Panicked RINO Mitt Romney Calls On GOP Not To Investigate Hunter Biden

Go right ahead. Let America see how much the GOP cares about running the country.
Exposing an obviously compromised “President” certainly is an important thing. But we know why you don’t want that looked at....
Jan 6 is mainly for informational purposes to identify and put measures in place to deter insurrection attempts in the future.

I think the Jan 6 committee recently gave their findings to the DoJ but I would think an actual investigation would take years.

We shall see I guess.
The DoJ has been investigating this shortly after Jan. 6th. There shouldn't be much of anything that comes from this that the DoJ doesn't already know. Since it came out during the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers that the FBI had informants within one of the organizations, they very likely had advanced warning of what was going to happen.

As for it be mainly for informational purposes, you don't put hearings on prime time and hire a former news executive to help produce it for hearings to identify and put measures in place to stop this from happening again. That could've been done without any cameras in a room. This was about getting Trump. I'm saying this and I don't care for the man. But let's not kid ourselves with the notion that this was nothing more than political theatre.
The DoJ has been investigating this shortly after Jan. 6th. There shouldn't be much of anything that comes from this that the DoJ doesn't already know. Since it came out during the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers that the FBI had informants within one of the organizations, they very likely had advanced warning of what was going to happen.

As for it be mainly for informational purposes, you don't put hearings on prime time and hire a former news executive to help produce it for hearings to identify and put measures in place to stop this from happening again. That could've been done without any cameras in a room. This was about getting Trump. I'm saying this and I don't care for the man. But let's not kid ourselves with the notion that this was nothing more than political theatre.
It's important that America knows the truth.

The right wing messaging that the insurection attempt was a kegger or "legitimate political discourse" or was staged by Antifa etc is dangerous.
The DC swamp is shitting a brick, there's a laptop full of evidence and copies. :oops:
Nope. They know little of it will be admissible in court and what can be authenticated doesn't show criminality. All it will show is that Hunter is a dick who will sell access to his dad (real or imagined) to line his own pockets.
It's important that America knows the truth.

The right wing messaging that the insurection attempt was a kegger or "legitimate political discourse" or was staged by Antifa etc is dangerous.
So is the whole idea that it was an insurrection in the first place. That's left-wing messaging and can be argued is just as dangerous since it's also a false narrative. If it was truly an insurrection attempt, then everybody who was there at the Capitol should've been charged with insurrection by the Dept. of Justice. Here's the US law that deals with insurrection: "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." If Jan 6th was an insurrection, then please explain why AG Garland didn't charge everyone, including the guy with the Flintstone's water buffalo hat, with insurrection? I'm going to guess that he has more knowledge of the legal system than either of us.
So is the whole idea that it was an insurrection in the first place. That's left-wing messaging and can be argued is just as dangerous since it's also a false narrative. If it was truly an insurrection attempt, then everybody who was there at the Capitol should've been charged with insurrection by the Dept. of Justice. Here's the US law that deals with insurrection: "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." If Jan 6th was an insurrection, then please explain why AG Garland didn't charge everyone, including the guy with the Flintstone's water buffalo hat, with insurrection? I'm going to guess that he has more knowledge of the legal system than either of us.
...What's the matter with Flintstone? .. He's all right!
So is the whole idea that it was an insurrection in the first place. That's left-wing messaging and can be argued is just as dangerous since it's also a false narrative. If it was truly an insurrection attempt, then everybody who was there at the Capitol should've been charged with insurrection by the Dept. of Justice.

The legal definition of insurrection does not list 'everyone being involved charged with insurrection' as a requirement.

Here's the US law that deals with insurrection: "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

Exactly, and that is what happened.

If Jan 6th was an insurrection, then please explain why AG Garland didn't charge everyone, including the guy with the Flintstone's water buffalo hat, with insurrection? I'm going to guess that he has more knowledge of the legal system than either of us.
Again, everyone or even anyone being charged is not a requirement for an attempted insurrection to have taken place.

In your opinion, if someone is murdered but they never catch the murderer, then that person wasn't murdered?
So is the whole idea that it was an insurrection in the first place. That's left-wing messaging and can be argued is just as dangerous since it's also a false narrative. If it was truly an insurrection attempt, then everybody who was there at the Capitol should've been charged with insurrection by the Dept. of Justice. Here's the US law that deals with insurrection: "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." If Jan 6th was an insurrection, then please explain why AG Garland didn't charge everyone, including the guy with the Flintstone's water buffalo hat, with insurrection? I'm going to guess that he has more knowledge of the legal system than either of us.
In any criminal organization you want to take out the top guy or guys. Trump is being investigated and the Oath Keepers have already been tried. I doubt this will be the end of it.
The legal definition of insurrection does not list 'everyone being involved charged with insurrection' as a requirement.

