Palin Children Thread.

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I'm the most bumfuddled by the man who shot his tv. Seriously? After 67 years, this is the one thing in the mass media you cannot abide?

And I thought I hated Palin......

He's an excellent Poster Loon for all of the PDS whackjobs.
I have two family members with Downs. It isn't that big a deal. They both manage perfectly fine. Of course, with everything, there are degrees of Downs, but, generally speaking, these kids do fine.

Right, being that there are degress of downs would make that an opinion. I also have Family members. It's not a simple thing, the sisters require 100% of the time supervision. That's not easy.

But Maddie is criticizing Palin for having given birth to a Downs Syndrome child. Personally, I find that incredibly offensive and breathtakingly stupid. Who the hell is she to decide who should be born and who should not?

It's Maddie's continuous double standard that I find intolerable. Poor minorities who have kids out of wedlock, at 17... That's fine... We should do everything we can to help them... Bristol Palin does it and the whole family should be condemned. 16 year old kids mouth off on social networking sites all the time... but this one is Willow Palin... so again, it's a huge issue. Sarah Palin has a Downs Syndrome kid and that makes her a bad person - she dared to give birth to an 'imperfect' human being.

I'm amazed that anyone can defend Maddie's continual ranting hatred of anyone she disagrees with.

I bet if someone criticized one of the Obama kids, it would be a whole different story.
Where did she do that...I recall her criticizing Palin for not staying home with her retarded child but not what you are claiming.
Right, being that there are degress of downs would make that an opinion. I also have Family members. It's not a simple thing, the sisters require 100% of the time supervision. That's not easy.

But Maddie is criticizing Palin for having given birth to a Downs Syndrome child. Personally, I find that incredibly offensive and breathtakingly stupid. Who the hell is she to decide who should be born and who should not?

It's Maddie's continuous double standard that I find intolerable. Poor minorities who have kids out of wedlock, at 17... That's fine... We should do everything we can to help them... Bristol Palin does it and the whole family should be condemned. 16 year old kids mouth off on social networking sites all the time... but this one is Willow Palin... so again, it's a huge issue. Sarah Palin has a Downs Syndrome kid and that makes her a bad person - she dared to give birth to an 'imperfect' human being.

I'm amazed that anyone can defend Maddie's continual ranting hatred of anyone she disagrees with.

I bet if someone criticized one of the Obama kids, it would be a whole different story.
Where did she do that...I recall her criticizing Palin for not staying home with her retarded child but not what you are claiming.

She argued that very point in another thread...for pages...before it got shut down and deleted.
But Maddie is criticizing Palin for having given birth to a Downs Syndrome child. Personally, I find that incredibly offensive and breathtakingly stupid. Who the hell is she to decide who should be born and who should not?

It's Maddie's continuous double standard that I find intolerable. Poor minorities who have kids out of wedlock, at 17... That's fine... We should do everything we can to help them... Bristol Palin does it and the whole family should be condemned. 16 year old kids mouth off on social networking sites all the time... but this one is Willow Palin... so again, it's a huge issue. Sarah Palin has a Downs Syndrome kid and that makes her a bad person - she dared to give birth to an 'imperfect' human being.

I'm amazed that anyone can defend Maddie's continual ranting hatred of anyone she disagrees with.

I bet if someone criticized one of the Obama kids, it would be a whole different story.
Where did she do that...I recall her criticizing Palin for not staying home with her retarded child but not what you are claiming.

She argued that very point in another thread...for pages...before it got shut down and deleted.
I don't think so...she didn't say what CG is claiming though I know a lot of the rightwingloons claimed she did.
It's unfair to make a judgment on a teenager being a bigot, and by extension the parent's parenting skills, if--in the middle of an internet spat--the teen calls someone who's ripping on her family a faggot.

I've seen you throw around the **** slur against some female posters on here, so by your own measure that must mean you're a woman-hating bigot.

If I remember right, you started another thread awhile back about her kids, in the FZ I think, and you also took the time to make that video about "Palin steak". What you're doing with threads like these is the USMB equivalent of those 501 (C) attack ads that are nothing more than slimy ad homs that hit outside of politics.

