Papa John say's Obamacare will cause pizza prices to rise

Papa John's CEO Says 'Obamacare' Will Up Pizza Price

August 9, 2012
The CEO and founder of Papa John's pizza wants investors to know that when the president's health care law takes effect, the price of pizza is going up with it.According to "Papa" John Schnatter, the cost of providing health insurance for all of his pizza chain's uninsured, full-time employees comes out to about 14 cents on a large pizza. That's less than adding an extra topping and a third the price of an extra pepperoncini. If you want that piping hot pie delivered, the $2 delivery fee will cost you 14 times as much as that health insurance price hike."We're not supportive of Obamacare, like most businesses in our industry," Schnatter said on a conference call with shareholders last week, as reported by*Politico.*"If Obamacare is in fact not repealed, we will find tactics to shallow out any Obamacare costs and core strategies to pass that cost onto consumers in order to protect our shareholders' best interests."
Papa John's John Schnatter Says 'Obamacare' Will Up Pizza Price - ABC News

All prices will be rising. Affordable my ass...............

I would normally tell you to fuck off, but I have been to NY a number of times and there is no Pizza on earth as good as virtually any NY Pizza. I even go to Johnnys New York style pizza here in Georgia when I get the urge for pizza. Not as good, but close.

The best I vere had was Denino's on Staten Island.... awesome white pie!
Republicans have to decide what they want in a healthcare solution for our nation

1. Universal Healthcare- Republicans fought it as Socialism
2. Govt Option- Republicans fought as more socialism and a thinly veiled attempt to take over healthcare
3. Employer provided Healthcare- Republicans fight as an intrusion on business and a jobs killer

What is left Republicans? Oh yes....Let them die
Republicans have to decide what they want in a healthcare solution for our nation

1. Universal Healthcare- Republicans fought it as Socialism
2. Govt Option- Republicans fought as more socialism and a thinly veiled attempt to take over healthcare
3. Employer provided Healthcare- Republicans fight as an intrusion on business and a jobs killer

What is left Republicans? Oh yes....Let them die

4. blame it on the trial lawyers
The number is bullshit as was proven on CNN this morning, BUT,

for the fun of it, pretend the number is true. Worst case scenario, you pay an extra 15 cents for a Papa John pizza that costs what?

Let's say 15 bucks. That's 1%. You pay an extra 1% so the guy who made your pizza, and everyone else in the place, can have health insurance.

What kind of a cheap - ass fuck do you have to be to complain about that? If you're that cheap make a pizza at home.
The number is bullshit as was proven on CNN this morning, BUT,

for the fun of it, pretend the number is true. Worst case scenario, you pay an extra 15 cents for a Papa John pizza that costs what?

Let's say 15 bucks. That's 1%. You pay an extra 1% so the guy who made your pizza, and everyone else in the place, can have health insurance.

What kind of a cheap - ass fuck do you have to be to complain about that? If you're that cheap make a pizza at home.

I'd prefer the employee cover the costs of maintaining a healthy work force. In fact, we should make them pay money to work.
The number is bullshit as was proven on CNN this morning, BUT,

for the fun of it, pretend the number is true. Worst case scenario, you pay an extra 15 cents for a Papa John pizza that costs what?

Let's say 15 bucks. That's 1%. You pay an extra 1% so the guy who made your pizza, and everyone else in the place, can have health insurance.

What kind of a cheap - ass fuck do you have to be to complain about that? If you're that cheap make a pizza at home.

That is our fundamental difference.

Why should I pay for anything for him?
What's next?
What's the next thing you want your favorite Uncle to Mandate?
The number is bullshit as was proven on CNN this morning, BUT,

for the fun of it, pretend the number is true. Worst case scenario, you pay an extra 15 cents for a Papa John pizza that costs what?

Let's say 15 bucks. That's 1%. You pay an extra 1% so the guy who made your pizza, and everyone else in the place, can have health insurance.

What kind of a cheap - ass fuck do you have to be to complain about that? If you're that cheap make a pizza at home.

That is our fundamental difference.

Why should I pay for anything for him?
What's next?
What's the next thing you want your favorite Uncle to Mandate?

Exactly. Pizza delivery drivers should not be paid.
The number is bullshit as was proven on CNN this morning, BUT,

for the fun of it, pretend the number is true. Worst case scenario, you pay an extra 15 cents for a Papa John pizza that costs what?

Let's say 15 bucks. That's 1%. You pay an extra 1% so the guy who made your pizza, and everyone else in the place, can have health insurance.

What kind of a cheap - ass fuck do you have to be to complain about that? If you're that cheap make a pizza at home.

That is our fundamental difference.

Why should I pay for anything for him?
What's next?
What's the next thing you want your favorite Uncle to Mandate?

Exactly. Pizza delivery drivers should not be paid.

His employment contract is between him and the company he works for
That is our fundamental difference.

Why should I pay for anything for him?
What's next?
What's the next thing you want your favorite Uncle to Mandate?

Exactly. Pizza delivery drivers should not be paid.

His employment contract is between him and the company he works for

... a company that externalizes as many costs as possible off to the driver.

its really a great business model - target young people who aren't fully aware of the cost of owning a motor vehicle over time and the extra cost that stop and go usage implies - and get them to use their cars for the job.

Can you imagine how much more your pizza would cost you if PapaJohns actually paid to maintain their own fleet? LOL! Then you'd have to pay for the labor AND the cost of the car!

BTW - PapaJohns is also externalizing another cost by NOT providing decent health coverage. Namely the cost of you getting sick when the driver - with no health coverage and no sick days - goes to work ill and coughs all over your food.

