Para normal..

deorro 1

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2019
Ilaha has declared, Ilahu is the Greater Deity.. Ilaha has declared, Ilahu is the 'Para' Deity to Himself.. The Greater deity than Himself..

And this also is paranormal.. When parents allow for their children to run the home ... do this do that.. cook this cook that.. do my laundry, take my trash.. do this do that...

I have to admit ... when I was a child to be able to do such sounded pretty Kingly but when I tried to do so, I learned that I was not yet Prince to demand such acts from the house keepers..
So the prodigal son returns home..
The father sees him from afar, drops everything he was doing, and like a man meeting with a love which he lost somehow but continued looking for, like a gold coin in the living room, or something similar, he runs to greet his lost love.. his son.. whom to him is worth more than a gold coin..

The other son approaches and sees his father and his brother engaging in a celebration only seen, sometimes, at wedding feasts and banquets...

Who's getting married, the brother asks..

The father in his personal joy responds, 'this son whom I had lost has now come back to me and I'm again complete'.

So the father gained his completeness when the prodigal son returned. The other brother still wondering whose marriage it was received not yet an answer.. And the prodigal son returning was becoming timid, becoming frightened.. he began making plans for another possible venture out into the world... Everytime his father acted as such he wondered if it could mean responsibilities; as though he needed to do some work, like the older brother.. When his father encouraged him with his love and hugs, he began to wonder... 'work'? 'responsibilities'? 'is that what's coming'?

As the servants came approaching, the father still in joy calls for a formal celebration to be thrown... The brother begins to look around... 'So, there is a marriage feast'.. this celebration wouldn't be thrown for just no reason.. after all, the other brother just came back from a little time out of the home.. he went on some personal venturing excursion..and now he returned.. so this couldn't be the big deal, right?

And so the party was started and the whole house and the workers and children began to celebrate..

Some were called to go out and invite all that they saw.. any one.. those walking, those in the highways, those in the hedges, those out in plain view... 'party, party.. come to this party..'....

When asked what the occasion was, the response was... 'unsure, but party, party... come to this party'...

The brother still unsure who the bride was kept looking around.. surely there must be some bride around here somewhere... who could it be? who's that Godly blessed couple who's going to spend the rest of their lives together not needing to be afraid to be together in public for all to see? Who is this blessed pair going to be? After all, when marriage occurs, responsibilities often times diminished, a bit at least, for the male.. The newly married groom was nearly always around his new wife and how would he be able to if he had to work all the time... So the brother wondered who the lucky 'groom' and bride was.. but still no bride.. groom? Where is the groom? Where is the bride? Where is the marriage? The party is beginning but where are the bride and the groom and the other wedding hosts.. where are they all?

And so the father.. the prodigal son.. the other son, the brother.. all in the same home.. all family... all somewhat, a little, 'crazy'.
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