Palin's Father makes the most revealing comment about Palin of the Year

Byzantium more properly the Byzantine empire preexists Islam by about half a millinium or so. Since Islam was essentially copied from Judaism and Christianity, hence Mohammed's grudging repect for those two faiths, as opposed to all the rest of the faiths of the world one would expect that it would share at least some of those two religions viewpoints on things. Strangely it seems only to have taken the worst parts and left the best outside its sphere. And the Hadiths - the means by which the Qu'ran is interpeted are often even worse in terms of barbarity.

And lets not forget that they came into possession of a lot of that stuff when they looted Timbuktu in the mid eigth century.
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I don't know what book they are trying to write but I bet its an anti-Palin book and even though that by itself doesn't make anything in it false it does leave open the possibility that things will be exagerated or lied about in order to make Palin look as bad as possible and after the global warming hoax it would not surprise palinbashergate happening soon.

Anyways, the more you write about her the more she is kept at the top of people's minds in political discussion which only help her in 2012 so go ahead and keep bashing her. It just makes it more likely she will win after we drive Obama's poll numbers to 1%.
I don't know what book they are trying to write but I bet its an anti-Palin book and even though that by itself doesn't make anything in it false it does leave open the possibility that things will be exagerated or lied about in order to make Palin look as bad as possible and after the global warming hoax it would not surprise palinbashergate happening soon.

Anyways, the more you write about her the more she is kept at the top of people's minds in political discussion which only help her in 2012 so go ahead and keep bashing her. It just makes it more likely she will win after we drive Obama's poll numbers to 1%.

So, If Liberals keep bashing Palin, you will nominate her in 2012?

Is that a promise?
So what, she is a racist. She will fit in fine at Fox.
hey Frank, Hitler was on your side of the fence, but don't let National socialist Party thing throw you for a loop, he was a fucking rightwinger from the get go

Actually not because fascism was communism and most people did not recognize Fascism, communism, and NAZIism as much different.

Check out this link depicting fascism, communism, NAZIism, and even FDR on the same side. It obviously shows that people at the time didn't think they were much different from one another.

Three New Deals: Reflections on ... - Google Books
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I don't know what book they are trying to write but I bet its an anti-Palin book and even though that by itself doesn't make anything in it false it does leave open the possibility that things will be exagerated or lied about in order to make Palin look as bad as possible and after the global warming hoax it would not surprise palinbashergate happening soon.

Anyways, the more you write about her the more she is kept at the top of people's minds in political discussion which only help her in 2012 so go ahead and keep bashing her. It just makes it more likely she will win after we drive Obama's poll numbers to 1%.

So, If Liberals keep bashing Palin, you will nominate her in 2012?

Is that a promise?

It definetaly keeps her at the top of any political discussion and all her dirty laundry will be aired out so any criticism of her will be null by the time 2012 rolls around and I think Obama's poll numbers will be so low by that time that there will not be nothing to stop any republican canidate.

Yah, its a promise!
So what, she is a racist. She will fit in fine at Fox.

As hurtful as that is I just chalk it up with someone who has ran out of ammo...

That intellectual gun of yours must be making the "" sound for you to be using that. :lol:
hey Frank, Hitler was on your side of the fence, but don't let National socialist Party thing throw you for a loop, he was a fucking rightwinger from the get go

Actually not because fascism was communism and most people did not recognize Fascism, communism, and NAZIism as much different.

Check out this link depicting fascism, communism, NAZIism, and even FDR on the same side. It obviously shows that people at the time didn't think they were much different from one another.

Three New Deals: Reflections on ... - Google Books
Many wealthy republicans openly supported Hitler and Mussolini in 1934. There was even a plot to remove Roosevelt from office. Smedley Butler saved the day.

Business Plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
hey Frank, Hitler was on your side of the fence, but don't let National socialist Party thing throw you for a loop, he was a fucking rightwinger from the get go

Actually not because fascism was communism and most people did not recognize Fascism, communism, and NAZIism as much different.

Check out this link depicting fascism, communism, NAZIism, and even FDR on the same side. It obviously shows that people at the time didn't think they were much different from one another.

Three New Deals: Reflections on ... - Google Books
Many wealthy republicans openly supported Hitler and Mussolini in 1934. There was even a plot to remove Roosevelt from office. Smedley Butler saved the day.

Business Plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FDR stayed in office and Communist spies throughout our government were relieved. After WWII, FDR held the Title of World's Biggest Socialist
Palin and Al Gore jokes do bring a smile to my face still.

A sorta embarrassing one like when you laugh at a dirty joke in church
In Palins defense, she may have been uncomfortable with people of a different culture
Maybe they were urban or suburbian Islanders.

If there were "small town" AKA "Real America" Islanders, she may have been more inclined to warm up to them...
Maybe they were urban or suburbian Islanders.

If there were "small town" AKA "Real America" Islanders, she may have been more inclined to warm up to them...

Or, she was just being an impetuous teen...

I don't think we have held Obama to his teen views ... have we? Oh, wait...that's right... we are not allowed to talkl about his past.
Maybe they were urban or suburbian Islanders.

If there were "small town" AKA "Real America" Islanders, she may have been more inclined to warm up to them...

Or, she was just being an impetuous teen...

I don't think we have held Obama to his teen views ... have we? Oh, wait...that's right... we are not allowed to talkl about his past.

Obama's shady past is "Settled Science"

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