Palestine Today

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What's the problem, lots of space and no shortage of carpets.
I hear they're really into partitions there, could easily spare a village or two
for their co-religionistas to enjoy banging their heads together on that floor.

It's like them peacocks were meant for each other.

Let's build a Pal'istan in Pakistan ...:laughing0301:
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Christmas tree in Gaza.


Now that there are practically no Christians left,
Gaza lights a Christimas tree

The Arab world likes to celebrate Judaism and Christianity - when there are few to no Jews and Christians left.

During Chanukah, Egypt held a very public Chanukah celebration even as the Jewish community has dwindled to less than 10.

Christians have been fleeing the PA since Oslo, but the PA puts on a big show of lighting the Christmas tree in Bethlehem every year, accompanied by speeches about how evil Israel is.

And now, for the first time in more than ten years, Gaza held a Christmas-tree lighting ceremony on Saturday, where lots of officials waxed poetic on how important Christians are to the Palestinian people.

The number of Christians in Gaza has plummeted from about 3000 ten years ago to less than 750 today.


Since there are no Jews left in Gaza to massacre
how many Christians do you think they'll spare for the PR?
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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Coyote, toomuchtime_, et al,

Well, I don't think that is what International Law says.

Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.

What I think it says, and what is being done, in the case obligations under international law of is this:

S/RES/1624 (2005) said:
1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​
This comes under the much broader heading of Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in conformity with International Law”. This can be seen in more detail in the Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee.

This is the implementation of clearing property that “constitutes a severe security threat and can provide cover to suicide bombers and other terrorists hiding among civilian population.”


This is not to be confused with the process by which private property is taken for the purpose of public use. Prior to the taking, the property is said to be “condemned property”, meaning that it has been marked for destruction or modification in order that the plot of land can be used for public use.

And we should not get this confused with the condemnation of "substandard buildings" under the provisions of the Occupation Law, which, in addition thereto, presents an immediate and imminent threat to public safety. Such threats may arise by virtue of numerous circumstances such as, but not limited to, substantial risk of collapse or danger of fire.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Coyote, toomuchtime_, et al,

Well, I don't think that is what International Law says.

Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.

What I think it says, and what is being done, in the case obligations under international law of is this:

S/RES/1624 (2005) said:
1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​
This comes under the much broader heading of Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in conformity with International Law”. This can be seen in more detail in the Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee.

This is the implementation of clearing property that “constitutes a severe security threat and can provide cover to suicide bombers and other terrorists hiding among civilian population.”


This is not to be confused with the process by which private property is taken for the purpose of public use. Prior to the taking, the property is said to be “condemned property”, meaning that it has been marked for destruction or modification in order that the plot of land can be used for public use.

And we should not get this confused with the condemnation of "substandard buildings" under the provisions of the Occupation Law, which, in addition thereto, presents an immediate and imminent threat to public safety. Such threats may arise by virtue of numerous circumstances such as, but not limited to, substantial risk of collapse or danger of fire.

Most Respectfully,
The original premise was: only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed.

This is not true. The vast number of homes bulldozed is for Israel to steal the land.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Coyote, toomuchtime_, et al,

Well, I don't think that is what International Law says.

Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.

What I think it says, and what is being done, in the case obligations under international law of is this:

S/RES/1624 (2005) said:
1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​
This comes under the much broader heading of Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in conformity with International Law”. This can be seen in more detail in the Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee.

This is the implementation of clearing property that “constitutes a severe security threat and can provide cover to suicide bombers and other terrorists hiding among civilian population.”


This is not to be confused with the process by which private property is taken for the purpose of public use. Prior to the taking, the property is said to be “condemned property”, meaning that it has been marked for destruction or modification in order that the plot of land can be used for public use.

And we should not get this confused with the condemnation of "substandard buildings" under the provisions of the Occupation Law, which, in addition thereto, presents an immediate and imminent threat to public safety. Such threats may arise by virtue of numerous circumstances such as, but not limited to, substantial risk of collapse or danger of fire.

Most Respectfully,
The original premise was: only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed.

This is not true. The vast number of homes bulldozed is for Israel to steal the land.

That's just a silly sound byte.

