Panic! At The Disco singer Brendon Urie comes out as "pansexual"...what the hell does that mean?!

I could care less what someone does behind closed doors, as long as it doesn’t include pedophilia. Just don’t glorify it. I don’t talk about my sex life except with my significant other. Why others feel the need to broadcast theirs I will never understand.
I could care less what someone does behind closed doors, as long as it doesn’t include pedophilia. Just don’t glorify it. I don’t talk about my sex life except with my significant other. Why others feel the need to broadcast theirs I will never understand.
Kids and animals. Neither have a say.
I just don’t get the difference between bi sexual and pansexual

I looked it up.

Apparently they are the same, except pan-sexual recognizes that there are multiple types of gender, thus, like the person that is bi-sexual and attracted to everyone, the person that is pan-sexual is attracted to everyone and anyone in their multiplicity of confusions.
He doesn't seem confused at all. But I imgaine some of you are.

but if he has sex with a tranny, he becomes pansexual
Wrong. It is about attraction,not having sex. That is why you are technically gay.

I'm gay because I'm attracted to Michelle Obama who used to be a man? OK
No, you are gay because you are attracted to men. This is why you bring up gay sex out of nowhere quite often.

Point being,it's about tastes and preferences, not deeds.

Sloppy queer ghey man pass duly noted.
but if he has sex with a tranny, he becomes pansexual
Wrong. It is about attraction,not having sex. That is why you are technically gay.

I'm gay because I'm attracted to Michelle Obama who used to be a man? OK
No, you are gay because you are attracted to men. This is why you bring up gay sex out of nowhere quite often.

Point being,it's about tastes and preferences, not deeds.

Sloppy queer ghey man pass duly noted.
Thank you for presenting yourself as a perfect example of what I am talking about the.
but if he has sex with a tranny, he becomes pansexual
Wrong. It is about attraction,not having sex. That is why you are technically gay.

I'm gay because I'm attracted to Michelle Obama who used to be a man? OK
No, you are gay because you are attracted to men. This is why you bring up gay sex out of nowhere quite often.

Point being,it's about tastes and preferences, not deeds.

Sloppy queer ghey man pass duly noted.
Thank you for presenting yourself as a perfect example of what I am talking about the.

Can you post a translation for English speakers boy?

chop chop

I have felt like a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
I could care less what someone does behind closed doors, as long as it doesn’t include pedophilia. Just don’t glorify it. I don’t talk about my sex life except with my significant other. Why others feel the need to broadcast theirs I will never understand.

I agree. Be what you want to be. Do not try to convert or teach kids about your sexual preferences. Keep it out of the public eye and off the streets. Live and let live.
but if he has sex with a tranny, he becomes pansexual
Wrong. It is about attraction,not having sex. That is why you are technically gay.

I'm gay because I'm attracted to Michelle Obama who used to be a man? OK
No, you are gay because you are attracted to men. This is why you bring up gay sex out of nowhere quite often.

Point being,it's about tastes and preferences, not deeds.
I never said that I was attracted to men or trannies. You hopped all over trannies as soon as I mentioned them, and Michelle. Maybe check your biases
Live and let
Unfortunately, just saying this and walking away doesn't seem to have worked very well.

I would defend anyone in need of it regardless of disposition. Similarly, I would defend my family against anyone who attempted to brainwash them into something they did not want to become. An uncle and a cousin of mine are gay. The uncle used to date women as cover and is as rugged as any man. The cousin has been flaming since high school. Neither want to "spread the word so to speak" of their preferences. They bring partners to family gatherings. Everyone gets along. But I see where you're coming from, I think. The cousin was fired from his music teacher position over what he feels was his sexual preference. Now he works for the IRS. Either way . . .
what does pansexual mean ??? it means that you are a gender confused liberal .:doubt:

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