You sound like an excellent tipper, btw.
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Exactly. Pizza delivery drivers should not be paid.

His employment contract is between him and the company he works for

... a company that externalizes as many costs as possible off to the driver.

its really a great business model - target young people who aren't fully aware of the cost of owning a motor vehicle over time and the extra cost that stop and go usage implies - and get them to use their cars for the job.

Can you imagine how much more your pizza would cost you if PapaJohns actually paid to maintain their own fleet? LOL! Then you'd have to pay for the labor AND the cost of the car!

BTW - PapaJohns is also externalizing another cost by NOT providing decent health coverage. Namely the cost of you getting sick when the driver - with no health coverage and no sick days - goes to work ill and coughs all over your food.

You sound like an excellent tipper, btw.

16% of your daily sales is for mileage (wear and tear on your vehicle), plus a wage that is, most times, more than minimum wage, plus tips.

I've delivered pizzas.

As evil as you make employers, I have never worked for a company that didn't provide some sort of health insurance.
His employment contract is between him and the company he works for

... a company that externalizes as many costs as possible off to the driver.

its really a great business model - target young people who aren't fully aware of the cost of owning a motor vehicle over time and the extra cost that stop and go usage implies - and get them to use their cars for the job.

Can you imagine how much more your pizza would cost you if PapaJohns actually paid to maintain their own fleet? LOL! Then you'd have to pay for the labor AND the cost of the car!

BTW - PapaJohns is also externalizing another cost by NOT providing decent health coverage. Namely the cost of you getting sick when the driver - with no health coverage and no sick days - goes to work ill and coughs all over your food.

You sound like an excellent tipper, btw.

16% of your daily sales is for mileage (wear and tear on your vehicle), plus a wage that is, most times, more than minimum wage, plus tips.

I've delivered pizzas.

As evil as you make employers, I have never worked for a company that didn't provide some sort of health insurance.

16% my ass. That's exceptional. Was no more than 6% when I worked for PJ America. Was as low as 3% at one point. Doesn't come to close covering total vehicle costs - of which gas isn't even the majority of the cost. To cover total costs required the entire commission + about half my tips.

Delivery driving is really only cost effective if you do high volume and can fix your own car.

Can you imagine if you had to supply your own cash register to work checkout at wal mart - or your own forklift to work in the back of the store?
How does Papa Johns offer a $10 pizza?

Pay minimum wage and allow the taxpayers to pick up the tab for his employees housing, healthcare, education, food

It is easy to pay low wages when the taxpayer supports your workforce

Wow- Good point.

The ironic thing is that the "McJobs" economy where rich guys make a lot of money by paying people as little as possible because the government will step in and pick up the slack is a large part of the problem.

if those government bennies went away, you'd probably have more unionization and strikes for better benefits and pay.
How does Papa Johns offer a $10 pizza?

Pay minimum wage and allow the taxpayers to pick up the tab for his employees housing, healthcare, education, food

It is easy to pay low wages when the taxpayer supports your workforce

Wow- Good point.

The ironic thing is that the "McJobs" economy where rich guys make a lot of money by paying people as little as possible because the government will step in and pick up the slack is a large part of the problem.

if those government bennies went away, you'd probably have more unionization and strikes for better benefits and pay.

I get the feeling we're gonna start to see if that's true in the next few years, whoever takes the White House in November.
Papa John's CEO Says 'Obamacare' Will Up Pizza Price

August 9, 2012
The CEO and founder of Papa John's pizza wants investors to know that when the president's health care law takes effect, the price of pizza is going up with it.According to "Papa" John Schnatter, the cost of providing health insurance for all of his pizza chain's uninsured, full-time employees comes out to about 14 cents on a large pizza. That's less than adding an extra topping and a third the price of an extra pepperoncini. If you want that piping hot pie delivered, the $2 delivery fee will cost you 14 times as much as that health insurance price hike."We're not supportive of Obamacare, like most businesses in our industry," Schnatter said on a conference call with shareholders last week, as reported by*Politico.*"If Obamacare is in fact not repealed, we will find tactics to shallow out any Obamacare costs and core strategies to pass that cost onto consumers in order to protect our shareholders' best interests."
Papa John's John Schnatter Says 'Obamacare' Will Up Pizza Price - ABC News
I have news for him. Obamacare will cause everything to go up. It is just part of the failed economic system that the progressives are trying to bring about.
Papa John say's Obamacare will cause pizza prices to rise

Papa John's CEO Says 'Obamacare' Will Up Pizza Price


.....whatta tragedy.



that woman of yours Shamen.....she has some big balls....
The number is bullshit as was proven on CNN this morning, BUT,

for the fun of it, pretend the number is true. Worst case scenario, you pay an extra 15 cents for a Papa John pizza that costs what?

Let's say 15 bucks. That's 1%. You pay an extra 1% so the guy who made your pizza, and everyone else in the place, can have health insurance.

What kind of a cheap - ass fuck do you have to be to complain about that? If you're that cheap make a pizza at home.

That is our fundamental difference.

Why should I pay for anything for him?

Because you're getting a fucking pizza you moron.

jeezus christ on a bicycle what is wrong with the human gene pool.
That is our fundamental difference.

Why should I pay for anything for him?
What's next?
What's the next thing you want your favorite Uncle to Mandate?

Exactly. Pizza delivery drivers should not be paid.

His employment contract is between him and the company he works for

In Somalia maybe. Here in a civilized country, much to the chagrin of the rightwingers who long for a return to the Middle Ages,

we make laws regulating work.

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