Palestinians Victims Of Their Own Leaders

Is their anyone who does not believe Palestinians are their own worst enemy?

Palestinian Leaders: Who Are They Fooling?
Just replace the word Palestinians with liberals...

Is there anyone who does not believe liberals are their own worst enemy? Liberal compassion kills people...Victims of liberalism happens every day...Why do you think Bernadine Dorn and William Ayers over there in support of Palestine? Stupid is as stupid does....

ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass
Arafat, PA & Hamas. Gosh I wonder why there is no peace between the Israeli's & Palestinians.
Their leaders wouldn't be living the High Life would they while they impose poverty on everyone else...
Arafat, PA & Hamas. Gosh I wonder why there is no peace between the Israeli's & Palestinians.

Like I said, we must consider who elected their leaders to leave them living in ignorance & poverty.
even their own kind doesn't want them
they murder and attack not only Israel, but also Arabs
Black September - Wikipedia

Yes, under Arafat the Arab countries massacred their Palestinians over & over again & left tens of thousands of them as homeless refugees. If you think that's bad, consider what those Zionists in Israel are doing to them with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions so they can stay in Israel as opposed to helping them return to their native Arab countries.

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