Palin Who Attended 6 Colleges in 6 years, Attacks Obama as ‘Professor’

And look how many are moaning and groaning about it. :lol:

I know! Shocking, isn't it!! Whoever did not vote for the POTUS is complaining. Gee, that's never happened before.

Never ever ever. ;)

Exactly, remember back in '04 when Bush won his 2nd term? The liberals danced and sang with joy! And in '00? It was the same.... every other POTUS has had the support of ALL Americans - except for St Barack. It sucks. :eek: We are all just bad losers, racists, stupid, neocons, teabaggers, rednecks and their ilk, some of us aren't even Amercan because we live elsewere! It's outrageous. We bad.
Palin did graduate....right? That IS better than most Americans...right?
So what is the argument?
I'm sure Sarah will regret her words once Obama overlooks her for ambassador to the country of Africa...

Oh...Africa is a continent...

Never mind...

Sarah Palin 'did not know Africa was a continent', say aides

You might want to stick with your Kennedy mantra, BFGRN. That is bullshit and you know it. This was brought out only after their boy McCain lost, and reality was that the aides were too stupid to run a winning campaign. They had to blame it on some one, and you know who that was. If she was so stupid, and they knew it before they picked her....why would they have done it in the first place. You do realize that these were "un named sources"....right? You are a disingenuouse bastard, BRGRN. It is so typical of you. By the way....Ted kennedy was drunk, and killed a woman, Robt Kennedy Jr. was a liar, Mike Skakel(kennedy) was a rapist and murder. At least these are truths.

LOL...all your whining and Kennedy bashing won't change the FACT Sarah Palin is an empty vessel...just ask French President Nicolas Sarkozy ...

Oh, that wasn't French President Nicolas Sarkozy, it was Montreal comedy duo Marc-Antoine Audette and Sebastien Trudel...

This is a Red-herring.

She enrolled in the University of Hawaii in 1982 but only stayed for 3 weeks so my guess is she never attended.

Then she attended Hawaii Pacific University instead staying till 1983 and looks like the weather didn't agree with the following spring she transferred to North Idaho College. She stayed there for 2 semesters till she transferred to the University of Idaho the fall of 1984. This seems to be the first major university she attended where she eventually earned a B.A. in journalism in 1987.

What I count is 5 schools attended in 6 years and she earned a 4 year degree over a period of 6 years. Not bad.

And yet, even though she majored in Journalism, there is no record of a single article written by her in any of the school papers. She never appreared on the university radio or any university television show. There is no record of her ever interviewing anyone, and believe me, I've looked. Worse, she once joked she got a "D" in economics, but that can't be verified since her grades are sealed.
We know John McCain graduated 4th or 5th from the bottom out of a graduating class of 899 because those grades are always made public.

Taking Journalism and never writing a single article is like studying art and never painting, or studying acting and never being in a play. So naturally, when it come to her book, there is skeptism.
I'm sure Sarah will regret her words once Obama overlooks her for ambassador to the country of Africa...

Oh...Africa is a continent...

Never mind...

Sarah Palin 'did not know Africa was a continent', say aides

You might want to stick with your Kennedy mantra, BFGRN. That is bullshit and you know it. This was brought out only after their boy McCain lost, and reality was that the aides were too stupid to run a winning campaign. They had to blame it on some one, and you know who that was. If she was so stupid, and they knew it before they picked her....why would they have done it in the first place. You do realize that these were "un named sources"....right? You are a disingenuouse bastard, BRGRN. It is so typical of you. By the way....Ted kennedy was drunk, and killed a woman, Robt Kennedy Jr. was a liar, Mike Skakel(kennedy) was a rapist and murder. At least these are truths.

LOL...all your whining and Kennedy bashing won't change the FACT Sarah Palin is an empty vessel...just ask French President Nicolas Sarkozy ...

Oh, that wasn't French President Nicolas Sarkozy, it was Montreal comedy duo Marc-Antoine Audette and Sebastien Trudel...


I see you deflected on everything I posted, you twit :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
This is a Red-herring.

She enrolled in the University of Hawaii in 1982 but only stayed for 3 weeks so my guess is she never attended.

Then she attended Hawaii Pacific University instead staying till 1983 and looks like the weather didn't agree with the following spring she transferred to North Idaho College. She stayed there for 2 semesters till she transferred to the University of Idaho the fall of 1984. This seems to be the first major university she attended where she eventually earned a B.A. in journalism in 1987.

What I count is 5 schools attended in 6 years and she earned a 4 year degree over a period of 6 years. Not bad.

And yet, even though she majored in Journalism, there is no record of a single article written by her in any of the school papers. She never appreared on the university radio or any university television show. There is no record of her ever interviewing anyone, and believe me, I've looked. Worse, she once joked she got a "D" in economics, but that can't be verified since her grades are sealed.
We know John McCain graduated 4th or 5th from the bottom out of a graduating class of 899 because those grades are always made public.

