Panicked RINO Mitt Romney Calls On GOP Not To Investigate Hunter Biden

Yet someone was still murdered.

Because according to the charges, the people charged or that will be charged with sedition planned and had "organized" with one or more others and had specific plans to stop the certification of the election.

Aside from them, a huge majority of the people did not plan, organize, or collaborate. They were simply independent protestors/rioters who were caught up in the crowd.

Apparently, reading is not your strong suit. So, let me bring up the law again from post #25 with the pertinent information you're overlooking. "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, ..." It doesn't matter if the majority didn't plan, organize or collaborate. If they participated, they've met the threshold for being part of an insurrection. So, again, you can't seem to answer why AG Garland does not charge them since they did go into the Capitol and engaged in a crime. So, you're going to do what I'm sure you're going to do. Tap dance around the question again.
Apparently, reading is not your strong suit. So, let me bring up the law again from post #25 with the pertinent information you're overlooking. "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, ..." It doesn't matter if the majority didn't plan, organize or collaborate. If they participated, they've met the threshold for being part of an insurrection. So, again, you can't seem to answer why AG Garland does not charge them since they did go into the Capitol and engaged in a crime. So, you're going to do what I'm sure you're going to do. Tap dance around the question again.
The charges were not for insurection, I may have added to this confusion. They were for seditious conspiracy and it involves collaboration between 2 or more people.

Most of the people at the capital were acting spontaneously and individually.

"Under 18 U.S.C. § 2384, “seditious conspiracy” occurs when two or more persons:

conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof."

Regardless of charges, the definition of insurrection was certainly fulfilled on Jan 6.
Mitt Romney. RINO #1 out to sell out his country to the democrats for a buck and has to be one of the first to go. I'd ask who keeps reelecting this guy but it is obvious now that our elections are about as staged as a WWF wrestling match.
Yeah, you "true" conservatives should stop going to the polls. That'll learn'em!
Nice attempt at deflection. However, both can really be shady and worth investigating. So, why can't both be looked at by Congress?

Congress can look at the Hunter Biden issue all they want, but nothing will come of it. Just political show boating.

It will be the DOJ that investigates Kushner's Qatar issues...that's what matters.
Congress can look at the Hunter Biden issue all they want, but nothing will come of it. Just political show boating.

It will be the DOJ that investigates Kushner's Qatar issues...that's what matters.
Has the DOJ announced that they're investigating Kushner? I do agree that Hunter will be political show boating. Just like the Jan. 6th thing was nothing more than political showboating. Even if anything serious came, first of all, I'm willing to bet that you'll downplay it. Also, I doubt that AG Garland would have the lower testicular fortitude to go after the President like that.
The charges were not for insurection, I may have added to this confusion. They were for seditious conspiracy and it involves collaboration between 2 or more people.

Most of the people at the capital were acting spontaneously and individually.

"Under 18 U.S.C. § 2384, “seditious conspiracy” occurs when two or more persons:

conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof."

Regardless of charges, the definition of insurrection was certainly fulfilled on Jan 6.

So, you should replace AG Garland then. The definition of insurrection was certainly fulfilled on Jan 6 according to you. The law that I posted in post #25 IS the legal definition of insurrection. CSIS is trying to fold seditious conspiracy into insurrection. There's no confusion on your part. You just want to narrow it down to the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys only. Show me in the law where I posted that says that it only counts if you're not doing it individually or doing it spontaneously. Unless you can make a direct link from the Proud Boys & Oath Keepers to Trump or anyone in his administration, then going after Trump was a complete dead end. Anyone with a brain can see the lack of indictments from anyone in the former administration is a strong sign that they weren't involved. Now, the committee will refer Trump or whoever to the DOJ for criminal referral, but that's just political show boating. The DOJ don't need that from them to indict anybody.
Has the DOJ announced that they're investigating Kushner? I do agree that Hunter will be political show boating. Just like the Jan. 6th thing was nothing more than political showboating. Even if anything serious came, first of all, I'm willing to bet that you'll downplay it. Also, I doubt that AG Garland would have the lower testicular fortitude to go after the President like that.

