Palin Crashing Obama Surging?

you know what, i'd rather see someone with a brain run.

unlike the rightwingnut freaks i actually care more about this country than i do winning.

and if you read the o/p, the entire purpose of this thread was basically to point out to the palin-heads that their incessant bleating was ...well, bleating.

Really? That's why you voted for the incumbent but couldn't for a second defend his BS during the primaries without resorting to ad hominems, deflections or just flat out ignoring the facts presented?

Sure you would.:rolleyes:

Ralph Nader's had bleating heads, not unlike the Obama bleating heads, for 40 years. What's HE won?

I consider Palin about as legit a candidate -- if she even runs; which, is assumptive bullshit on the left's part at this point and time -- as I do Obama. NEITHER are qualified to be President.

i voted for hillary in the primary, in case you've forgotten that. and i'd have voted for her in the general, too.

what 'facts'? about ACORN? or about an associates actions before he was born? like i give a rat's butt about that.

perhaps mccain shouldn't have turned into a rightwingnut and picked the tweeting twit as his running mate.

whether you believe me or not is pretty irrelevant. no offense. but i know how i've voted in every nyc mayoral election and half of our gubernatorial elections.

when was the last time *you* crossed party lines?

and i'll point out that its palin who said she could beat obama. given the bold nature of that statement and given her efforts at manipulating the last election, i figure she's worth talking about.

or are rightwingnuts simply not accountable for anything? even an observation that they've dropped 18 points in the polls?

I didn't forget you voted for Hillary in the primary. You sold out in the general election. After the way the Obama leftwing fruitloops acted towards Hillary supporters during the primaries, You couldn't have paid ME to vote for the current moron holding office.

You figure she's worth talking about for the reasons I previously stated. Y'all ain't smart enough to realize that if she actually was the GOP candidate, Obama's guaranteed a second run, and THAT is bad 'cuz he;s about as useful as my freaking kitten.

You lefties like to accuse, but look at this lame duck session going on now. m You ram shit down the right's throats and f- 'em. Yet you try to play victim at the same time. Victims my ass. When the GOP had the majority in the House, Senate and a GOP President, they flinched and whined every time y'all cried foul.

Fact is, the media chose BOTH candidates. Had nothing to do with political knowledge and everything to do with star power.

Caligula or Nero, anyone?:cuckoo:
Really? That's why you voted for the incumbent but couldn't for a second defend his BS during the primaries without resorting to ad hominems, deflections or just flat out ignoring the facts presented?

Sure you would.:rolleyes:

Ralph Nader's had bleating heads, not unlike the Obama bleating heads, for 40 years. What's HE won?

I consider Palin about as legit a candidate -- if she even runs; which, is assumptive bullshit on the left's part at this point and time -- as I do Obama. NEITHER are qualified to be President.

i voted for hillary in the primary, in case you've forgotten that. and i'd have voted for her in the general, too.

what 'facts'? about ACORN? or about an associates actions before he was born? like i give a rat's butt about that.

perhaps mccain shouldn't have turned into a rightwingnut and picked the tweeting twit as his running mate.

whether you believe me or not is pretty irrelevant. no offense. but i know how i've voted in every nyc mayoral election and half of our gubernatorial elections.

when was the last time *you* crossed party lines?

and i'll point out that its palin who said she could beat obama. given the bold nature of that statement and given her efforts at manipulating the last election, i figure she's worth talking about.

or are rightwingnuts simply not accountable for anything? even an observation that they've dropped 18 points in the polls?

I didn't forget you voted for Hillary in the primary. You sold out in the general election. After the way the Obama leftwing fruitloops acted towards Hillary supporters during the primaries, You couldn't have paid ME to vote for the current moron holding office.

You figure she's worth talking about for the reasons I previously stated. Y'all ain't smart enough to realize that if she actually was the GOP candidate, Obama's guaranteed a second run, and THAT is bad 'cuz he;s about as useful as my freaking kitten.