When a squatter builds a shack in the middle of Central Park, it doesn't become his land.
Neither law enforcement is "stealing land" when applied to illegal Arab settlements.
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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Coyote, toomuchtime_, et al,

Well, I don't think that is what International Law says.

Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.

What I think it says, and what is being done, in the case obligations under international law of is this:

S/RES/1624 (2005) said:
1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​
This comes under the much broader heading of Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in conformity with International Law”. This can be seen in more detail in the Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee.

This is the implementation of clearing property that “constitutes a severe security threat and can provide cover to suicide bombers and other terrorists hiding among civilian population.”


This is not to be confused with the process by which private property is taken for the purpose of public use. Prior to the taking, the property is said to be “condemned property”, meaning that it has been marked for destruction or modification in order that the plot of land can be used for public use.

And we should not get this confused with the condemnation of "substandard buildings" under the provisions of the Occupation Law, which, in addition thereto, presents an immediate and imminent threat to public safety. Such threats may arise by virtue of numerous circumstances such as, but not limited to, substantial risk of collapse or danger of fire.

Most Respectfully,
The original premise was: only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed.

This is not true. The vast number of homes bulldozed is for Israel to steal the land.

That's just a silly sound byte.

When a squatter builds a shack in the middle of Central Park, it doesn't become his land.
Neither law enforcement is "stealing land" when applied to illegal Arab settlements.
So, Palestinians building on their own land is an illegal settlement.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Coyote, toomuchtime_, et al,

Well, I don't think that is what International Law says.

Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.

What I think it says, and what is being done, in the case obligations under international law of is this:

S/RES/1624 (2005) said:
1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​
This comes under the much broader heading of Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in conformity with International Law”. This can be seen in more detail in the Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee.

This is the implementation of clearing property that “constitutes a severe security threat and can provide cover to suicide bombers and other terrorists hiding among civilian population.”


This is not to be confused with the process by which private property is taken for the purpose of public use. Prior to the taking, the property is said to be “condemned property”, meaning that it has been marked for destruction or modification in order that the plot of land can be used for public use.

And we should not get this confused with the condemnation of "substandard buildings" under the provisions of the Occupation Law, which, in addition thereto, presents an immediate and imminent threat to public safety. Such threats may arise by virtue of numerous circumstances such as, but not limited to, substantial risk of collapse or danger of fire.

Most Respectfully,
I don't think that is the same...I was referring to the demolition of family homes of convicted (palestinian) terrorists...?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Coyote, toomuchtime_, et al,

Well, I don't think that is what International Law says.

Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.

What I think it says, and what is being done, in the case obligations under international law of is this:

S/RES/1624 (2005) said:
1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​
This comes under the much broader heading of Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in conformity with International Law”. This can be seen in more detail in the Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee.

This is the implementation of clearing property that “constitutes a severe security threat and can provide cover to suicide bombers and other terrorists hiding among civilian population.”


This is not to be confused with the process by which private property is taken for the purpose of public use. Prior to the taking, the property is said to be “condemned property”, meaning that it has been marked for destruction or modification in order that the plot of land can be used for public use.

And we should not get this confused with the condemnation of "substandard buildings" under the provisions of the Occupation Law, which, in addition thereto, presents an immediate and imminent threat to public safety. Such threats may arise by virtue of numerous circumstances such as, but not limited to, substantial risk of collapse or danger of fire.

Most Respectfully,
The original premise was: only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed.

This is not true. The vast number of homes bulldozed is for Israel to steal the land.

That's just a silly sound byte.

When a squatter builds a shack in the middle of Central Park, it doesn't become his land.
Neither law enforcement is "stealing land" when applied to illegal Arab settlements.
So, Palestinians building on their own land is an illegal settlement.
:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: far as I can tell, Arab Israelis have not been granted permits to create new settlements in the Area C, they are frequently denied building and expansion permits, and their government invests far less in their infrastructure than in that of it's Jewish citizens, even to the point of providing infrastructure to illegal (under Israeli law) settlements. So it is certainly inequitable. The other thing that increases the divide is Israel's Jewish citizens get a lot of funding from outside donors that is expressly for Jewish settlement. I dont think it's Arab citizens do to same extent. So there is both a political and financial preference for expanding Jewish housing.
She slapped a Israeli Soldier; hardly a “ Innocent Child” The Claim was made that Israel “ seized “ the W. Bank and E. Jerusalem
But what the host “ forgot” to mention is that those areas were part of Jordan; a Country that initiated the 67 War .
She slapped a Israeli Soldier; hardly a “ Innocent Child”
He shoots Palestinians and gets slapped in the face! Wow, just WOW!
But what the host “ forgot” to mention is that those areas were part of Jordan; a Country that initiated the 67 War .
Israeli bullshit, of course. The West Bank was never part of Jordan. It was not Jordan's territory to lose.

