Palin Crashing Obama Surging?

Obama didn't surge until the primaries were in full swing. Having said that, I really doubt that Palin will be the republican candidate. She's a good fund raiser, like Obama is a good fundraiser....but neither are good or would be good for the presidency.

Agreed. Though Palin may serve well in an Appointment. Obama would fit well in Chicago Politics, where the will of the Party is all that matters.

Ambassador to Russia? :eusa_whistle:

Well, you know she has been keeping an eye on them for years from her house....

I take this as good news.

Palin on the outs. That's the best news I've had all week. (minus christmas)

Obama has solid dem support. color me shocked

If this keeps going Palin will do what she does best. Stump for other conservatives.
Obama didn't surge until the primaries were in full swing. Having said that, I really doubt that Palin will be the republican candidate. She's a good fund raiser, like Obama is a good fundraiser....but neither are good or would be good for the presidency.

Agreed. Though Palin may serve well in an Appointment. Obama would fit well in Chicago Politics, where the will of the Party is all that matters.

Ambassador to Russia? :eusa_whistle:

LOL Good one Jer.

Really. As much as some on this board want Palin to run. She hasn't said she is. I don't think anyone has formally announced that they are running yet either.

Of course they want Palin to run because they believe that Obama will beat her, no problem.

I don't think it will happen though. While I like Palin I don't believe she's a viable candidate. Too much baggage. However, as a fundraiser she would be awesome. Good spot for her to contribute in.

As far as ego's go. Well Ol'BO has one the size of Texas. Doesn't seem to have curtailed him in any way. LOL
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worst case senario;

Palin does run. She loses the primarie and ends up a VP candidate.

There's simply no way she makes it to the top ticket. To many people remember she quit and know that she will be almost as dividing as obama.

Best case;

We keep obama, take both houses and make him little more than a puppet for 4 years, then Take the WH, and have our own trifecta.

Then we will see it the TEA party walks the walk or it's all talk.
Maybe she is interested in Running the RNC Convention?

i don't think she'll settle for anything less than the top spot. since hillary didn't make it, it would put sawwah in the record books as the first female presidential candidate for a major party.

i don't think she'll be able to resist going for it... unless her numbers continue to drop and she thinks she'll be embarrassed.
The weak minded individuals within the "base" of the GOP will put Palin on the ticket for 2012. I have faith in them...:eusa_pray:

In case you havn't noticed, from this board at least, the "USArmyRetired's" of the right are in the minority.

I hope you are wrong....:eusa_pray:


That "minority" as you call it, helped get idiots like Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell on the GOP tickets in the mid-terms, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory for the GOP. Trust me, "the base" is strong and equally stupid.

that depends on what kind of "victory" one seeks, the rep. machine anointed candidate ( Castle) would have most certainly gone along with the lame duck rhinos, retiree's etc., I don't call that "victory'.
worst case senario;

Palin does run. She loses the primarie and ends up a VP candidate.

There's simply no way she makes it to the top ticket. To many people remember she quit and know that she will be almost as dividing as obama.

Best case;

We keep obama, take both houses and make him little more than a puppet for 4 years, then Take the WH, and have our own trifecta.

Then we will see it the TEA party walks the walk or it's all talk.

she's far more divisive than obama. independents would chew off their own arms before they'd pull the lever for her

you don't have a 'puppet' as you put it unless you have the votes to override a veto.

that isn't going to happen.
In case you havn't noticed, from this board at least, the "USArmyRetired's" of the right are in the minority.

I hope you are wrong....:eusa_pray:


That "minority" as you call it, helped get idiots like Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell on the GOP tickets in the mid-terms, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory for the GOP. Trust me, "the base" is strong and equally stupid.

that depends on what kind of "victory" one seeks, the rep. machine anointed candidate ( Castle) would have most certainly gone along with the lame duck rhinos, retiree's etc., I don't call that "victory'.

Sooooo....O'Donnell's trouncing was a "victory"???:eusa_eh:
Maybe she is interested in Running the RNC Convention?

i don't think she'll settle for anything less than the top spot. since hillary didn't make it, it would put sawwah in the record books as the first female presidential candidate for a major party.

i don't think she'll be able to resist going for it... unless her numbers continue to drop and she thinks she'll be embarrassed.

It doesn't matter what she wants.

Anyone can run for the GOP or DNC nomination, if you don't get either of those, no one, or at least not enough people, care about you. The media completly shuns 3rd party candidates.

Granted, Palin has the star power to almost make it, but that would ensure obama gets re-elected.

