; and the proposal to form a Legislative Council has not been, and cannot usefully be, revived while Arab political leaders maintain their opposition to a fundamental principle of the Mandate. The Advisory Council to which all new legislation is referred is still composed exclusively of officers of the Government.

M. PALACIOS said that the Commission had learnt from Sir Herbert Samuel (page 56 of the Minutes of the Fifth Session) that, if at any time the Arabs indicated that they desired to accept the British proposals regarding the Advisory Council, the Legislative Council and the Arab Agency, the last organisation to possess the same powers as the Jewish Agency, the British Government would take steps to meet their wish. Did not the Administration consider that it might profit from some favorable moment to return once more to this policy of conciliation?

• Palestine under British Administration •
In practice, it proved impossible even to initiate this policy of gradual constitutional development. From 1922 until the present day, the High Commissioner has governed Palestine with the aid of Councils consisting exclusively of British officials.
SOURCE: "Political History of Palestine under British Administration"

No matter what you might have been told, the Arabs of Palestine did not want to work with the British Administration, from the very beginning (even before partition - or not - was decided). It was not until 1988 that the Arabs of Palestine even began to think in terms of establishing self-government.

Don't let anyone attempt to confuse the issue by injecting the Egyptian ruse of the "All Palestine Government" (APG of 1948) to insert former enemy operatives into the government. Remembering that people like Ahmad Hilmi Pasha (First Prime Minister of the All Palestine Protectorate APP) was once General in the Ottoman army during the Great War (the enemy). Similarly, the First President of the Protectorate was also an Officer in the Ottoman Army, Captain Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, stationed in Damascus when the Ottoman Army surrenderd the garrison. In the years following the great war, the British Administration had difficulty in dealing with those that held their allegiance to the Ottoman Empire to the bitter end. But this did not preclude the High Commissioner to appoint Amin al-Husseini to the post of "Grand Mufti of Jerusalem." But in the end, even that gesture was a mistake, as the Grand Mufti (once again) aligned himself with the Opponent (Axis Powers) facing the Allied Powers.

It is easy for some people to say that the Arabs of Palestine were wronged. And maybe to some extent that was true, → but every single time the Arab Palestinian Leaders were asked to step forward and help in the establishment of self-governing institutions, they found some reason to gag themselves in having a voice in government. Only the future Emir (son of Hussein bin Ali, Sharif and Emir of Mecca) stayed the course and in 1921 by the then Emir Abdullah I through cooperation and a voice in the British protectorate did Trans-Jordania begin to transition from a self-governing institution to a nation.

Most Respectfully,
)RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Shusha, P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, this is a misrepresentation of the facts.

In its Judgment No. 5, The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, the Permanent Court of International Justice also decided that Palestine was responsible as the successor state ...

I'm going to guess it says no such thing. Please provide paragraph number where it claims Palestine was a state.


It is not "Palestine" which is defined by the Palestine Order in Council → it is the "Government of Palestine" which is the British Government for which the succession makes liable. READ the Screen Shot from the highlighted point onward.

It should be noted that:

The year, with its preoccupations about Public Security consequent on events in Syria, was not propitious for an advance in the political organization of the Country; and the proposal to form a Legislative Council has not been, and cannot usefully be, revived while Arab political leaders maintain their opposition to a fundamental principle of the Mandate. The Advisory Council to which all new legislation is referred is still composed exclusively of officers of the Government.

M. PALACIOS said that the Commission had learnt from Sir Herbert Samuel (page 56 of the Minutes of the Fifth Session) that, if at any time the Arabs indicated that they desired to accept the British proposals regarding the Advisory Council, the Legislative Council and the Arab Agency, the last organisation to possess the same powers as the Jewish Agency, the British Government would take steps to meet their wish. Did not the Administration consider that it might profit from some favorable moment to return once more to this policy of conciliation?