You lefties like to accuse, but look at this lame duck session going on now. m You ram shit down the right's throats and f- 'em. Yet you try to play victim at the same time. Victims my ass. When the GOP had the majority in the House, Senate and a GOP President, they flinched and whined every time y'all cried foul.

Fact is, the media chose BOTH candidates. Had nothing to do with political knowledge and everything to do with star power.

Caligula or Nero, anyone?:cuckoo:

i didn't 'sell out' mccain did the most unpatriotic thing imaginable giving a national forum to someone who believes there are 'pro america parts of the country'. well, you know what, my family served this country same as you did and she can kiss my new york jew butt if she thinks we're not 'pro america'.

you can call me 'leftie' all you want, even though its idiotic to call someone a leftie who never voted for a dem nyc mayor and voted for repubs half the time in governors' races.

i'm going to figure that your non answer of my question about the last time you crossed party lines means it was basically... well, never.

you want to whine about the lame duck congress.

a lame duck congress impeached president clinton.

how's that for overstepping.

and for the record, they couldn't have gotten a single thing done without mitch mcconnell and his boys and john boehner and his... since if they had filibustered NOTHING would have happened. but they got their tax cuts for rich people so they didn't give a darn.

did the media pick the candidates? no. that's bizarre.

but... did the powers that be in DC pick the players? probably.

i know for certain they sabotaged hillary

but you can blame your 'base' for not picking mitt romney because he wasn't christian enough for them. he'd have won in 2008 particularly after mccain looked like a doddering fool when the economy crashed.
If I may just interject here. Anyone, and I mean anyone who voted for Obama knowing about ACORN, ALINSKY, Ayyers, Wright, and a couple of hoods who went to prison and still voted for him did not have America's best interest in sight. They wanted to put a black man in the wh and his background didn't much matter. For god's sake he hung around with and launched his career from a known terrorist's living room. But then again they could have voted for a war hero, but they didn't. Now see where we are? We're in shit city that's where.
I don't think SP will even be nominated. She has been so over exposed for so long. I predict that one day she will wake up and nobody will care. She won't even be able to get a tv interview unless she becomes a serial killer.

I hope her ego can take it when her time is up. Because I think it's coming.

Which is a shame, because she's nailed all the winning issues.

Which is why the MSM wants another McCain.

Uh, huh.
Wants to run for President?

Please tell me you won't be creating Dennis Kucinich threads too...:eek:

Just pick a name. Rush. Beck. Palin. Bush. Hannity. The left goes berserk in a typing frenzy seeing how many threads a day they can create.

Anything they think is a threat to them. Problem is that "think" word. If I was a dumbass Dem I'd PRAY for Palin to be the GOP Presidential candidate.

It is pretty weird...

Especially since there are only about 2 board members who I would consider "Palin-heads"...

Inquiring minds want to know!
If I may just interject here. Anyone, and I mean anyone who voted for Obama knowing about ACORN, ALINSKY, Ayyers, Wright, and a couple of hoods who went to prison and still voted for him did not have America's best interest in sight. They wanted to put a black man in the wh and his background didn't much matter. For god's sake he hung around with and launched his career from a known terrorist's living room. But then again they could have voted for a war hero, but they didn't. Now see where we are? We're in shit city that's where.

Yeah...I'm sure that's it....
Just pick a name. Rush. Beck. Palin. Bush. Hannity. The left goes berserk in a typing frenzy seeing how many threads a day they can create.

Anything they think is a threat to them. Problem is that "think" word. If I was a dumbass Dem I'd PRAY for Palin to be the GOP Presidential candidate.

It is pretty weird...

Especially since there are only about 2 board members who I would consider "Palin-heads"...

Inquiring minds want to know!

USArmyRetarded, Stephanie, TeaPartySpamurai, CrusaderFrank, just to name a few.

