Palestinian rockets. Are they the reason for what is happening now in Gaza??

I wouldn't laugh too hard DevNell

The Muslims could lose a hundred times and still keep on fighting

Israel only has to lose ONCE and it's all over for them!!! :clap2:

I take it then, Sunni that despite your protestations you really are for the destruction of Israel.
I take it then, Sunni that despite your protestations you really are for the destruction of Israel.

I wouldn't laugh too hard DevNell

The Muslims could lose a hundred times and still keep on fighting

Israel only has to lose ONCE and it's all over for them!!! :clap2:

really? tell that to the mothers of the children you are looking to sacrifice because you are a moron.
I take it then, Sunni that despite your protestations you really are for the destruction of Israel.
I do Not want to see the country destroyed.

I want the Zionist government put out of power and the leaders arrested and tried for crimes against humanity.

I would like to see a government that was shared by all of the people in the land. Equal representation for Jews, Muslims, and Christians.
THERE it is! poor guy.. It must suck to fall back on ole trusty after having your zionism thrown down a well.

ps.. those are brave words considering that the US fought against IT"s natives for almost 150 years... enjoy knowing that, if anyone, it's your zionism that will result in the destruction of israel moreso than any actual antisemitism. You are like a child who would rather break a toy than to share it equally.

I wonder how many people realize you are full of shit as is sunni?

you couldn't care less about the mideast if you tried. you're just an unhappy angry troll
I do Not want to see the country destroyed.

I want the Zionist government put out of power and the leaders arrested and tried for crimes against humanity.

I would like to see a government that was shared by all of the people in the land. Equal representation for Jews, Muslims, and Christians.

liar. you want a one state solution so instead of sending Arab children to horrific deaths you can use them to have more kids than the state can feed so Israel will be overwhelmed with poverty and slums
I wonder how many people realize you are full of shit as is sunni?

you couldn't care less about the mideast if you tried. you're just an unhappy angry troll

of COURSE no one cares as long as they are not falling over themselves to enable a jew! of COURSE


tell me another joke, zionist. Lord fucking knows that your selective concern for death middle easterners (yarmulke only, of course)is the punchline of your entire input here.
liar. you want a one state solution so instead of sending Arab children to horrific deaths you can use them to have more kids than the state can feed so Israel will be overwhelmed with poverty and slums

oh shut the hell up, zionist. No one wants a single state just to kill jews. WE want a single state in order to preserve equality despite ethnicty and promote ACTUAL democracy.. ideals that your transparent zionist ass can't seem to get behind if it peals away the same kind of racist state premiums that aryans enjoyed in nazi germany.

you know... much like having to live with FORMER SLAVES GAVE US RAMPANT GHETTOS AND POVERTY!

please, call someone ELSE a racist, you fucking zionoist.
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liar. you want a one state solution so instead of sending Arab children to horrific deaths you can use them to have more kids than the state can feed so Israel will be overwhelmed with poverty and slums
That's a really silly statement DevNell

Palestinians prize education just like people from other countries do.

I personally know several highly educated Palestanian people.
That's a really silly statement DevNell

Palestinians prize education just like people from other countries do.

I personally know several highly educated Palestanian people.

no no.. dude.. a zionist claims that you just want to see dead jews so anything less than dancing around the body of a dead muslim indicates your antisemitism.

dont' you know that, like cockroaches and maggots, palis are not as human as a jew?
of COURSE no one cares as long as they are not falling over themselves to enable a jew! of COURSE


tell me another joke, zionist. Lord fucking knows that your selective concern for death middle easterners (yarmulke only, of course)is the punchline of your entire input here.

never forget.


you people are on the wrong side. not even Obama is with you.

oh shut the hell up, zionist. No one wants a single state just to kill jews. WE want a single state in order to preserve equality despite ethnicty and promote ACTUAL democracy.. ideals that your transparent zionist ass can't seem to get behind if it peals away the same kind of racist state premiums that aryans enjoyed in nazi germany.

you know... much like having to live with FORMER SLAVES GAVE US RAMPANT GHETTOS AND POVERTY!

please, call someone ELSE a racist, you fucking zionoist.

liars liar pants on fire!
That's a really silly statement DevNell

Palestinians prize education just like people from other countries do.

I personally know several highly educated Palestanian people.

I never said Palestinians were not educated people.

but let's face it how intelligent can they be to think the world will side with them when they see Palestinian mothers and fathers strap bombs onto their own children?
Back on topic:

"Palestinian rockets. Are they the reason for what is happening now in Gaza?"

"Reuters - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Thursday issued a "last-minute" appeal to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to reject their Hamas rulers and stop rocket fire at Israel, warning them he would not hesitate to use force.

His comments were the clearest indication yet that Israel was preparing a possible Gaza offensive which could result in heavy casualties on both sides and fuel a humanitarian crisis.

