Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

That is correct. Why should the Palestinians agree to give half of their country to colonial settlers? There is no legal requirement for them to do so.

The Jews were not immigrants they were settlers.

Immigrants come to join the existing community.

Settlers come to replace the existing community.

That's your typical xenophobic trope,
you're trying to criminalize an ethnicity.

Jewish immigrants joined the local Jewish community,
as much as the Arab immigrants joined the Arab community.
Both existing communities grew at least 10 fold, as under no other rule.


If Palestinians shouldn't agree to give half of "their" country,
is that why they're fine with 70% of the land given to Jordan?

Is it against colonialism, to want Palestine be another Arab colony?
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Reshaping Palestinian Narratives: Who is Listening And Can it Make a Difference?​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Tinmore Heading Question 26 MAY 20.png


Because the territory was not under Arab Palestine Sovereignty. The Arab Palestinians cannot give away something that was not sovereign unto them to begin with.

There were no colonial settlers. There were Jewish Immigrants.

The Arab Palestinians rejected three time the offer to become part of the effort to create a set of new developing and Self-Governing Institutions before the Treaty of Lausanne.

The Arab Palestinians rejected the offer to become part of the effort to create new developing and Self-Governing Institutions before the termination of the mandate.


Most Respectfully,

“Surging Violence” Narrative Ignores Ongoing Structural Violence Against Palestinians​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Following in the Footsteps of DAESH
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

For decades, many have believed that the Arab Palestinians only use "freedom fighting" and "independence" as an excuse for the execution of the innocent (
Palestinians exhibiting deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy, and poor behavioral controls). The Arab Palestinians periodically show their true colors when they pursue asymmetric tactics such as we've seen in recent weeks.

What's behind the rise in Palestinian attacks on Israelis? | Inside Story​


DAESH is a desperate Sunni style political ideology with strong religious undercurrents. DAESH (a Salafi-jihadists terrorist type) is in a hopeless struggle to obtain its objective, which is to secure territory needed to establish a variant Islamist State somewhere in or near the Levant Region. There is no question that DAESH has suffered to very significant defeats in the last couple years. But DAESH is not out of the game yet.

While this sounds strange, DAESH is targeting the West Bank Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), which is somewhere between 80% and 90% Sunni. There are enough mentally deranged, in the current context, political/religious aims, are just the weakness that DAESH to incite violence that they may use to their advantage. The within the general population, as well as specific West Bank HoAPs (Palestine Liberation Organization, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), and HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) exhibit the same kinds of weaknesses that DAESH has exploited in the past. The Monoamine Oxidase A-L Variant (AKA Warrior Gene) and the monetary incentives for family survivors make a very lucrative garden from which DEASH may incite violence and recruit others to replenish losses.

The inability to protect themselves against DAESH exploitation rest almost entirely with the Israelis. If DAESH gets a political foothold in the West Bank, the Arab Palestinians will get a new taste as to what it means to be "oppressed."


Most Respectfully,
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RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Following in the Footsteps of DAESH
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

For decades, many have believed that the Arab Palestinians only use "freedom fighting" and "independence" as an excuse for the execution of the innocent (
Palestinians exhibiting deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy, and poor behavioral controls). The Arab Palestinians periodically show their true colors when they pursue asymmetric tactics such as we've seen in recent weeks.


DAESH is a desperate Sunni style political ideology with strong religious undercurrents. DAESH (a Salafi-jihadists terrorist type) is in a hopeless struggle to obtain its objective, which is to secure territory needed to establish a variant Islamist State somewhere in or near the Levant Region. There is no question that DAESH has suffered to very significant defeats in the last couple years. But DAESH is not out of the game yet.

While this sounds strange, DAESH is targeting the West Bank Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), which is somewhere between 80% and 90% Sunni. There are enough mentally deranged, in the current context, political/religious aims, are just the weakness that DAESH to incite violence that they may use to their advantage. The within the general population, as well as specific West Bank HoAPs (Palestine Liberation Organization, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), and HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) exhibit the same kinds of weaknesses that DAESH has exploited in the past. The Monoamine Oxidase A-L Variant (AKA Warrior Gene) and the monetary incentives for family survivors make a very lucrative garden from which DEASH may incite violence and recruit others to replenish losses.

The inability to protect themselves against DAESH exploitation rest almost entirely with the Israelis. If DAESH gets a political foothold in the West Bank, the Arab Palestinians will get a new taste as to what it means to be "oppressed."


Most Respectfully,
Where do you get this shit? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

The State of Two States: Session 2 - The Current State of Affairs in Israeli-Palestinian Relations​


WATCH: Dáil motion condemning Israeli annexation and occupation of Palestinian lands​


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