palin really is an idiot....

Wrong as usual, rightard. Just cause you're too lazy to find it doesn't mean I lied.

Besides, you're still stuck with the fact that the Republican led Congress failed to pass reform while they were in control. Your own link says so...

In fact, it was Congress that flatly rejected President Bush's call more than five years ago to reform the GSEs.

Remind me again ... which party controlled Congress during those first 4 critical years?

What was interest rates and inflation rates in 1981? I'll keep asking you till you post it or run away.
WTF cares if you keep asking irrelevant questions? I gave you the NBER list of recessions and proved there was no recession. When Reagan be a me president.

Deal with it. Or don't. Who cares?

From the biased NY Times that full of shit.

What was the interest rate and inflation rate in 1981. This will point to a recession or not.
Wrong as usual, rightard. Just cause you're too lazy to find it doesn't mean I lied.

Besides, you're still stuck with the fact that the Republican led Congress failed to pass reform while they were in control. Your own link says so...

In fact, it was Congress that flatly rejected President Bush's call more than five years ago to reform the GSEs.

Remind me again ... which party controlled Congress during those first 4 critical years?

What was interest rates and inflation rates in 1981? I'll keep asking you till you post it or run away.
WTF cares if you keep asking irrelevant questions? I gave you the NBER list of recessions and proved there was no recession. When Reagan be a me president.

Deal with it. Or don't. Who cares?

From the biased NY Times that full of shit.

What was the interest rate and inflation rate in 1981. This will point to a recession or not.
What the fuck does the New Times have to do with this?

Interest rates and inflation do not dictate recessions. Looking at inflation rates an interest rates during the Great Recession reveal that.

What do you think GDP has to do with recessions?

Regardless of your idiocy, I gave you a link to the NBER which shows there was no recession when Reagan became president; and you don't get to re-write history to fit into your biased partisan agenda.


You were saying,
1980-82 Early 1980s Recession - Timeline - Slaying the Dragon of Debt - Regional Oral History Office - University of California Berkeley

How about the federal reserve,
Recession of 1981 82 - A detailed essay on an important event in the history of the Federal Reserve.

U.S double digits unemployment rate of 1980-1981 vs. 2008-2009 single digit InvestmentWatch

How about another,

The U.S. Recession of 1980-1982



The American Economy During the 1980s
Holyfuckingshit!! :eusa_doh:

Do you even read your own links??

From the first link: "The 1980-82 recession, which the National Bureau of Economic Research considers as two separate recessions (one lasting for the first six months of 1980, the other from July 1981 to November 19)

From the next link: "The economy officially entered a recession in the third quarter of 1981"

From another: "Only part of the period would fit the notion of recession as a period of decline in GDP and even less of it would fit the strict definition of a recession as a period in which the GDP declined for two quarters or more. But clearly the whole period of 1980-82 is one of an economic malaise and represents an episode of economic difficulty."[/b]

From yet another: "The early 1980s recession was a severe recession in the United States which began in July 1981"

And another: "The nation endured a deep recession throughout 1982."

So let's tally up the damage ... 5 out of 6 of your links actually confirm what I said, which makes you look like a moron.

And the 6th was from the NYTimes, which you earlier disqualified as "biased" and "full of shit."

All you've done is prove me right. :mm:

Meanwhile, what you're incapable of doing, is proving the NBER is wrong; and the NBER says there was no recession when Reagan became president.

sorry. Maybe you'll have better luck when we argue some other topic. :dunno:
She gave her dog away, she wasn't standing there laughing and taking pictures while some big kid was breaking a poor dog's back. That is what Palin was doing. You want to talk about someone else, start another thread. If you'd like to talk about abortion with Stephanie, there are plenty of them out there.

This one is about Sarah Palin's stupidity.
She gave her dog away, she wasn't standing there laughing and taking pictures while some big kid was breaking a poor dog's back. That is what Palin was doing. You want to talk about someone else, start another thread. If you'd like to talk about abortion with Stephanie, there are plenty of them out there.