• Palestine under British Administration •
In practice, it proved impossible even to initiate this policy of gradual constitutional development. From 1922 until the present day, the High Commissioner has governed Palestine with the aid of Councils consisting exclusively of British officials.
SOURCE: "Political History of Palestine under British Administration"

No matter what you might have been told, the Arabs of Palestine did not want to work with the British Administration, from the very beginning (even before partition - or not - was decided). It was not until 1988 that the Arabs of Palestine even began to think in terms of establishing self-government.

Don't let anyone attempt to confuse the issue by injecting the Egyptian ruse of the "All Palestine Government" (APG of 1948) to insert former enemy operatives into the government. Remembering that people like Ahmad Hilmi Pasha (First Prime Minister of the All Palestine Protectorate APP) was once General in the Ottoman army during the Great War (the enemy). Similarly, the First President of the Protectorate was also an Officer in the Ottoman Army, Captain Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, stationed in Damascus when the Ottoman Army surrenderd the garrison. In the years following the great war, the British Administration had difficulty in dealing with those that held their allegiance to the Ottoman Empire to the bitter end. But this did not preclude the High Commissioner to appoint Amin al-Husseini to the post of "Grand Mufti of Jerusalem." But in the end, even that gesture was a mistake, as the Grand Mufti (once again) aligned himself with the Opponent (Axis Powers) facing the Allied Powers.

It is easy for some people to say that the Arabs of Palestine were wronged. And maybe to some extent that was true, → but every single time the Arab Palestinian Leaders were asked to step forward and help in the establishment of self-governing institutions, they found some reason to gag themselves in having a voice in government. Only the future Emir (son of Hussein bin Ali, Sharif and Emir of Mecca) stayed the course and in 1921 by the then Emir Abdullah I through cooperation and a voice in the British protectorate did Trans-Jordania begin to transition from a self-governing institution to a nation.

Most Respectfully,
The "Jewish state" is a foreign settler colonial project. It was conceived by foreigners. It was managed by foreigners. It was funded by foreigners. It all took place behind the guns if the British military.

This foreign entity was plopped down on top of Palestine scattering the natives to the four winds.
)RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Shusha, P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, this is a misrepresentation of the facts.

In its Judgment No. 5, The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, the Permanent Court of International Justice also decided that Palestine was responsible as the successor state ...

I'm going to guess it says no such thing. Please provide paragraph number where it claims Palestine was a state.


It is not "Palestine" which is defined by the Palestine Order in Council → it is the "Government of Palestine" which is the British Government for which the succession makes liable. READ the Screen Shot from the highlighted point onward.

It should be noted that:

The year, with its preoccupations about Public Security consequent on events in Syria, was not propitious for an advance in the political organization of the Country; and the proposal to form a Legislative Council has not been, and cannot usefully be, revived while Arab political leaders maintain their opposition to a fundamental principle of the Mandate. The Advisory Council to which all new legislation is referred is still composed exclusively of officers of the Government.

M. PALACIOS said that the Commission had learnt from Sir Herbert Samuel (page 56 of the Minutes of the Fifth Session) that, if at any time the Arabs indicated that they desired to accept the British proposals regarding the Advisory Council, the Legislative Council and the Arab Agency, the last organisation to possess the same powers as the Jewish Agency, the British Government would take steps to meet their wish. Did not the Administration consider that it might profit from some favorable moment to return once more to this policy of conciliation?

• Palestine under British Administration •
In practice, it proved impossible even to initiate this policy of gradual constitutional development. From 1922 until the present day, the High Commissioner has governed Palestine with the aid of Councils consisting exclusively of British officials.
SOURCE: "Political History of Palestine under British Administration"

No matter what you might have been told, the Arabs of Palestine did not want to work with the British Administration, from the very beginning (even before partition - or not - was decided). It was not until 1988 that the Arabs of Palestine even began to think in terms of establishing self-government.

