Pardon me but....FUCK the Christians, fuck the Jews and fuck the Muslims.....

The Crusades happened a thousand years ago and I don't recall a single episode of Christian aggression since then. Can you confine your religious bigotry to incidents in the last couple of decades?

Because I am a non believer who is tired of the religious wars I'm a bigot?


The Crusades have been over for a thousand years. Is there a faction of Americans who are so afraid of appearing intolerant that they need to blame Christians and Jews for the jihad attack on 9-11?

Yeah, there's one or two.
So, Christianity has "evolved" has it?

Think again. The same kind of intolerance and hatred we see displayed by radical Islam is still there in Christianity, lurking just under the surface and needing only the right conditions to spring forth full-blown again.

Consider this from Greece today:

Blasphemy in democracy's birthplace? Greece arrests Facebook user. -

So true! Just look what happened when our first black president was elected - after the white guilt wore off - and the racists came crawling out...
The Crusades happened a thousand years ago and I don't recall a single episode of Christian aggression since then. Can you confine your religious bigotry to incidents in the last couple of decades?

I have two words for you: Northern Ireland.
We've been fighting this war since the beginning of time. For what?

How many died in the crusades? How many died at the stake or the bottom of a lake? How many wars are we going to endure till you tinfoil hat wearing idiots realize NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE?

We all have our beliefs. Some sane, some not. But in the end what does it matter? You get your 80 years and then you either get your retirement watch or you NEVER find out it was all a hoax just to control you and your wallet.

We (christians) led the holly wars. Now the muslims are leading theirs. When does it end?

And don't give me that "when we leave them alone" bullshit.

If I offended you personally I am sorry.

Christianity has evolved!! Islam hasn't.

Yeah.....we've noticed......

We've been fighting this war since the beginning of time. For what?

How many died in the crusades? How many died at the stake or the bottom of a lake? How many wars are we going to endure till you tinfoil hat wearing idiots realize NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE?

We all have our beliefs. Some sane, some not. But in the end what does it matter? You get your 80 years and then you either get your retirement watch or you NEVER find out it was all a hoax just to control you and your wallet.

We (christians) led the holly wars. Now the muslims are leading theirs. When does it end?

And don't give me that "when we leave them alone" bullshit.

If I offended you personally I am sorry.

What are the "HOLLY wars"
I didn't know there were people fighting over "HOLLY"?? You mean that stuff used at Christmas decorations?
Why are they at war? Is there some religious anger at HOLLY???

I think the "HOLLY wars" were driven/influenced by those (same) folks who insisted we were wasting too-much money on public-education.​
We've been fighting this war since the beginning of time. For what?

How many died in the crusades? How many died at the stake or the bottom of a lake? How many wars are we going to endure till you tinfoil hat wearing idiots realize NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE?

We all have our beliefs. Some sane, some not. But in the end what does it matter? You get your 80 years and then you either get your retirement watch or you NEVER find out it was all a hoax just to control you and your wallet.

We (christians) led the holly wars. Now the muslims are leading theirs. When does it end?

And don't give me that "when we leave them alone" bullshit.

If I offended you personally I am sorry.
Christianity has evolved !! Islam hasn't.

Christianity has. The cause hasn't.
The only cause of true Christianity is the good of others.
We've been fighting this war since the beginning of time. For what?

How many died in the crusades? How many died at the stake or the bottom of a lake? How many wars are we going to endure till you tinfoil hat wearing idiots realize NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE?

We all have our beliefs. Some sane, some not. But in the end what does it matter? You get your 80 years and then you either get your retirement watch or you NEVER find out it was all a hoax just to control you and your wallet.

We (christians) led the holly wars. Now the muslims are leading theirs. When does it end?

And don't give me that "when we leave them alone" bullshit.

If I offended you personally I am sorry.

Not nearly as many as have died at the hands of atheist scumbags like you. Run along now dipshit. By the way bud, your grasp of history is quite slim. The Crusades launched by the Christians were not us leading a Holy War, the Crusades where launched in RESPONE to Muslim invasions.

Introduction People can be pretty passionate about their religious beliefs. So, it is not surprising that at least a few famous wars have resulted from disagreements about religion. However, is it true what Sam Harris says that our tendency to slaughter each other "generally have their roots in religion?"2

History of human warsThe history of human warfare goes back to the beginning of recorded history (and, no doubt, well before that). A recent comprehensive compilation of the history of human warfare, Encyclopedia of Wars by Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod documents 1763 wars, of which 123 have been classified to involve a religious conflict.3 So, what atheists have considered to be "most" really amounts to less than 7% of all wars. It is interesting to note that 66 of these wars (more than 50%) involved Islam, which did not even exist as a religion for the first 3,000 years of recorded human warfare.