Israeli political sources said Olmert's security cabinet approved a "staged" military escalation, beginning with air strikes against a wider range of Hamas targets in the densely-populated enclave.

A large-scale operation has yet to be authorised but could get a green light depending on Hamas's response, the sources said."


I think we all know what the response of Hamas was, don't we?
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but let's face it how intelligent can they be to think the world will side with them when they see Palestinian mothers and fathers strap bombs onto their own children?
In world news (not american news) the people side with the Palistinians in their quest for justice and equality.
never forget.


you people are on the wrong side. not even Obama is with you.


Gosh.. how ironic that a zionist would parade around his hero, the Assassin of Rabin while crying about peace and dead jews...

i know i know, zionist.. IRONY is clearly antisemetic.
In world news (not american news) the people side with the Palistinians in their quest for justice and equality.

Which world is this?????? Certainly not Europe, Australia, Japan, South America, most of Asia, India and a hell of a lot of Africa.

Lunni....why is it you have to lie to try and make a point?
Which world is this?????? Certainly not Europe, Australia, Japan, South America, most of Asia, India and a hell of a lot of Africa.

Lunni....why is it you have to lie to try and make a point?
You are wrong aztech.

Have you seen the large demonstrations in London and other world capitols?

Then again, maybe you haven't. They really don't show them on Fox News :lol:
You know that people in Gaza has elected Hamas as their representatives before two years. Anyway, after Palestinians chose Hamas, the World tried to ignore the free will of the people trying to keep Abbas (The Palestinian current corrupt president who has been exploiting his position to steal the money of the people) in control. This Abbas tried to cancel the results of elections with the help of Bush, and Israel trying to bring his mercenary followers to authority just to keep gathering money regardless what Palestinian normal people want. He succeeded in that unfortunately in the West Bank, and could imprison each one that said anyhting else than "Forza Abbas and Corruption".

In Gaza, the case was so different. Hamas supporters were much more organized and had good military experience so they could defeat Abbas followers. As a result, we had two Palestinian states. A corrupted one in the West Bank led by Abbas, and a Hamas one in Gaza.

US refused to see Hamas taking control of any land as they knew that it will be something new in the Arab countries to let the Islamists rule (Islamists were prohibited from ruling in many Muslim countries even after they won in elections. For example, in Algeria in 1991). All the Arab regimes tried to oppose Hamas government because they were scared of being infected by the Islamist ruling regime's idea.

So, a very horrible siege was made around Gaza by both Israel and the Arab countries, especially Egyptian president who has a huge Islamist supporters between his people, and consequently has a very big fear of having his country been infected by Hamas model.

Oil, electricity, water, medical equipments, and many essential elements were lost in Gaza during all the two previous years. As a result, Hamas and other resistance movements decided to use the only weapon they could use. These were nothing but very raw rockets. The people in Gaza saw the rockets as their way to shout for their pain under the siege. It had an emotional impact more than physical one as during two years, no more than 5 Israelis were killed as a result of these rockets.

Before 6 months, Israel decided to stop these rockets from Gaza, so they asked Egypt to tell Hamas they will stop their attacks on Palestinians and stop the siege in lieu of stopping the rockets. The truce started, and rockets were stopped, and mostly the Israeli attacks were stopped, but the siege was not ended, but increased. People in Gaza saw their children and diseased beloved people dying in front of their eyes as a result of blocking them from going out of Gaza strip, so a huge call for not renewing the truce was made there as they are still under occupation and siege, and no logical reason would justify its renewal.

Rockets launching was resumed as a way to say "We refuse to remain under siege for ever", and some Israelis were injured. As a result, Israel decided to end Hamas ruling regime in Gaza with th help of Egypt And bombarded Gaza. Until now more than 380 people were killed and more than 1700 were injured. Do you think those rockets justify these attacks? And what do you recommend Palestinians to do instead of launching rockets if you were Palestinian?

First of all, it is the right of the palistinians to choose any government they want and elect it democraticly. But then if they choose to elect a group of people (Hamas) that already declared war upon Israel, the people who elect them are responsible for declaring war. And if it is war, normally both sides don't hold back and the war is over after a while and someone claims victory. Normally when you are at war with your enemy you do not supply them with food and water.

Why US and Israel don't wanted Hamas? : simple because they didn't want to wage war with the palistinian people. What happend: Hamas waged war and didn't hold back, Israel held back and did not really wage war like a real war.

In Gaza the situation was indeed different and so Hamas came to power (using its militants to kill fellow palistinians), you can probably see how much better they (Gaza) are off then the people (West Bank) under Fatah rule. Do you really find it disappointing that they didn't came in charge of the West Bank?

Yes you have two states:
A corrupt one on the West Bank and one In Gaza. Tell me if you had to choose where would you like your family to live now?
Do you know that the West Bank had a record number of tourists in the last years? How many tourists do you think Gaza had?
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