It's amazing that people lie you still try to gas lamp everyone by saying that Jan. 6 was nothing serious. It's really pitiful. We ALL saw what happened on Jan. 6, and no matter what you say, we'll believe our eyes and not your B.S.

The status of the Hunter Biden laptop is that all the data has already been made public, and none of it indicates the Hunter or Joe Biden did anything illegal. It's another White Water investigation. It's nonsense.

The investigation into Kushner's attempt to get the Qataris to finance his failed real estate deal - and then for Trump & Kushner to use U.S. government policy to punish Qatar is a serious criminal action.

Sorry if reality contradicts what you want to believe, Peanut Brain!
So, you should replace AG Garland then. The definition of insurrection was certainly fulfilled on Jan 6 according to you.

It was.

The law that I posted in post #25 IS the legal definition of insurrection. CSIS is trying to fold seditious conspiracy into insurrection.

Fair point. I too have interchanged insurrection and sedition, more out of ignorance then any intention to "fold" sedition conspiracy into insurrection although I don't think seditious conspiracy is a lesser crime then insurrection.

There's no confusion on your part. You just want to narrow it down to the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys only. Show me in the law where I posted that says that it only counts if you're not doing it individually or doing it spontaneously.

I already noted that seditious conspiracy, for which some have been convicted, needs 2 or more individuals. That is where my comment came from.

Unless you can make a direct link from the Proud Boys & Oath Keepers to Trump or anyone in his administration, then going after Trump was a complete dead end.

I said nothing about Trump or tying this to him.

I am of the opinion that Trump has a lot of culpability for the events of Jan 6 but I have not seen any legal connection that Trump should be charged for. Of course that doesn't mean their isn't any as I am certainly not a laywer.

Anyone with a brain can see the lack of indictments from anyone in the former administration is a strong sign that they weren't involved. Now, the committee will refer Trump or whoever to the DOJ for criminal referral, but that's just political show boating. The DOJ don't need that from them to indict anybody.
I expect the DoJ already has the same info that the Jan 6 committee has but the info provided to the DoJ from the Jan 6 committee certainly is a prudent move to ensure they do.
What I'm saying is that if it hasn't been uncovered in nearly two years of investigation, the Jan. 6th committee isn't going to produce anywhere near a smoking gun that the Dept. of Justice is going to run with. What evidence do you think gets uncovered that's been hidden all this time?
How many people were subpoenaed by the committee that then refused to testify? How many used Presidential privilege to avoid testifying? Has Trump ever testified under oath?

Lots of evidence may still get uncovered once the DOJ can truly issue subpoenas and enforce them.
It's amazing that people lie you still try to gas lamp everyone by saying that Jan. 6 was nothing serious. It's really pitiful. We ALL saw what happened on Jan. 6, and no matter what you say, we'll believe our eyes and not your B.S.

The status of the Hunter Biden laptop is that all the data has already been made public, and none of it indicates the Hunter or Joe Biden did anything illegal. It's another White Water investigation. It's nonsense.

The investigation into Kushner's attempt to get the Qataris to finance his failed real estate deal - and then for Trump & Kushner to use U.S. government policy to punish Qatar is a serious criminal action.

Sorry if reality contradicts what you want to believe, Peanut Brain!
Peanut brain! How original for a 6-yr old. :eusa_clap: I said that the Jan. 6th committee is nothing serious, and it's not serious at all. The DOJ doesn't need them AT ALL to indict, try and convict anyone that was involved with what happened that day. So,
tell me then, what's its purpose? Name me one person that the committee has sent for criminal referral has been charged with anything.

As for the comparison between Hunter and Kushner, if the laptop was Don Jr.'s, I HIGHLY doubt you would be dismissive about it and screaming that it's a serious criminal action. My opinion is that they're both worthy to be investigated. You don't because you're simply a partisan hack. But go on living in the whatever-colored sky it is in your world.
How many people were subpoenaed by the committee that then refused to testify? How many used Presidential privilege to avoid testifying? Has Trump ever testified under oath?