Don't let anyone attempt to confuse the issue by injecting the Egyptian ruse of the "All Palestine Government" (APG of 1948) to insert former enemy operatives into the government. Remembering that people like Ahmad Hilmi Pasha (First Prime Minister of the All Palestine Protectorate APP) was once General in the Ottoman army during the Great War (the enemy). Similarly, the First President of the Protectorate was also an Officer in the Ottoman Army, Captain Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, stationed in Damascus when the Ottoman Army surrenderd the garrison. In the years following the great war, the British Administration had difficulty in dealing with those that held their allegiance to the Ottoman Empire to the bitter end. But this did not preclude the High Commissioner to appoint Amin al-Husseini to the post of "Grand Mufti of Jerusalem." But in the end, even that gesture was a mistake, as the Grand Mufti (once again) aligned himself with the Opponent (Axis Powers) facing the Allied Powers.

It is easy for some people to say that the Arabs of Palestine were wronged. And maybe to some extent that was true, → but every single time the Arab Palestinian Leaders were asked to step forward and help in the establishment of self-governing institutions, they found some reason to gag themselves in having a voice in government. Only the future Emir (son of Hussein bin Ali, Sharif and Emir of Mecca) stayed the course and in 1921 by the then Emir Abdullah I through cooperation and a voice in the British protectorate did Trans-Jordania begin to transition from a self-governing institution to a nation.

Most Respectfully,
The "Jewish state" is a foreign settler colonial project. It was conceived by foreigners. It was managed by foreigners. It was funded by foreigners. It all took place behind the guns if the British military.

This foreign entity was plopped down on top of Palestine scattering the natives to the four winds.

So you keep saying.

Ad nauseum.

by Bassam Tawil
January 28, 2019 at 5:00 am

The Palestinian Jihad Against Peace

  • According to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, an upcoming US-sponsored global summit to discuss the Middle East and Iran will "bring together dozens of countries from all around the world, from Asia, from Africa, from Western Hemisphere countries, Europe too, the Middle East of course."

  • The Palestinian strategy is now based on inciting Arabs against their leaders. This is the message that Abbas and his officials are sending to the Arabs: "You need to join us in our campaign to stop our leaders from making peace with Israel. You must condemn any leader who seeks normalization with Israel as a traitor."

  • Other senior Palestinian officials have gone further by warning the Arab countries that any form of normalization with Israel would be considered an act of treason

  • It now remains to be seen whether the Arab countries will surrender to the latest campaign of Palestinian incitement and intimidation.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Shusha, P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, that is a misrepresentation of the facts.

The "Jewish state" is a foreign settler colonial project. It was conceived by foreigners. It was managed by foreigners. It was funded by foreigners. It all took place behind the guns if the British military.

This foreign entity was plopped down on top of Palestine scattering the natives to the four winds.

During the Great War (WWI) what you call the "foreigners" [the Allied Powers, specifically the British Empire's Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF)] assumed the role of the British partner in the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA). The EEF played a major part in the defeat of the Ottoman Empire and the establishment of the Armistice of Mudros.

I understand that you support the Central Powers theme in the WWI, and therefore considered that assumption of effective control (over enemy-held territory) by the Allied Powers to be a band of "foreigners." But that is not the case at all. I can see the contaminated view you hold → over a century after the enormous sacrifice made (the centennial of the Armistice just two months ago on 11 November 1918). Yeah, I wouldn't expect the descendants of the enemy held territory to hold that in remembrance. But it puts an entirely different perspective on your use of the term "foreigners" for the descendants of those that made the sacrifice in the Great War.

The concept of a Jewish National Home" came first (much further back than a century), and later the transition to a more substantial plan for a "Jewish State" after a lack of cooperation in what the Mandatory described as "obligations undertaken to the two communities (Jewish 'v' Arab) in Palestine have been shown to be irreconcilable." Placed in that light, and to accomplish what the Allied Powers agreed to in the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, only a Two-State Solution was possible.

