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Preventing Palestine: A Political History From Camp David to Oslo – Book Review


(Preventing Palestine – A Political History From Camp David to Oslo. Seth Anziska. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2018.)

In all my recent readings of history and current events, Preventing Palestine stands out as being one of the best written – if not the best – and one of the most essential for understanding the overall historical process of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories of Palestine.

Given the nature of the book, it also hints at the gradual process through which all of Mandatory Palestine west of the Jordan River gave way to the acceptance of only a partial space – the West Bank and Gaza – within the overall colonial-settler area of Israel, as a region for a Palestinian state.

Preventing Palestine: A Political History From Camp David to Oslo - Book Review - Palestine Chronicle
Preventing Palestine: A Political History From Camp David to Oslo – Book Review


(Preventing Palestine – A Political History From Camp David to Oslo. Seth Anziska. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2018.)

In all my recent readings of history and current events, Preventing Palestine stands out as being one of the best written – if not the best – and one of the most essential for understanding the overall historical process of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories of Palestine.

Given the nature of the book, it also hints at the gradual process through which all of Mandatory Palestine west of the Jordan River gave way to the acceptance of only a partial space – the West Bank and Gaza – within the overall colonial-settler area of Israel, as a region for a Palestinian state.

Preventing Palestine: A Political History From Camp David to Oslo - Book Review - Palestine Chronicle

More whining about imagined victimization.

From the article: In short, the two-state solution has not died, it was stillborn, with the Oslo Accords essentially extending Begin’s denial of sovereignty and statehood into the indefinite future.

I agree the two-state solution was stillborn. But it was so going back to the very conceptualization of a sovereign, self-determining State for the Jewish people and the Arab refusal to entertain such an idea. An idea which still holds true today.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

"Preventing Palestine stands out as being one of the best written – if not the best – and one of the most essential for understanding the overall historical process"

Preventing Palestine: A Political History From Camp David to Oslo - Book Review - Palestine Chronicle

It is a good book on the basics. But like so very many books on the subject, it is like studying economics, it can only address the past. And the fault with that is it only looks backward at things we simply "cannot" change.

Solutions are developed looking forward → only limited by the dogmatic views and vision of the people stuck in the past. And sadly, the dogma does not play a critical role in the maintenance for the future.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

"Preventing Palestine stands out as being one of the best written – if not the best – and one of the most essential for understanding the overall historical process"

Preventing Palestine: A Political History From Camp David to Oslo - Book Review - Palestine Chronicle

It is a good book on the basics. But like so very many books on the subject, it is like studying economics, it can only address the past. And the fault with that is it only looks backward at things we simply "cannot" change.

Solutions are developed looking forward → only limited by the dogmatic views and vision of the people stuck in the past. And sadly, the dogma does not play a critical role in the maintenance for the future.

Most Respectfully,
The Palestinians are doing a lot moving forward.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, I may be a just a bit blind here.

The Palestinians are doing a lot moving forward.

What have the Arab Palestinians, of the disputed territories, done to achieve peaceful solutions to the Middle East situation?

By international standards, Arab Palestinians have a duty the refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

I have seen no effort, whatsoever, of the Arab Palestinians acting in accordance with the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States. In fact, we see, on a daily basis, the exact opposite characteristics of a "state" in both policy and deeds.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

"Preventing Palestine stands out as being one of the best written – if not the best – and one of the most essential for understanding the overall historical process"

Preventing Palestine: A Political History From Camp David to Oslo - Book Review - Palestine Chronicle

It is a good book on the basics. But like so very many books on the subject, it is like studying economics, it can only address the past. And the fault with that is it only looks backward at things we simply "cannot" change.

Solutions are developed looking forward → only limited by the dogmatic views and vision of the people stuck in the past. And sadly, the dogma does not play a critical role in the maintenance for the future.

Most Respectfully,

It’s nothing but an attempt to color the narrative.
And that said, it’s important to understand WHY Arab Palestinians need (want) to color the narrative.

See as long as they can paint the Jewish people as not *deserving* of a State, they have a hope of winning the entire territory for themselves, their culture and their religion.

The moment they give up* that narrative and allow for a State for the Jewish people, acknowledging the equal rights of the Jewish people, they’ve become traitors to both Arabs and Islam, in their view.

The problem is that many Arabs and many Muslims are (admittedly slowly) adopting a view which allows equality and progressive ideas. Evidenced by the statements from government leaders of some Arab countries.

There is going to be a pushback from extremist Arabs and Muslims. And it’s going to be ugly. But I don’t think they will win.