Exactly, and that is what happened.

Again, everyone or even anyone being charged is not a requirement for an attempted insurrection to have taken place.

In your opinion, if someone is murdered but they never catch the murderer, then that person wasn't murdered?

If someone's murdered, but they don't catch the murderer, then law enforcement can't charge anyone. However, they did arrest, charge, try and convict a LOT of people in relation to Jan. 6th. The question still remains: Why didn't AG Garland charge everyone who was arrested with insurrection? I know what the legal definition of insurrection. I posted it in post #25. It's really hard to legally define someone as an insurrectionist without bothering to charge them in the legal system as one. It's like the Dept. of Justice is saying that what they did didn't rise to that level. So, feelings aside, give me a legal reason for the DoJ not charging them if they clearly broke that law, according to you?
In any criminal organization you want to take out the top guy or guys. Trump is being investigated and the Oath Keepers have already been tried. I doubt this will be the end of it.
You really believe that? You would think that our Dept. of Justice, with nearly two years of investigation, would be able to produce the goods to indict Trump for Jan. 6th by now. I mean, it's not THAT hard to unravel. The reason why they wanted to make Jan. 6th an insurrection deals with the last part of the insurrection law: "... and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." Anyways, the Oath Keepers being tried and convicted could help the man. Since they were conspiring before Trump made his speech, then those two things can't be connected. So, even with informers within the organization, they can't find a link to Trump? I do think if he goes through with running for President in '24, he will be indicted directly. As I said before, I don't like him and would be glad if he didn't run, but there are a LOT of people who have lost their damn minds over this man.
The elections in our USA today are controlled by the deep state puppeteers that they themselves had created.
The "Duh-Heap" State has always been with us. Created by the Illuminati as a joke of course.......
(sorry found the hash and smoked it), how many times do we need to address the same issue?
Sorry, not sorry? Several times a day......
Joe Biden claims he never had any dealings with Hunter’s business dealings.

Then this photo arises….Joe and Hunter with Burisma execs.

Joe lied. Why? Maybe because he is getting paid off?


That is illegal.

The joke of it all is that if it was Donald Trump, Jr’s laptop…you lying pos left wing cult fucks would be all over him.

You assholes are phonies and frauds and communists. You are morally bankrupt human trash.

You live in a world of hypocrisy.
You really believe that? You would think that our Dept. of Justice, with nearly two years of investigation, would be able to produce the goods to indict Trump for Jan. 6th by now. I mean, it's not THAT hard to unravel. The reason why they wanted to make Jan. 6th an insurrection deals with the last part of the insurrection law: "... and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." Anyways, the Oath Keepers being tried and convicted could help the man. Since they were conspiring before Trump made his speech, then those two things can't be connected. So, even with informers within the organization, they can't find a link to Trump? I do think if he goes through with running for President in '24, he will be indicted directly. As I said before, I don't like him and would be glad if he didn't run, but there are a LOT of people who have lost their damn minds over this man.
I do believe that. Let's reserve judgement and see what gets uncovered. I believe Trump is morally responsible for 1/6 but I don't know if he is legally responsible. TBD.
I do believe that. Let's reserve judgement and see what gets uncovered. I believe Trump is morally responsible for 1/6 but I don't know if he is legally responsible. TBD.
What I'm saying is that if it hasn't been uncovered in nearly two years of investigation, the Jan. 6th committee isn't going to produce anywhere near a smoking gun that the Dept. of Justice is going to run with. What evidence do you think gets uncovered that's been hidden all this time?
If someone's murdered, but they don't catch the murderer, then law enforcement can't charge anyone.

Yet someone was still murdered.

However, they did arrest, charge, try and convict a LOT of people in relation to Jan. 6th. The question still remains: Why didn't AG Garland charge everyone who was arrested with insurrection? I know what the legal definition of insurrection. I posted it in post #25. It's really hard to legally define someone as an insurrectionist without bothering to charge them in the legal system as one. It's like the Dept. of Justice is saying that what they did didn't rise to that level. So, feelings aside, give me a legal reason for the DoJ not charging them if they clearly broke that law, according to you?
Because according to the charges, the people charged or that will be charged with sedition planned and had "organized" with one or more others and had specific plans to stop the certification of the election.

Aside from them, a huge majority of the people did not plan, organize, or collaborate. They were simply independent protestors/rioters who were caught up in the crowd.

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