Palestinian Industry of Lies - Ben Dror Yemini

Palestinian "Work Accident" top nominees 2022
The martyr ‘Issa Ahmed Saad Ghali’ was martyred this evening,
April 3, 2022, after being "shot by mistake”

So-called Palestinian Work Accidents are when a terrorist is killed
or seriously injured through his or his group’s error while preparing to attack Israel.

We have another example. Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza is mourning
the loss of Issa Ahmed Saad Ghali, who was “shot by mistake.”


The Islamic Jihad website (archive) has an Obituary (translation via Google Translate):

"Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, mourned one of its loyal knights in the Khan Yunis Brigade, who was martyred after being shot by mistake.
In its military statement, Al-Quds Brigades said: The martyr “Issa Ahmed Saad Ghali” (38 years old) was martyred this evening, Sunday, 2 Ramadan 1443 AH, corresponding to: April 3, 2022 AD, after being shot by mistake, to go to his Lord after a journey A life that has been sacrificed in its entirety for the sake of God as a jihad and in defense of our people in the face of the criminal Zionist occupation.
She added: “We in Saraya al-Quds count our martyr as one of the distinguished Mujahideen who prayed and toured in resistance and giving and had the imprint and impact on the project of resistance and liberation.”

She prayed to the Almighty, the Majestic, the Majestic, to bless the Mujahid Ghali with the vastness of his mercy and dwell in his vast gardens, accompanied by the prophets, the truthful ones, the martyrs, and the good of those are companions, and to inspire his family and relatives patience and solace."


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RE: Palestinian Industry of Lies - Ben Dror Yemini
SUBTOPIC: Critical Accusations
※→ rylah, et al,

Propaganda by the Palestinians is their greatest weapon. The pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel effort is to formulate the presentation of information, which is misleading, and disseminated to deliberately deceive the target audiences by promoting a particular political view that is favorable to the pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel cause.

Pro-Palestinians will still rather believe that the IDF intentionally "executes" journalists
Propaganda is probably the most effective weapon the pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel cause has in their arsenal. The cost of production and dissemination of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel propaganda gets more bang for the buck than any other tactical aspect of the pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel campaign. It is what ramps up the donor contributions to keep a steady flow of dollars necessary to pay the Arab Palestinian employees. Propaganda is what keeps the UN footing the bill for the ever-expanding roster of UNRWA services from collapsing under its own weight. And the Propaganda is what keeps the cottage industry of incentives, payments, and stipends on its feet. It is the power behind the martyr role models and what allows key figures within the Ramallah and Gaza governments the continuing opportunity to collect very large stimulants packages.

Most Respectfully,
A Palestinian Arab journalist with Al Jazeera, Shireen Abu Akleh, was shot dead this week in a firefight between Hamas and the Israelis in the West Bank city of Jenin.

Western news outlets initially reported uncritically the Hamas claim that the Israelis had shot her, eagerly regurgitating Al Jazeera’s assertion that the Israelis had “assassinated” her “in cold blood.”

When the Israelis said Abu Akleh might have been killed instead by Palestinian gunfire, journalists grudgingly incorporated this into their reporting while continuing to repeat extensively the incendiary but unsupported Palestinian accusation.

At this point, we still don’t know who killed Abu Akleh. But any fair-minded person would say the Israelis are more likely to be telling the truth.

They said that, having gone into Jenin to root out terrorists responsible for a recent wave of murderous attacks, their forces had come under “substantial fire.” After studying what evidence they had, it looked as if Abu Akleh had been felled by a Palestinian bullet.

This was because, in a video from the scene, Arabs are heard shouting: “We hit a soldier; he is lying on the ground.” Since no Israeli soldier had been hurt, however, the suspicion was that this was Abu Akleh.

Moreover, Honest Reporting’s translated commentary on this video contains another crucial line. After the shouts about a soldier on the ground, there’s a further shout: “It’s a woman.”

Hamas, which immediately removed her body, rejected Israel’s suggestion of a joint investigation to establish who did kill her and are refusing to hand over the bullet they removed from her body while insisting that the Israelis fired the fatal shot.

