Palin: "Send illegals back across the ocean to Mexico"...ay caramba!

Using the liberal logic, if you make fun at Obama, you are a racist, hater dupe.

So, using the same logic, if you make fun of one female, you are a woman, hater dupe.

Ask a liberal, it's their logic.
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"In a speech tonight, President Obama announced an executive order shielding about 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation from any of the 58 states in the union.."
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Franco "the hater" source is the Daily Currant.

It is a satire website like the Onion.

In his rush to spew his hate, he posts a satire article.

Franco is a typical hater, he probably got a hard on when he found the story, his hate caused him to post with no research and has been caught being the hateful troll that he is.
Frankies a nice guy.....he is just misunderstood....and somewhat brainwashed....but a great guy....

No Leftist is a "nice guy" and even their "good intentions" are as evil as the black hearts that beat in their depraved chests. Leftists are godless, wicked marauders who seek control over people's lives, who covet people's property and possessions, and oppress people's natural liberties. They serve their father, the devil, and do his bidding, which is why they hate God, Christians and Jews, the Bible, the Commandments, and all rules by which we are called to a righteous standard and strictly forbidden to covet what belongs to our neighbors.

None of them are good, they are all evil. Every. Last. One. Of. Them.
Franco "the hater" source is the Daily Currant.

It is a satire website like the Onion.

In his rush to spew his hate, he posts a satire article.

Franco is a typical hater, he probably got a hard on when he found the story, his hate caused him to post with no research and has been caught being the hateful troll that he is.
Frankies a nice guy.....he is just misunderstood....and somewhat brainwashed....but a great guy....

Sorry Harry, Franco is full of hate and bigotry, his posts point to it and I bet you the books he tries to pedal on here are also full of hate and bigotry, except more subtle.
But I'm the hater lol? You are brainwashed, ignorant fools who, like Palin have made billions of people around the world suffer. See the two Pub world depressions and all the chaos and war they caused, and the ignorant hate you have for minorities, gays, furriners, liberals, anyone that disagrees with your bs....My best friends are hater dupes , and I'm surrounded by the fools out here. see sig, last line.

If I hadn't said this was a satire, IMMEDIATELY, you'd still be defending her idiocy...

BTW, my avatar is the Warspite. Look her up- the greatest story of any battleship. When I was 2 1/2, we vacationed in Cornwall, where here hulk was just offshore. On the way to scrappers, she broke her tow and went aground. At Jutland, her steering jammed and she made three giant circles between the 2 fleets, "The Wild Ride", saved a pre-dreadnought by drawing fire. Set record for longest hit by gunfire. Looks nothing like the Hood, dingbat.
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So now the OP and libs here are stooping to making shit up.
IT'S SATIRE, dingbat, as opposed to all the Pubcrappe you believe. You ignorant twerps actually believe Obama is a muslim kenyan communist,Bengazi, IRS, etc etc. See sig pp 3 and 4...
“If I were Obama I’d put all 11 million of these folks on boats and send them back to Mexico,” she opined. “The liberal media says it’s impossible to deport that many people. But I say we can do it if we have enough ships.

“Let’s commandeer all the cruise ships, all the fishing vessels and all the yachts those fat cat Obama donors own. And then let’s pack ‘em full of illegals and send these people on a one-way cruise to Mexico City.

“The long voyage back across the Mexican Ocean should give them plenty of time to think about how they shouldn’t be coming here to America and jeopardizing our freedom and prosperity by breaking our laws.”

Like all good satire, it contains a grain of truth.
So now the OP and libs here are stooping to making shit up.
IT'S SATIRE, dingbat, as opposed to all the Pubcrappe you believe. You ignorant twerps actually believe Obama is a muslim kenyan communist,Bengazi, IRS, etc etc. See sig pp 3 and 4...

That's why you posted it in POLITICS, cuz you knew it was "satire"......:cuckoo:

talk about confirmation bias. You read the headline, and thought, "damn that bitch is stupid"...and ran here to post it.


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