Lots of evidence may still get uncovered once the DOJ can truly issue subpoenas and enforce them.
Why has the DOJ not been able to truly issue subpoenas and enforce them? I hope you're not trying to tie the Jan 6 committee directly to the DOJ. People who are refusing to appear before the committee is not the same as refusing to talk to the DOJ. The DOJ, if they wanted to, can go to a grand jury and question the use of Presidental privilege. You're under the impression that the committee has any kind of prosecution power. All they can do is do a criminal referral to the DOJ. Prosecution completely lies in the hand of the DOJ. They already tried that with former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and another person for contempt of Congress, and the DOJ refused to prosecute. Link So, Trump, Meadows, etc. don't need to testify to the committee. Even if they did and lied, will it really matter? James Clapper lied about the US government did not illegally collect data on US citizens under oath. How much years did he spend in prison?
Peanut brain! How original for a 6-yr old. :eusa_clap: I said that the Jan. 6th committee is nothing serious, and it's not serious at all. The DOJ doesn't need them AT ALL to indict, try and convict anyone that was involved with what happened that day. So,
tell me then, what's its purpose? Name me one person that the committee has sent for criminal referral has been charged with anything.

As for the comparison between Hunter and Kushner, if the laptop was Don Jr.'s, I HIGHLY doubt you would be dismissive about it and screaming that it's a serious criminal action. My opinion is that they're both worthy to be investigated. You don't because you're simply a partisan hack. But go on living in the whatever-colored sky it is in your world.

The Jan. 6 committee is a political body. Its primary purpose is to disclose as much as possible regarding the Jan. 6 insurrection and make criminal referrals as is needed.

While the DOJ takes care of the legal side of the insurrection, the American people deserve a full understanding, which is the purpose of the J6 committee.

So far Steve Bannon has had a criminal referral and been there's your 'one person'.

As far as Hunter Biden's laptop, your lack-of-logic way of thinking is that you assume that if some non-existent accusations against a Conservative were made, I would, purely based on partisanship, support those accusations no matter how obviously false they were, so you use that as an excuse to knowingly support accusations against Hunter Biden that you know are false.

You truly are a peanut brain!
Why has the DOJ not been able to truly issue subpoenas and enforce them? I hope you're not trying to tie the Jan 6 committee directly to the DOJ. People who are refusing to appear before the committee is not the same as refusing to talk to the DOJ. The DOJ, if they wanted to, can go to a grand jury and question the use of Presidental privilege. You're under the impression that the committee has any kind of prosecution power. All they can do is do a criminal referral to the DOJ. Prosecution completely lies in the hand of the DOJ. They already tried that with former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and another person for contempt of Congress, and the DOJ refused to prosecute. Link So, Trump, Meadows, etc. don't need to testify to the committee. Even if they did and lied, will it really matter? James Clapper lied about the US government did not illegally collect data on US citizens under oath. How much years did he spend in prison?
I think Garland was slow walking the process to let the Jan 6 Committee finish their work. He only appointed a special prosecutor a month ago so the wheels of justice are just getting started. I have no prediction on where it will go.

The Clapper case is, in some ways, similar to Trump and the classified documents. I don't care for Trump and my gut tells me he violated the law but the law is tricky and it wouldn't surprise me if the DOJ declines to prosecute. In both cases, getting beyond reasonable doubt and the endless legal technicalities are too difficult.
Looks like Mitt doesn't want his links to Burisma to come out. Romney’s son is also deep in the same kind of corruption as Hunter in Ukraine.


He is trying to save Republicans from themselves.
He doesn't know what he's talking about. Repubs need to focus the next two years getting to the bottom of the hunter Biden story. Investigate...and if nothing comes keep investigating! They need to make Benghazi look like Sunday in the park.

Why don't you take a loaded gun to your head and fire it. That is exactly what Republicans are doing.

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