U.S.A. - the most religious countrySince the United States of America is and has been one of the most religious countries over the last 200+ years, if the atheists are correct, the U.S.A. should have been involved in the largest number of religious wars of any other nation. In fact, the United States has been involved in 17 wars, only one of which (the current "War on Terror") has any religious entanglement. The number of Americans who have died as the result of religious wars is 14.2/year, which is less than the number of people who die yearly from dog bites.4

Conclusion The atheist claim that religion is the cause of most wars is shown to be false. The history of human warfare shows that less than 7% of all wars have religious causes. If atheists are correct, the most religious industrial nation, the United States of America, should be involved in more religious wars than any other country. However, only the "War on Terror," among all 17 American wars, involves a religious component.

Selected Pre-20th Century Democide and Totals1


Cases Years2 Democide3 Religious?


China 221 B.C.-19 C. 33,519,0004 No
Mongols 14 C-15 C 29,927,000 No
Slavery of Africans 1451-1870 17,267,000 No
Amer-Indians 16 C-19 C 13,778,000 No
Thirty Years War 1618-1648 5,750,000 No
In India 13 C-1 9 C 4,511,0005 No
In Iran 5 C-19 C 2,000,0004,5 No
Ottoman Empire 12 C-19 C 2,000,0005 No
In Japan 1570-19 C 1,500,0005 No
In Russia 10 C-19 C 1,007,0005 No
Christian Crusades 1095-1272 1,000,000 Yes
Aztecs Centuries 1,000,0006 Yes
Spanish Inquisition 16 C-18 C 350,000 Yes
French Revolution 1793-1794 263,000 No
Albigensian Crusade 1208-1249 200,000 Yes
Witch Hunts 15 C-17 C 100,000 Yes


Total For All Cases pre-20 C 133,147,000 2,650,000
Hypothetical Total 30 C B.C.-19 C A.D. 625,716,0007


International war-related dead 30 C B.C.-19 C A.D. 40,457,0008
Plague dead (Black Death) 541 A.D.-1912 102,070,0009


2.Unless otherwise noted, years and centuries are A.D.
3.Unless otherwise noted, these are a best guess estimate in a low to high range.
4.Excludes democide in China by Mongols.
5.An absolute low.
6.A very speculative absolute low.
7.From STATISTICS OF DEMOCIDE.. Calculated from the 20th century democide rate and the population for each century since 30 B.C.
8.From table STATISTICS OF DEMOCIDE. Total undoubtedly inflated by democide.
9.A minimum: includes plague dead in circa 541-542 A.D.; 1346-1771 in Europe; 1771 in Moscow; 1894 in Hong Kong; and 1898-1912 in India. From Duplaix (1988, p. 677-678).

What percentage of these killings were due to religious democide? It is less than 3% of the totals. The surprising thing is that these killings occurred during a period of time when virtually all the peoples of the world were involved in some sort of religion. Here is the data for the 20th century:

20th Century Democide1




U.S.S.R. 1917-87 61,911,000 Yes
China (PRC) 1949-87 35,236,000 Yes
Germany 1933-45 20,946,000 No
China (KMT) 1928-49 10,075,000 No
Japan 1936-45 5,964,000 No
China (Mao Soviets)3 1923-49 3,466,000 Yes
Cambodia 1975-79 2,035,000 Yes
Turkey (Armenian Genocide) 1909-18 1,883,000 No
Vietnam 1945-87 1,670,000 Yes
Poland 1945-48 1,585,000 Yes
Pakistan 1958-87 1,503,000 No
Yugoslavia (Tito) 1944-87 1,072,000 Yes
North Korea 1948-87 1,663,000 Yes
Mexico 1900-20 1,417,000 No
Russia 1900-17 1,066,000 Yes
China (Warlords) 1917-49 910,000 No
Turkey (Ataturk) 1919-23 878,000 No
United Kingdom 1900-87 816,000 No
Portugal (Dictatorship) 1926-82 741,000 No
Indonesia 1965-87 729,000 No
LESSER MURDERERS 1900-87 2,792,000 ?
WORLD TOTAL 1900-87 169,202,000 107,047,000


2.Includes genocide, politicide, and mass murder; excludes war-dead. These are probable mid-estimates in low to high ranges. Figures may not sum due to round off.
3.Guerrilla period.

