PALIN not invited to McCain funeral

Palin was McCain's choice as his running mate. The question is whether McCain was in his right mind in his last year of brain cancer and whether left wing political operatives on his staff were signing his name to all sorts of stuff.
Palin was McCain's choice as his running mate. The question is whether McCain was in his right mind in his last year of brain cancer and whether left wing political operatives on his staff were signing his name to all sorts of stuff.
Oh, yeah left wing operatives went through the trouble to get jobs in John McCain's office for the sole purpose of not inviting Sarah Palin to his funeral. Only Trumpers could believe that...oh wait!
Palin was McCain's choice as his running mate. The question is whether McCain was in his right mind in his last year of brain cancer and whether left wing political operatives on his staff were signing his name to all sorts of stuff.

Wow. You do realize that virtually everything after 'Palin was McCain's choice as his running mate' was just imaginary nonsense you made up, backed by nothing?

The question is.....why is so much of what conservatives believe imaginary bullshit, pulled sideways out of their collective asses?
She was excluded from his funeral. For no good reason. Fuck the McCains. Yea, RIP. Rot in peace.

So you too were 'excluded' from his funeral? You didn't get an invite either.

And McCain has sacrificed far more for his country that Palin or Trump ever have.
And McCain has sacrificed far more for his country that Palin or Trump ever have.

Which calls into question what residual from his brainwashing experience made so willing, in his later years, to betray America to its primary enemy - The Democrat Party.

Or, McCain simply didn't feel that the legislation regarding the repeal of Obamacare was good for the American people.

My explanation is far simpler and backed by evidence. While yours involves 'brainwashing', conspiracy, and assorted batshit.
Right, and to prove it, we nominated Hillary for president. It was just one of our cruel practical jokes on women.

You mean the one who said that women just voted for whomever their husbands and employers told them to vote for?

Uhm, yeah, so as a woman, thanks assholes.

Next time, make sure that you tell us which woman it would be your choice to nominate, so that we make no similar mistake.

I don't vote for people based on what's between their legs... You class ID folks are just warped about shit sometimes. Here's another mind blower; I'm perfectly fine with it if no woman ever gets elected into the White House. In fact, I'd rather it be true that an unqualified woman /never/ does, than to see a non-qualified woman did, or even that a "less qualified than her opponents" woman did.

I actually believe in woman's suffrage, not this bullshit modern crap, but the real deal where women are judged the same as men, upon their merits and abilities, rather than they simply be given the "special treatment" and "protections" that the movement wanted to get rid of back in the 1800s. Playing class ID politics turns you into a regressive.

Well, is Elisabeth Warren alright with you? We just want to make sure that she meets your approval, as a woman, of course.

By me? No, I don't like her politics.

I'll save you some time kid, you'd be hard pressed to find a woman I'd vote into the WH, I can't think of one off hand. Problem is that I'm a capitalist and most of the capitalist leaning women of legal age are too busy spending their hard fought and earned retirement with their family to risk dallying in politics - and subsequently having their entire lives destroyed by leftists.

I'm not giving up, trying to please you. How about Ann Coulter?
I am sure his family doesn't want to be reminded of one of the worst decisions he could have made. Skeletons should stay in the closet.

It was his best decision, it showed us how the left really hates women .


Right, and to prove it, we nominated Hillary for president. It was just one of our cruel practical jokes on women.

That's proof? There for a while in Obama's term their was only two female govenors that we're Democrat and four that we're conservatives..

You guys claim to love women yet the proof is in the pudding, same goes for blacks how many black senetors were their? ( I am still amazed at how few)


Sorry, Bear, your trolling is way too transplant for me. Fortunately, all I have to do is click on my antitrolling button, and "poof"~~ you have disappeared!
You mean the one who said that women just voted for whomever their husbands and employers told them to vote for?

Uhm, yeah, so as a woman, thanks assholes.

Next time, make sure that you tell us which woman it would be your choice to nominate, so that we make no similar mistake.

I don't vote for people based on what's between their legs... You class ID folks are just warped about shit sometimes. Here's another mind blower; I'm perfectly fine with it if no woman ever gets elected into the White House. In fact, I'd rather it be true that an unqualified woman /never/ does, than to see a non-qualified woman did, or even that a "less qualified than her opponents" woman did.

I actually believe in woman's suffrage, not this bullshit modern crap, but the real deal where women are judged the same as men, upon their merits and abilities, rather than they simply be given the "special treatment" and "protections" that the movement wanted to get rid of back in the 1800s. Playing class ID politics turns you into a regressive.

