Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, you are attempting to change the issue.

※→ "refugees wishing to return to their homes" (A) + "live at peace with their neighbours" (B) = "should be permitted to do so (C)."

In order to be valid and sound, both "A" and "B" must be true. But in 1948, element "B" was not true.
How many Palestinians who returned to their homes did not live at peace with their neighbors?

It is a matter of "intent." The Arab Palestinians stated their intentions long before the invasion by the Arab League. And to this day, the Arab Palestinians have never changed that policy. Thus, they are tagged: Hostile Arab Palestinians. They are hostile to the Israelis because they self-identify themselves as such.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, you are attempting to change the issue.

※→ "refugees wishing to return to their homes" (A) + "live at peace with their neighbours" (B) = "should be permitted to do so (C)."

In order to be valid and sound, both "A" and "B" must be true. But in 1948, element "B" was not true.
How many Palestinians who returned to their homes did not live at peace with their neighbors?

It is a matter of "intent." The Arab Palestinians stated their intentions long before the invasion by the Arab League. And to this day, the Arab Palestinians have never changed that policy. Thus, they are tagged: Hostile Arab Palestinians. They are hostile to the Israelis because they self-identify themselves as such.

Most Respectfully,
It is a matter of "intent." The Arab Palestinians stated their intentions long before the invasion by the Arab League.
Indeed, they stated that they would defend themselves.
Youth learn the fundamentals of robot manufacturing in the Child Centre – Gaza Qattan Foundation. Photo by Mohammed Asad.

Preventing Palestine: A Political History From Camp David to Oslo – Book Review


(Preventing Palestine – A Political History From Camp David to Oslo. Seth Anziska. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2018.)

In all my recent readings of history and current events, Preventing Palestine stands out as being one of the best written – if not the best – and one of the most essential for understanding the overall historical process of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories of Palestine.

Given the nature of the book, it also hints at the gradual process through which all of Mandatory Palestine west of the Jordan River gave way to the acceptance of only a partial space – the West Bank and Gaza – within the overall colonial-settler area of Israel, as a region for a Palestinian state.

Preventing Palestine: A Political History From Camp David to Oslo - Book Review - Palestine Chronicle

it also hints at the gradual process through which all of Mandatory Palestine west of the Jordan River gave way to the acceptance of only a partial space

Yup, the Arabs really screwed themselves....and continue screwing themselves.
Rana Ramlawi, 20, practices sand sculpture by carving drawings of national symbols on the beach sand near her house in Gaza. Photo by Mohammed Asad.

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, this is a mantra used loud and often by the Arab Palestinians.

Palestinian right of return isn’t antisemitism. It’s UN Resolution 194.

UN A/RES/194 (III) is NOT law.

UN A/RES/194 (III) does NOT mention (even once) anything about "boundaries" - or - "borders."

UN A/RES/194 (III) is an act of political addition. A + B = C.

※→ "refugees wishing to return to their homes" (A) + "live at peace with their neighbours" (B) = "should be permitted to do so (C)."

In order to be valid and sound, both "A" and "B" must be true. But in 1948, element "B" was not true.

Arab Higher Committee said:
(f) The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country.

(g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.

SOURCE: Statement of 6 February 1948 Communicated to the Secretary-General by Mr. Isa Nakhleh, Representative of the Arab Higher Committee • A/AC.21/10 16 February 1948

FATAH said:
"Martyr Dalal Mughrabi is a symbol of legitimate human struggle against injustice, oppression, and the occupation that has committed crimes against the Palestinian people throughout its 71 years. The use of Dalal's name in the summer camps of [Fatah's] Shabiba Student (sic., High School) Movement is nothing but commemoration of a situation of struggle, which has been waged by our Palestinian people that was uprooted from its land and homeland as a result of the crimes, oppression, and massacres that the Zionist gangs committed against it. Therefore, Dalal Mughrabi's [actions] are a natural human expression that all human laws guarantee for the oppressed peoples that are struggling to be redeemed from injustice and occupation."

SOURCE: Official Fatah Facebook page, July 16, 2019

Most Respectfully,
※→ "refugees wishing to return to their homes" (A) + "live at peace with their neighbours" (B) = "should be permitted to do so (C)."

