Papa Legba and the Democrat Bizango

10. One more connection that applies here: the Democrat Bizango

"Besides regular priests who belong to ordinary voodoo temples, there are secret societies in Africa, the Bizango. These possessed a military organization and firm structure and therefore lend themselves perfectly to the secret machinations .....

In the 20th Century made use of the dictators Francois "Papa Doc 2 and Jean-Claude" Baby Doc "Duvalier, the secret societies of the Bizango by dissidents to silence There are still many secret societies, but one of the most important and best known is the Bizango -. Secret society, with in this day and age, a high priest of the Bizango not only black (bokor), but also white (huangan) powerful magical rituals.

Training takes place on Bizango priests generally begins in the very early age (3) " Bizango Secrets

".... a military organization and firm structure..."

a.The way Democrats voted for ObamaCare.....en block:

"Now the Democrats had a safe majority in the House and a filibuster-proof supermajority of 60 in the Senate. That scenario lasted only four months before fate intervened. Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts died on August 25, 2009, leaving the Democrats, once again, with 59 seats (counting the two Independents). Exactly one month later, on September 25, Democrat Paul Kirk was appointed interim senator from Massachusetts to serve until the special election set for January 19, 2010 – once again giving the Democrats that 60thvote. But the intrigue was just beginning."
A Look Back At How The President Was Able To Sign Obamacare Into Law Four Years Ago - Forbes

Wait.....every single Senate Democrat voted for ObamaCare...even though the people opposed it???

Gee....sounds like ".... a military organization and firm structure...".....a Bizango, huh?

So....back to the OP: how to explain so many supporting a failed political philsophy?
Simple....they're not just "Lock-Step Liberals"......they're zombies.

You know what a zombie's worst fear is?
1. I have puzzled over the fact that the Liberals/Democrats have been wrong about just about everything...." on abortion, adultery, illegitimacy, the divorce rate, drugs, crime, a president molesting an intern and then lying to federal investigators. They stake out a clear moral position only on the issue of slavery…of course, when it mattered, they were on the wrong side of that, too."(Coulter)...

The results of Democrat rule is clear to all: take the ten most impoverished and broken-down cities in the nation....and they have been under Democrat rule for half a century.

And even after Republicans defeated the Confederacy and passed the anti-slavery amendments, Jim Crow was Democrat big government in action....

...yet, have quite a following!

2. Papa Legba was re-elected with a victory margin of some seven million votes.....even though he had a domestic and foreign policy record replete with one failure and gaffe after another.

How the heck are they getting folks to vote for 'em??

I think I figured it out.

3. OK....a major factor is that both the schools and the media are wholly owned subsidiaries of 'Liberalism, Inc.'....and most folks have more pressing personal requirements than being political wonks: they just don't have time to study the big picture. to explain the huge disconnect between reality and Democrat ascendency??

In study of the nexus of slavery and religion, I happened on an interesting relationship that explains why so many have gone so far wrong


It's voodoo.

4. African descendants in the New World brought with them their indigenous West African religions, most prominent, voodoo. It not only survived, but thrived in Haiti and the slave states of the American South. The religion is not monotheist, but has incorporated elements of a way.

Like Liberalism, it has both the ability to perform good, and to perform evil. The former uses drugs and potions, and, and is the 'doctor' part of 'witch doctor'...the latter uses poison and murder and mass hypnosis.

Of course, only rarely does Liberalism require, murder.... indoctrination and control of careers and status works just fine.

In any case, both voodoo and Liberalism function via a sort of mass hypnosis, and neither stand up to careful inspection or explanation.

This day, April 10th, 2003....Haiti recognized Voodoo as a religion.

In April 2003 an executive decree by then president Jean-Bertrand Aristide sanctioned voodoo as an officially recognized religion. "It is a religion in the same way Judaism or Christianity is," said Bob Corbett, professor emeritus of philosophy at Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri.Jul 7, 2004

Inside the Voodoo Rituals of Haiti - National Geographic › news › haiti-ancient-traditions-voodoo

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