FTR The Left isn't reacting because they're scared of Palin. They're reacting because they think she's an idiot and can't believe the devotion she inspires.
Why would she even want to run? I doubt she'll give up her freedom to take a lousy job where you can never satisfy anyone. I know I wouldn't....
The only conservatives/Republicans who stand a chance of winning national elections, i.e., the White House, are the ones people like crone will never get along with.

Doesn't make sense for Republicans make people like the crone happy.
It is pretty weird...

Especially since there are only about 2 board members who I would consider "Palin-heads"...

Inquiring minds want to know!

USArmyRetarded, Stephanie, TeaPartySpamurai, CrusaderFrank, just to name a few.

FTR The Left isn't reacting because they're scared of Palin. They're reacting because they think she's an idiot and can't believe the devotion she inspires.

no sir, the idiot resides on Pennsylvania Ave.
Inquiring minds want to know!

USArmyRetarded, Stephanie, TeaPartySpamurai, CrusaderFrank, just to name a few.

FTR The Left isn't reacting because they're scared of Palin. They're reacting because they think she's an idiot and can't believe the devotion she inspires.

no sir, the idiot resides on Pennsylvania Ave.

I'm not making a judgment. I'm just explaining why the Left pays attention to her.
It is pretty weird...

Especially since there are only about 2 board members who I would consider "Palin-heads"...

Inquiring minds want to know!

USArmyRetarded, Stephanie, TeaPartySpamurai, CrusaderFrank, just to name a few.

FTR The Left isn't reacting because they're scared of Palin. They're reacting because they think she's an idiot and can't believe the devotion she inspires.

LOL, so I'm a Palin head.
I've NEVER said Palin WAS running, that is all your lefties doings. There are a few other Republicans I would vote for in a heartbeat, BUT, if Palin was running I would vote for her because she was a damn good governor who took on, not only the corrupt Democrats, but the Corrupt Republicans also. you people are so blinded by hate, you refuse to look at her record and just what she DID accomplish for Alaska. Yes, I like Palin, she WAS MY GOVORNER, so I know her record, that's more that I can say for you lame asses who voted for some Lowly State Senator Community Organizer who (NEVER held A REAL FRIGGEN JOB IN HIS LIFE), and a JUNIOR SENATOR of less than TWO YEARS with no friggen record to speak of.
So by my estimation, you my dear and a lot others on this board, are sheeple Obamabots.:lol:
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USArmyRetarded, Stephanie, TeaPartySpamurai, CrusaderFrank, just to name a few.

FTR The Left isn't reacting because they're scared of Palin. They're reacting because they think she's an idiot and can't believe the devotion she inspires.

no sir, the idiot resides on Pennsylvania Ave.

I'm not making a judgment. I'm just explaining why the Left pays attention to her.

How many hours of coverage do you think this "non threat" has received on MSNBC?
Inquiring minds want to know!

USArmyRetarded, Stephanie, TeaPartySpamurai, CrusaderFrank, just to name a few.

FTR The Left isn't reacting because they're scared of Palin. They're reacting because they think she's an idiot and can't believe the devotion she inspires.

LOL, so I'm a Palin head.
I've NEVER said Palin WAS running, that is all your lefties doings. There are a few other Republicans I would vote for in a heartbeat, BUT, if Palin was running I would vote for her because she was a damn good governor who took on, not only the corrupt Democrats, but the Corrupt Republicans also. you people are so blinded by hate, you refuse to look at her record and just what she DID accomplish for Alaska. Yes, I like Palin, she WAS MY GOVORNER, so I know her record, that's more that I can say for you lame asses who voted for some Lowly State Senator Community Organizer who (NEVER held A REAL FRIGGEN IN HIS LIFE), and a JUNIOR SENATOR with no friggen record to speak of.
So by my estimation, you my dear and a lot others on this board, are sheeple Obamabots.:lol:

Correctamundo. about 99% of the Palin threads are started by the idiots on the left. And you know why they start them? To tell us she don't matter to em. Yep. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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