Palin: "Send illegals back across the ocean to Mexico"...ay caramba!

Would the low information left have enough brain cells to post on the forum if the tax exempt propaganda network Media Matters didn't give them out of context ammunition about Sarah Palin?
And your dear idiot doesn't even know how many damn states there are in the country he is PRESIDENT of. But nobody can top his disgusting show while giving a frikken speech on the military he is CIC OF and calling them: CORPSE-MEN So sit down all you women haters

It's the same ole same ole BS from these people when it comes to Mrs. Palin. They have a couple things they regurgitate over and over, like she can see Russia from her porch. They are so shallow, that they have to drag up two, three year old videos just to have someone to hate on. I've never seen anything like it in the ten years I've been this board. It gets old and is disgusting. If people did that to Hillary all the time, WELL we know the reactions that would get.

It's a joke, get it? And a well-deserved one. Palin never said "I can see Russia from my house" -- that was another piece of satire. What she actually did say was even stupider: "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state."


A joke. Lighten up. Damn.

Although I have to say that Palin quote does sound like she's channeling Dan Quayle:

"Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is right here."​
Palin has said some pretty crazy stuff, like how part of Paul Revere's famous ride was to warn the British ... or how the VP is "in charge" of the Senate ... but I think one of the dumbest comments she ever made was while she was running for vice president, she actually asked what the VP does everyday?

But like I sid earlier, even the right knows she's dumb as a stump ... that's why some here didn't think twice about accepting the ridiculous comments about Mexico as her own words. :lol:

If you are going to criticize someone for being "dumb as a stump," you might want to check your spelling.
Oh good, you caught a typo. I could use a secretary. The job is yours

And your dear idiot doesn't even know how many damn states there are in the country he is PRESIDENT of.
But nobody can top his disgusting show while giving a frikken speech on the military he is CIC OF and calling them:


So sit down all you women haters

We know about Obama's slip of the tongue.
Did you watch the video I posted on Palin? It was a Fox reporter who reported that she didn't know Africa was a continent ... there was so much more in that video. She didn't know the countries involved in the North American Treaty, the McCain campaign accused her of all kinds of things.

oh gawd, Of course she can't have a "slip" up EVER. but your Obama The President and CIC can slip and call our military man, corpse-man , and not once but two or three times. so they weren't SLIPS... You aren't capable of passing judgement on Mrs. Palin because your head along with your little brain is stuck up Obama's ass. sit down

So you morons think he did that on purpose because he's evil. You're right off the wall...

Poor Franco, the hater Dem dupe, now having butt hurt because he just realized his favorite news source is a satire website! Lol!

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Meanwhile back at the ranch...Mexicans are taking over the place, they ignore past and the pre- existing dominate culture. Poles, Germans, Jews, Italians you name it, they all acclimated without government protection like what dear Obama did with wettbacks, WHY? they need special protection? No they don't. You are deluding your self if you think so.
More like WWII got the whole country together..

And your dear idiot doesn't even know how many damn states there are in the country he is PRESIDENT of.
But nobody can top his disgusting show while giving a frikken speech on the military he is CIC OF and calling them:


So sit down all you women haters

We know about Obama's slip of the tongue.
Did you watch the video I posted on Palin? It was a Fox reporter who reported that she didn't know Africa was a continent ... there was so much more in that video. She didn't know the countries involved in the North American Treaty, the McCain campaign accused her of all kinds of things.

oh gawd, Of course she can't have a "slip" up EVER. but your Obama The President and CIC can slip and call our military man, corpse-man , and not once but two or three times. so they weren't SLIPS... You aren't capable of passing judgement on Mrs. Palin because your head along with your little brain is stuck up Obama's ass. sit down

So you morons think he did that on purpose because he's evil. You're right off the wall...

I can't believe you'd show your face back up in this thread
It was on purpose, He's so damn lazy he can't even take time to learn about the military he is CIC of. that right there should of scared the hell out of all of us. and now we see how right we were to be scared. He's putting the last nail in our coffin
Last edited:

It's the same ole same ole BS from these people when it comes to Mrs. Palin. They have a couple things they regurgitate over and over, like she can see Russia from her porch. They are so shallow, that they have to drag up two, three year old videos just to have someone to hate on. I've never seen anything like it in the ten years I've been this board. It gets old and is disgusting. If people did that to Hillary all the time, WELL we know the reactions that would get.

It's a joke, get it? And a well-deserved one. Palin never said "I can see Russia from my house" -- that was another piece of satire. What she actually did say was even stupider: "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state."


A joke. Lighten up. Damn.