Bashing a politician's or public figure's family or personal life, even if their life and family is visible, is the dregs of discourse... if it can even be called that. It's like the rules here; you can go after family if that person brings it up... but even though it's allowed I still think it's tacky and smarmy to go after family anyways. It shows a lack of ammo from the attacker, that they have to stoop to that level.

If her highly-visible and publicized political views are a threat to this country, go after her politics. But hitting outside of her politics and going after her as a mom says more about what type of person you are than what type of parent she is.

Self-awareness is for winners, and you're looking the bitter fool with this Palin obsession. For real. You're the mirror version of USArmyFail when it comes to Palin. Think about it.

I do appreciate the time and energy you dedicate to defending Palin, Sheldon. It's very appealing at first blush, this cry to "leave the kids alone", except that........

Palin has leveraged her oldest child's teen pregnancy into some sort of martyrdom and Bristol is now a public figure in her own right. The search phrase "bristol palin magazine interviews" returns about 6,080,000 results on Google. She's a reality tv star and has been on the covers of various magazines. The Palins cannot shove Bristol out into the limelight as a spokesmodel for safe sex (?) or any other high moral principle and then demand that all discussion of hypocrisy on her part will remain unspoken of.

Palin has also leveraged her youngest child as grounds for claiming she has a special claim to extraordinary consideration as a mother that the parents of normal, healthy children do not share. We did discuss this on a thread the Mod Squad has pulled, though I still dunno why. Once again, the hypocrisy thing: if you claim the moral high ground on some biographic basis and your private life reveals you do not adhere to the principles you claim to embody, that is discussion-worthy.

Palin makes so many references to her children and her motherhood, it's hard to keep track of them all. How many times has she said the phrase "Momma Grizzlies" alone? She cannot bang on her reproductive talents and then expect her parenting skills are beyond the pale by those who find fault with her, as a politican. And BTW, this is something Obama (nor any other politican I can think of) has ever done...."vote for me, I'm a great Mom" is unique to the Palin playbook, IMO.

Calling a woman a "****" is not a verbal act that reveals anyone's anti-woman bigotry IMO. You wanna imbue that word with more power than it deserves. Calling a youngster a "f*ggot", on the other hand, does reveal a homophobic bias. You may not like that these two are not the same egregious moral lapses, but that's life, Sheldon.

Relying on the USMB's own TOS for a logical reason why Palin's performance as a parent cannot be discussed is also a fail. Palin is not a USMB member -- she is a public figure. She wants to be POTUS and more'n a few people support her. She's a threat to this country and the very deceitful way she claims to be morally superior whilst deflecting any criticism of her moral lapses is one of the reasons I so despise her -- I find this woman to be canny but not smart, manipulative but not persuasive, jingoistic but not patriotic, etc.

Palin weaves her personal life and back story into her politics, Sheldon. She opposes abortion rights about as vehemently as it is possible to do -- more than most RCC clergy do -- and then waves her baby in the air. She opposes sex education in public schools and then shoves her single mom daughter into the limelight, and sees nothing at all hypocritical about allowing her to do up ads for condoms with a poster child for promiscuity. She attacks Obama as a "politican" and talks endlessly about how much she hates government -- how she'd rather be doing just about anything with her kids. Then she leaves the kids and runs around the country on a million dollar speaking tour, etc.

There's no way to have a full and frank discussion about Palin's suitability to serve as POTUS without drawing on examples of her hypocrisy, because that data is what I think most people are missing...and IMO, Palin is all about concealing her real motives and acts from public view whilst she dazzles the stupid with bullshit.

Holy shit, you can feel the hate oozing out of our computers.
sheesh, so much hate can't be good for you.:cuckoo:
The Madster is a hater; that's what she does best.
The whole point of being a decent human being is you don't go there, no matter how bad a jerk off the other guy is. What makes a jerk off is jerk off behavior, not that you don't agree with him on economic questions.

So open season on 0bama girls is out of the question.

