Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

The history of the Palestinian Authority and other collaborators with Joseph Massad | EI Podcast​


Defeating censorship on a UK campus with Shahd Abusalama & Giovanni Fassina | EI Podcast​


Thinking Palestine–Ferguson & Standing Rock: Radical Kinship & the ‘Intersectionality of Struggles’​


Why Must Palestinians Pay for Germany’s Crimes Against European Jews? Plus, Pinkwashing​

YAWN..... Here we go again. Israel does not have the Right to Exist. He actually explains perfectly why the " two State Solution" is DOA
The so called war on terror. :laugh: :laugh:

" White Supremacy?" Isn't that the phrase he used when he accused Kyle Rittenhouse PUBLICLY of being GUILTY BEFORE A JURY WAS EVEN PICKED?? A individual who shot three CAUCASIANS. That's our biggest problem??

Cities With Most Murders 2022

This doesn't include the Millions that have already come in and the prediction it will increase approx 18,000 day of the ones we know about
" Forgot" one more; INFLATION. THANK YOU once again for exhibiting your narrow mind and stupidity

ONE MORE!!!!! THOSE RIOTS IN 2020 CAUSED APPROX 2 BILLION DOLLARS IN DAMAGE NOT TO MENTION DEATHS, LOSS OF BUSINESS ( Some Permanent) and others with lifelong physical disabilities
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'Peace in name only': Opposing the Abraham Accords & Normalization Agreements​


Legalized Discrimination: How Israel’s “Citizenship & Entry” law harms Palestinian families by design​

More of Israel's bullshit terrorist propaganda campaign.

2021 International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People​

More of Israel's bullshit terrorist propaganda campaign.

Indeed, nothing to see here.

Though I like how you go out of your way to try to frame
Islam as mere "Israel's bullshit terroirist propaganda campaign".


Why Must Palestinians Pay for Germany’s Crimes Against European Jews? Plus, Pinkwashing​

Arab supremacists can't blame Germany
for their own crimes and defeat after siding with both sides.

And if European Jews are their problem, then they shouldn't have
initiated Zionism by expelling the local Jewish community from all holy cities.

For the truth of the matter,
Arab supremacists are responsible
for most death and suffering on both sides.


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