Vox Day, in The Irrational Atheist, lists 22 atheistic regimes that committed 153,368,610 murders in the 20th century alone:

Murders by Atheists (20th Century) Country Dates Murders
Afghanistan 1978-1992 1,750,000
Albania 1944-1985 100,000
Angola 1975-2002 125,000
Bulgaria 1944-1989 222,000
China/PRC 1923-2007 76,702,000
Cuba 1959-1992 73,000
Czechoslovakia 1948-1968 65,000
Ethiopia 1974-1991 1,343,610
France 1793-1794 40,000
Greece 1946-1949 20,000
Hungary 1948-1989 27,000
Kampuchea/Cambodia 1973-1991 2,627,000
Laos 1975-2007 93,000
Mongolia 1926-2007 100,000
Mozambique 1975-1990 118,000
North Korea 1948-2007 3,163,000
Poland 1945-1948 1,607,000
Romania 1948-1987 438,000
Spain (Republic) 1936-1939 102,000
U.S.S.R. 1917-1987 61,911,000
Vietnam 1945-2007 1,670,000
Yugoslavia 1944-1980 1,072,000

Figure 1. Percentage of democide based upon type of government control.

What percentage of this democide was due to religious conflict? It turns out that religious democide doesn't even make the top 20 (although I am sure there is some in the "lesser murderers" category. Still, the total religious killings is less than 2%. In fact, the top two killers were specifically atheistic states (which had never existed before in human history). Should atheism be blamed for more than 50% of the atrocities committed during the 20th century? The answer of course is No! If one examines the nature of the regimes that committed these atrocities (even the religious ones), the key factor is absolute power (see Figure 1, right). According to Professor R.J. Rummel, in the 1816-2005 period there were 205 wars between non-democracies, 166 wars between non-democracies and democracies, and 0 wars between democracies. Lord Acton's warning that "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" seems to be more than just a trite saying.

What about Christians who commit evil?Jesus Himself addressed the issue of "Christians," performing evil deeds in a rather chilling prophecy:

"Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'" (Matthew 7:22-23)

One should note that Jesus said that "many" people who think they are His followers will be rejected by Jesus when at the judgment when they attempt to claim that they are His disciples. Not all who claim the name of Jesus are actually His disciples. My guess is that in even the best of Christian churches only about half of the people have been truly born again (see John chapter 3).1 Christianity should be judged on the basis of what Jesus said and did, not on the basis of the actions of people who merely claim to be Christians. Foxe's Book of Martyrs details the deaths of Christians who were killed because of their faith in Christ, in many cases by people claiming to be Christians.

How do you know if a person is a Christian or not?We cannot know for certain whether a person is or is not a true Christian (only God can makes such a determination).2 However, the Bible describes the nature of a person who is indwelt by the Holy Spirit3 (which happens at the point a person accept Jesus as Lord and Savior):

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)

In addition, the true believer does what is right and demonstrates love toward others.4 Even non-believers can readily see who the true Christians are. Ultimately, the behavior of those who claim to be Christians but practice evil should not be a consideration in determining if the claims of Christ are true or not.

Conclusion Yes, "Christians" have committed atrocities against other religious and non-religious people. However, atheists have committed far more atrocities than all religious groups combined. Even so, the key factor in these atrocities has been totalitarian power, rather than religion, which has resulted in these hundreds of millions of murders. The Bible says that people are evil (and the statistics on this page support this claim), but that they can become transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit to live lives of love, joy and peace.


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The Crusades happened a thousand years ago and I don't recall a single episode of Christian aggression since then. Can you confine your religious bigotry to incidents in the last couple of decades?

Because I am a non believer who is tired of the religious wars I'm a bigot?


The Crusades have been over for a thousand years. Is there a faction of Americans who are so afraid of appearing intolerant that they need to blame Christians and Jews for the jihad attack on 9-11?
'Tis true.

That was (more) bu$ine$$-related.....

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We've been fighting this war since the beginning of time. For what?

How many died in the crusades? How many died at the stake or the bottom of a lake? How many wars are we going to endure till you tinfoil hat wearing idiots realize NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE?

We all have our beliefs. Some sane, some not. But in the end what does it matter? You get your 80 years and then you either get your retirement watch or you NEVER find out it was all a hoax just to control you and your wallet.

We (christians) led the holly wars. Now the muslims are leading theirs. When does it end?

And don't give me that "when we leave them alone" bullshit.

If I offended you personally I am sorry.

Not nearly as many as have died at the hands of atheist scumbags like you. Run along now dipshit. By the way bud, your grasp of history is quite slim. The Crusades launched by the Christians were not us leading a Holy War, the Crusades where launched in RESPONE to Muslim invasions.

.....At least, that was what THEIR....


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