The current situation the Region finds itself in today is a direct result of the demand for dominance on the part of the Arab Palestinians and the lack of cooperation on the part of the Arab Palestinian people. This lack of cooperation is still prominent today in the Arab Palestinian overwhelming support of the criminal behaviors demonstrated by Jihadists, Insurgents, Radicalized Islamics, Adherents, Guerrillas and Asymmetric Fighter that carry out the ever-evolving lack of cooperation on the part of the Arabs of Palestine since the surrender of the Ottoman Empire on the decks of the HMS Agamemnon (30 October 1918).

Most Respectfully,
)RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Shusha, P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, this is a misrepresentation of the facts.

In its Judgment No. 5, The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, the Permanent Court of International Justice also decided that Palestine was responsible as the successor state ...

I'm going to guess it says no such thing. Please provide paragraph number where it claims Palestine was a state.


It is not "Palestine" which is defined by the Palestine Order in Council → it is the "Government of Palestine" which is the British Government for which the succession makes liable. READ the Screen Shot from the highlighted point onward.

It should be noted that:

The year, with its preoccupations about Public Security consequent on events in Syria, was not propitious for an advance in the political organization of the Country; and the proposal to form a Legislative Council has not been, and cannot usefully be, revived while Arab political leaders maintain their opposition to a fundamental principle of the Mandate. The Advisory Council to which all new legislation is referred is still composed exclusively of officers of the Government.

M. PALACIOS said that the Commission had learnt from Sir Herbert Samuel (page 56 of the Minutes of the Fifth Session) that, if at any time the Arabs indicated that they desired to accept the British proposals regarding the Advisory Council, the Legislative Council and the Arab Agency, the last organisation to possess the same powers as the Jewish Agency, the British Government would take steps to meet their wish. Did not the Administration consider that it might profit from some favorable moment to return once more to this policy of conciliation?

• Palestine under British Administration •
In practice, it proved impossible even to initiate this policy of gradual constitutional development. From 1922 until the present day, the High Commissioner has governed Palestine with the aid of Councils consisting exclusively of British officials.
SOURCE: "Political History of Palestine under British Administration"

No matter what you might have been told, the Arabs of Palestine did not want to work with the British Administration, from the very beginning (even before partition - or not - was decided). It was not until 1988 that the Arabs of Palestine even began to think in terms of establishing self-government.

Don't let anyone attempt to confuse the issue by injecting the Egyptian ruse of the "All Palestine Government" (APG of 1948) to insert former enemy operatives into the government. Remembering that people like Ahmad Hilmi Pasha (First Prime Minister of the All Palestine Protectorate APP) was once General in the Ottoman army during the Great War (the enemy). Similarly, the First President of the Protectorate was also an Officer in the Ottoman Army, Captain Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, stationed in Damascus when the Ottoman Army surrenderd the garrison. In the years following the great war, the British Administration had difficulty in dealing with those that held their allegiance to the Ottoman Empire to the bitter end. But this did not preclude the High Commissioner to appoint Amin al-Husseini to the post of "Grand Mufti of Jerusalem." But in the end, even that gesture was a mistake, as the Grand Mufti (once again) aligned himself with the Opponent (Axis Powers) facing the Allied Powers.

It is easy for some people to say that the Arabs of Palestine were wronged. And maybe to some extent that was true, → but every single time the Arab Palestinian Leaders were asked to step forward and help in the establishment of self-governing institutions, they found some reason to gag themselves in having a voice in government. Only the future Emir (son of Hussein bin Ali, Sharif and Emir of Mecca) stayed the course and in 1921 by the then Emir Abdullah I through cooperation and a voice in the British protectorate did Trans-Jordania begin to transition from a self-governing institution to a nation.

Most Respectfully,
The "Jewish state" is a foreign settler colonial project. It was conceived by foreigners. It was managed by foreigners. It was funded by foreigners. It all took place behind the guns if the British military.