Well, is Elisabeth Warren alright with you? We just want to make sure that she meets your approval, as a woman, of course.

By me? No, I don't like her politics.

I'll save you some time kid, you'd be hard pressed to find a woman I'd vote into the WH, I can't think of one off hand. Problem is that I'm a capitalist and most of the capitalist leaning women of legal age are too busy spending their hard fought and earned retirement with their family to risk dallying in politics - and subsequently having their entire lives destroyed by leftists.

I'm not giving up, trying to please you. How about Ann Coulter?

You're likely wasting your time, still I find it amusing so I'll play along.

Coulter is a religious zealot who despises SSM, something I spent the majority of my adult life fighting for. She is pro-life, I am not. She hates nearly all liberal ideals, even the ones a moderate social liberal like myself is okay with (see pro-choice, SSM, etc.) She is not a fan of women voting, blames liberal women for it (which while I can see where she's coming from, I'm anti-[third-wave]-feminist myself, I think she's throwing the baby out with the bathwater and painting with far to broad a brush.) She also believes folks like myself are anti-american and a "threat" to the nation (when really, we're just a threat to her /personal/ views - which from my personal point of view are far too religious for 1A and far too "hard right" for the majority of American's.)
I wasn't excluded from his funeral. I was never mentioned by his family, she was. His FUCKING RUNNING MATE THAT HE CHOSE. Who NEVER spoke a single bad word about him.

Again, Fuck the McCains. Plane crashing scum.
So what does that tell you?
Tells me last thing McCain did on this earth is try to play petty games and diss people who could give a damn what he thinks. Big bad john. boy he learned them...he learned em real good....
Very little time and effort were needed by McCain to swat a few annoying pests. Maybe 5 seconds and a few words.

Ya mean to pucker up for a fast blowjob....fuck mcstain!!!
Next time, make sure that you tell us which woman it would be your choice to nominate, so that we make no similar mistake.

I don't vote for people based on what's between their legs... You class ID folks are just warped about shit sometimes. Here's another mind blower; I'm perfectly fine with it if no woman ever gets elected into the White House. In fact, I'd rather it be true that an unqualified woman /never/ does, than to see a non-qualified woman did, or even that a "less qualified than her opponents" woman did.

I actually believe in woman's suffrage, not this bullshit modern crap, but the real deal where women are judged the same as men, upon their merits and abilities, rather than they simply be given the "special treatment" and "protections" that the movement wanted to get rid of back in the 1800s. Playing class ID politics turns you into a regressive.

Well, is Elisabeth Warren alright with you? We just want to make sure that she meets your approval, as a woman, of course.

By me? No, I don't like her politics.

I'll save you some time kid, you'd be hard pressed to find a woman I'd vote into the WH, I can't think of one off hand. Problem is that I'm a capitalist and most of the capitalist leaning women of legal age are too busy spending their hard fought and earned retirement with their family to risk dallying in politics - and subsequently having their entire lives destroyed by leftists.

I'm not giving up, trying to please you. How about Ann Coulter?

You're likely wasting your time, still I find it amusing so I'll play along.

Coulter is a religious zealot who despises SSM, something I spent the majority of my adult life fighting for. She is pro-life, I am not. She hates nearly all liberal ideals, even the ones a moderate social liberal like myself is okay with (see pro-choice, SSM, etc.) She is not a fan of women voting, blames liberal women for it (which while I can see where she's coming from, I'm anti-[third-wave]-feminist myself, I think she's throwing the baby out with the bathwater and painting with far to broad a brush.) She also believes folks like myself are anti-american and a "threat" to the nation (when really, we're just a threat to her /personal/ views - which from my personal point of view are far too religious for 1A and far too "hard right" for the majority of American's.)

Ok, so you are not a radical RW nut. You are a right leaning Republican, who happens to be a woman. You have my sympathy. I was a republican for about 30 years, before they went off the rails and lost their minds. Anyway, most of us don't give a rat's ass if the next president is a woman or not. We do care if the next president is a democrat who is electable. We do care if Trump is allowed to do even more permeant damage to this country. Consequently, we will not nominate Sanders, nor will we nominate another Hillary clone.

My sincerest sympathy for your mind set that democrats disrespect women. Frankly, you have been listening to too much AM radio.
Wait....this guy died like a week ago.....he's still not buried yet?:wtf:
He is getting heroes and beloved leaders send off and good-bye. Memorial services and tributes are being given in multiple states and the national Capitol.

All the respect must drive you nuts.

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