Parents in red-leaning suburbs outside NYC green-lighting armed security at public schools

Do you support armed guards in schools?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 87.5%
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    Votes: 2 12.5%
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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
Farmingdale is about 45 minutes east of NYC in Suffolk County, Long Island. Parents want to protect their children. And now 17% of students have the protection of armed guards.

FARMINGDALE, N.Y. – Nearly two dozen school districts in the red-leaning suburbs of New York City have approved armed guards to protect their children, preferring a show of force rather than further curtailing Second Amendment rights in the Empire State.

One such district is the Farmingdale School District in eastern Nassau County, which serves more than 5,100 students.

Although a coalition of parents, students and district employees pushed for the measure, which the board of education approved in February, many local residents told Fox News Digital they didn't know about the move this week. However, many supported the idea.

There were armed guards at Columbine.
There were armed guards at Parkland High School.
There were armed guards at Virginia Tech.
There were armed guards at Fort Hood and the Washington Naval Yard.

Armed guards don't stop mass shooters, usually because a Mass Shooter does his business long before an armed guard can react.

Here's how you stop mass shooters. You have common sense gun laws, and don't give out military-grade weapons to crazy people. The UK, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and Italy have all figured this out, which is why they RARELY have mass shootings.
There were armed guards at Columbine.
There were armed guards at Parkland High School.
There were armed guards at Virginia Tech.
There were armed guards at Fort Hood and the Washington Naval Yard.

Armed guards don't stop mass shooters, usually because a Mass Shooter does his business long before an armed guard can react.

Here's how you stop mass shooters. You have common sense gun laws, and don't give out military-grade weapons to crazy people. The UK, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and Italy have all figured this out, which is why they RARELY have mass shootings.
/——-/ “You have common sense gun laws, ”
That’s lib speak for total gun confiscation.
There were armed guards at Columbine.
There were armed guards at Parkland High School.
There were armed guards at Virginia Tech.
There were armed guards at Fort Hood and the Washington Naval Yard.

Armed guards don't stop mass shooters, usually because a Mass Shooter does his business long before an armed guard can react.

Here's how you stop mass shooters. You have common sense gun laws, and don't give out military-grade weapons to crazy people. The UK, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and Italy have all figured this out, which is why they RARELY have mass shootings.
/——/ Europe puts crazy people in institutions, while we let ours roam the streets untreated, thanks to the ACLU.
Overall, there has been progress towards deinstitutionalisation, but “tens of thousands of people with mental health problems are living in psychiatric and other institutions in Europe today”, documents the report. Involuntary treatment and detention are a necessary part of mental health care, but strengthened community services, a high standard for wards, and fair reform of mental health laws must have higher priority.
/——-/ “You have common sense gun laws, ”
That’s lib speak for total gun confiscation.

Not at all. Even I know that mass gun confiscation isn't practical.

What is practical -

Thorough background checks for new gun purchases.
Red Flag laws to take guns away from people who are truly dangerous.

Hoping that assigning an underperforming cop as a school resource officer, well, we saw how well that worked at Parkland. By the time that Cop did anything, the shooter was done with his business and chilling at the Starbucks across the street.
Not at all. Even I know that mass gun confiscation isn't practical.

What is practical -

Thorough background checks for new gun purchases.
Red Flag laws to take guns away from people who are truly dangerous.

Hoping that assigning an underperforming cop as a school resource officer, well, we saw how well that worked at Parkland. By the time that Cop did anything, the shooter was done with his business and chilling at the Starbucks across the street.
/——/ “Not at all. Even I know that mass gun confiscation isn't practical.”
Tell that to the folks in Australia, UK and every dictatorship in the world.
/——/ “Not at all. Even I know that mass gun confiscation isn't practical.”
Tell that to the folks in Australia, UK and every dictatorship in the world.

Australia and the UK didn't have massive gun ownership to start with.

Gun ownership doesn't prevent dictatorship. There was massive gun ownership before Hitler in Germany, and even afterwards. Not a one of them resisted when Hitler came to power. Nobody ran out with his gun that he had been squirreling away since WWI and said, "You can't take Goldstein, he's my friend!!!!"
1. Believe it or not, even here in blue Los Angeles, the board of education is talking about the possibility of allowing schools to have at least one cop on campus.

2. All cops were banished from campuses some years ago, but some parents are concerned about the behavior of some (so-called) students and about brazen entities that have the impertinence to come to the campus to cause trouble.
Australia and the UK didn't have massive gun ownership to start with.

Gun ownership doesn't prevent dictatorship. There was massive gun ownership before Hitler in Germany, and even afterwards. Not a one of them resisted when Hitler came to power. Nobody ran out with his gun that he had been squirreling away since WWI and said, "You can't take Goldstein, he's my friend!!!!"
/——/ The hell they didn’t, especially in Australia. You’re just spouting nonsense.

What other countries have actual police in their schools?
What on earth is he doing there? In a school, for gawds' sakes.

I don't know of any other country that does that.
/——/ And no other country has our Bill of Rights.
I'm trying to make sense of a place where schools are policed by armed LEO.

Can't do it.
There were armed guards at Columbine.
There were armed guards at Parkland High School.
There were armed guards at Virginia Tech.
There were armed guards at Fort Hood and the Washington Naval Yard.

Armed guards don't stop mass shooters, usually because a Mass Shooter does his business long before an armed guard can react.

Here's how you stop mass shooters. You have common sense gun laws, and don't give out military-grade weapons to crazy people. The UK, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and Italy have all figured this out, which is why they RARELY have mass shootings.
There were armed guards at Virginia Tech.
There were armed guards at Fort Hood and the Washington Naval Yard.

Not in the areas where the shooting's occurred. They were not specific to the areas where the shooting begins.
Not in the areas where the shooting's occurred. They were not specific to the areas where the shooting begins.
You are kind of proving my point.

Let me help you out. Let's say you assign one armed guard to every school. That's one guard for maybe 1000 students. A campus that might sprawl over several buildings.

The Mass shooter has planned his action for months. He's studied the layout of the school. He knows exactly where to inflict maximum damage.

Take the Columbine shooters. They had an elaborate plan and the only reason they didn't kill a lot more people was because their improvised explosive devices failed to work properly.

The second officer was Deputy Paul Smoker, a motorcycle patrolman who was near the school writing a speeding ticket. When he heard a dispatch of a woman injured at the high school, he responded. He, too, fired at Harris but didn't stop him.
LaPierre said having armed security on the scene is necessary so someone is there to shoot back. "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," he said. "Would you rather have your 911 call bring a good guy with a gun from a mile away -- or a minute away?"
But in chaotic situations, it's often impossible to identify the "bad guy," as Smoker said in his account of Columbine: "There was an unknown inside a school. We didn't know who the 'bad guy' was but we soon realized the sophistication of their weapons. These were big bombs. Big guns. We didn’t have a clue who 'they' were."

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