This foreign entity was plopped down on top of Palestine scattering the natives to the four winds.

The "Jewish state" is a foreign settler colonial project. It was conceived by foreigners. It was managed by foreigners. It was funded by foreigners. It all took place behind the guns if the British military.

This foreign entity was plopped down on top of Palestine scattering the natives to the four winds.

Whenever you post something like this, which is often enough, I am floored by the irony. There are now ~6 million Arab Palestinians who are part of a foreign settler colonial project trying to convince the world that they should be allowed to "plop down" on top of Israel and scatter those natives to the four winds.

It astonishes me that you can demand the return of generations of Arab Palestinians while at the same time rejecting the return of generations of the Jewish people.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Shusha, P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, that is a misrepresentation of the facts.

The "Jewish state" is a foreign settler colonial project. It was conceived by foreigners. It was managed by foreigners. It was funded by foreigners. It all took place behind the guns if the British military.

This foreign entity was plopped down on top of Palestine scattering the natives to the four winds.

During the Great War (WWI) what you call the "foreigners" [the Allied Powers, specifically the British Empire's Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF)] assumed the role of the British partner in the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA). The EEF played a major part in the defeat of the Ottoman Empire and the establishment of the Armistice of Mudros.

I understand that you support the Central Powers theme in the WWI, and therefore considered that assumption of effective control (over enemy-held territory) by the Allied Powers to be a band of "foreigners." But that is not the case at all. I can see the contaminated view you hold → over a century after the enormous sacrifice made (the centennial of the Armistice just two months ago on 11 November 1918). Yeah, I wouldn't expect the descendants of the enemy held territory to hold that in remembrance. But it puts an entirely different perspective on your use of the term "foreigners" for the descendants of those that made the sacrifice in the Great War.

The concept of a Jewish National Home" came first (much further back than a century), and later the transition to a more substantial plan for a "Jewish State" after a lack of cooperation in what the Mandatory described as "obligations undertaken to the two communities (Jewish 'v' Arab) in Palestine have been shown to be irreconcilable." Placed in that light, and to accomplish what the Allied Powers agreed to in the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, only a Two-State Solution was possible.

The current situation the Region finds itself in today is a direct result of the demand for dominance on the part of the Arab Palestinians and the lack of cooperation on the part of the Arab Palestinian people. This lack of cooperation is still prominent today in the Arab Palestinian overwhelming support of the criminal behaviors demonstrated by Jihadists, Insurgents, Radicalized Islamics, Adherents, Guerrillas and Asymmetric Fighter that carry out the ever-evolving lack of cooperation on the part of the Arabs of Palestine since the surrender of the Ottoman Empire on the decks of the HMS Agamemnon (30 October 1918).

Most Respectfully,
The current situation the Region finds itself in today is a direct result of the demand for dominance on the part of the Arab Palestinians and the lack of cooperation on the part of the Arab Palestinian people.
Why do you say demand for dominance? What does that mean?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Political and cultural dominance are characteristics necessary to achieve such influence over legislative matters that the minority essentially have no competitive voice. This allows the majority to act maliciously towards the minority; depriving the minority of any rights and protections through the manipulation of the law.

The second and very critical dominance is the impact on the economic balance.

The current situation the Region finds itself in today is a direct result of the demand for dominance on the part of the Arab Palestinians and the lack of cooperation on the part of the Arab Palestinian people.
Why do you say demand for dominance? What does that mean?

Political and cultural dominance is the first steps historically used to abuse the Jewish People and strip them of their wealth and liberty. It has been often used by unscrupulous majority elements as a prelude to the persecution of the Jewish People. This is why the Allied Powers and the more advanced leadership of the world saw it necessary to establish a Jewish National Home that was separate and distinct from the influences of the general Arab Populations.

The influx of millions of Arab Palestinians into the economy of Israel with destabilize and then destroy the nation. Every category of human development will gradually turn down into a negative direction until Israel becomes just another failed state.