This one is about Sarah Palin's stupidity.
Thanks for proving to be a hypocrite. The difference is one is conservative and one is liberal. Really I do see anything wrong with either, the dog would let the kid know if they didn't want them there.
Faun your are officially wrong and without an argument. Considered yourself fucked and blown out of this argument. Wow, did you ever set yourself up for that. Holy shit!
Wait ... what ... ??

You posted 5 links which showed there were two separate recessions. One ended in the 2nd quarter of 2000 and a second recession starting in the 3rd quarter of 2001.
Leave it to an imbecile like you to prove me right and then idiotically claim I lost.

She gave her dog away, she wasn't standing there laughing and taking pictures while some big kid was breaking a poor dog's back. That is what Palin was doing. You want to talk about someone else, start another thread. If you'd like to talk about abortion with Stephanie, there are plenty of them out there.

This one is about Sarah Palin's stupidity.
Thanks for proving to be a hypocrite. The difference is one is conservative and one is liberal. Really I do see anything wrong with either, the dog would let the kid know if they didn't want them there.

Sarah is so consumed with hate for Sarah Palin that's her spin on things.
dogs would give their life up for their human companion. especially one that is trained for the little boy who has downs syndrome. Some people would rather dump on this mother instead of feeling compassion for the little boy and his dog

sick and twisted with hate and it's damn ugly
She gave her dog away, she wasn't standing there laughing and taking pictures while some big kid was breaking a poor dog's back. That is what Palin was doing. You want to talk about someone else, start another thread. If you'd like to talk about abortion with Stephanie, there are plenty of them out there.

This one is about Sarah Palin's stupidity.
Thanks for proving to be a hypocrite. The difference is one is conservative and one is liberal. Really I do see anything wrong with either, the dog would let the kid know if they didn't want them there.

Sarah is so consumed with hate for Sarah Palin that's her spin on things.
dogs would give their life up for their human companion. especially one that is trained for the little boy who has downs syndrome. Some people would rather dump on this mother instead of feeling compassion for the little boy and his dog

sick and twist with hate.
Sarah is a partisan hack, she gets outraged at Palin but will give ellen a break. Thinks Obama treats his dog well when it can't even ride with the family going on vacation. Bo is nothing but props for Obama, just like his grandma was.
You're too dumb for words, :gay: vagisil :gay:. Not only does that not cite a single "maneuver" which held up any bills .... it doesn't even cite any bills. All it does is show how Democrats were against reform.

But moron .... Democrats did not control the Congress between 2003 and 2006. Democrats did not control any of the committees. Republicans did and Frist sat on every reform bill. You said yourself he held them up like Reid held up bills.

Let me see I I can explain this to the forum, you're too fucking stupid to understand this.... Like the last Congress had Mclame, Graham, and a handful of other RINO Republican's that acted MUCH LIKE DemocRATS, the same people and others were involved in holding up legislation.... today we have.....


Need I say more, as I believe I got the correct message through to people with a 3 digit IQ.... Please PAWN, stop whining, you keep embarrassing usual!
So now you've reduced your losing argument to RINO's held up the legislation??

What, the TRUTH too hard for you to believe? You've LIED so long you haven't got a clue what truth is anymore!
:gay: vagisil :gay:, you've proven here tonight that "truth" to you is whatever you can make up. This last piece of idiocy of yours proves it. You actually went from blaming Barney Frank to RINO's for failing to pass reform.

That highlights your insanity better than I ever could. By the eay, you lost this argument the moment you blamed Barney Frank. Was Barney Frank on the wrong side of the issue? Absofuckinglutely. Did Barney Frank kill any reform bills? No, he couldn't, you schvance. There were at least 5 bills attempting reform during those 5 Years between 2003 and 2007. One was originated in the House. Though Frank voted against it, he could not and did not prevent it from passing in the House. It died in the Senate because Senate leadership wouldn't put it on the legislative calendar for a full vote in the Senate. Two more bills originated in the Senate. Both made it out of committee but neither one was put to a full Senate vote. Again, House member Barney Frank could not and did not prevent either of those Senate bills from passing. The 4th bill was sponsored by Frank, so he clearly didn't prevent that one. The 5th was sponsored by Pelosi and Frank voted for it.