Although I have to say that Palin quote does sound like she's channeling Dan Quayle:

"Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is right here."​
Palin has said some pretty crazy stuff, like how part of Paul Revere's famous ride was to warn the British ... or how the VP is "in charge" of the Senate ... but I think one of the dumbest comments she ever made was while she was running for vice president, she actually asked what the VP does everyday?

But like I sid earlier, even the right knows she's dumb as a stump ... that's why some here didn't think twice about accepting the ridiculous comments about Mexico as her own words. :lol:

If you are going to criticize someone for being "dumb as a stump," you might want to check your spelling.
Oh good, you caught a typo. I could use a secretary. The job is yours

Yep, you looked like a idiot, Mexico City instead of Mexico and you can't spell.

A real lefttard.

And your dear idiot doesn't even know how many damn states there are in the country he is PRESIDENT of.
But nobody can top his disgusting show while giving a frikken speech on the military he is CIC OF and calling them:


So sit down all you women haters

We know about Obama's slip of the tongue.
Did you watch the video I posted on Palin? It was a Fox reporter who reported that she didn't know Africa was a continent ... there was so much more in that video. She didn't know the countries involved in the North American Treaty, the McCain campaign accused her of all kinds of things.

oh gawd, Of course she can't have a "slip" up EVER. but your Obama The President and CIC can slip and call our military man, corpse-man , and not once but two or three times. so they weren't SLIPS... You aren't capable of passing judgement on Mrs. Palin because your head along with your little brain is stuck up Obama's ass. sit down

So you morons think he did that on purpose because he's evil. You're right off the wall...

Poor Franco, the hater Dem dupe, now having butt hurt because he just realized his favorite news source is a satire website! Lol!

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

For the fourth time, never heard of it before...I was fooled for about 1 minute, when I first woke up. Jeebus what a useless ignorant Pubtroll you are....

It's the same ole same ole BS from these people when it comes to Mrs. Palin. They have a couple things they regurgitate over and over, like she can see Russia from her porch. They are so shallow, that they have to drag up two, three year old videos just to have someone to hate on. I've never seen anything like it in the ten years I've been this board. It gets old and is disgusting. If people did that to Hillary all the time, WELL we know the reactions that would get.

It's a joke, get it? And a well-deserved one. Palin never said "I can see Russia from my house" -- that was another piece of satire. What she actually did say was even stupider: "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state."


A joke. Lighten up. Damn.

Although I have to say that Palin quote does sound like she's channeling Dan Quayle:

"Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is right here."​
Palin has said some pretty crazy stuff, like how part of Paul Revere's famous ride was to warn the British ... or how the VP is "in charge" of the Senate ... but I think one of the dumbest comments she ever made was while she was running for vice president, she actually asked what the VP does everyday?

But like I sid earlier, even the right knows she's dumb as a stump ... that's why some here didn't think twice about accepting the ridiculous comments about Mexico as her own words. :lol:

If you are going to criticize someone for being "dumb as a stump," you might want to check your spelling.

slinging poo and ends up eating. ya g
It's the same ole same ole BS from these people when it comes to Mrs. Palin. They have a couple things they regurgitate over and over, like she can see Russia from her porch. They are so shallow, that they have to drag up two, three year old videos just to have someone to hate on. I've never seen anything like it in the ten years I've been this board. It gets old and is disgusting. If people did that to Hillary all the time, WELL we know the reactions that would get.

It's a joke, get it? And a well-deserved one. Palin never said "I can see Russia from my house" -- that was another piece of satire. What she actually did say was even stupider: "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state."


A joke. Lighten up. Damn.

Although I have to say that Palin quote does sound like she's channeling Dan Quayle:

"Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is right here."​
Palin has said some pretty crazy stuff, like how part of Paul Revere's famous ride was to warn the British ... or how the VP is "in charge" of the Senate ... but I think one of the dumbest comments she ever made was while she was running for vice president, she actually asked what the VP does everyday?

But like I sid earlier, even the right knows she's dumb as a stump ... that's why some here didn't think twice about accepting the ridiculous comments about Mexico as her own words. :lol:

If you are going to criticize someone for being "dumb as a stump," you might want to check your spelling.

slinging poo and ends up eating. ya gotta love it..

tta love it..

Seriously, Steph? Your idea of "eating it" is a typo? Just how desperate are you? But hey, if you want to see what "eating it" really looks like, check out this monumental fail ...

Operation american spring US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And your dear idiot doesn't even know how many damn states there are in the country he is PRESIDENT of.
But nobody can top his disgusting show while giving a frikken speech on the military he is CIC OF and calling them:


So sit down all you women haters

We know about Obama's slip of the tongue.
Did you watch the video I posted on Palin? It was a Fox reporter who reported that she didn't know Africa was a continent ... there was so much more in that video. She didn't know the countries involved in the North American Treaty, the McCain campaign accused her of all kinds of things.

oh gawd, Of course she can't have a "slip" up EVER. but your Obama The President and CIC can slip and call our military man, corpse-man , and not once but two or three times. so they weren't SLIPS... You aren't capable of passing judgement on Mrs. Palin because your head along with your little brain is stuck up Obama's ass. sit down

So you morons think he did that on purpose because he's evil. You're right off the wall...