Palestinian Bullshit of course. Jordan DID annex that territory.
From what I have read, why didn’t the “ International Community “ yell about “ occupation “ and IF they didn’t control the territory how did they have the power to forbid Jews to visit their Holy Sites?

The occupations are very different. Under Jordanian rule the Palestinians had passports, they could vote, farm, build.

In Israel their homes and farms get bulldozed. They get shot. They cannot travel. They cannot build. Their land gets pulled from under their feet.
All lies. There is no Israeli occupation, rather there is security control. The Arabs in the territories are citizens of the PA and receive travel documents from the PA that are widely recognized by other countries. They have the right to vote in PA elections and are free to build and farm in areas A and B, as per the Oslo agreement. Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.
My point, of course, is that the only Palestinians who are shot are terrorists and then only when it is not possible to subdue them without putting others in danger. You, of course, are only capable of seeing this situation in racist terms.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Coyote, toomuchtime_, et al,

Well, I don't think that is what International Law says.

Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.

What I think it says, and what is being done, in the case obligations under international law of is this:

S/RES/1624 (2005) said:
1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​
This comes under the much broader heading of Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in conformity with International Law”. This can be seen in more detail in the Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee.

This is the implementation of clearing property that “constitutes a severe security threat and can provide cover to suicide bombers and other terrorists hiding among civilian population.”


This is not to be confused with the process by which private property is taken for the purpose of public use. Prior to the taking, the property is said to be “condemned property”, meaning that it has been marked for destruction or modification in order that the plot of land can be used for public use.

And we should not get this confused with the condemnation of "substandard buildings" under the provisions of the Occupation Law, which, in addition thereto, presents an immediate and imminent threat to public safety. Such threats may arise by virtue of numerous circumstances such as, but not limited to, substantial risk of collapse or danger of fire.

Most Respectfully,
The original premise was: only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed.

This is not true. The vast number of homes bulldozed is for Israel to steal the land.
Of course that is not true. There have been just a few instances when Palestinian owned land was unjustly taken and Israeli courts have made adjustments to these cases overwhelmingly in favor of the Palestinians.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Coyote, toomuchtime_, et al,

Well, I don't think that is what International Law says.

Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.

What I think it says, and what is being done, in the case obligations under international law of is this:

S/RES/1624 (2005) said:
1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​
This comes under the much broader heading of Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in conformity with International Law”. This can be seen in more detail in the Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee.

This is the implementation of clearing property that “constitutes a severe security threat and can provide cover to suicide bombers and other terrorists hiding among civilian population.”


This is not to be confused with the process by which private property is taken for the purpose of public use. Prior to the taking, the property is said to be “condemned property”, meaning that it has been marked for destruction or modification in order that the plot of land can be used for public use.

And we should not get this confused with the condemnation of "substandard buildings" under the provisions of the Occupation Law, which, in addition thereto, presents an immediate and imminent threat to public safety. Such threats may arise by virtue of numerous circumstances such as, but not limited to, substantial risk of collapse or danger of fire.

Most Respectfully,
The original premise was: only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed.

This is not true. The vast number of homes bulldozed is for Israel to steal the land.

That's just a silly sound byte.

When a squatter builds a shack in the middle of Central Park, it doesn't become his land.
Neither law enforcement is "stealing land" when applied to illegal Arab settlements.
So, Palestinians building on their own land is an illegal settlement.
A silly statement, quite in character for you, land ownership is defined by law and so under Oslo, Palestinians are free to build all they want in ares A and B, but area C is under Israeli civil control and Palestinians can only build in C if Israel approves.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Coyote, toomuchtime_, et al,

Well, I don't think that is what International Law says.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.