It's all in the timeline quoted, you stupid bastard, you can try and confuse the public, but you can't change recorded history! OCD a little more on this, try to gather a few brain cells this time.... Funny how these liberal scum concentrate on trivial matters!:ahole-1:
And yet, not a single bill is cited in that piece. Quite astounding you think you've proven Barney Frank or any RINOs pevented any bills without actually citing them.

What more proof of your insanity is needed?
She gave her dog away, she wasn't standing there laughing and taking pictures while some big kid was breaking a poor dog's back. That is what Palin was doing. You want to talk about someone else, start another thread. If you'd like to talk about abortion with Stephanie, there are plenty of them out there.

This one is about Sarah Palin's stupidity.
Thanks for proving to be a hypocrite. The difference is one is conservative and one is liberal. Really I do see anything wrong with either, the dog would let the kid know if they didn't want them there.

Sarah is so consumed with hate for Sarah Palin that's her spin on things.
dogs would give their life up for their human companion. especially one that is trained for the little boy who has downs syndrome. Some people would rather dump on this mother instead of feeling compassion for the little boy and his dog

sick and twist with hate.
Sarah is a partisan hack, she gets outraged at Palin but will give ellen a break. Thinks Obama treats his dog well when it can't even ride with the family going on vacation. Bo is nothing but props for Obama, just like his grandma was.

None of these people wailing over this picture has a clue on animals. they just pretend they do. that dog could be trained for that because the little boy has down syndrome. do they know or care? no because it's Sarah Palin
She gave her dog away, she wasn't standing there laughing and taking pictures while some big kid was breaking a poor dog's back. That is what Palin was doing. You want to talk about someone else, start another thread. If you'd like to talk about abortion with Stephanie, there are plenty of them out there.

This one is about Sarah Palin's stupidity.
Thanks for proving to be a hypocrite. The difference is one is conservative and one is liberal. Really I do see anything wrong with either, the dog would let the kid know if they didn't want them there.

Sarah is so consumed with hate for Sarah Palin that's her spin on things.
dogs would give their life up for their human companion. especially one that is trained for the little boy who has downs syndrome. Some people would rather dump on this mother instead of feeling compassion for the little boy and his dog

sick and twisted with hate and it's damn ugly
You're ugly when you drunk post, Steph. :wine:

You drinking today already or do you wait until at least 5:00?
She gave her dog away, she wasn't standing there laughing and taking pictures while some big kid was breaking a poor dog's back. That is what Palin was doing. You want to talk about someone else, start another thread. If you'd like to talk about abortion with Stephanie, there are plenty of them out there.

This one is about Sarah Palin's stupidity.
Thanks for proving to be a hypocrite. The difference is one is conservative and one is liberal. Really I do see anything wrong with either, the dog would let the kid know if they didn't want them there.

Sarah is so consumed with hate for Sarah Palin that's her spin on things.
dogs would give their life up for their human companion. especially one that is trained for the little boy who has downs syndrome. Some people would rather dump on this mother instead of feeling compassion for the little boy and his dog

sick and twisted with hate and it's damn ugly
You're ugly when you drunk post, Steph. :wine:

You drinking today already or do you wait until at least 5:00?

Sarah you want to see ugly go back and look at your posting in this thread. Now I'm done with your ugly hate
She gave her dog away, she wasn't standing there laughing and taking pictures while some big kid was breaking a poor dog's back. That is what Palin was doing. You want to talk about someone else, start another thread. If you'd like to talk about abortion with Stephanie, there are plenty of them out there.

This one is about Sarah Palin's stupidity.
Thanks for proving to be a hypocrite. The difference is one is conservative and one is liberal. Really I do see anything wrong with either, the dog would let the kid know if they didn't want them there.