The Arab Palestinian refugees will become an albatross around the neck of the Israelis; strangling the life out of the country. It is why none of the other Arab League nations want the Arab Palestinians. The Arab Palestinians represent a burden and critical setback from which there is no return.

Finally, it is necessary to understand that even if the Jewish State agreed to the demands of the Arab Palestinians, it would not guarantee an end to the conflict. It would be a role reversal in which the Israelis will become the resistance movement for independence and sovereignty.

In the end, giving in to the demand for Arab Palestinian dominance over the Jewish State will ultimately lead to another failed state and a continuation of conflict.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Political and cultural dominance are characteristics necessary to achieve such influence over legislative matters that the minority essentially have no competitive voice. This allows the majority to act maliciously towards the minority; depriving the minority of any rights and protections through the manipulation of the law.

The second and very critical dominance is the impact on the economic balance.

The current situation the Region finds itself in today is a direct result of the demand for dominance on the part of the Arab Palestinians and the lack of cooperation on the part of the Arab Palestinian people.
Why do you say demand for dominance? What does that mean?

Political and cultural dominance is the first steps historically used to abuse the Jewish People and strip them of their wealth and liberty. It has been often used by unscrupulous majority elements as a prelude to the persecution of the Jewish People. This is why the Allied Powers and the more advanced leadership of the world saw it necessary to establish a Jewish National Home that was separate and distinct from the influences of the general Arab Populations.

The influx of millions of Arab Palestinians into the economy of Israel with destabilize and then destroy the nation. Every category of human development will gradually turn down into a negative direction until Israel becomes just another failed state.

The Arab Palestinian refugees will become an albatross around the neck of the Israelis; strangling the life out of the country. It is why none of the other Arab League nations want the Arab Palestinians. The Arab Palestinians represent a burden and critical setback from which there is no return.

Finally, it is necessary to understand that even if the Jewish State agreed to the demands of the Arab Palestinians, it would not guarantee an end to the conflict. It would be a role reversal in which the Israelis will become the resistance movement for independence and sovereignty.

In the end, giving in to the demand for Arab Palestinian dominance over the Jewish State will ultimately lead to another failed state and a continuation of conflict.

Most Respectfully,
Interesting speculation.
)RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Shusha, P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, this is a misrepresentation of the facts.

In its Judgment No. 5, The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, the Permanent Court of International Justice also decided that Palestine was responsible as the successor state ...

I'm going to guess it says no such thing. Please provide paragraph number where it claims Palestine was a state.


It is not "Palestine" which is defined by the Palestine Order in Council → it is the "Government of Palestine" which is the British Government for which the succession makes liable. READ the Screen Shot from the highlighted point onward.

It should be noted that:

The year, with its preoccupations about Public Security consequent on events in Syria, was not propitious for an advance in the political organization of the Country; and the proposal to form a Legislative Council has not been, and cannot usefully be, revived while Arab political leaders maintain their opposition to a fundamental principle of the Mandate. The Advisory Council to which all new legislation is referred is still composed exclusively of officers of the Government.

M. PALACIOS said that the Commission had learnt from Sir Herbert Samuel (page 56 of the Minutes of the Fifth Session) that, if at any time the Arabs indicated that they desired to accept the British proposals regarding the Advisory Council, the Legislative Council and the Arab Agency, the last organisation to possess the same powers as the Jewish Agency, the British Government would take steps to meet their wish. Did not the Administration consider that it might profit from some favorable moment to return once more to this policy of conciliation?

• Palestine under British Administration •
In practice, it proved impossible even to initiate this policy of gradual constitutional development. From 1922 until the present day, the High Commissioner has governed Palestine with the aid of Councils consisting exclusively of British officials.
SOURCE: "Political History of Palestine under British Administration"

No matter what you might have been told, the Arabs of Palestine did not want to work with the British Administration, from the very beginning (even before partition - or not - was decided). It was not until 1988 that the Arabs of Palestine even began to think in terms of establishing self-government.