But for those who think it is ok to rap on the Palins, I wish you would crawl back under your rock.

Bullshit. Palin cannot bang on her alleged superior mothering, whore her kids out to the media and then claim they should be "off limits" when something they do in public view disgraces her. I'm not gonna be silenced by this goofy hide-the-pea routine, Baruch.
What matters in this life is not the behavior of others, but one's own behavior.

I don't buy into the notion she is doing this, but even if she were, you don't race her to the bottom.
Where did she do that...I recall her criticizing Palin for not staying home with her retarded child but not what you are claiming.

She argued that very point in another thread...for pages...before it got shut down and deleted.
I don't think so...she didn't say what CG is claiming though I know a lot of the rightwingloons claimed she did.
Let's put it this way: When I asked her a direct question if women who intend on having unprotected sex (with their husbands or otherwise) after the age of 35 should be forced to use BC and/or sterilized if they also intend on continuing to work, she responded in the affirmative.

Fuck that sort of authoritarianism.

(Looking for her post but I can't find the thread, even.)
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I do appreciate the time and energy you dedicate to defending Palin, Sheldon. It's very appealing at first blush, this cry to "leave the kids alone", except that........

Palin has leveraged her oldest child's teen pregnancy into some sort of martyrdom and Bristol is now a public figure in her own right. The search phrase "bristol palin magazine interviews" returns about 6,080,000 results on Google. She's a reality tv star and has been on the covers of various magazines. The Palins cannot shove Bristol out into the limelight as a spokesmodel for safe sex (?) or any other high moral principle and then demand that all discussion of hypocrisy on her part will remain unspoken of.

Palin has also leveraged her youngest child as grounds for claiming she has a special claim to extraordinary consideration as a mother that the parents of normal, healthy children do not share. We did discuss this on a thread the Mod Squad has pulled, though I still dunno why. Once again, the hypocrisy thing: if you claim the moral high ground on some biographic basis and your private life reveals you do not adhere to the principles you claim to embody, that is discussion-worthy.

Palin makes so many references to her children and her motherhood, it's hard to keep track of them all. How many times has she said the phrase "Momma Grizzlies" alone? She cannot bang on her reproductive talents and then expect her parenting skills are beyond the pale by those who find fault with her, as a politican. And BTW, this is something Obama (nor any other politican I can think of) has ever done...."vote for me, I'm a great Mom" is unique to the Palin playbook, IMO.

Calling a woman a "****" is not a verbal act that reveals anyone's anti-woman bigotry IMO. You wanna imbue that word with more power than it deserves. Calling a youngster a "f*ggot", on the other hand, does reveal a homophobic bias. You may not like that these two are not the same egregious moral lapses, but that's life, Sheldon.

Relying on the USMB's own TOS for a logical reason why Palin's performance as a parent cannot be discussed is also a fail. Palin is not a USMB member -- she is a public figure. She wants to be POTUS and more'n a few people support her. She's a threat to this country and the very deceitful way she claims to be morally superior whilst deflecting any criticism of her moral lapses is one of the reasons I so despise her -- I find this woman to be canny but not smart, manipulative but not persuasive, jingoistic but not patriotic, etc.

Palin weaves her personal life and back story into her politics, Sheldon. She opposes abortion rights about as vehemently as it is possible to do -- more than most RCC clergy do -- and then waves her baby in the air. She opposes sex education in public schools and then shoves her single mom daughter into the limelight, and sees nothing at all hypocritical about allowing her to do up ads for condoms with a poster child for promiscuity. She attacks Obama as a "politican" and talks endlessly about how much she hates government -- how she'd rather be doing just about anything with her kids. Then she leaves the kids and runs around the country on a million dollar speaking tour, etc.

There's no way to have a full and frank discussion about Palin's suitability to serve as POTUS without drawing on examples of her hypocrisy, because that data is what I think most people are missing...and IMO, Palin is all about concealing her real motives and acts from public view whilst she dazzles the stupid with bullshit.

