Palin says media easier on Kennedy because of class.

lol, are you this stupid in real life?

Neither is a BAD thing. Both have their advantages or disadvantages in politics, depending on other factors (the willingness to embrace something different) not acknowledge that is incredibly naive, something I never thought you were.

You're the one that first equated disadvantage with being a bad thing. And now you're running from your own words. How Shogun-like of you.
Wuss. Being gay would have been a disadvantage this time around. Who the future it may be a benefit. Almost everything depends on the mindset of the majority.

Unless she was a gay black lesbian, Hillary went far just having 2 out of the 3.:lol::lol::lol:
I'm still waiting for Ravi (or anyone) to offer one shred of evidence to support the position that being black gave Obama an advantage in the election. Anything at all.

I offer a long history of racism as ample evidence supporting my position that it was an obstacle to overcome. Show me something that even comes close on the other side to not only neutralize this obstacle, but actually provide a net benefit. Please, I want to know how so many people have convinced themselves that, all else being equal, his blackness helped win him more votes than it cost him. It really makes absolutely no logical sense to me whatsoever.
Mani just let the Racism crap go. This time around race wasa help to him in the general maybe not as much as the 8 years of the most God awful pounding I've ever seen any president take in the 45 years I've been following politics, but it most certainly helped in the General. It helped even more in the primaries where the power of African american block voting is magnified by the fact that African Americans make up a far higher percentage of Democratic voters than of the elctorate over all especially in the South.
I'm still waiting for Ravi (or anyone) to offer one shred of evidence to support the position that being black gave Obama an advantage in the election. Anything at all.

I offer a long history of racism as ample evidence supporting my position that it was an obstacle to overcome. Show me something that even comes close on the other side to not only neutralize this obstacle, but actually provide a net benefit. Please, I want to know how so many people have convinced themselves that, all else being equal, his blackness helped win him more votes than it cost him. It really makes absolutely no logical sense to me whatsoever.

Being black is the new black. So is being gay. He was elected because, among other things, he's in fashion.
I'm still waiting for Ravi (or anyone) to offer one shred of evidence to support the position that being black gave Obama an advantage in the election. Anything at all.

I offer a long history of racism as ample evidence supporting my position that it was an obstacle to overcome. Show me something that even comes close on the other side to not only neutralize this obstacle, but actually provide a net benefit. Please, I want to know how so many people have convinced themselves that, all else being equal, his blackness helped win him more votes than it cost him. It really makes absolutely no logical sense to me whatsoever.

You're naive and a putz, it's no wonder why you were putty in that fraud Osama's semi-black hands.
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Ravi says: mani thinks being black was a disadvantage to Obama and therefore mani thinks being black is a bad thing.


If ravi thinks that being gay would be a disadvantage, ravi must think that being gay is a bad thing.

This revelation should probably have it's own thread.

your faulty premises are showing...

I think Sarah Palin should shut up while she's ahead-after all, no one even knew who Palin was until John McCain picked her "out of the blue" to be his v.p., and Palin only has a B.A. degree in journalism-not politics. She minored in politics. So, she really should just shut up about C. Kennedy.
You're the one that first equated disadvantage with being a bad thing. And now you're running from your own words. How Shogun-like of you.
In reality I asked why you thought it was a bad thing. Though you deny you think that, methinks you protest too much.
Being black is the new black. So is being gay. He was elected because, among other things, he's in fashion.
Thanks, Angie. You've summed it up perfectly. I think Mani is embarrassed to admit that packing not only sells a product, it also sold Mani.
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Things change, Mani. I can't help it if you are stuck in a different time zone. It saddens me that you can't admit that being black is not a bad thing.

In reality I asked why you thought it was a bad thing. Though you deny you think that, methinks you protest too much.

You usually do a better job disguising your lies.

will this woman never fade back in the woodwork from which she came...palin has no class...just listen to her

Here is what I've learned from the media about Caroline Kennedy:

She's rich and elitist
She is one of these people that says "you know" constantly
She has no experience

If that is being kind I must admit I am amazed.

Palin whining that the media was harsh on her is like Bozo the Clown asking why people laugh at him.

WTF is she whining about? The media has panned some of those Kennedy appearances.

Here's another great example of palin whining. She wanted to throw her hands up and cry "no mas" after day one of the Couric interview. But the campaign forced her to go back and do day two of the interview:

And here devnell thought he needed to create a peanut gallery.:rolleyes:
Basically, it boils down to who is connected and with who.

Kennedy is not remotely qualified, and would have been crowned because of her connections. Of course, these days Kennedy no longer has the cachet it used to have. The Kennedy Cult is passing on. The big believers in Camelot were young once, but are no longer. Most of the true believers are now in their 70s.

Palin is a little whiney that she still has to claw her way to anything she can get, and the Kennedys of the world still get everything on a platter. I find it distasteful that in a republic we have families who believe authority is theirs as a matter of right. That the press acts as prostitutes like this is even more aggravating. I think she has a right to be pissy about it.

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