Palestine Today

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That isn’t true. Non terrorists have been shot, though to be fair, compared to many, the IDF is exceedingly careful of civilian casualties.

How many homes of Jewish terrorists have been bulldozed? I will wait.

Oh...and enlighten me on all this supposed racism because I am not seeing it.

Besides Baruch Goldstein, how many Jewish terrorists have there been?

If stone throwers are terrorists then the ones that have lobbed stones at Palestinians, including one that killed a Palestinian mother; the ones that kidnapped an Arab boy, poured gasoline on him and burned him alive; the ones that firebombed a house in Duma killing most of the family inside. If you consider non lethal assaults and property destruction to be terrorism then there are more examples.

Did any Jewish terrorist homes get bulldozed?

Those are all terrible incidents. Still, it's 3 incidents compared to the hundreds of terrorist attacks of Arabs against Jews.

Btw, I didn't make this comparison of numbers only in order to portray the Arabs as animals. I'm only answering your question. Hundreds of incidents as opposed to 3, shows why demolition of homes is a regular practice concerning Arab terrorists. 3 or 4 oddball Israeli incidents in over 70 years don't need this kind of deterring practice. And the killers of that Arab boy (who died as a result of a national tragedy) are serving life sentences. (The boy's father refused to let his son's name go into a memorial for Israel's terror victims.)
Something to consider. Bulldozing homes is a form of collective punishment. It also is not a deterrent. Why do it?
Bullshit. It is an effective deterrent and we know this because there have been a number of cases in which family members reported their relative is planning a terror attack to protect their home. If you were capable of thinking, I would say, that to know some one is planning to murder some one and doing nothing to try to prevent it is a clear case of depraved indifference, which in the US carries the same penalty as the murder, so calling home demolitions collective punishment, implying the other members of the family are innocent, is simply not applicable.
How many Area C settlements include Arabs?

How many settlements are Jewish only?

How many are Arab only?

Your hypocrisy is in calling out Jews for Jewish-only settlements while failing to call out Arabs for Arab-only settlements in Area C (and Areas A and B and Gaza and the entire ME).

It is especially egregious since Israel's legal system demands equality while Palestine's legal system demands segregation. Arabs demanding to live in an Israeli settlement will be legally supported. Jews demanding to live in an Arab settlement will be murdered.
Palestinian runner Mohammed Alqadi raises the flag of Palestine as he represents Palestine in Geneva marathon today.

17-year-old Palestinian Ahed Tamimi, the teen who stood up to Israeli soldiers after they shot her cousin and was then arrested by Israeli forces, joined London's "National Demonstration for Palestine" today to mark the Nakba, which commemorates the 750,000 Palestinians forced to flee their homes in 1948, driven out by Zionist militias.

Israeli occupation forces raided and searched several homes and destroyed their furniture in the West Bank village of Urif, last night.


The original premise was: only the homes of terrorists are bulldozed.

This is not true. The vast number of homes bulldozed is for Israel to steal the land.
Of course that is not true. There have been just a few instances when Palestinian owned land was unjustly taken and Israeli courts have made adjustments to these cases overwhelmingly in favor of the Palestinians.
There have been more than a few, when you you look at property confiscated through absentee land owner laws and “good faith” laws that rule in favor of Israel, not the land owner.
Israel says will legalize West Bank homes built on private Palestinian land

but I agree, the bull dozing of homes is in retaliatian to terrorism. But only Palestinian terrorists.
Seventy years ago after the Arabs tried to overthrow the new Israeli government and then fled to neighboring states there was a redistribution of their property, and there was no rational alternative for the new state of Israel. Since then, Arab and Jewish Israelis have been treated equally under the law.

Under Israeli law, Israeli courts have found that no settlements can be built or sustained on land owned by Palestinians, and there have been several cases in which the courts have ordered the government to demolish settlements the court has found to be on Palestinian land. If the Palestinians had brought their claims to Israeli courts, and the court found they owned it, the government would not be able to legalize the settlements unless it could prove it was necessary for security purposes. Clearly, the Palestinians who claim the land belongs to them have chosen not to pursue their claims through legal processes.