Holy shit, you can feel the hate oozing out of our computers.
sheesh, so much hate can't be good for you.:cuckoo:
The Madster is a hater; that's what she does best.

what's more amazing, is she doesn't just HATE Palin, she goes AFTER HER CHILDREN as well..
that is a TRUE HATER, very sad and pathetic.
Where did she do that...I recall her criticizing Palin for not staying home with her retarded child but not what you are claiming.

She argued that very point in another thread...for pages...before it got shut down and deleted.
I don't think so...she didn't say what CG is claiming though I know a lot of the rightwingloons claimed she did.

In this thread, she claimed that having a child in your forties is "irresponsible". For what reason is it irresponsible, unless it is because the risk of having a Downs Syndrome baby increases significantly at that age? What other reason does one have for calling a 40+ Mom irresponsible?
Where did she do that...I recall her criticizing Palin for not staying home with her retarded child but not what you are claiming.

She argued that very point in another thread...for pages...before it got shut down and deleted.
I don't think so...she didn't say what CG is claiming though I know a lot of the rightwingloons claimed she did.

Yes she did. She ranted for pages and pages that Palin was a bad mother for "being so irresponsible" That she brought a downs baby into the world. Either by not aborting...or by having the nerve to get pregnant in her forties.
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She argued that very point in another thread...for pages...before it got shut down and deleted.
I don't think so...she didn't say what CG is claiming though I know a lot of the rightwingloons claimed she did.
Let's put it this way: When I asked her a direct question if women who intend on having unprotected sex (with their husbands or otherwise) after the age of 35 should be forced to use BC and/or sterilized if they also intend on continuing to work, she responded in the affirmative.

Fuck that sort of authoritarianism.

(Looking for her post but I can't find the thread, even.)

It got shut down and deleted.
I don't think so...she didn't say what CG is claiming though I know a lot of the rightwingloons claimed she did.
Let's put it this way: When I asked her a direct question if women who intend on having unprotected sex (with their husbands or otherwise) after the age of 35 should be forced to use BC and/or sterilized if they also intend on continuing to work, she responded in the affirmative.

Fuck that sort of authoritarianism.

(Looking for her post but I can't find the thread, even.)

It got shut down and deleted.

Thanks for the info.

Lucky for the Madster, though. Maybe she'll have that same luck with this disaster, too.
She argued that very point in another thread...for pages...before it got shut down and deleted.
I don't think so...she didn't say what CG is claiming though I know a lot of the rightwingloons claimed she did.
Let's put it this way: When I asked her a direct question if women who intend on having unprotected sex (with their husbands or otherwise) after the age of 35 should be forced to use BC and/or sterilized if they also intend on continuing to work, she responded in the affirmative.

Fuck that sort of authoritarianism.

(Looking for her post but I can't find the thread, even.)
The thread is still on google cache and I found nothing to that effect.
I don't think so...she didn't say what CG is claiming though I know a lot of the rightwingloons claimed she did.
Let's put it this way: When I asked her a direct question if women who intend on having unprotected sex (with their husbands or otherwise) after the age of 35 should be forced to use BC and/or sterilized if they also intend on continuing to work, she responded in the affirmative.

Fuck that sort of authoritarianism.

(Looking for her post but I can't find the thread, even.)
The thread is still on google cache and I found nothing to that effect.
Give me the link, then. I will find it.

I have an excellent memory.
I'm waiting for Maddie to drag out some evidence that Sarah Palin is any sort of racist.

For God's sakes, she's married to an enrolled tribal member, last I heard.
Let's put it this way: When I asked her a direct question if women who intend on having unprotected sex (with their husbands or otherwise) after the age of 35 should be forced to use BC and/or sterilized if they also intend on continuing to work, she responded in the affirmative.

Fuck that sort of authoritarianism.

(Looking for her post but I can't find the thread, even.)
The thread is still on google cache and I found nothing to that effect.
Give me the link, then. I will find it.

I have an excellent memory.
Google this @
Sarah Palin's Sacred Baby Syndrome

Alternatively you can google some keywords from your post and find it...but I tried that and found nothing.
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