Don't let anyone attempt to confuse the issue by injecting the Egyptian ruse of the "All Palestine Government" (APG of 1948) to insert former enemy operatives into the government. Remembering that people like Ahmad Hilmi Pasha (First Prime Minister of the All Palestine Protectorate APP) was once General in the Ottoman army during the Great War (the enemy). Similarly, the First President of the Protectorate was also an Officer in the Ottoman Army, Captain Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, stationed in Damascus when the Ottoman Army surrenderd the garrison. In the years following the great war, the British Administration had difficulty in dealing with those that held their allegiance to the Ottoman Empire to the bitter end. But this did not preclude the High Commissioner to appoint Amin al-Husseini to the post of "Grand Mufti of Jerusalem." But in the end, even that gesture was a mistake, as the Grand Mufti (once again) aligned himself with the Opponent (Axis Powers) facing the Allied Powers.

It is easy for some people to say that the Arabs of Palestine were wronged. And maybe to some extent that was true, → but every single time the Arab Palestinian Leaders were asked to step forward and help in the establishment of self-governing institutions, they found some reason to gag themselves in having a voice in government. Only the future Emir (son of Hussein bin Ali, Sharif and Emir of Mecca) stayed the course and in 1921 by the then Emir Abdullah I through cooperation and a voice in the British protectorate did Trans-Jordania begin to transition from a self-governing institution to a nation.

Most Respectfully,
The "Jewish state" is a foreign settler colonial project. It was conceived by foreigners. It was managed by foreigners. It was funded by foreigners. It all took place behind the guns if the British military.

This foreign entity was plopped down on top of Palestine scattering the natives to the four winds.

Yeah sure, and the Kingdom of Spain occupies Madrid...

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Political and cultural dominance are characteristics necessary to achieve such influence over legislative matters that the minority essentially have no competitive voice. This allows the majority to act maliciously towards the minority; depriving the minority of any rights and protections through the manipulation of the law.

The second and very critical dominance is the impact on the economic balance.

The current situation the Region finds itself in today is a direct result of the demand for dominance on the part of the Arab Palestinians and the lack of cooperation on the part of the Arab Palestinian people.
Why do you say demand for dominance? What does that mean?

Political and cultural dominance is the first steps historically used to abuse the Jewish People and strip them of their wealth and liberty. It has been often used by unscrupulous majority elements as a prelude to the persecution of the Jewish People. This is why the Allied Powers and the more advanced leadership of the world saw it necessary to establish a Jewish National Home that was separate and distinct from the influences of the general Arab Populations.

The influx of millions of Arab Palestinians into the economy of Israel with destabilize and then destroy the nation. Every category of human development will gradually turn down into a negative direction until Israel becomes just another failed state.

The Arab Palestinian refugees will become an albatross around the neck of the Israelis; strangling the life out of the country. It is why none of the other Arab League nations want the Arab Palestinians. The Arab Palestinians represent a burden and critical setback from which there is no return.

Finally, it is necessary to understand that even if the Jewish State agreed to the demands of the Arab Palestinians, it would not guarantee an end to the conflict. It would be a role reversal in which the Israelis will become the resistance movement for independence and sovereignty.

In the end, giving in to the demand for Arab Palestinian dominance over the Jewish State will ultimately lead to another failed state and a continuation of conflict.

Most Respectfully,
Interesting speculation.

What speculation?
A hundred years prior to the establishment of Israel all local Jews were expelled by Arabs from all of their holy cities, murdered and raped men, women and children. Then followed waves of bloody Arab pogroms throughout the vast Ottoman empire against the Jewish minority that was caused by another age old "bloody matzos" libel, and that is all it took for the Arabs to go murder the Jews anywhere they were found.

Fact is You fight to eliminate the only non-Muslim state in the region, ironically the only country where Muslims actually have the most freedom and quality of life.
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