To date, Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria take up only about 1% of the land, and the total amount of land that has been approved for development is only 8%, so why all this hysteria about Israeli settlements?

Not entirely true. There was a war. Palestinians fled either out of conflict or were driven out by Jewish militias. After that, most were not permitted back and absentee landowner laws were instituted to make it easier to confiscate their land. In comparison, the laws made it quite easy for Jews to reclaim their land, but much more difficult for Palestinians to. As a result, Israel was able to take a great deal of land. These laws are still in effect.

Today, if settlements are built on privately owned land, one of several things can happen. The courts can order it be returned to the rightful owners or they can “compensate” the rightful owner (which is meaningless if it is your property being wrongfully taken). “National security” is a term used to cover a multitude of landgrab sins that don’t necessarily have anything to do with security (not unique to Israel) that simply transfers land to settlements.

Palestinian land seized by Israeli army, given to settlers:NGO
Just as the PA can define property rights in areas A and B so Israel can define property rights in area C. Under the PA rules, Jews cant own property in areas A or B, but under Israeli law, all property rights that can be substantiated are respected.
Not really. Jews cannot privately purchase land in area C.
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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

That might make a difference3 if it were the case that the Arab Palestinians were actually invaded. But that is not the case.

It is a criminal act that if committed by the Hostile Arab Palestinian against the Civil/Military Authority
It is always open season on invading military troops.

The Arab Palestinians rejected the opportunity to establish self-governing institutions.

◈ You might be able to make a case that the Jordanians were invaded.
◈ You might be able to make a case for the Jordanians being the invaders.
◈ You might be able to make the case that the 1967 Six-Day War was really an Extention of the 1948 Invasion by the Arab League.​

But you cannot make the case that the Arab Palestinians, which were not a party to the 1948 conflict, and were not a party to the Six-Day War, --- were invaded. The Arab Palestinians had no territorial control or integrity over any territory that was not continuously controlled by one or another of other powers for ≈ 800 years prior. And certainly not since the Armistice of Mudros (1918).

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

That might make a difference3 if it were the case that the Arab Palestinians were actually invaded. But that is not the case.

It is a criminal act that if committed by the Hostile Arab Palestinian against the Civil/Military Authority
It is always open season on invading military troops.

The Arab Palestinians rejected the opportunity to establish self-governing institutions.

◈ You might be able to make a case that the Jordanians were invaded.
◈ You might be able to make a case for the Jordanians being the invaders.
◈ You might be able to make the case that the 1967 Six-Day War was really an Extention of the 1948 Invasion by the Arab League.​

But you cannot make the case that the Arab Palestinians, which were not a party to the 1948 conflict, and were not a party to the Six-Day War, --- were invaded. The Arab Palestinians had no territorial control or integrity over any territory that was not continuously controlled by one or another of other powers for ≈ 800 years prior. And certainly not since the Armistice of Mudros (1918).

Most Respectfully,
Foreign troops attacking the locals. How is that not an invasion?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Coyote, et al,

This is true, as far as it goes.

Rocco, most stone throwing is, despite bad outcomes, the result of angry kids...not terrorism, right?

But if the intent is to terrorize a particular group of people...then it becomes terrorism doesn’t it? So if Palestinians do it for that reason and Jews do it for that reason,they are the same, yes?

The "stone-throwing" is NOT an "act of terrorism" (in and by itself). It is a "criminal act" that results in the support, facilitates of terrorist activity; or encouraging terrorist activities.

Stone-throwing is also used as a means to incite further violence. In some cases, "stone-throwing" is an action that is specifically designed to be a media event contrived and choreographed for maximum presentation for a propaganda effect of exaggerated events.

Remember, "stone-throwing" is against International Humanitarian Law. It is not justified action or response to enforcement of law and order by any force construed to be an "Occupying Power."

I have noticed that the pro-Hostile Arab Palestinians movements like to portray the Arab Palestinian as victims using "stone-throwing" against a foreign oppressor as a lawful sign of displeasure. Conditioning the statement as if the act were legal and the Israeli response against the assault is illegal. Such an interpretation is 180º out of phase with the truth.

Most Respectfully,
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