Palin Children Thread.

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Ever notice how Palin's kids are always with here on the stage, maybe she should be with them when they are home. I saw that she put up a 2 ft gate that was to keep the baby off the stairs and as she also put it to keep boys out of her daughters rooms. yeah that will stop it Palin, just put up a fence and then nobody will be able to know whats going on and everybody will have to abide, even your kids boy friends.

Oh by the way I have watch her on DWS and she really does suck as a dancer, and she surly isn't what I would call a BABE. So that makes me believe one thing, the show is a farsce.

DWS is a stupid competition when the worst dancer can make people who are much better be eliminated because of who that person is, not what they can do. Anyone remember Buzz, all I could say was OMG, how can this be. Just once put your kid, wife, husband,friend or yourself in the shoes of those who get screwed in this way.

Its not fixed..

Its just that Tea baggers have a different view of what makes a good dancer

Or.... maybe they just think it's very funny how seriously some people take some bullshit reality tv program and they do it to piss y'all off? That's why I voted for her anyway. :lol::lol:

hey you aren't about to tell me survivor is fixed are you? cause thats the living end.
Can we sort of agree that using kids as shields or weapons or in any way at all in a political debate is a lousy despicable thing to do and forbear?
No it's not crooked, it's just unfair. But of course you don't understand what unfair means. It's win at all cost.

Using your kids for poto ops everytime is sad. Yes at times it does happen on special events but not every time there are camera's there. I really wonder how much time she spends with them when nobody holding a camera is around to film it.

So is Palin the only politician that uses her kids for photo ops? Nope. As a matter of fact, most do it. Do you also wonder about how they treat their kids or is it just Palin?

I don't know of who you are talking about, but if she comes under the same top, then her also.

If your there because of what you have accomplished is one thing, but because your related or know someone, no thanks. Then if your kept there even tho you not any good all it does is cheapen the show and basically turns off those who are really there to watch DWS because of the talent.
I'm waiting for Maddie to drag out some evidence that Sarah Palin is any sort of racist.

For God's sakes, she's married to an enrolled tribal member, last I heard.

Yes, true. Todd Palin's family has some Native blood and are entitled to certain benefits because of it. I dun think this qualifies her as a friend to Native peoples or to any people of color, and it doesn't immunize her from criticism for the racial rhetoric she spews.
for those of us that dont throw fits of rage at every word the woman utters, would you please show some proof of her "racial" remarks that you find so offensive

PS: i dont know if anyone pointed this out to you as i didnt read every page of this thread, but Willow is NOT the 16 year old, that's Piper
does anyone that voted for palin believe that she was the better dancing partner then the girl that got eliminated?
Ever notice how Palin's kids are always with here on the stage, maybe she should be with them when they are home. I saw that she put up a 2 ft gate that was to keep the baby off the stairs and as she also put it to keep boys out of her daughters rooms. yeah that will stop it Palin, just put up a fence and then nobody will be able to know whats going on and everybody will have to abide, even your kids boy friends.

Oh by the way I have watch her on DWS and she really does suck as a dancer, and she surly isn't what I would call a BABE. So that makes me believe one thing, the show is a farsce.

DWS is a stupid competition when the worst dancer can make people who are much better be eliminated because of who that person is, not what they can do. Anyone remember Buzz, all I could say was OMG, how can this be. Just once put your kid, wife, husband,friend or yourself in the shoes of those who get screwed in this way.

Its not fixed..

Its just that Tea baggers have a different view of what makes a good dancer

Or.... maybe they just think it's very funny how seriously some people take some bullshit reality tv program and they do it to piss y'all off? That's why I voted for her anyway. :lol::lol:

I voted for Pedro

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Maddie, still waiting for evidence of any but your own racism, evinced by your sneering implication that Todd, rather than being an enrolled tribal member who receives benefits the tribes bargained for IN RETURN FOR vast tracts of land, is somehow on the "dole" for sinking so low as to accept those benefits....

So please, please. Enlighten us about Sarah's racism. While you're at it, make some rude comments about how she should have aborted her baby because she was "too old" to have one (heaven knows nobody else has ever had a little surprise after they thought their families were included, pregnant at 39! OMG! I should have aborted, I may have given birth to a monster!) and how "uncomfortable" she appears in the hundreds of pictures we have of her holding her baby (usually in the background of another picture)..while at the same time you claim she delegates all care of the baby to a nanny, leaves the kid alone with unloving mother substitutes, subjects the rest of us to the uncomfortable reality of handicapped children...and also showing your incredible ignorance about what are telling signs of babies with down's syndrome. Namely that they are limp and unresponsive as infants, learn to crawl and creep at a later age, and are quite difficult to hold as they get past their infancy due to the fact that they don't exactly cling so much as just hang there.....
No it's not crooked, it's just unfair. But of course you don't understand what unfair means. It's win at all cost.

Using your kids for poto ops everytime is sad. Yes at times it does happen on special events but not every time there are camera's there. I really wonder how much time she spends with them when nobody holding a camera is around to film it.

Yes, unfair would be like having to compete on DWTS with professional say... Jennifer Grey...when you have never danced before and are not a known celeb. And then have the nitwit fans and judges expect you to be just as good. Or they call you a "fat ass" among other choice words LOL

Who cares if the fans call in to keep Bristol on the show. Apparently they think she is likeable. God knows she has a ton of guts (kudos to her) knowing assholes like you are out there hoping she falls on her ass.

