Palestinians, White Supremacists, and Neo Nazis, lovers at heart


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Even after being close allies of the German Nazis, Palestinians, White Supremacists and neo Nazis still love each other and are close allies, all over the world. Not so strange bedfellows.

Largely based on antisemitic and ‘white genocide‘ conspiracy theories, accelerationists perceive Jewish people to be one of the greatest threats to white people. Therefore, they view the October 7th attacks on Israel as beneficial to their cause, using it to serve as a rallying cry for violence against Jewish people in their respective locations. A November 6, 2023 post to a prominent accelerationist Telegram channel characterized this shared mission by describing parallels between Hamas and accelerationists, stating both are “engaged in a struggle for [their] existence and survival,” against Jewish people, while calling upon accelerationists to support their own “war” against Jewish people through violence.

Iran/Hamas both deny the Holocaust ever happened, just like the Nazi types and some democrats

They are blood brothers.
"Syrians Hell Hitler." Mar 15, 1957.

ROME, (AJP) -- The leading Syrian daily "Al Manar", has hailed Nasser as the true counterpart of Hitler.

Writing in a recent issue, editor Bashir al-Auf stated:

"One should not forget that, in contrast to Europe, Hitler occupied an honoured place in the Arab world. His name awakened in Arab hearts feelings of love and enthusiasm. The Arab world should be congratulated on producing its midst this Hitler who has shaken the world from end to end . . . English and French journalists are mistaken if they think that by calling Nasser Hitler they are hurting us.

"On the contrary, his name makes us proud.
Long live the Hitler of the Arab world who has opened the gates of victory and eternity his people."


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