Thus leading to my best case senario.
Maybe she is interested in Running the RNC Convention?

i don't think she'll settle for anything less than the top spot. since hillary didn't make it, it would put sawwah in the record books as the first female presidential candidate for a major party.

i don't think she'll be able to resist going for it... unless her numbers continue to drop and she thinks she'll be embarrassed.

It doesn't matter what she wants.

Anyone can run for the GOP or DNC nomination, if you don't get either of those, no one, or at least not enough people, care about you. The media completly shuns 3rd party candidates.

Granted, Palin has the star power to almost make it, but that would ensure obama gets re-elected.

Thus leading to my best case senario.

you keep talking like obama is a less popular president than reagan or clinton or baby bush at this time in their presidency. he isn't. in fact, daddy bush was the popular one at this point in his presidency.

your best case scenario, as i said, doesn't happen unless you can override vetos. you also underestimate the popularity of some of the programs that the right hates the most. trust me, a parent with a kidwho is covered by insurance or who was kept covered despite a pre-existing condition isn't going to vote for someone who votes to 'repeal' it.

the repubs problem is that the 'base' is who votes in the primary.
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worst case senario;

Palin does run. She loses the primarie and ends up a VP candidate.

There's simply no way she makes it to the top ticket. To many people remember she quit and know that she will be almost as dividing as obama.

Best case;

We keep obama, take both houses and make him little more than a puppet for 4 years, then Take the WH, and have our own trifecta.

Then we will see it the TEA party walks the walk or it's all talk.

she's far more divisive than obama.I disagree. I have never seen nor heard of a more divisive Pres than obama. independents would chew off their own arms before they'd pull the lever for her so you're depending on me? How sweet.

you don't have a 'puppet' as you put it unless you have the votes to override a veto.

that isn't going to happen.

Then that leads to the best of the best of my political dreams; :eusa_drool:

Gridlock in DC. Nothing gets done so they can't make things worse. :eusa_pray:
i don't think she'll settle for anything less than the top spot. since hillary didn't make it, it would put sawwah in the record books as the first female presidential candidate for a major party.

i don't think she'll be able to resist going for it... unless her numbers continue to drop and she thinks she'll be embarrassed.

It doesn't matter what she wants.

Anyone can run for the GOP or DNC nomination, if you don't get either of those, no one, or at least not enough people, care about you. The media completly shuns 3rd party candidates.

Granted, Palin has the star power to almost make it, but that would ensure obama gets re-elected.

Thus leading to my best case senario.

you keep talking like obama is a less popular president than reagan or clinton or baby bush at this time in their presidency. he isn't. in fact, daddy bush was the popular one at this point in his presidency.

your best case scenario, as i said, doesn't happen unless you can override vetos. you also underestimate the popularity of some of the programs that the right hates the most. trust me, a parent with a kidwho is covered by insurance or who was kept covered despite a pre-existing condition isn't going to vote for someone who votes to 'repeal' it.

Hence, I predict NO sitting GOP member of Congress will push to have "Obamacare" repealed. Regardless of the rhetoric they used to fool ths weak minded into voting for them.
worst case senario;

Palin does run. She loses the primarie and ends up a VP candidate.

There's simply no way she makes it to the top ticket. To many people remember she quit and know that she will be almost as dividing as obama.

Best case;

We keep obama, take both houses and make him little more than a puppet for 4 years, then Take the WH, and have our own trifecta.

Then we will see it the TEA party walks the walk or it's all talk.

she's far more divisive than obama.I disagree. I have never seen nor heard of a more divisive Pres than obama. independents would chew off their own arms before they'd pull the lever for her so you're depending on me? How sweet.

you don't have a 'puppet' as you put it unless you have the votes to override a veto.

that isn't going to happen.

Then that leads to the best of the best of my political dreams; :eusa_drool:

Gridlock in DC. Nothing gets done so they can't make things worse. :eusa_pray:

and therein lies the ultimate difference between us. i don't hate government. and people who do hate government should never be in power.

as for divisiveness... i will try to find the numbers. no question that the right hates obama, but the middle doesn't. they voted for him and will do so again if the economy keeps turning around.... the middle will never vote for palin. she's now even dividing republicans (see o/p).

so i think you're seeing it through partisan colored glasses.
i don't think she'll settle for anything less than the top spot. since hillary didn't make it, it would put sawwah in the record books as the first female presidential candidate for a major party.

i don't think she'll be able to resist going for it... unless her numbers continue to drop and she thinks she'll be embarrassed.

It doesn't matter what she wants.

