Palestinian rockets. Are they the reason for what is happening now in Gaza??

I heard previously that Americans are the most stupid people on this Earth, but trying to talk to some of you just proved that.

You are all hopeless cases.

11/09 will be repeated if you don't change your blind love for Israel.

You may have the power to handle the world right now, but you will see some bitter days someday in the future.

Is that a threat?

Really, you come to a US message board and start spewing propaganda with absolutely not real intent of discussion (and more likely intent on conversion) and you get upset because we don't all just jump up and join the supposed palestinian cause.

You are either a troll or sorely lacking in social skills much less diplomatic skills.
Perhaps if you (and the "Palestinians", for that matter) tried an approach other than stating your demands and then offering dire threats you might have a different reaction.
I heard previously that Americans are the most stupid people on this Earth, but trying to talk to some of you just proved that.

You are all hopeless cases.

11/09 will be repeated if you don't change your blind love for Israel.

You may have the power to handle the world right now, but you will see some bitter days someday in the future.
You're the one who proved your stupidity by not being able to present a counter-argument, instead parroting a threat. :eusa_whistle:
I heard previously that Americans are the most stupid people on this Earth, but trying to talk to some of you just proved that.

You are all hopeless cases.

11/09 will be repeated if you don't change your blind love for Israel.

You may have the power to handle the world right now, but you will see some bitter days someday in the future.

The Palestinians will get what they have asked for, by a superior military. They brought knives to a gun fight, may they reap what they've sown.
gzah(غزة);966781 said:
Hahahaha where the stupidity comes??
From your country or from Israel or from .....

I recommend you do not have to tolerate any defenses for what they say

Well, figure it's the opposite of being garbage like you.

As for your last sentence... huh?
This is what I find amusing, originally the Palestinians would have got alot more land then what they are getting now. But they and other arabs wanted it all and in the end the Palestinians lost the most land.
I heard previously that Americans are the most stupid people on this Earth, but trying to talk to some of you just proved that.

You are all hopeless cases.

11/09 will be repeated if you don't change your blind love for Israel.

You may have the power to handle the world right now, but you will see some bitter days someday in the future.

9.11 had nothing to do with Israel.
The Palestinians will get what they have asked for, by a superior military. They brought knives to a gun fight, may they reap what they've sown.

True enough... they should have bought bigger rockets if they wanted to play with the big boys.

It is obvious they have been shooting those rockets to get attention (because nothing signals "peaceful intent" like a rocket arcing through the atmosphere) and now they are getting it.
gzah(غزة);966804 said:
Ladies and gentlemen,
Crushed all of you


Certainly, you're a legend in your own mind, which goes along with the voices in your head. :cuckoo:
gzah(غزة);966804 said:
Ladies and gentlemen,
Crushed all of you


Well damn, now my life is ruined!

I'm broken I tell ya! Oh, the humanity!

Whatever shall I do???
Certainly, you're a legend in your own mind, which goes along with the voices in your head. :cuckoo:

Aw cmon Annie, you are supposed to take this guy a little bit of panic at the least! After all, he can post gibberish in two languages!
Aw cmon Annie, you are supposed to take this guy a little bit of panic at the least! After all, he can post gibberish in two languages!

:lol: He's definitely frightening, though not in a 'real' sense. I do believe he's full of hate, though doubt he's Muslim. Perhaps one of the sock puppets is though?
:lol: He's definitely frightening, though not in a 'real' sense. I do believe he's full of hate, though doubt he's Muslim. Perhaps one of the sock puppets is though?

He's about as frightening as an omniverous rabbit. I don't even think he's full of hate...I think he's a snot nosed high school kid dying of terminal acne and decided to come to this board and stir the pot. His sock puppets are mere followers and hermorphadites at best.
I think this guy demonstrates why the Palestinians will never advance beyond a nomad society, living off the detritus of others, and despised by all, including Arabs and Persians.
No, that is not what I meant. I meant that Palestinians have to keep resistance continuous because they have no other choice. It is their luck that they are fighting a criminal tourist country that is led by army generals, and it is their luck that these terrorists target Palestinian civilians to cause more deaths and try to make pressure on resistants to drop their only hope to change something, their own arms.


Your lips say, no, but your post says, yes, that is what you meant. Your statement that the Palestinians are lucky the Israeli response to the rocket attacks has produced so many dead civilians can have no other meaning than that the purpose of the continuing Palestinian support for the rocket attacks is to produce more civilian deaths to further incite their own passionate hatred of Israel and to inspire other nations to try to step in to save this tragically misguided people from themselves. This is an even more emphatic endorsement of Golda Meir's contention that Palestinians hate Israel more than they love their own children than you had previously made.

