Panhandlers: Do They Really Need Help Or Is It A Scam?

I saw a lady with a young girl, perhaps 10 years old, at a busy redlight/intersection holding a sign asking for help a couple of days ago. It was a big sign written in bock letters exactly like the sign shown in this video.

On many occasions I have given a few bucks to a person asking for help. I am confident that some of the people I've given to were actually in need. I am also very confident that some were scammers. Each time I give directly to someone I realize I might be giving to a con artist, but I tend to error on the side of helping someone when the cost is low -- I will never miss the 5 bucks.

When I saw the lady with the sign asking for help, it pulled at my heart partly because she had a child with her. On the other hand, my internal scam-o-meter was alerting me that she was most likely a scammer. I choose not to error on the side of helping her for a few reasons. 1. She seemed to well organized to really be so needy and her sign was too well made. 2. At the intersection she was at I know she would be able to bring in hundreds of dollars from other people. And 3. I was not in the proper lane of traffic to give her anything.

Scam. The ones that use their kids are the worst sort of people.
I knew of a guy who would wear baggy pants, a dirty white shirt with a tie, and an old coat, but washed face and neatly combed hair, who would hold a sign on 6th East and 5th South in Salt Lake at Conference twice a year that read "Money for Grandson going on a Mission."
When panhandlers are begging next to businesses that are hiring, it is pretty obvious that they could work but won't.
Most of the people I see on the corners begging are clearly in dire straits. Some are scammers but I've never seen so many dirty, crippled, skinny people on the streets.
They need rehabs. There are plenty of soup kitchens, etc, to help those in real need.
Lots of people have problems that don't allow them regular employment, It may be mental problems, addiction, physical disabilities or many other problems. In some cases it is simply people that prefer to have little to no responsibilities.
Do you work there?
You are defending people who can get a job but would rather beg? Tell me how they are able to stand outside all day long, sometimes in high temps, but can’t work? I personally know people who have stopped to offer some people a job but they find an excuse to pass. There are so many businesses hiring in the vicinity of the beggars. I know this because I see it. I don’t need to work at Walmart, that’s irrelevant.
You are defending people who can get a job but would rather beg? Tell me how they are able to stand outside all day long, sometimes in high temps, but can’t work? I personally know people who have stopped to offer some people a job but they find an excuse to pass. There are so many businesses hiring in the vicinity of the beggars. I know this because I see it. I don’t need to work at Walmart, that’s irrelevant.
I’m defending no one. Some are scammers some are not. Don’t prejudge.
I'm much more likely to give money to a panhandler if I'm convinced it's a scam.

At least a scam shows some initiative.
I stopped by a Dollar General today to pick up a few things. At a nearby intersection was a man with a woman and child. The man was holding a sign stating that he needed a job. Over the past several days I've seen the same MO repeated and the people are holding a sign written on the same poster stock each time. Not a coincidence!

While I was at the DG, the cops came and the people with the sign left. I have mixed feeling about this. Having watched many "Honor Your Oath Videos" I hold the opinion that panhandling , if not aggressive, is protected under the 1st amendment.
I stopped by a Dollar General today to pick up a few things. At a nearby intersection was a man with a woman and child. The man was holding a sign stating that he needed a job. Over the past several days I've seen the same MO repeated and the people are holding a sign written on the same poster stock each time. Not a coincidence!

While I was at the DG, the cops came and the people with the sign left. I have mixed feeling about this. Having watched many "Honor Your Oath Videos" I hold the opinion that panhandling , if not aggressive, is protected under the 1st amendment.

Loitering is illegal.
Some people do some people don't

I don't usually hand people money. II want to help but I'll give a guy a sandwich or a hot coffee instead. Every now and then I'll grab a box of 12 of those cheap cotton poly work gloves and hand them out to people when it's cold. I also support food pantries as much as I can

I'll never forget what it's like to be cold and hungry
I have seen the same guys working the same corners for years. Today I went by later and the one guy was not there? Then I looked around at all the Garbage piled up near the overpass and I ASSume they pile it up there as the work the stopped cars turning left.
Food containers, water bottles, old backpacks etc.

One guy for sure appears to be a professional.
In some cases it is simply people that prefer to have little to no responsibilities.
This is my daughter. :confused:
I stopped by a Dollar General today to pick up a few things. At a nearby intersection was a man with a woman and child. The man was holding a sign stating that he needed a job. Over the past several days I've seen the same MO repeated and the people are holding a sign written on the same poster stock each time. Not a coincidence!

While I was at the DG, the cops came and the people with the sign left. I have mixed feeling about this. Having watched many "Honor Your Oath Videos" I hold the opinion that panhandling , if not aggressive, is protected under the 1st amendment.

Panhandling is also not a job.
Lots of people have problems that don't allow them regular employment, It may be mental problems, addiction, physical disabilities or many other problems. In some cases it is simply people that prefer to have little to no responsibilities.
Here's a new one. My daughter will take a job, and immediately seek relationships with other employees. But when they don't live up to her 'moral standards' the relationships sour, and she quits the job. Rinse and repeat.
Here's a new one. My daughter will take a job, and immediately seek relationships with other employees. But when they don't live up to her 'moral standards' the relationships sour, and she quits the job. Rinse and repeat.
I can see how that can be problematic. I hope she isn't a homeless person because of that.

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