Palestinian rockets. Are they the reason for what is happening now in Gaza??

All with the same posting style, yeah. That keep talking to and answering themselves, yeah.
gzah(غزة);966566 said:
Will have a sixth sense to say this or that your need for maintenance ؟؟
My name is Osama and I separate my conversation

lol....and lunni brings out his 4th persona.
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You promised me in another thread that this post of your's would answer my question about why the Palestinians continue to support the rocket attacks despite the certain knowledge that they can lead to no result other than more destruction and more civilian casualties in Gaza as Israel continues to fight back. Your answer seems to be that the Palestinian outrage over Israeli actions, real or imagined, is greater than their concern about the death and destruction these rocket attacks have brought to them and their children, effectively an endorsement of Golda Meir's contention that the Palestinian hate Israel more than they love their own children.

Do you know other sentence than this Golda Meir's one?? It's just illogical.

How can anybody not love his children??

Did you see the bodies of the five young sisters killed yesterday by the terrorist Israeli army?? Do you think killing five sisters would lead Palestinian people to think of peace ever??

It was a fake peace, my dear. The rockets is just an attempt to tell the world that even though everybody in this world is coward to stand against those barbarian Israelis, resistants in Gaza will keep fighting.

You promised me in another thread that this post of your's would answer my question about why the Palestinians continue to support the rocket attacks despite the certain knowledge that they can lead to no result other than more destruction and more civilian casualties in Gaza as Israel continues to fight back. Your answer seems to be that the Palestinian outrage over Israeli actions, real or imagined, is greater than their concern about the death and destruction these rocket attacks have brought to them and their children, effectively an endorsement of Golda Meir's contention that the Palestinian hate Israel more than they love their own children.

Clearly from your words if you were, for example, a case involving Bcharfk you and your offer directly to resolve resorts in revenge of the violator Ahramtk If you people do not carry the values and does not have any sense of loyalty
So, what can the Palestinians do in your opinion?

Unfortunately I dont know shooting rockets only get them bombed. They might need to be the bigger nation of people and try actual peace. Not interim not something short but a true honorable peace. Which means giving up the rhetoric that has led them to this issue. If Hamas gave up its anti Isreal stance and wanted to be an actual government to help Palestine I think the middle east would look alot different especially Palestine and Isreal. You basically put Isreal under the microscope until that happens only in certain parts of the world will this happen.
lol....ans lunni brings out his 4th persona.

Grow up and have an on-topic post. Even if we are one guy, if you have anything to say, go ahead or just keep silent.

Moderators can check the IP addresses. You and Annie are just speechless because you both have nothing to say.
Unfortunately I dont know shooting rockets only get them bombed. They might need to be the bigger nation of people and try actual peace. Not interim not something short but a true honorable peace. Which means giving up the rhetoric that has led them to this issue. If Hamas gave up its anti Isreal stance and wanted to be an actual government to help Palestine I think the middle east would look alot different especially Palestine and Isreal. You basically put Isreal under the microscope until that happens only in certain parts of the world will this happen.

First, let me thank you for being the first one in this forum that want to talk seriously. Anyway, as for your suggestion, Palestinians made peace with Israelis since 1993 until 2000, and that didn't cause anything but more settlements and Israelis built the separation wall on the lands of Palestinians, so if they stop any resistance, it will cause nothing but more lands stealing. And by the way, Israel didn't free more than 10000 prisoners in their prisons even when the peace process was valid.
You are correct Brother!!

The Zionists Jews control the American media.

Americans never see the real truth about Gaza or the Palestanian people.
The Jews fought for the right to exist in Israel and won that right; the Palestinians lost. The problem here is that the Palestinians can't get over their defeat.
The Palestinians can shut up and like it!

Or face the fury of the Israeli military. Which has already been proven to be more than Palestine can handle.
The Jews fought for the right to exist in Israel and won that right; the Palestinians lost. The problem here is that the Palestinians can't get over their defeat.

We are not watching a basketball, my dear. It's people's lives that we are discussing. How can they accept their defeat and where should they go??
But performing such actions only get a reaction mostly out weighing the intial action. So in the end is it worth it its like going to school you and the bully have always not liked each other then one day you swing and hit him now you face the consquences of your actions he pretty much beats on you everyday after that you still get punches in but you are the one going home with the black eye and the school administrators blame you because you attacked him first. This is how the world is looking at it pretty much.
The Palestinians can shut up and like it!

Or face the fury of the Israeli military. Which has already been proven to be more than Palestine can handle.

We're discussing mature people here. Please go and grow up somewhere until you become qualified to talk to grown ups.
We are not watching a basketball, my dear. It's people's lives that we are discussing. How can they accept their defeat and where should they go??

To all the other Arab countries.... oh wait, they can't, they'll get killed. HAHA!
We are not watching a basketball, my dear. It's people's lives that we are discussing. How can they accept their defeat and where should they go??
They can accept their defeat by adhering to the treaties that they signed, which allows them to live in peace in Gaza, the West Bank, and to some extent within Israel itself.

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