By contrast, the Israelis have made no assertions they can’t back up. They have pointed out the obvious fact that the truth can’t be established unless Hamas operatives bring forward relevant evidence. The fact that they are refusing to co-operate suggests that they have something to hide.

One reason that the genocidal Palestinian Arab agenda has so effectively captured the Western heart is that it weaponizes casualties for which the Palestinian Arabs themselves are actively or intrinsically responsible but for which they blame Israel.
On social media, Sawwaf has celebrated the launching of rockets against civilian targets and effectively called for Israel’s destruction. Talking about this film, he said: “Israel is never punished or deterred by the international community, and so continues to launch war after war on this poor and besieged strip.”

Such remarks should be a giveaway. Yet Western journalists behave as if such people are reliable and honest interlocutors. The film has been hailed as a masterpiece.

Western journalists routinely believe this propaganda not least because Palestinian terrorists control the narrative. News agencies supplying media reports from Gaza use Arab stringers whose lives depend on toeing the Hamas line.

Blogger David Collier, who heroically wades through the sewers of anti-Semitism in order to expose it, notes that the Islamic University in Gaza (where Sawwaf was a student) has units dedicated to turning students into Hamas propaganda stars. Gaza is churning out Hamas activists masked as journalists, charity workers, NGO staff, medical experts and endless “human-rights activists” with their image carefully laundered to dupe a Western audience.

This sealed infrastructure of lies enables Western useful idiots to claim they are incontestably driven by conscience and compassion. That’s why Winslet could state so idiotically about Eleven Days in May: “That my participation in this film could be interpreted as taking a public stand on the rights and wrongs of one of the world’s most tragic and intractable conflicts never entered my thinking.”

Of course, it didn’t. Minds like hers are closed against reality. The lies and distortions about Israel in their heads also exist in the heads of all in their social and cultural circle. Not one person in that circle will question those lies because as soon as they did so, they would find themselves outside it.

Even if the lies are exposed as such, this makes no difference. The images work. The narrative sticks. Israel loses—and will continue to do so unless and until it stops playing defense and catch-up, and seizes control of the narrative instead.

(full article online)

Middle East Eye's headline says:

Israeli settlers forcibly seize Palestinian-owned building in Hebron
Video shows settlers carrying their belongings, including mattresses and suitcases, as they stormed the building

There's only one problem: Not only did a Jewish group purchase the building, but the Al Jabari family that previously owned the building admits it!

From Ibrahim Al Jabari on Facebook, autotranslated to English:

Other members of the Jabari family posted the identical message themselves.

Mohamed Eid al-Jabari sold the building to Abu Ali Harhash of Jerusalem for 500,000 Jordanian dinars ($705,000) - (the autotranslation is wrong.) Harhash then sold it to a Jewish group.

The al-Jabari family is not alleging that their property was stolen. They are incensed that a member of their family sold the property to someone who almost certainly was acting as a front for the Jewish group, and who probably will take his significant fee and move to Europe or Dubai where he doesn't have to worry as much about being assassinated.

The building, called Beit HaTekufa, is closer to Kiryat Arba than to the Tomb of the Patriarchs.

(full article online)

It turns out that the poster is completely fake. Someone Photoshopped a real poster published by left-wing Israeli groups where they claim they will go and demolish the outpost of Homesh - on Saturday, May 28, this year.

I don't know if the fake poster was created by Arabs to spread a libel about Jews or if a Jew created the Photoshop to respond to the left-wing promise to demolish an outpost that had previously been demolished by Israel.

Thousands of Arabic speakers, however, are convinced that Jews are readying to demolish Al Aqsa on May 28. Since I first saw this fake poster this morning, the "destruction" has condemned by PA Adviser for Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud al-Habbash, who parroted the story that right-wing Jews from Lehava posted this graphic. So did the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

When these rumors pop up, people sometimes get killed.

The Israeli government has started to debunk rumors in an effort to forestall violence, for example their denial that they will allow a Passover sacrifice on the Temple Mount was reported in Arab media. Perhaps they should set up a webpage to monitor these rumors and instantly debunk them. Even though Arabs will say that the Jews are liars, over time the site can show over history how these rumors never come true and perhaps their denials will at least be read.