It is, of course, not true to say the Palestinians had no other choice but violence. Dating all the way back to 1948, they had the choice of having their own state on more land than the disputed territories now contain, but they rejected this offer from the international community, and over the decades they have moved from rejecting all negotiations with Israel to rejecting an offer of a Palestinian state on all of Gaza and 96% of the West Bank, albeit without control of Jerusalem, on which they and their children could have lived in peace and prosperity if they had only agreed to allow the Israelis to also enjoy these advantages, but they rejected this opportunity also.

You must have meant to say that Hamas found no other choice but violence acceptably to them since they are doctrinally committed to the destruction of the state of Israel, and this goal, makes all Hamas acts of violence, acts of aggression against the state of Israel and against the Israeli people: what they are resisting is the existence of the state of Israel, and all of those who support Hamas' attacks are supporting an aggression against the existence of the state of Israel, and the Israeli response is rightly seen as a resistance to these acts of aggression, and this remains true no matter how many pictures of dead children you collect and wave at reporters.
albeit without control of Jerusalem

it's always the caveat that is held above a pali head, isnt' it? Face it. You people will never find a way to demolish temple mount for the sake of another temple of solomon. Pretending that muslims should have take some bullshit arangment AFTER having been kicked off of their land for the sake of a carved out israel is indicative of just how much zionist bullshit you scheisty motherfuckers will hide behind. You don't know of a single other population that would roll over and just TAKE what has been done to the palis without their own version of kassam rebuttal. Yet, here you are trying to demonize palis for not leaping at an offer that essentially signs over the second most holy sight of the entire muslim faith.

typical, really.
11/09 will be repeated if you don't change your blind love for Israel.

And the filthy animals that are responsible for those attacks will all burn in hell (after being hit in the face with some shoes), where they and their leaders belong.
You know that people in Gaza has elected Hamas as their representatives before two years. Anyway, after Palestinians chose Hamas, the World tried to ignore the free will of the people trying to keep Abbas (The Palestinian current corrupt president who has been exploiting his position to steal the money of the people) in control. This Abbas tried to cancel the results of elections with the help of Bush, and Israel trying to bring his mercenary followers to authority just to keep gathering money regardless what Palestinian normal people want. He succeeded in that unfortunately in the West Bank, and could imprison each one that said anyhting else than "Forza Abbas and Corruption".

In Gaza, the case was so different. Hamas supporters were much more organized and had good military experience so they could defeat Abbas followers. As a result, we had two Palestinian states. A corrupted one in the West Bank led by Abbas, and a Hamas one in Gaza.

US refused to see Hamas taking control of any land as they knew that it will be something new in the Arab countries to let the Islamists rule (Islamists were prohibited from ruling in many Muslim countries even after they won in elections. For example, in Algeria in 1991). All the Arab regimes tried to oppose Hamas government because they were scared of being infected by the Islamist ruling regime's idea.

So, a very horrible siege was made around Gaza by both Israel and the Arab countries, especially Egyptian president who has a huge Islamist supporters between his people, and consequently has a very big fear of having his country been infected by Hamas model.

Oil, electricity, water, medical equipments, and many essential elements were lost in Gaza during all the two previous years. As a result, Hamas and other resistance movements decided to use the only weapon they could use. These were nothing but very raw rockets. The people in Gaza saw the rockets as their way to shout for their pain under the siege. It had an emotional impact more than physical one as during two years, no more than 5 Israelis were killed as a result of these rockets.

Before 6 months, Israel decided to stop these rockets from Gaza, so they asked Egypt to tell Hamas they will stop their attacks on Palestinians and stop the siege in lieu of stopping the rockets. The truce started, and rockets were stopped, and mostly the Israeli attacks were stopped, but the siege was not ended, but increased. People in Gaza saw their children and diseased beloved people dying in front of their eyes as a result of blocking them from going out of Gaza strip, so a huge call for not renewing the truce was made there as they are still under occupation and siege, and no logical reason would justify its renewal.

Rockets launching was resumed as a way to say "We refuse to remain under siege for ever", and some Israelis were injured. As a result, Israel decided to end Hamas ruling regime in Gaza with th help of Egypt And bombarded Gaza. Until now more than 380 people were killed and more than 1700 were injured. Do you think those rockets justify these attacks? And what do you recommend Palestinians to do instead of launching rockets if you were Palestinian?

HAMAS are a bunch of murdering thugs. they had other options...PEACE!
oh sure.. peace at the price of giving up MORE land up to and including the second holiest site for islamic faith.. sure, dude.. what a fucking bargain!

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