Taking Journalism and never writing a single article is like studying art and never painting, or studying acting and never being in a play. So naturally, when it come to her book, there is skeptism.

Can anyone provide a single article written by Sarah Palin? Believe me, I've looked.
This is a Red-herring.

She enrolled in the University of Hawaii in 1982 but only stayed for 3 weeks so my guess is she never attended.

Then she attended Hawaii Pacific University instead staying till 1983 and looks like the weather didn't agree with the following spring she transferred to North Idaho College. She stayed there for 2 semesters till she transferred to the University of Idaho the fall of 1984. This seems to be the first major university she attended where she eventually earned a B.A. in journalism in 1987.

What I count is 5 schools attended in 6 years and she earned a 4 year degree over a period of 6 years. Not bad.

And yet, even though she majored in Journalism, there is no record of a single article written by her in any of the school papers. She never appreared on the university radio or any university television show. There is no record of her ever interviewing anyone, and believe me, I've looked. Worse, she once joked she got a "D" in economics, but that can't be verified since her grades are sealed.
We know John McCain graduated 4th or 5th from the bottom out of a graduating class of 899 because those grades are always made public.

Taking Journalism and never writing a single article is like studying art and never painting, or studying acting and never being in a play. So naturally, when it come to her book, there is skeptism.

Can anyone provide a single article written by Sarah Palin? Believe me, I've looked.

did you search facebook, i hear it is peer reviewed. you can "like" it.
You might want to stick with your Kennedy mantra, BFGRN. That is bullshit and you know it. This was brought out only after their boy McCain lost, and reality was that the aides were too stupid to run a winning campaign. They had to blame it on some one, and you know who that was. If she was so stupid, and they knew it before they picked her....why would they have done it in the first place. You do realize that these were "un named sources"....right? You are a disingenuouse bastard, BRGRN. It is so typical of you. By the way....Ted kennedy was drunk, and killed a woman, Robt Kennedy Jr. was a liar, Mike Skakel(kennedy) was a rapist and murder. At least these are truths.

LOL...all your whining and Kennedy bashing won't change the FACT Sarah Palin is an empty vessel...just ask French President Nicolas Sarkozy ...

Oh, that wasn't French President Nicolas Sarkozy, it was Montreal comedy duo Marc-Antoine Audette and Sebastien Trudel...


I see you deflected on everything I posted, you twit :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You mean I haven't addressed all your phony excuses for the empty vessel not knowing Africa is a continent?

"I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out." --Sarah Palin, referring to a department that does not exist...
LOL...all your whining and Kennedy bashing won't change the FACT Sarah Palin is an empty vessel...just ask French President Nicolas Sarkozy ...

Oh, that wasn't French President Nicolas Sarkozy, it was Montreal comedy duo Marc-Antoine Audette and Sebastien Trudel...


I see you deflected on everything I posted, you twit :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You mean I haven't addressed all your phony excuses for the empty vessel not knowing Africa is a continent?

"I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out." --Sarah Palin, referring to a department that does not exist...

What's funny about this is that I'm not a Sarah Palin fan, BFGRN. You said something specific about her that you knew wasn't true, and I addressed it. Now all your doing is deflecting...that is the funny part. :lol:
I see you deflected on everything I posted, you twit :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You mean I haven't addressed all your phony excuses for the empty vessel not knowing Africa is a continent?

"I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out." --Sarah Palin, referring to a department that does not exist...

What's funny about this is that I'm not a Sarah Palin fan, BFGRN. You said something specific about her that you knew wasn't true, and I addressed it. Now all your doing is deflecting...that is the funny part. :lol:

No, I said something that is accepted as truth, you CLAIM isn't...

I saw NOTHING from the empty vessel that would make me believe it isn't true...

She is the most unqualified candidate I have ever seen...

This is a Red-herring.

She enrolled in the University of Hawaii in 1982 but only stayed for 3 weeks so my guess is she never attended.

Then she attended Hawaii Pacific University instead staying till 1983 and looks like the weather didn't agree with the following spring she transferred to North Idaho College. She stayed there for 2 semesters till she transferred to the University of Idaho the fall of 1984. This seems to be the first major university she attended where she eventually earned a B.A. in journalism in 1987.

What I count is 5 schools attended in 6 years and she earned a 4 year degree over a period of 6 years. Not bad.

And yet, even though she majored in Journalism, there is no record of a single article written by her in any of the school papers. She never appreared on the university radio or any university television show. There is no record of her ever interviewing anyone, and believe me, I've looked. Worse, she once joked she got a "D" in economics, but that can't be verified since her grades are sealed.
We know John McCain graduated 4th or 5th from the bottom out of a graduating class of 899 because those grades are always made public.

Taking Journalism and never writing a single article is like studying art and never painting, or studying acting and never being in a play. So naturally, when it come to her book, there is skeptism.

Can anyone provide a single article written by Sarah Palin? Believe me, I've looked.

I've seen a book she wrote

She is also a prolific Facebook poster
What's tough is once you start doing your core requirements it begins to get expensive when you transfer.