(full article online)


Saudis, Arab states drastically reduce aid to Palestinians

Arab grants and financial aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) have decreased
since the beginning of this year by more than 81% compared to last year.


According to the Palestinian Ministry of Finance, Arab financial aid and grants for the Palestinian budget decreased by 81.6% during the first eight months of the year. This year, according to the ministry, the total grants and aid amounted to 132.3 million Israeli shekels ($39.2 million) from the beginning of the year until late August compared to 716 million shekels ($212 million) during the same period last year.

Remarkably, the Saudi support declined by 77.2% according to the ministry, as the total support since the beginning of this year amounted to 107 million shekels ($31.7 million), compared to $130 million last year. Meanwhile, Algeria has not provided any financial aid since the beginning of this year.


Saudis, Arab states drastically reduce aid to Palestinians

Arab grants and financial aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) have decreased since the beginning of this year by more than 81% compared to last year, exacerbating the financial crisis facing the PA.

Here is a classic example of how a PA libel is created. Starting with a real event or statement, the PA twists and distorts it, turning it into a gross lie.

Following several terror attacks, murders of Israelis, and violent riots during Ramadan, as well as continued Palestinian attempts to harm Israeli citizens, Israeli PM Naftali Bennett instructed the Israeli army and Israeli police to go after the Palestinian “terrorists wherever they are.” Bennett specifically emphasized the target as “terrorists”:

“The instructions are clear – to harm terrorists wherever they are, with all kinds of weapons… We are giving the Israeli army and Israeli police full backing to harm every terrorist – in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and everywhere else in the land. Whoever raises a hand against an Israeli civilian or Israeli soldier – their blood is on their own head.”
[Israeli daily Maariv, May 17, 2022]
However, to demonize Israel and PM Bennett, and to incite Palestinians to even more violence and terror by creating a sense of danger, which then “justifies” Palestinian terror as “self-defense,” the PA distorted Bennett’s statement. It claimed he instructed Israeli soldiers and police officers “to murder and abuse Palestinian people at their free will” and “use excessive force against the Palestinians wherever they are”:

“The Palestinian Presidency today warned against… Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's statements calling on his occupation army to murder and abuse Palestinian people at their free will.”
[WAFA, English edition, official PA news agency, May 17, 2022]
Headline: “Bennett instructs the occupation army to use excessive force against the Palestinians wherever they are!
“Israeli occupation Prime Minister Naftali Bennett instructs to use excessive force against the Palestinians wherever they are and with all kinds of weapons.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 18, 2022]
“The [PA] Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates today criticized statements by Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in which he called on his army and police to use excessive force against the Palestinians wherever they are, saying such statements are incitement to violence against the Palestinian people.”

[WAFA, English edition, official PA news agency, May 18, 2022

(full article online)

The official Wafa news agency said:

A Palestinian teenager was killed and another one injured early this morning by the Israeli occupation forces during an Israeli army raid of Jenin city, north of the occupied West Bank, according to the Ministry of Health.

It said Amjad Fayed, 17, was killed and another one, 18-years-old, was seriously injured during the raid.

An Israeli military force stormed Haifa Street in Jenin sparking confrontations with residents during which Israeli soldiers fired live bullets at the Palestinians killing one and injuring another, who was reported in critical condition at a local hospital.

Photos shows a smiling teen:

It doesn't show the full photo, though, with the gun at his belt:

It turns out that Fayed was an Islamic Jihad terrorist. Which they bragged about:

The resistance fighter, Amjad Walid Al-Fayed, was martyred at dawn today, Saturday, during armed clashes that took place between Palestinian resistance fighters and the Zionist occupation forces that stormed the city of Jenin.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced the death of the 17-year-old Al-Fayed shortly after he was transferred to Ibn Sina Hospital, critically wounded as a result of being targeted by the occupation forces on Haifa Street in Jenin.

Other photos of this child victim:

Which means that Islamic Jihad recruits child soldiers.

Where are the NGOs that pretend to care about Palestinian children?


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