Palestine Today

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Profiles in Peace: Mayor Vera Baboun

You asked if "Palestinians attacked the US".
Murdering Rebert Kennedy was not an attack on America?
The US attacked first.
But for that we have to establish some standards,
if You justify "Palestinians" murdering Robert Kennedy,

does it mean in Your view, those are acceptable means regarding other American Presidents whom "Palestinians" call their enemies?
The US attacked the Palestinians first.
You keep repeating that,
but all I see is excuses for Jihad against America.

By promoting the enemy aren't You committing an act of treason?
Over your head, I see.

You've sided with the enemies of America, that didn't go over my head,
and still trying to justify the murder of Robert Kennedy by Your Jihadi brides.

What is Your motive behind siding with the enemies of Your own people?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

He was quite influential for a man with such limited resources.


There is so lasting impact from the Virtue, Power, and Efficacy given by such a personality and character of Malcomb X. What we have heard, and what we often see from pro-Palestinian activist is an Appeal to False Authority (Malcomb X).

The evidentiary value from such a contribution by Malcolm X on the topic of the Arab-Israeli Conflict is greatly diminished.

• Malcolm X was killed in 1965 (I was around back then). This puts any contributions made lacking the credible knowledge and experiences of:

◈ The PLO Charter was only 1 year old and lacking any wide distribution.
◈ No knowledge of the 1967Six Day War.
◈ Black September in Jordan
◈ 1973 Yom Kipper War and Arab League Suprize attack.
◈ Camp David meetings (1977-78)
◈ Jordan abandons West Bank (1988)
◈ First Intifada
◈ Oslo Accords
◈ Second Intifada
◈ → Anything in the 21st Century​

Simply, Malcolm X comment on the "Zionist Occupation" of "Arab Palestine" refers singularly to the rejection of the Partition Plan (A/RES/181 II) and the establishment of the Jewish National Home. This directly relates to the decisions made a century ago by the Allied Powers that control the destiny of the territory..

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

He was quite influential for a man with such limited resources.


There is so lasting impact from the Virtue, Power, and Efficacy given by such a personality and character of Malcomb X. What we have heard, and what we often see from pro-Palestinian activist is an Appeal to False Authority (Malcomb X).

The evidentiary value from such a contribution by Malcolm X on the topic of the Arab-Israeli Conflict is greatly diminished.

• Malcolm X was killed in 1965 (I was around back then). This puts any contributions made lacking the credible knowledge and experiences of:

◈ The PLO Charter was only 1 year old and lacking any wide distribution.
◈ No knowledge of the 1967Six Day War.
◈ Black September in Jordan
◈ 1973 Yom Kipper War and Arab League Suprize attack.
◈ Camp David meetings (1977-78)
◈ Jordan abandons West Bank (1988)
◈ First Intifada
◈ Oslo Accords
◈ Second Intifada
◈ → Anything in the 21st Century​

Simply, Malcolm X comment on the "Zionist Occupation" of "Arab Palestine" refers singularly to the rejection of the Partition Plan (A/RES/181 II) and the establishment of the Jewish National Home. This directly relates to the decisions made a century ago by the Allied Powers that control the destiny of the territory..

Most Respectfully,
What are you trying to say?
Gaza Marches : We Demand an Islamic Caliphate!

Speaker of Hizb ut-Tahrir movement Hassan al-Madhoun speaks during a march toward unknown soldier's memorial demanding reconstitution Islamic caliphate, which is abolished 91 years ago.

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