And since you really have no idea what goes on with Sarah when the cameras aren't running...Maybe you shouldn't assume things...ya know?? :cuckoo:

There are plenty of public figures that actually do go out in PUBLIC (OMG!!!) With their family. So what?? They cant control what the idiot poparazzi point their cameras at 24/7.
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No it's not crooked, it's just unfair. But of course you don't understand what unfair means. It's win at all cost.

Using your kids for poto ops everytime is sad. Yes at times it does happen on special events but not every time there are camera's there. I really wonder how much time she spends with them when nobody holding a camera is around to film it.

Yes, unfair would be like having to compete on DWTS with professional say... Jennifer Grey...when you have never danced before and are not a known celeb. And then have the nitwit fans and judges expect you to be just as good. Or they call you a "fat ass" among other choice words LOL

Who cares if the fans call in to keep Bristol on the show. Apparently they think she is likeable. God knows she has a ton of guts (kudos to her) knowing assholes like you are out there hoping she falls on her ass.

And since you really have no idea what goes on with Sarah when the cameras aren't running...Maybe you shouldn't assume things...ya know?? :cuckoo:

There are plenty of public figures that actually do go out in PUBLIC (OMG!!!) With their family. So what?? They cant control what the idiot poparazzi point their cameras at 24/7.
Wait...she was forced to be on the show? Or is she just a professional victim, like her mother? :eusa_eh:
No it's not crooked, it's just unfair. But of course you don't understand what unfair means. It's win at all cost.

Using your kids for poto ops everytime is sad. Yes at times it does happen on special events but not every time there are camera's there. I really wonder how much time she spends with them when nobody holding a camera is around to film it.

Yes, unfair would be like having to compete on DWTS with professional say... Jennifer Grey...when you have never danced before and are not a known celeb. And then have the nitwit fans and judges expect you to be just as good. Or they call you a "fat ass" among other choice words LOL

Who cares if the fans call in to keep Bristol on the show. Apparently they think she is likeable. God knows she has a ton of guts (kudos to her) knowing assholes like you are out there hoping she falls on her ass.

And since you really have no idea what goes on with Sarah when the cameras aren't running...Maybe you shouldn't assume things...ya know?? :cuckoo:

There are plenty of public figures that actually do go out in PUBLIC (OMG!!!) With their family. So what?? They cant control what the idiot poparazzi point their cameras at 24/7.
Wait...she was forced to be on the show? Or is she just a professional victim, like her mother? :eusa_eh:

Well... then if the other celebs weren't forced either...why do the lefty wingnuts insist it is soooo very unfair that she has not been kicked off yet because the fans like to call in for her....hmmmm??
Can we sort of agree that using kids as shields or weapons or in any way at all in a political debate is a lousy despicable thing to do and forbear?

We can agree that IF Palin stops banging on her motherhood, I will stop pointing out her hypocrisy.

As for it being "a lousy, despicable thing to do" to point out the emperor has no clothes, build your own third rail, Baruch. I am not buying what you are selling. It all seems like faux outrage to me unless you ALSO condemn Palin's endless attempts to claim some sort of moral high ground by climbing on her kids.
Once again Madeline starts a thread to fully show what a moronic, old, bitter hag she is.
Says the guy who writes porn about Obama's children.

Ya' mean the thread that was fully designed to out you as the special needs child hating lil' piece o' garbage we all Know you to be?

Yep, that thread fully exposed your hearltless ass. And that just drives you freakin' crazy!

How about the proof you claimed to have that Con Hog never served in the military. You mysteriously disappeared after making those claims. Where's the proof ya' sleezy lil' liar?
Can we sort of agree that using kids as shields or weapons or in any way at all in a political debate is a lousy despicable thing to do and forbear?

We can agree that IF Palin stops banging on her motherhood, I will stop pointing out her hypocrisy.

As for it being "a lousy, despicable thing to do" to point out the emperor has no clothes, build your own third rail, Baruch. I am not buying what you are selling. It all seems like faux outrage to me unless you ALSO condemn Palin's endless attempts to claim some sort of moral high ground by climbing on her kids.
You're such a sleazy old hag.

Seriously, you hate Palin for two reasons:

1) She's successful

2) She's beautiful

Two claims you could NEVER make. Ya' bitter old witch.
I'm the most bumfuddled by the man who shot his tv. Seriously? After 67 years, this is the one thing in the mass media you cannot abide?

And I thought I hated Palin......

He's an excellent Poster Loon for all of the PDS whackjobs.

Whatever he is, what a sad end to what most likely was a law abiding life of dignity and hard work. He reminds me of this fuckwhit.....

Muslim woman was cursed and spat on in Walmart | Islamophobia Today eNewspaper

There is something desperate in US politics these days I have not seen since the 1960's. The level of anger and hysteria among decent people -- especially mature folks -- is breath-taking.

Oh this brings back fond memories of my days as a program manager for diminished capacity fuckwits....

We had one particularly crazy, violent and epileptic dude. We really did love him but he was off the charts nuts. Completely insane.

So as part of his "life plan" which is the plan we devise that addresses all aspects of the lives of these poor souls, and in doing so, attempts to fulfill as much of what constitutes a "normal" life as possible, this lunatic got to go shopping with our unfortunate staff.

So he wigged out at walmart. He grabbed a knife, called the workers all sorts of names, threatened to stab himself, and repeatedly spat in the face of the female staff member accompanying him.

Good times. As I told her..."Never get close enough to be spit upon or hit."

Words to live by, let me tell you.
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