Parents Are Happy With Their Kids Schools, Despite What Fox News Tells You

You paint everything with a broad brush. I support it 10000000 percent. We are a small rural school. Our kids do well as evidenced by the low numbers not going to college or tech school,. We had 2 kids not further their education and 1 join the military out of a class of about 200. Not bad.
What's wrong with kids choosing to enlist?
What the hell demographic did NPR poll to find that parents thought their kids were "way ahead" in math skills? Did they find a thousand responders in Japan?
The problem for lefties is to find a demographic of about a thousand voters with a majority that doesn't give a damn that the government might be grooming their kids to be willing victims of perverts. Leave it up to NPR to make that claim
Republicans are flogging a culture war focused on public schools, but it doesn’t seem to be landing with the parents of actual schoolchildren. A new NPR/Ipsos poll of parents of school-aged children finds people generally happy with their kids’ schools and teachers, and not foaming at the mouth over race and LGBTQ issues.

Education rated as the third-highest concern of parents in the poll, but 88% of respondents agreed with the statement, “my child's teacher(s) have done the best they could, given the circumstances around the pandemic,” and 82% agreed that “my child's school has handled the pandemic well.” Republicans have largely moved on from trying to whip up rage about how schools have handled the pandemic, though, focusing more on demonizing marginalized groups and arguing that parents should be allowed to micromanage the curriculum. (Right-wing white parents, anyway.) But that’s not getting a lot of traction, either.

The real world is much different than MAGA land.
More bullshit from the left.


Here is a link to the original poll:

And here is a link to NPR reporting it:

The poll questions asked whether parents noticed any academic improvement in their children COMPARED TO LAST YEAR, when everyone was wearing masks and no one was in the classroom.

Leftards are such fucking liars it's unbelievable.

The link to Daily Kos should have been the first clue

Sorry OP, not buying your progtard drivel today.
Republicans are flogging a culture war focused on public schools, but it doesn’t seem to be landing with the parents of actual schoolchildren. A new NPR/Ipsos poll of parents of school-aged children finds people generally happy with their kids’ schools and teachers, and not foaming at the mouth over race and LGBTQ issues.

Education rated as the third-highest concern of parents in the poll, but 88% of respondents agreed with the statement, “my child's teacher(s) have done the best they could, given the circumstances around the pandemic,” and 82% agreed that “my child's school has handled the pandemic well.” Republicans have largely moved on from trying to whip up rage about how schools have handled the pandemic, though, focusing more on demonizing marginalized groups and arguing that parents should be allowed to micromanage the curriculum. (Right-wing white parents, anyway.) But that’s not getting a lot of traction, either.

The real world is much different than MAGA land.
I don't think it is the schools that Republicans are angry at over the pandemic.
Republicans are flogging a culture war focused on public schools, but it doesn’t seem to be landing with the parents of actual schoolchildren. A new NPR/Ipsos poll of parents of school-aged children finds people generally happy with their kids’ schools and teachers, and not foaming at the mouth over race and LGBTQ issues.

Education rated as the third-highest concern of parents in the poll, but 88% of respondents agreed with the statement, “my child's teacher(s) have done the best they could, given the circumstances around the pandemic,” and 82% agreed that “my child's school has handled the pandemic well.” Republicans have largely moved on from trying to whip up rage about how schools have handled the pandemic, though, focusing more on demonizing marginalized groups and arguing that parents should be allowed to micromanage the curriculum. (Right-wing white parents, anyway.) But that’s not getting a lot of traction, either.

The real world is much different than MAGA land.

No, they are reporting on instances where these terrible things actually are happening. But we all know it's not happening in every school across all of America all of time to every child.

Millions and millions of students and parents know this because unlike you were able to just look around. You want to use very specific cases and wording and apply them to the masses, it's the same thing you're trying to say foxnews does. So you're using the same tactic you complain about them using.

But yes, it's like we all know"all cops aren't murderous killing machines" because millions of cross their path everyday" and live to tell the tale.

You're trying to just turn a mole hill into a mountain and it's tiring and boring.
Republicans are flogging a culture war focused on public schools, but it doesn’t seem to be landing with the parents of actual schoolchildren. A new NPR/Ipsos poll of parents of school-aged children finds people generally happy with their kids’ schools and teachers, and not foaming at the mouth over race and LGBTQ issues.

Education rated as the third-highest concern of parents in the poll, but 88% of respondents agreed with the statement, “my child's teacher(s) have done the best they could, given the circumstances around the pandemic,” and 82% agreed that “my child's school has handled the pandemic well.” Republicans have largely moved on from trying to whip up rage about how schools have handled the pandemic, though, focusing more on demonizing marginalized groups and arguing that parents should be allowed to micromanage the curriculum. (Right-wing white parents, anyway.) But that’s not getting a lot of traction, either.

The real world is much different than MAGA land.
Of course parents like public schools.
Most parents do not give a shit about their kids.
Because most parents are selfish pricks who throw their children into day cares when they are 6 months old so they can make enough money to remodel the kitchen. Instead of doing the right thing and looking after their little one's during their pre-school years.
No parent who truly cares about their child would EVER allow them to go to hideous, public schools where their kids learn shit and constantly have to worry about bullying or peer pressure or some other crap.
Anyone who says public schools are good does not have a fucking clue what they are talking about.

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