Sarah is so consumed with hate for Sarah Palin that's her spin on things.
dogs would give their life up for their human companion. especially one that is trained for the little boy who has downs syndrome. Some people would rather dump on this mother instead of feeling compassion for the little boy and his dog

sick and twisted with hate and it's damn ugly
You're ugly when you drunk post, Steph. :wine:

You drinking today already or do you wait until at least 5:00?

Sarah you want to see ugly go back and look at your posting in this thread. Now I'm done with your ugly hate
Good, go away. I know you won't tho.
She gave her dog away, she wasn't standing there laughing and taking pictures while some big kid was breaking a poor dog's back. That is what Palin was doing. You want to talk about someone else, start another thread. If you'd like to talk about abortion with Stephanie, there are plenty of them out there.

This one is about Sarah Palin's stupidity.
Thanks for proving to be a hypocrite. The difference is one is conservative and one is liberal. Really I do see anything wrong with either, the dog would let the kid know if they didn't want them there.

Sarah is so consumed with hate for Sarah Palin that's her spin on things.
dogs would give their life up for their human companion. especially one that is trained for the little boy who has downs syndrome. Some people would rather dump on this mother instead of feeling compassion for the little boy and his dog

sick and twisted with hate and it's damn ugly
You're ugly when you drunk post, Steph. :wine:

You drinking today already or do you wait until at least 5:00?

Sarah you want to see ugly go back and look at your posting in this thread. Now I'm done with your ugly hate
Good, go away. I know you won't tho.

You should slink away, you've shown your ass over a little handicapped boy and his dog.
But we know you won't because you don't have any shame when it comes to Sarah Palin
Let's see, who started this thread back up this morning. Oh yeah, it was a Con, Zoomie. Stephanie also picked up that ball and ran with it before I came in here.

They must be the real Palin haters, they just love seeing her trashed on a daily basis.
She gave her dog away, she wasn't standing there laughing and taking pictures while some big kid was breaking a poor dog's back. That is what Palin was doing. You want to talk about someone else, start another thread. If you'd like to talk about abortion with Stephanie, there are plenty of them out there.

This one is about Sarah Palin's stupidity.
Thanks for proving to be a hypocrite. The difference is one is conservative and one is liberal. Really I do see anything wrong with either, the dog would let the kid know if they didn't want them there.

Sarah is so consumed with hate for Sarah Palin that's her spin on things.
dogs would give their life up for their human companion. especially one that is trained for the little boy who has downs syndrome. Some people would rather dump on this mother instead of feeling compassion for the little boy and his dog

sick and twist with hate.
Sarah is a partisan hack, she gets outraged at Palin but will give ellen a break. Thinks Obama treats his dog well when it can't even ride with the family going on vacation. Bo is nothing but props for Obama, just like his grandma was.
Looks like you're an even bigger partisan hack. Lookie here, a photo of Bo riding with the family on vacation. Something you claim doesn't happen....

Let's see, who started this thread back up this morning. Oh yeah, it was a Con, Zoomie. Stephanie also picked up that ball and ran with it before I came in here.

They must be the real Palin haters, they just love seeing her trashed on a daily basis.

And they forced you to jump back in it I guess. Not going to work my dear. it's all on you obsessive libs and your obsessive hate for Sarah Palin, starting the OP who posted it
Let's see, who started this thread back up this morning. Oh yeah, it was a Con, Zoomie. Stephanie also picked up that ball and ran with it before I came in here.

They must be the real Palin haters, they just love seeing her trashed on a daily basis.

And they forced you to jump back in it I guess. Not going to work my dear. it's all on you obsessive libs and your obsessive hate for Sarah Palin, starting the OP who posted it
Not "they", "you". You continue to whine that I am keeping this topic alive when it is really you who is doing that. I know it is difficult keeping things straight when you drink a lot but that is what is happening. You opened this back up this morning right along with your wingnutty friend, Zoomie.

You've said you were leaving this thread several times now. Why not go if it tortures you so to see your heroine trashed like this?

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