Obama himself transfered from Occidental College in L.A. to Columbia University in NYC and earned a B.A. in political science.

Then several years later he attended Harvard Law school after 5 years as a community organizer with Developing Communities Project (DCP) . Wonder who paid for his books and tuition?

It took from 1979 to 1996 till he became a state senator...17 years....boy that's a long wait for him to actually do what he had trained to do. By this time Sarah Palin was already a mayor gaining great leadership experience. Obama's only leadership experience at this time was as a community organizer. Sarah Palin was elected as governor in 2006 and had been serving when she was tabbed for VP. So she already had served several years as a leader [8 to be exact] before Obama was sworn in as our 44th President.

Who do you think is a better leader? Who do you think you can trust.....somebody who served her home state faithfully for several year or the stinking lawyer???:eusa_angel:

Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are asking us should we trust a well politicized BA in Journalism politician versus a person with at least an 3.5 GPA from Harvard politicl scientist??

Have you lost your marbles!! NEITHER OF THEM. They are both propagandists!!

You are not suppose to trust either one, mudwhistle. They are skilled liars regardless how you may feel about them.

See, the reason you would even push such an arguement is due to good propaganda!! Some one has won you to their side with their method of shaping your perspective!!

Please cite source of GPA information.

You need at least a GPA of 3.5 to be considered a Magnum Cum Laud. So the question is, where is the article that says Obama Graduated MGL in political science from Harvard.
What's tough is once you start doing your core requirements it begins to get expensive when you transfer.

Obama himself transfered from Occidental College in L.A. to Columbia University in NYC and earned a B.A. in political science.

Then several years later he attended Harvard Law school after 5 years as a community organizer with Developing Communities Project (DCP) . Wonder who paid for his books and tuition?

It took from 1979 to 1996 till he became a state senator...17 years....boy that's a long wait for him to actually do what he had trained to do. By this time Sarah Palin was already a mayor gaining great leadership experience. Obama's only leadership experience at this time was as a community organizer. Sarah Palin was elected as governor in 2006 and had been serving when she was tabbed for VP. So she already had served several years as a leader [8 to be exact] before Obama was sworn in as our 44th President.

Who do you think is a better leader? Who do you think you can trust.....somebody who served her home state faithfully for several year or the stinking lawyer???:eusa_angel:

Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are asking us should we trust a well politicized BA in Journalism politician versus a person with at least an 3.5 GPA from Harvard politicl scientist??

Have you lost your marbles!! NEITHER OF THEM. They are both propagandists!!

You are not suppose to trust either one, mudwhistle. They are skilled liars regardless how you may feel about them.

See, the reason you would even push such an arguement is due to good propaganda!! Some one has won you to their side with their method of shaping your perspective!!

This is exactly where you're wrong. We can't accept the fact that they lie. If you vote for them after discovering this beyond a shadow of a doubt then you the voter should take some of the blame for what they do once in office.

I think you need to check out this thread to see where you are so wrong.

So--if only liars run for office? I am to blame for that?

M.Whistle, Is this the arguement you are making??

. I may vote for some one because I think they are going to do what is right in offcie. If the moment comes that they turn on me, is it then my fault for believing they would do the right thing!?
You are asking us should we trust a well politicized BA in Journalism politician versus a person with at least an 3.5 GPA from Harvard politicl scientist??

Have you lost your marbles!! NEITHER OF THEM. They are both propagandists!!

You are not suppose to trust either one, mudwhistle. They are skilled liars regardless how you may feel about them.

See, the reason you would even push such an arguement is due to good propaganda!! Some one has won you to their side with their method of shaping your perspective!!

Please cite source of GPA information.

You need at least a GPA of 3.5 to be considered a Magnum Cum Laud. So the question is, where is the article that says Obama Graduated MGL in political science from Harvard.

You stated a GPA of 3.5 or higher in your post. You own that comment. Since we both know Harvard has been instructed not to release any records, you made the GPA up. Just admit it.
I can't believe that people try to defend Palin. Palin is NOT that bright and I don't understand how you Palinites can't see that fact.

Tell you what how about we have a special episode of Jeopardy?



Bush heck Bush can even have Cheney stand behind him to help out.

Who do you think would win? Now be HONEST about your answer.
You mean I haven't addressed all your phony excuses for the empty vessel not knowing Africa is a continent?

"I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out." --Sarah Palin, referring to a department that does not exist...

What's funny about this is that I'm not a Sarah Palin fan, BFGRN. You said something specific about her that you knew wasn't true, and I addressed it. Now all your doing is deflecting...that is the funny part. :lol:

No, I said something that is accepted as truth, you CLAIM isn't...

I saw NOTHING from the empty vessel that would make me believe it isn't true...

She is the most unqualified candidate I have ever seen...


Something that is accepted as truth?....What a moron. Once the earth was accepted as flat.

There was no proof of that...just un named sources. Yeah we can accept that as truth. :lol:
Epic Fail on your part

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