It was on purpose, He's so damn lazy he can't even take time to learn about the military he is CIC of. that right there should of scared the hell out of all of us. and now we see how right we were to be scared. He's putting the last nail in our coffin

So he didn't know, so it wasn't on purpose, ya stupid brainwashed ignorant hater dupe 90% chance racist.
And your dear idiot doesn't even know how many damn states there are in the country he is PRESIDENT of.
But nobody can top his disgusting show while giving a frikken speech on the military he is CIC OF and calling them:


So sit down all you women haters

We know about Obama's slip of the tongue.
Did you watch the video I posted on Palin? It was a Fox reporter who reported that she didn't know Africa was a continent ... there was so much more in that video. She didn't know the countries involved in the North American Treaty, the McCain campaign accused her of all kinds of things.

oh gawd, Of course she can't have a "slip" up EVER. but your Obama The President and CIC can slip and call our military man, corpse-man , and not once but two or three times. so they weren't SLIPS... You aren't capable of passing judgement on Mrs. Palin because your head along with your little brain is stuck up Obama's ass. sit down

So you morons think he did that on purpose because he's evil. You're right off the wall...

Poor Franco, the hater Dem dupe, now having butt hurt because he just realized his favorite news source is a satire website! Lol!

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

For the fourth time, never heard of it before...I was fooled for about 1 minute, when I first woke up. Jeebus what a useless ignorant Pubtroll you are....

Ignorant, Dem hater dupe is butt hurt for not checking his sources. How sad. Your hate lives on book peddler.
It's the same ole same ole BS from these people when it comes to Mrs. Palin. They have a couple things they regurgitate over and over, like she can see Russia from her porch. They are so shallow, that they have to drag up two, three year old videos just to have someone to hate on. I've never seen anything like it in the ten years I've been this board. It gets old and is disgusting. If people did that to Hillary all the time, WELL we know the reactions that would get.

It's a joke, get it? And a well-deserved one. Palin never said "I can see Russia from my house" -- that was another piece of satire. What she actually did say was even stupider: "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state."


A joke. Lighten up. Damn.

Although I have to say that Palin quote does sound like she's channeling Dan Quayle:

"Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is right here."​
Palin has said some pretty crazy stuff, like how part of Paul Revere's famous ride was to warn the British ... or how the VP is "in charge" of the Senate ... but I think one of the dumbest comments she ever made was while she was running for vice president, she actually asked what the VP does everyday?

But like I sid earlier, even the right knows she's dumb as a stump ... that's why some here didn't think twice about accepting the ridiculous comments about Mexico as her own words. :lol:

If you are going to criticize someone for being "dumb as a stump," you might want to check your spelling.
Oh good, you caught a typo. I could use a secretary. The job is yours

Yep, you looked like a idiot, Mexico City instead of Mexico and you can't spell.

A real lefttard.

Are you drunk?

The article actually has her saying "one way cruise to Mexico City". A city that is landlocked. It was one of the funnier bits of the piece.

Didn't read it didja?

Your loss.
Last edited:
And your dear idiot doesn't even know how many damn states there are in the country he is PRESIDENT of.
But nobody can top his disgusting show while giving a frikken speech on the military he is CIC OF and calling them:


So sit down all you women haters

We know about Obama's slip of the tongue.
Did you watch the video I posted on Palin? It was a Fox reporter who reported that she didn't know Africa was a continent ... there was so much more in that video. She didn't know the countries involved in the North American Treaty, the McCain campaign accused her of all kinds of things.

oh gawd, Of course she can't have a "slip" up EVER. but your Obama The President and CIC can slip and call our military man, corpse-man , and not once but two or three times. so they weren't SLIPS... You aren't capable of passing judgement on Mrs. Palin because your head along with your little brain is stuck up Obama's ass. sit down

So you morons think he did that on purpose because he's evil. You're right off the wall...

Poor Franco, the hater Dem dupe, now having butt hurt because he just realized his favorite news source is a satire website! Lol!

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

For the fourth time, never heard of it before...I was fooled for about 1 minute, when I first woke up. Jeebus what a useless ignorant Pubtroll you are....