In order to be valid and sound, both "A" and "B" must be true. But in 1948, element "B" was not true.
How many Palestinians who returned to their homes did not live at peace with their neighbors?

Regarding your question, the answer no Palestinians because they haven't been given the opportunity,

Support for a two state solution varies according to the way the question is phrased. Some Israeli journalists suggest that the Palestinians are unprepared to accept a Jewish State on any terms.[37][38] According to one poll, "fewer than 2 in 10 Arabs, both Palestinian and all others, believe in Israel's right to exist as a nation with a Jewish majority
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, come now!

(g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.​

Indeed, they have always been opposed to illegal external interference.

How do you define external interference?

How does that differ from the interference by the Arab League with Ground Forces?

When did Israeli occupy and sovereign territory of the Arab Palestinians?

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, come now!

(g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.​

Indeed, they have always been opposed to illegal external interference.

How do you define external interference?

How does that differ from the interference by the Arab League with Ground Forces?

When did Israeli occupy and sovereign territory of the Arab Palestinians?

How do you define external interference?
A foreign military in your country. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh:
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, come now!

(g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.​

Indeed, they have always been opposed to illegal external interference.

How do you define external interference?

How does that differ from the interference by the Arab League with Ground Forces?

When did Israeli occupy and sovereign territory of the Arab Palestinians?

How does that differ from the interference by the Arab League with Ground Forces?
The Arab League was a defensive move. They did not attack Palestine.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, there is a problem here.

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, come now!

(g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.​

Indeed, they have always been opposed to illegal external interference.

How do you define external interference?

How does that differ from the interference by the Arab League with Ground Forces?

When did Israeli occupy and sovereign territory of the Arab Palestinians?

How do you define external interference?
A foreign military in your country. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh:

First: It was not a "your country." There was no country under the sovereignty of the Arab Palestinians. Nor did the Arab Palestinians have a functioning government with the control of the territory (any territory) to the exclusion of all others.

Second: The Israelis had the "Right of Self-Determination" which they exercied and defended.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, come now!

(g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.​

Indeed, they have always been opposed to illegal external interference.

How do you define external interference?

How does that differ from the interference by the Arab League with Ground Forces?

When did Israeli occupy and sovereign territory of the Arab Palestinians?

When did Israeli occupy and sovereign territory of the Arab Palestinians?
Israeli talking point question.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, there is a problem here.

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, come now!

(g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.​

Indeed, they have always been opposed to illegal external interference.

How do you define external interference?

How does that differ from the interference by the Arab League with Ground Forces?

When did Israeli occupy and sovereign territory of the Arab Palestinians?

How do you define external interference?
A foreign military in your country. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh:

First: It was not a "your country." There was no country under the sovereignty of the Arab Palestinians. Nor did the Arab Palestinians have a functioning government with the control of the territory (any territory) to the exclusion of all others.

Second: The Israelis had the "Right of Self-Determination" which they exercied and defended.

Most Respectfully,
Back into bullshit Israeli talking points again, I see.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. It is a good delusion.

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, come now!

(g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.​

Indeed, they have always been opposed to illegal external interference.

How do you define external interference?

How does that differ from the interference by the Arab League with Ground Forces?

When did Israeli occupy and sovereign territory of the Arab Palestinians?

How does that differ from the interference by the Arab League with Ground Forces?
The Arab League was a defensive move. They did not attack Palestine.

The Arab League Principles involved may have claimed that, but their actions say something else entirely.

In fact, Jordan not only took control after the Arab Palestinians rejected the 1948 two-state solution but annexed it as well.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. It is a good delusion.

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, come now!

(g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.​

Indeed, they have always been opposed to illegal external interference.

How do you define external interference?

How does that differ from the interference by the Arab League with Ground Forces?

When did Israeli occupy and sovereign territory of the Arab Palestinians?

How does that differ from the interference by the Arab League with Ground Forces?
The Arab League was a defensive move. They did not attack Palestine.

The Arab League Principles involved may have claimed that, but their actions say something else entirely.

In fact, Jordan not only took control after the Arab Palestinians rejected the 1948 two-state solution but annexed it as well.

Most Respectfully,
The Zionists promised Jordan the West Bank and $3M a year for five years if they would not attack Israel. But that had nothing to do with the Zionist attack on Palestine.
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