Papadopoulos Smacks Brennan Over Mueller Report

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
This is so damn funny.

Brennan on March 20 sends a smart ass tweet to Papadopoulos and gets his ass handed to him. Talk about a cocky moron, Brennan now looks like an idiot.

John O. Brennan


· Mar 20, 2019

Hmmm...your bizarre tweets and recent temper tantrums reveal your panic over the likelihood the Special Counsel will soon further complicate your life, putting your political & financial future in jeopardy. Fortunately, Lady Justice does not do NDAs.

George Papadopoulos@GeorgePapa19

John: all the assets you weaponized against me are being outed in London, Canberra and Rome. Mifsud, Halper, Downer, Tawil etc. congress has the names, my testimony and foreign governments are now cooperating with the Trump administration to out the rest. Good luck.

Brennan is so damn stupid and arrogant now his entire premise has been shoved up his ass.

Trump is exonerated, Brennan's now a national laughing stock. As well as PMSNBC who paid him the big bucks to lie out his ass.

Now to the important things,

DOJ Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz confirmed at a panel discussion last week that his office is continuing to review potential surveillance abuses by the FBI, a review that began last March and that Fox News is told is nearing completion. Horowitz has previously found that senior FBI officials routinely leaked information without authorization to the media, and also received "improper gifts" from reporters, including meals and sporting event tickets. Most notably, Horowitz found that FBI officials' anti-Trump communications raised doubts as to the integrity of their work.

Republicans, meanwhile, are increasingly looking for answers from U.S. Attorney for Utah John Huber, who was appointed a year ago by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to review not only surveillance abuses by the FBI and DOJ, but also authorities' handling of the probe into the Clinton Foundation. Huber, Republicans have cautioned, has apparently made little progress, and spoken to few key witnesses and whistleblowers.

Democrats would be wise to drop the entire witch hunt and go in to full on damage control because here comes Horowitz and Huber.

This is a great read.

Trump allies await results of two internal probes that could expose Russia investigation backstory

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