Anyone can run for the GOP or DNC nomination, if you don't get either of those, no one, or at least not enough people, care about you. The media completly shuns 3rd party candidates.

Granted, Palin has the star power to almost make it, but that would ensure obama gets re-elected.

Thus leading to my best case senario.

you keep talking like obama is a less popular president than reagan or clinton or baby bush at this time in their presidency. he isn't. in fact, daddy bush was the popular one at this point in his presidency.

your best case scenario, as i said, doesn't happen unless you can override vetos. you also underestimate the popularity of some of the programs that the right hates the most. trust me, a parent with a kidwho is covered by insurance or who was kept covered despite a pre-existing condition isn't going to vote for someone who votes to 'repeal' it.

the repubs problem is that the 'base' is who votes in the primary.

Obama doesn't have the sam Charisma as Reagan or Clinton. Jr was a war Pres and they tend to be shoe ins. Sr, pfft "Read my lips." got him shit canned.

Who said we need to repeal the whole of Obamacare? Much of it is likable, much more is assinine. Who's gonna vote for people that force them to buy a product?

lemme float this past you;

As much as I consider clinton a traitor, when he had to deal with a Congress dominated by (R) we had a great economy. We always have a great economy when (R) runs Congress. so you guys look good, we all get a great economy and a soft (R) take the WH in '16.
It doesn't matter what she wants.

Anyone can run for the GOP or DNC nomination, if you don't get either of those, no one, or at least not enough people, care about you. The media completly shuns 3rd party candidates.

Granted, Palin has the star power to almost make it, but that would ensure obama gets re-elected.

Thus leading to my best case senario.

you keep talking like obama is a less popular president than reagan or clinton or baby bush at this time in their presidency. he isn't. in fact, daddy bush was the popular one at this point in his presidency.

your best case scenario, as i said, doesn't happen unless you can override vetos. you also underestimate the popularity of some of the programs that the right hates the most. trust me, a parent with a kidwho is covered by insurance or who was kept covered despite a pre-existing condition isn't going to vote for someone who votes to 'repeal' it.

Hence, I predict NO sitting GOP member of Congress will push to have "Obamacare" repealed. Regardless of the rhetoric they used to fool ths weak minded into voting for them.

i don't know. i think some of the new electees are stupid enough to do it. you think rand paul won't vote to dump things that help people?
you keep talking like obama is a less popular president than reagan or clinton or baby bush at this time in their presidency. he isn't. in fact, daddy bush was the popular one at this point in his presidency.

your best case scenario, as i said, doesn't happen unless you can override vetos. you also underestimate the popularity of some of the programs that the right hates the most. trust me, a parent with a kidwho is covered by insurance or who was kept covered despite a pre-existing condition isn't going to vote for someone who votes to 'repeal' it.

Hence, I predict NO sitting GOP member of Congress will push to have "Obamacare" repealed. Regardless of the rhetoric they used to fool ths weak minded into voting for them.

i don't know. i think some of the new electees are stupid enough to do it. you think rand paul won't vote to dump things that help people?

I don't have the numbers at hand, but look at Rand's constituency and see how many people will be positively impacted by the whole of Obamacare. KY is not a rich state.
she's far more divisive than obama.I disagree. I have never seen nor heard of a more divisive Pres than obama. independents would chew off their own arms before they'd pull the lever for her so you're depending on me? How sweet.

you don't have a 'puppet' as you put it unless you have the votes to override a veto.

that isn't going to happen.

Then that leads to the best of the best of my political dreams; :eusa_drool:

Gridlock in DC. Nothing gets done so they can't make things worse. :eusa_pray:

and therein lies the ultimate difference between us. i don't hate government. and people who do hate government should never be in power.

as for divisiveness... i will try to find the numbers. no question that the right hates obama, but the middle doesn't. they voted for him and will do so again if the economy keeps turning around.... the middle will never vote for palin. she's now even dividing republicans (see o/p).

so i think you're seeing it through partisan colored glasses.[/QUOTE]

Well if that aint the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what that saying means :laugh2:
Hence, I predict NO sitting GOP member of Congress will push to have "Obamacare" repealed. Regardless of the rhetoric they used to fool ths weak minded into voting for them.

i don't know. i think some of the new electees are stupid enough to do it. you think rand paul won't vote to dump things that help people?

I don't have the numbers at hand, but look at Rand's constituency and see how many people will be positively impacted by the whole of Obamacare. KY is not a rich state.

The Pauls will check the Constitution and vote that way.

I'll take the Constitution, warts and all over feel good power grabs any day of the week.

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