What I think it says, and what is being done, in the case obligations under international law of is this:

S/RES/1624 (2005) said:
1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​
This comes under the much broader heading of Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in conformity with International Law”. This can be seen in more detail in the Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee.

This is the implementation of clearing property that “constitutes a severe security threat and can provide cover to suicide bombers and other terrorists hiding among civilian population.”


This is not to be confused with the process by which private property is taken for the purpose of public use. Prior to the taking, the property is said to be “condemned property”, meaning that it has been marked for destruction or modification in order that the plot of land can be used for public use.

And we should not get this confused with the condemnation of "substandard buildings" under the provisions of the Occupation Law, which, in addition thereto, presents an immediate and imminent threat to public safety. Such threats may arise by virtue of numerous circumstances such as, but not limited to, substantial risk of collapse or danger of fire.

Most Respectfully,
The original premise was: only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed.

This is not true. The vast number of homes bulldozed is for Israel to steal the land.

That's just a silly sound byte.

When a squatter builds a shack in the middle of Central Park, it doesn't become his land.
Neither law enforcement is "stealing land" when applied to illegal Arab settlements.
So, Palestinians building on their own land is an illegal settlement.
:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: far as I can tell, Arab Israelis have not been granted permits to create new settlements in the Area C, they are frequently denied building and expansion permits, and their government invests far less in their infrastructure than in that of it's Jewish citizens, even to the point of providing infrastructure to illegal (under Israeli law) settlements. So it is certainly inequitable. The other thing that increases the divide is Israel's Jewish citizens get a lot of funding from outside donors that is expressly for Jewish settlement. I dont think it's Arab citizens do to same extent. So there is both a political and financial preference for expanding Jewish housing.
More racist nonsense from you. First, under Israeli law, no Arab Israeli can be excluded from any housing in Israel or area C because of being an Arab, so the settlements you refer to as Jewish are open to Arab Israelis as well.

The same rules concerning building apply to all Israelis. No building is allowed unless it fits into an approved master plan for the area either in Israeli or C. It takes at least two years from the time an application is submitted before construction can begin. There are only a few cases in which Palestinians have followed all the rules and in those cases building permits have been issued.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Coyote, toomuchtime_, et al,

Well, I don't think that is what International Law says.


What I think it says, and what is being done, in the case obligations under international law of is this:

This comes under the much broader heading of Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in conformity with International Law”. This can be seen in more detail in the Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee.

This is the implementation of clearing property that “constitutes a severe security threat and can provide cover to suicide bombers and other terrorists hiding among civilian population.”


This is not to be confused with the process by which private property is taken for the purpose of public use. Prior to the taking, the property is said to be “condemned property”, meaning that it has been marked for destruction or modification in order that the plot of land can be used for public use.

And we should not get this confused with the condemnation of "substandard buildings" under the provisions of the Occupation Law, which, in addition thereto, presents an immediate and imminent threat to public safety. Such threats may arise by virtue of numerous circumstances such as, but not limited to, substantial risk of collapse or danger of fire.

Most Respectfully,
The original premise was: only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed.

This is not true. The vast number of homes bulldozed is for Israel to steal the land.

That's just a silly sound byte.

When a squatter builds a shack in the middle of Central Park, it doesn't become his land.
Neither law enforcement is "stealing land" when applied to illegal Arab settlements.
So, Palestinians building on their own land is an illegal settlement.
:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: far as I can tell, Arab Israelis have not been granted permits to create new settlements in the Area C, they are frequently denied building and expansion permits, and their government invests far less in their infrastructure than in that of it's Jewish citizens, even to the point of providing infrastructure to illegal (under Israeli law) settlements. So it is certainly inequitable. The other thing that increases the divide is Israel's Jewish citizens get a lot of funding from outside donors that is expressly for Jewish settlement. I dont think it's Arab citizens do to same extent. So there is both a political and financial preference for expanding Jewish housing.
More racist nonsense from you. First, under Israeli law, no Arab Israeli can be excluded from any housing in Israel or area C because of being an Arab, so the settlements you refer to as Jewish are open to Arab Israelis as well.

