Palestinians and Jews are genetically the same people


Active Member
May 5, 2013
A study of genetics found that Palestinians and Jews are genetically the same people.

I remember when this study was published, Palestinians were horrified and Yasser Arafat condemned the science.

I think the findings are quite ironic.

The conflict is a modern day Cain and Abel Story.
If you're going to refer to a study, I strongly suggest that you link to it, so we can all look at the same thing.
A study of genetics found that Palestinians and Jews are genetically the same people.

I remember when this study was published, Palestinians were horrified and Yasser Arafat condemned the science.

I think the findings are quite ironic.

The conflict is a modern day Cain and Abel Story.

the genetic studies do not reveal that "palestinians" and jews are
genetically the same people-----the studies reveal that both palestinians
and jews are descended from people of the Levant-------way back---
today there are genetic differences between jews and "palestinians"

eskimos are NOT descended from the people of the Levant----
nor are japanese people No one is sure from whence came
Palestiians are genetically identical to their Arab neighbors, in fact they ARE the neighboring Arabs who invaded Israel.

Nice try though.
Roudy---- "arab" is too vague a term to use when discussing
population genetics. ----I do agree with you that the genetics of
"palestinians" links them so closely to syrians and jordanians---etc ---
that they are the same people------but sudanese are also "arabs"---
and those guys still in saudi arabia are "arabs" and all the egyptians
are still being called arabs------in fact lots of people have
decided tnat YOU are an arab (take deep breaths-----slowly---to
avoid regurgitation) I am confident that there are discernible
genetic differences in the "gene pool" of "palestinians' vs sudanese
"arabs" vs algerian "arabs"
A study of genetics found that Palestinians and Jews are genetically the same people.

I remember when this study was published, Palestinians were horrified and Yasser Arafat condemned the science.

I think the findings are quite ironic.

The conflict is a modern day Cain and Abel Story.
WHAT I was just reading in Israeli Shlomo Sands new book is Jews are most like the people where they live. For hundreds of yesrs, Judaism was a proselytizing religion so the DNA of Jews is most likely like those in the lands they and their parents and grandparents live within. Of course, Zionists who settled in Israel the past hundred years, coming from Europe and Russia and elsewhere, in their DNA, they have nothing in common with the indigenous Palestinian people or Jews who lived in Palestine 2000 years ago.
Roudy---- "arab" is too vague a term to use when discussing
population genetics. ----I do agree with you that the genetics of
"palestinians" links them so closely to syrians and jordanians---etc ---
that they are the same people------but sudanese are also "arabs"---
and those guys still in saudi arabia are "arabs" and all the egyptians
are still being called arabs------in fact lots of people have
decided tnat YOU are an arab (take deep breaths-----slowly---to
avoid regurgitation) I am confident that there are discernible
genetic differences in the "gene pool" of "palestinians' vs sudanese
"arabs" vs algerian "arabs"
What I meant was that the Palestinians are genetically and culturally identical to their neighboring Arabs. So if they are related to the Israelis then so is more than about half the Arab world. What these bogus studies do is find "similarities" between people and then link them based on those similarities. If one were to go by that, then Jews and Japanese would also be related.

The important thing is to find certain genes or markers that Only Jews have, such as the Cohen gene, which differentiate people.
A study of genetics found that Palestinians and Jews are genetically the same people.

I remember when this study was published, Palestinians were horrified and Yasser Arafat condemned the science.

I think the findings are quite ironic.

The conflict is a modern day Cain and Abel Story.
WHAT I was just reading in Israeli Shlomo Sands new book is Jews are most like the people where they live. For hundreds of yesrs, Judaism was a proselytizing religion so the DNA of Jews is most likely like those in the lands they and their parents and grandparents live within. Of course, Zionists who settled in Israel the past hundred years, coming from Europe and Russia and elsewhere, in their DNA, they have nothing in common with the indigenous Palestinian people or Jews who lived in Palestine 2000 years ago.

Judaism was never a proselytizing religion like Christianity or Islam. One Hasmonean king did coerce a nation called the Idumeans to convert, but we were paid back in full when the wicked King Herod descended from them. Any converts who joined our ranks did so out of love for our religion, like Ruth.
Here's a link to the article. I couldn't link before I had 15 posts.

Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese

Interesting reading - particularly after one of our extremists here was insisting that war is in Palestinian's DNA!!

To me the links are very clear - both in culture, mentality, looks...even in food and music. Tel Aviv feels so much like Beirut it could be in the same country. The people often look very similar, act similar, and share many traits - suicidal driving habits for one!!

Of course the peoples have now separated into clearly separate cultures, but it does remind me of countries like Germany, Austria & Switzerland or the Scandinavian countries where the similarities are alo very clear to all.
Judaism was never a proselytizing religion like Christianity or Islam. One Hasmonean king did coerce a nation called the Idumeans to convert, but we were paid back in full when the wicked King Herod descended from them. Any converts who joined our ranks did so out of love for our religion, like Ruth.

Actually, not all Jewish groups allow conversion at all....
Here's a link to the article. I couldn't link before I had 15 posts.

Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese

Interesting reading - particularly after one of our extremists here was insisting that war is in Palestinian's DNA!!

To me the links are very clear - both in culture, mentality, looks...even in food and music. Tel Aviv feels so much like Beirut it could be in the same country. The people often look very similar, act similar, and share many traits - suicidal driving habits for one!!

Of course the peoples have now separated into clearly separate cultures, but it does remind me of countries like Germany, Austria & Switzerland or the Scandinavian countries where the similarities are alo very clear to all.
Palestinians do have war in their DNA if one is to believe the analogy of the 'wild ass' that has everyone's hand against him.
Here's a link to the article. I couldn't link before I had 15 posts.

Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese
It's amazing how people don't even bother reading what they post here. Does this mean Jews and Palestinians are THE SAME PEOPLE? Wow

"The study also revealed that despite the complex history of Jewish migration in the Diaspora (the time since 556 B.C. when Jews migrated out of Palestine), Jewish communities have generally not intermixed with non-Jewish populations. If they had, then Jewish men from different regions of the world would not share the same genetic signatures in their Y chromosome."

See, here is that marker that makes Jewish people separate from others. :clap:

All that this article is doing is saying Jews and all Arabs aka semetic people share "common genes" going back to Abraham. Did you need someone to tell you that?
Here's a link to the article. I couldn't link before I had 15 posts.

Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese

Interesting reading - particularly after one of our extremists here was insisting that war is in Palestinian's DNA!!

To me the links are very clear - both in culture, mentality, looks...even in food and music. Tel Aviv feels so much like Beirut it could be in the same country. The people often look very similar, act similar, and share many traits - suicidal driving habits for one!!

Of course the peoples have now separated into clearly separate cultures, but it does remind me of countries like Germany, Austria & Switzerland or the Scandinavian countries where the similarities are alo very clear to all.
Palestinians do have war in their DNA if one is to believe the analogy of the 'wild ass' that has everyone's hand against him.
That 92 year old Palestinian woman who's father participated in the Hebron massacre and was calling for the massacre of all Jews seemed to have blood-lust in her DNA.
Here's a link to the article. I couldn't link before I had 15 posts.

Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese

Interesting reading - particularly after one of our extremists here was insisting that war is in Palestinian's DNA!!

To me the links are very clear - both in culture, mentality, looks...even in food and music. Tel Aviv feels so much like Beirut it could be in the same country. The people often look very similar, act similar, and share many traits - suicidal driving habits for one!!

Of course the peoples have now separated into clearly separate cultures, but it does remind me of countries like Germany, Austria & Switzerland or the Scandinavian countries where the similarities are alo very clear to all.
Tel aviv feels like Beirut feels like most Mediterranean costal cities, including those that are in Europe. Duh!

Of course Beirut is now occupied by Hezbollah terrorist animal thugs. Maybe before, when Muslims had not invaded Lebanon, yes.
A study of genetics found that Palestinians and Jews are genetically the same people.

I remember when this study was published, Palestinians were horrified and Yasser Arafat condemned the science.

I think the findings are quite ironic.

The conflict is a modern day Cain and Abel Story.
WHAT I was just reading in Israeli Shlomo Sands new book is Jews are most like the people where they live. For hundreds of yesrs, Judaism was a proselytizing religion so the DNA of Jews is most likely like those in the lands they and their parents and grandparents live within. Of course, Zionists who settled in Israel the past hundred years, coming from Europe and Russia and elsewhere, in their DNA, they have nothing in common with the indigenous Palestinian people or Jews who lived in Palestine 2000 years ago.

Sherri----either Shlomo Sands is an idiot ----or you are lying I know nothing
about your education------but in my high school years----all we got in the field
of genetics was MENDELIAN stuff------and a few issues that could be extrapolated
using tissue surface antigens as markers-----if you are younger than I am---
and were exposed to the kind of genetics education that kids got as long as
20 years ago----YOU SHOULD KNOW that the comment you claim to be
quoting is sheer nonsense.

the FACT is that genetic studies have---over the past 40 years
revealed a remarkable genetic link between jews WORLD WIDE---
and that link traces back to the Levant as origine Even 35 years ago---
genetic studies which were far more primitive than they are today---
revealed that jews WORLD WIDE have a remarkable INTRA MARRIAGE
rate----consistent with known jewish history-----MOVING ABOUT but
marrying each other. Are you sure you are not reading the
ISA version of some book written by some guy named "SANDS"?

Sands said that jews engage in PROSELYTIZING? -----pig Constantine
rendered it a CAPITAL CRIME --~ 300 AD and even prior to that time--
it was not a custom unless the potential convert INSISTED. It is true
that the EDOMITES in ancient times converted to Judaism---I do not
know if they were coerced. Some greeks and roman, too----
and some yemenis ---but that was not recently----more like
during BC times

I did not read the sands book-----if he wrote that---I
will be sure not to-----such stupidity and ignorance
irritates me----even if he suggested such stuff---your
statement is so idiotic---that I can only conclude you
are lying-----I do not believe any editor would publish
such nonsense------do you have the name of the
publishing company? it is located in Iran?

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