Palestine Today

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Palestine's beautiful nature


It is nice. So what are they complaining about?


Your welcome.
Thinking of Sur Baher families who will have to start life all over again because everything they once had is just plain gone.

Palestinians stand on the rubble of a building demolished by Israeli forces in Jerusalem's village of Sur Baher. Photo by Abedalrahman Hassan.

The Sur Baher demolition campaign is the largest ever to take place in Jerusalem in favor of settlement expansion. So far 100 apartments have been erased. More are expected to follow. When will the Israeli terrorism come to an end?

On this day five years ago, Israeli warplanes bombed a residential building in Gaza killing Ibrahim Kilani, his wife, and their five children.

2019 HSML - "Popular Resistance: Reclaiming the Narrative and Recreating the Self"

Nadia Ben-Youssef: "A New Day? Organizing to Change US Policy on Israel and Palestine"

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Honorable Ilhan Omar (D-MN 5th District) is intitled to her opinion, whatever it might be. I do not think it is in the American Spirit to drownd-out her commentary. She represents the District from MN who obviously support her views.

There is no "absolute" right to self-determination. Like a vast majority of countries, world-wide, independence is labor-intensive. Just saying you are independent and exercising the right to self-determination does not mean that it magically happens.


There have been very few (if any) nations in the last half of the 20th Century (or the first two decades of the 21st Century) that can be said to "deserve" [do something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment)] independence in cases where it was achieved through conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state. Nor is it desirable that the independence is gained in such a way that the end of hostilities is not reasonably assured.

Terrorism and Freedom Fighters • Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy said:
Many movements for national liberation from colonial rule resorted to it, either as the main method of struggle or as a tactic complementing guerrilla warfare. So did some separatist movements. Some organizations driven by extreme ideologies, in particular on the left, took to terrorism as the way of trying to destroy what they considered an unjust, oppressive economic, social and political system. This type of terrorism is, by and large, indiscriminate in its choice of target: it attacks men and women of whatever political (or apolitical) views, social class, and walk of life; young and old, adults and children. It shoots at people or blows them up by planting bombs, in office buildings, markets, cafes, cinemas, places of religious worship, on buses or planes, or in other vulnerable public places. It also takes people hostage, by hijacking planes and in other ways.

In the case of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), this is the acquisition of territory by the use of asymmetric force; using tactics inconsistent with the Fourth Geneva Convention. The HoAP can shout "rights" and "deserving" all they want. But at the end of the day, there is no question at all that the HoAP and the Arab-Palestinian Governments (more than one) and service political groups intended →

◈ to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
◈ to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
◈ to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping;​

And while it may be under the encouragement and direct incitement a failing government to use the HoAP (civilians that would otherwise hold the status of protected persons) in criminal behaviors, the vast majority of the remainder of the general population in the disputed territories provide material support to the various designated Arab Palestinian organizations and groups.

If the people of the MN 5th Congressional District are politically supporting the HoAP in their use of these tactics, then so be it.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Honorable Ilhan Omar (D-MN 5th District) is intitled to her opinion, whatever it might be. I do not think it is in the American Spirit to drownd-out her commentary. She represents the District from MN who obviously support her views.

There is no "absolute" right to self-determination. Like a vast majority of countries, world-wide, independence is labor-intensive. Just saying you are independent and exercising the right to self-determination does not mean that it magically happens.


There have been very few (if any) nations in the last half of the 20th Century (or the first two decades of the 21st Century) that can be said to "deserve" [do something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment)] independence in cases where it was achieved through conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state. Nor is it desirable that the independence is gained in such a way that the end of hostilities is not reasonably assured.

Terrorism and Freedom Fighters • Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy said:
Many movements for national liberation from colonial rule resorted to it, either as the main method of struggle or as a tactic complementing guerrilla warfare. So did some separatist movements. Some organizations driven by extreme ideologies, in particular on the left, took to terrorism as the way of trying to destroy what they considered an unjust, oppressive economic, social and political system. This type of terrorism is, by and large, indiscriminate in its choice of target: it attacks men and women of whatever political (or apolitical) views, social class, and walk of life; young and old, adults and children. It shoots at people or blows them up by planting bombs, in office buildings, markets, cafes, cinemas, places of religious worship, on buses or planes, or in other vulnerable public places. It also takes people hostage, by hijacking planes and in other ways.

In the case of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), this is the acquisition of territory by the use of asymmetric force; using tactics inconsistent with the Fourth Geneva Convention. The HoAP can shout "rights" and "deserving" all they want. But at the end of the day, there is no question at all that the HoAP and the Arab-Palestinian Governments (more than one) and service political groups intended →

◈ to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
◈ to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
◈ to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping;​

And while it may be under the encouragement and direct incitement a failing government to use the HoAP (civilians that would otherwise hold the status of protected persons) in criminal behaviors, the vast majority of the remainder of the general population in the disputed territories provide material support to the various designated Arab Palestinian organizations and groups.

If the people of the MN 5th Congressional District are politically supporting the HoAP in their use of these tactics, then so be it.

Most Respectfully,
Terrorism and Freedom Fighters • Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy said:
Many movements for national liberation from colonial rule resorted to it, either as the main method of struggle or as a tactic complementing guerrilla warfare.

Indeed. :113::113::113:
Heartbreaking. Palestinian mother tries to calm down her daughter this morning after they were forced out of their home which was later demolished by the Israeli forces in Jerusalem's village of Sur Baher.

A picture from the house demolition campaign that targeted Wadi al-Hummus neighborhood in Jerusalem this morning. Over 500 Palestinians have been left homeless.


The homeowners received building permits from the Palestinian city of Bethlehem, which has municipal jurisdiction over that section of Wadi Hummus.”
Palestinians protest against an Israeli military order to confiscate lands near the city of Nablus, northern West Bank, for settlement expansion.


Armed robbery in process.
Here you go tinhead.

Oh, and it comes.

Get what you came for.
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