*or are forced to give up
Preventing Palestine: A Political History From Camp David to Oslo – Book Review


(Preventing Palestine – A Political History From Camp David to Oslo. Seth Anziska. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2018.)

In all my recent readings of history and current events, Preventing Palestine stands out as being one of the best written – if not the best – and one of the most essential for understanding the overall historical process of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories of Palestine.

Given the nature of the book, it also hints at the gradual process through which all of Mandatory Palestine west of the Jordan River gave way to the acceptance of only a partial space – the West Bank and Gaza – within the overall colonial-settler area of Israel, as a region for a Palestinian state.

Preventing Palestine: A Political History From Camp David to Oslo - Book Review - Palestine Chronicle


I actually laughed out loud reading this. Thank you.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, I may be a just a bit blind here.

The Palestinians are doing a lot moving forward.

What have the Arab Palestinians, of the disputed territories, done to achieve peaceful solutions to the Middle East situation?

By international standards, Arab Palestinians have a duty the refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

I have seen no effort, whatsoever, of the Arab Palestinians acting in accordance with the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States. In fact, we see, on a daily basis, the exact opposite characteristics of a "state" in both policy and deeds.

Most Respectfully,
What have the Arab Palestinians, of the disputed territories, done to achieve peaceful solutions to the Middle East situation?
Whose version of peace are you talking about?
ABC Radio's David Astle talks to Samah Sabawi & Bagryana Popov about their upcoming production THEM

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is an example of the tangible problem with Arab Palestinian of the Disputed Territories.

Whose version of peace are you talking about?

There is no such thing as a "version of peace." It is either PEACE or NO PEACE. Arab Palestinian Versions be damned.

Peace is not a characteristic of a people who have the audacity to say:

◈ "Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine."

◈ "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad."

◈ "The Palestinian Authority is inciting the current wave of violence through its official media. Jews and Americans are the prime targets."

◈ "Palestinian scholars issue a fatwa against "normalization""

◈ Gazan Scholar Dr. Muhammad Suleiman Al-Farra: It Is Our Religious Duty to Fight the Jews and "Kill them Wherever You May Find Them"

◈ Palestinian Cleric Nasser Maarouf: A Martyr Killed by Jews Receives a Double Reward; Jihad must be Continued, Abandoning It Causes Discord.

The Arab Palestinians are one of the most untrustworthy Barbarians in the Middle East; second only to the Islamic State.

A version of Peace for the Arab Palestinians is merely code for "Jihadism, Fedayeen Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence."

Most Respectfully,
Whose version of peace are you talking about?

Peace is the condition where there is an absence of conflict. While there may be many paths to peace, not all of them are equal, nor deserving of pursuit.

Any conflict which results in peace because one side or the other has been dismantled, eliminated, erased, driven out, or made silent is a version of peace which should not be pursued.

This is why a two (or more) state solution is ultimately the only acceptable solution. Its the only solution which doesn't require the dismantling, elimination, erasure and silencing of one side.
Whose version of peace are you talking about?

Peace is the condition where there is an absence of conflict. While there may be many paths to peace, not all of them are equal, nor deserving of pursuit.

Any conflict which results in peace because one side or the other has been dismantled, eliminated, erased, driven out, or made silent is a version of peace which should not be pursued.

This is why a two (or more) state solution is ultimately the only acceptable solution. Its the only solution which doesn't require the dismantling, elimination, erasure and silencing of one side.
Peace is the condition where there is an absence of conflict.
Peace is not the absence of conflict. It is the presence of justice. ~ MLK Jr.

No justice, no peace.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is an example of the tangible problem with Arab Palestinian of the Disputed Territories.

Whose version of peace are you talking about?

There is no such thing as a "version of peace." It is either PEACE or NO PEACE. Arab Palestinian Versions be damned.

Peace is not a characteristic of a people who have the audacity to say:

◈ "Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine."

◈ "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad."

◈ "The Palestinian Authority is inciting the current wave of violence through its official media. Jews and Americans are the prime targets."

◈ "Palestinian scholars issue a fatwa against "normalization""

◈ Gazan Scholar Dr. Muhammad Suleiman Al-Farra: It Is Our Religious Duty to Fight the Jews and "Kill them Wherever You May Find Them"

◈ Palestinian Cleric Nasser Maarouf: A Martyr Killed by Jews Receives a Double Reward; Jihad must be Continued, Abandoning It Causes Discord.

The Arab Palestinians are one of the most untrustworthy Barbarians in the Middle East; second only to the Islamic State.

A version of Peace for the Arab Palestinians is merely code for "Jihadism, Fedayeen Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence."

Most Respectfully,
You always talk about Israel's version.
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