BS ya Duppe!
Starkey sent you a PM telling you ya been dupped!
It's the same ole same ole BS from these people when it comes to Mrs. Palin. They have a couple things they regurgitate over and over, like she can see Russia from her porch. They are so shallow, that they have to drag up two, three year old videos just to have someone to hate on. I've never seen anything like it in the ten years I've been this board. It gets old and is disgusting. If people did that to Hillary all the time, WELL we know the reactions that would get.

It's a joke, get it? And a well-deserved one. Palin never said "I can see Russia from my house" -- that was another piece of satire. What she actually did say was even stupider: "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state."


A joke. Lighten up. Damn.

Although I have to say that Palin quote does sound like she's channeling Dan Quayle:

"Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is right here."​
Palin has said some pretty crazy stuff, like how part of Paul Revere's famous ride was to warn the British ... or how the VP is "in charge" of the Senate ... but I think one of the dumbest comments she ever made was while she was running for vice president, she actually asked what the VP does everyday?

But like I sid earlier, even the right knows she's dumb as a stump ... that's why some here didn't think twice about accepting the ridiculous comments about Mexico as her own words. :lol:

If you are going to criticize someone for being "dumb as a stump," you might want to check your spelling.
Oh good, you caught a typo. I could use a secretary. The job is yours

Yep, you looked like a idiot, Mexico City instead of Mexico and you can't spell.

A real lefttard.
A second look reveals your spelling is rather lacking as well ... you can forget about that secretary job. Seems your better suited to be a janitor. :dunno: But again, you replied to my query about how one cruises to Mexico City ... have you figured out yet how to do that?
You all realize that that dumb ass Palin isn't making laws, it's that dumb ass out of touch Obama that is.... he is giving Illegals amnesty again, it didn't work in 1986 with that other dumb ass Regan, either. So, like, let's repeat the same mistake over again times 2. Yeah. I stood against it then and I do now, 30 some years later. Jerks.
Would the low information left have enough brain cells to post on the forum if the tax exempt propaganda network Media Matters didn't give them out of context ammunition about Sarah Palin?

no, they need to be led around by a ring in their nose. Look how they're sticking with Obama on this immigration though the Majority of the people is against it. Even after the people took away his rubber stampers power in the house and then Senate. They are losers with nerve to call Palin stupid
We know about Obama's slip of the tongue.
Did you watch the video I posted on Palin? It was a Fox reporter who reported that she didn't know Africa was a continent ... there was so much more in that video. She didn't know the countries involved in the North American Treaty, the McCain campaign accused her of all kinds of things.

oh gawd, Of course she can't have a "slip" up EVER. but your Obama The President and CIC can slip and call our military man, corpse-man , and not once but two or three times. so they weren't SLIPS... You aren't capable of passing judgement on Mrs. Palin because your head along with your little brain is stuck up Obama's ass. sit down
So you morons think he did that on purpose because he's evil. You're right off the wall...

Poor Franco, the hater Dem dupe, now having butt hurt because he just realized his favorite news source is a satire website! Lol!

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
For the fourth time, never heard of it before...I was fooled for about 1 minute, when I first woke up. Jeebus what a useless ignorant Pubtroll you are....

BS ya Duppe!
Starkey sent you a PM telling you ya been dupped!
Look at p. 1, dingbat.
It's a joke, get it? And a well-deserved one. Palin never said "I can see Russia from my house" -- that was another piece of satire. What she actually did say was even stupider: "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state."


A joke. Lighten up. Damn.

Although I have to say that Palin quote does sound like she's channeling Dan Quayle:

"Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is right here."​
Palin has said some pretty crazy stuff, like how part of Paul Revere's famous ride was to warn the British ... or how the VP is "in charge" of the Senate ... but I think one of the dumbest comments she ever made was while she was running for vice president, she actually asked what the VP does everyday?

But like I sid earlier, even the right knows she's dumb as a stump ... that's why some here didn't think twice about accepting the ridiculous comments about Mexico as her own words. :lol:

If you are going to criticize someone for being "dumb as a stump," you might want to check your spelling.
Oh good, you caught a typo. I could use a secretary. The job is yours

Yep, you looked like a idiot, Mexico City instead of Mexico and you can't spell.

A real lefttard.

The article actually has her saying "one way cruise to Mexico City". A city that is landlocked.

Didn't read it didja?

Your loss.

I stated in earlier posts Mexico, not Mexico City because in very early posts others said Mexico not Mexico City, this was after I said it was satire, if you can't keep up, then shut up.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
You all realize that that dumb ass Palin isn't making laws, it's that dumb ass out of touch Obama that is.... he is giving Illegal amnesty again, it didn't work in 1986 with that other dumb ass Regan, either. So, like, let's repeat the same mistake over again times 2. Yeah. I stood against it then and I do now, 30 some years later. Jerks.

They still see Palin as the bigger threat.

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