The same rules concerning building apply to all Israelis. No building is allowed unless it fits into an approved master plan for the area either in Israeli or C. It takes at least two years from the time an application is submitted before construction can begin. There are only a few cases in which Palestinians have followed all the rules and in those cases building permits have been issued.

What is racist about it simple facts?

Here is a simple question: how many new legal Arab Israeli settlements have been started in Area C?

How many illegal Jewish settlements get government supported infrastructure? Even when illegally built on Palestinian owned lan (per the Israeli courts).
Israeli government-funded council spent millions on illegal settlements

How about Arab settlements?

Now tell me how what I said is racist.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Coyote, toomuchtime_, et al,

Well, I don't think that is what International Law says.

Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.

What I think it says, and what is being done, in the case obligations under international law of is this:

S/RES/1624 (2005) said:
1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;

(b) Prevent such conduct;

(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​
This comes under the much broader heading of Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in conformity with International Law”. This can be seen in more detail in the Open briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee.

This is the implementation of clearing property that “constitutes a severe security threat and can provide cover to suicide bombers and other terrorists hiding among civilian population.”


This is not to be confused with the process by which private property is taken for the purpose of public use. Prior to the taking, the property is said to be “condemned property”, meaning that it has been marked for destruction or modification in order that the plot of land can be used for public use.

And we should not get this confused with the condemnation of "substandard buildings" under the provisions of the Occupation Law, which, in addition thereto, presents an immediate and imminent threat to public safety. Such threats may arise by virtue of numerous circumstances such as, but not limited to, substantial risk of collapse or danger of fire.

Most Respectfully,
The original premise was: only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed.

This is not true. The vast number of homes bulldozed is for Israel to steal the land.
Of course that is not true. There have been just a few instances when Palestinian owned land was unjustly taken and Israeli courts have made adjustments to these cases overwhelmingly in favor of the Palestinians.
There have been more than a few, when you you look at property confiscated through absentee land owner laws and “good faith” laws that rule in favor of Israel, not the land owner.
Israel says will legalize West Bank homes built on private Palestinian land

but I agree, the bull dozing of homes is in retaliatian to terrorism. But only Palestinian terrorists.
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He shoots Palestinians and gets slapped in the face! Wow, just WOW!
Israeli bullshit, of course. The West Bank was never part of Jordan. It was not Jordan's territory to lose.

Palestinian Bullshit of course. Jordan DID annex that territory.
From what I have read, why didn’t the “ International Community “ yell about “ occupation “ and IF they didn’t control the territory how did they have the power to forbid Jews to visit their Holy Sites?

The occupations are very different. Under Jordanian rule the Palestinians had passports, they could vote, farm, build.

In Israel their homes and farms get bulldozed. They get shot. They cannot travel. They cannot build. Their land gets pulled from under their feet.
All lies. There is no Israeli occupation, rather there is security control. The Arabs in the territories are citizens of the PA and receive travel documents from the PA that are widely recognized by other countries. They have the right to vote in PA elections and are free to build and farm in areas A and B, as per the Oslo agreement. Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.
My point, of course, is that the only Palestinians who are shot are terrorists and then only when it is not possible to subdue them without putting others in danger. You, of course, are only capable of seeing this situation in racist terms.

That isn’t true. Non terrorists have been shot, though to be fair, compared to many, the IDF is exceedingly careful of civilian casualties.

How many homes of Jewish terrorists have been bulldozed? I will wait.

Oh...and enlighten me on all this supposed racism because I am not seeing it.
Palestinian Bullshit of course. Jordan DID annex that territory.
From what I have read, why didn’t the “ International Community “ yell about “ occupation “ and IF they didn’t control the territory how did they have the power to forbid Jews to visit their Holy Sites?

The occupations are very different. Under Jordanian rule the Palestinians had passports, they could vote, farm, build.

In Israel their homes and farms get bulldozed. They get shot. They cannot travel. They cannot build. Their land gets pulled from under their feet.
All lies. There is no Israeli occupation, rather there is security control. The Arabs in the territories are citizens of the PA and receive travel documents from the PA that are widely recognized by other countries. They have the right to vote in PA elections and are free to build and farm in areas A and B, as per the Oslo agreement. Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.
My point, of course, is that the only Palestinians who are shot are terrorists and then only when it is not possible to subdue them without putting others in danger. You, of course, are only capable of seeing this situation in racist terms.

