Panicked Joe Biden on Twitter: Donald Trump is a threat to our Democracy. He must be Impeached


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
He just tweeted it. The corrupt bastard knows he can't win so he's calling for the overthrow of the government. The FISA iG report will be released this Friday 18th. The only reason he's running is so he won't go to jail.

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He just tweeted it. The corrupt bastard knows he can't win so he's calling for the overthrow of the government. The FISA iG report will be released this Friday 18th. The only reason he's running is so he won't go to jail.

Joe is in over his head on this one. Joe knew just as Obama knew what was going on... Watch for desperation plays against Trump this week.. Joe has nothing and this is a desperation play to force an Impeachment vote. Even that vote will not stop what is coming for Joe and others.
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Biden has clearly switched modes. For weeks he just campaigned relatively quietly while leading in the polls. Now, with phonahontas leading in many polls, he has to be more aggressive to appeal to a wider ‘fringe’ liberal voter. I’ll bet the DNC wished they had never agreed to let the general population of democrats pick the nominee. Biden sure does.
After the IG report is released its going to be a blood bath... It could take out Joe Biden, Harris and Booker as well...
He just tweeted it. The corrupt bastard knows he can't win so he's calling for the overthrow of the government. The FISA iG report will be released this Friday 18th. The only reason he's running is so he won't go to jail.

Joe is in over his head on this one. Joe knew just as Obama knew what was going on... Watch for desperation plays against Trump this week.. Joe has nothing and this is a desperation play to force an Impeachment vote. Even that vote will not stop what is coming for Joe and others.
I agree! Your post is spot on.
Dammit, why do people insist on not dying in the streets and eating cat food? If Trump is so detrimental to us, we should start acting like it.

Get it together , People!
I wonder which of the other candidates will call him out on this in Tuesday's debate.
It's doubtful the moderator will bring it up at all, but it has to come up if they're going to talk about impeaching Trump at all.
Trump is a threat to the political establishment elitists, not democracy.
Trump is the real whistleblower isn't he ? Shining a light on corruption at the highest levels in our government....that's the definition of a whistleblower.

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