Parents furious over school’s plan to teach gender spectrum, fluidity

It is very simple. If you have a dick your a guy, if you don't you're not. Fuckers rule this planet, fuckee's get fucked.
I don't think they are being brainwashed. They are being a taught biological truth. We are, indeed, not 100 percent male or female characteristics. Females have a percentage of testosterone. Males have a percentage of estrogen.

In the past, this was something more likely to be taught in college and university classes; because it has become a social problem, it is being taught in high school.

Teaching basic biology is not wrong: it is knowledge, and the more knowledgeable we are, the better. I don't understand why parents are so afraid of things. In order to balance out what a child is taught in school, parents should be involved in the education process and also talk to their children about these issues on a personal, family level.

There is always more than one perspective, but to shut out any perspective you don't agree with is teaching ignorance. Shutting out other perspectives and only allowing one perspective is brainwashing.

What a CROCK....this is the Rat agenda to further dissolve the individual into group-think so he can be manipulated. Attack the father, the pastor, the coach, the Flag, any opposition to the brainwashing by calling it "progressive" roaches are turning this country into a mental ward.
There are two genders in the world.....Men and women. Each have their own proper place in society; just as both have one proper sexuality....... Heterosexuality.

Any school or other social organization that wanted to teach a child of mine anything else would not be attended by a child of mine.
Parents furious over school s plan to teach gender spectrum fluidity Fox News

Why is it important to teach our children 'gender spectrum and fluidity'? I understand why it is important to promote sex education in schools but this one... Isn't it up to parents and their kids to discuss? I don't want my kids, brainwashed by the school, to believe they are 30% male, 30% female and 40% pink unicorn.
Nobody doubts homosexuals have a right to be themselves. Let straight people enjoy their heterosexuality, as well.
I don't think they are being brainwashed. They are being a taught biological truth. We are, indeed, not 100 percent male or female characteristics. Females have a percentage of testosterone. Males have a percentage of estrogen.

In the past, this was something more likely to be taught in college and university classes; because it has become a social problem, it is being taught in high school.

Teaching basic biology is not wrong: it is knowledge, and the more knowledgeable we are, the better. I don't understand why parents are so afraid of things. In order to balance out what a child is taught in school, parents should be involved in the education process and also talk to their children about these issues on a personal, family level.

There is always more than one perspective, but to shut out any perspective you don't agree with is teaching ignorance. Shutting out other perspectives and only allowing one perspective is brainwashing.
It isn't biological truth, it is pure bullshit used to brainwash our kids. I would pull my kid out of that school.
Of course it is a biological truth. Obviously you are uneducated.
I am educated not brainwashed like retarded libs.

Using terms like retarded libs suggests you're anything but educated, and absolutely brainwashed.
Only in your misguided opinion.

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