That isn’t true. Non terrorists have been shot, though to be fair, compared to many, the IDF is exceedingly careful of civilian casualties.

How many homes of Jewish terrorists have been bulldozed? I will wait.

Oh...and enlighten me on all this supposed racism because I am not seeing it.

Besides Baruch Goldstein, how many Jewish terrorists have there been?
The occupations are very different. Under Jordanian rule the Palestinians had passports, they could vote, farm, build.

In Israel their homes and farms get bulldozed. They get shot. They cannot travel. They cannot build. Their land gets pulled from under their feet.
All lies. There is no Israeli occupation, rather there is security control. The Arabs in the territories are citizens of the PA and receive travel documents from the PA that are widely recognized by other countries. They have the right to vote in PA elections and are free to build and farm in areas A and B, as per the Oslo agreement. Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.
My point, of course, is that the only Palestinians who are shot are terrorists and then only when it is not possible to subdue them without putting others in danger. You, of course, are only capable of seeing this situation in racist terms.

That isn’t true. Non terrorists have been shot, though to be fair, compared to many, the IDF is exceedingly careful of civilian casualties.

How many homes of Jewish terrorists have been bulldozed? I will wait.

Oh...and enlighten me on all this supposed racism because I am not seeing it.

Besides Baruch Goldstein, how many Jewish terrorists have there been?

The better question is: How many Israelis celebrate and hand out candy when a Palestinian is killed by an Israeli?
All lies. There is no Israeli occupation, rather there is security control. The Arabs in the territories are citizens of the PA and receive travel documents from the PA that are widely recognized by other countries. They have the right to vote in PA elections and are free to build and farm in areas A and B, as per the Oslo agreement. Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.
My point, of course, is that the only Palestinians who are shot are terrorists and then only when it is not possible to subdue them without putting others in danger. You, of course, are only capable of seeing this situation in racist terms.

That isn’t true. Non terrorists have been shot, though to be fair, compared to many, the IDF is exceedingly careful of civilian casualties.

How many homes of Jewish terrorists have been bulldozed? I will wait.

Oh...and enlighten me on all this supposed racism because I am not seeing it.

Besides Baruch Goldstein, how many Jewish terrorists have there been?

The better question is: How many Israelis celebrate and hand out candy when a Palestinian is killed by an Israeli?
They aren’t big on candy but some eat popcorn and cheer ;)
The occupations are very different. Under Jordanian rule the Palestinians had passports, they could vote, farm, build.

In Israel their homes and farms get bulldozed. They get shot. They cannot travel. They cannot build. Their land gets pulled from under their feet.
All lies. There is no Israeli occupation, rather there is security control. The Arabs in the territories are citizens of the PA and receive travel documents from the PA that are widely recognized by other countries. They have the right to vote in PA elections and are free to build and farm in areas A and B, as per the Oslo agreement. Only terrorists are shot and only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed. None of them are having their land taken away from them and Israeli courts have restored land that may have been taken unjustly in the past.

Correction. Only PALESTINIAN terrorists.
My point, of course, is that the only Palestinians who are shot are terrorists and then only when it is not possible to subdue them without putting others in danger. You, of course, are only capable of seeing this situation in racist terms.

That isn’t true. Non terrorists have been shot, though to be fair, compared to many, the IDF is exceedingly careful of civilian casualties.

How many homes of Jewish terrorists have been bulldozed? I will wait.

Oh...and enlighten me on all this supposed racism because I am not seeing it.

Besides Baruch Goldstein, how many Jewish terrorists have there been?

If stone throwers are terrorists then the ones that have lobbed stones at Palestinians, including one that killed a Palestinian mother; the ones that kidnapped an Arab boy, poured gasoline on him and burned him alive; the ones that firebombed a house in Duma killing most of the family inside. If you consider non lethal assaults and property destruction to be terrorism then there are more examples.

Did any Jewish terrorist homes get bulldozed?
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