Parkland kids' GoFundMe page up to 3.5 million!


Miss him already

NRA rhetoric has gone OFF THE RAILS and Wayne LaPierre is fully exposed! :eusa_clap:


NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre later lumped the media with Democrats and said,
“The elites don't care — not one whit — about America's school system and schoolchildren. ... Their goal is to eliminate the Second Amendment and our firearms freedoms so they can eradicate all individual freedoms.”

As a gun owner and defender of the Second Amendment, I'm here to tell you the NRA has lost its ever-loving mind.

The nation's largest firearms organization began its slide into moral degeneracy as late as the early 2000s, when actor Charlton Heston became its five-term president (a feat for which the NRA's rules had to be changed to allow him to serve longer), before going public with his battle with Alzheimer's disease and retiring. Under Heston's firebrand leadership, the NRA's rhetoric shifted its focus from working with lawmakers across the country to defend Second Amendment rights, to recasting the group as the front-line warrior in a crusade against the entire progressive movement in a culture war that they claimed had engulfed the country.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know
Amazing what you can do with a bunch of trained crisis actors :D

To help fund a national gun-control movement, a small group of South Florida students who survived the worst high school shooting in U.S. history set up a modest website Sunday and created a GoFundMe account to pursue an ambitious goal: raise $1 million.

They’ve received more than three times that amount. In four days.

In a sign of just how much momentum they have, the students who survived the Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland have amassed donations from more than 18,000 people backing the #NeverAgain movement and the March For Our Lives, an anti-gun violence protest they’re planning on the National Mall in Washington D.C. The money has poured in from all over the country, escalating to seven figures before the young organizers could even set up a foundation to fund.

By Tuesday, the pot was nearing $1.5 million. And then Hollywood celebrities Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and George Clooney committed a half-million dollars. Each.

With $3.5 million suddenly at their disposal, this core group of roughly 20 teenagers — still grieving the loss of 17 classmates and school mentors — has enough money to fund a a national march and a revolution. They’re now beginning to consider the long-game: a lasting movement to keep the pressure on pro-gun politicians and the National Rifle Association.​

Parkland students have a cause and $3.5 million. Here’s how they’re going to spend it.

Remington is going bankrupt and these kids have, in two weeks, raised $3.5 million dollars.
Amazing what you can do with a bunch of trained crisis actors :D

To help fund a national gun-control movement, a small group of South Florida students who survived the worst high school shooting in U.S. history set up a modest website Sunday and created a GoFundMe account to pursue an ambitious goal: raise $1 million.

They’ve received more than three times that amount. In four days.

In a sign of just how much momentum they have, the students who survived the Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland have amassed donations from more than 18,000 people backing the #NeverAgain movement and the March For Our Lives, an anti-gun violence protest they’re planning on the National Mall in Washington D.C. The money has poured in from all over the country, escalating to seven figures before the young organizers could even set up a foundation to fund.

By Tuesday, the pot was nearing $1.5 million. And then Hollywood celebrities Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and George Clooney committed a half-million dollars. Each.

With $3.5 million suddenly at their disposal, this core group of roughly 20 teenagers — still grieving the loss of 17 classmates and school mentors — has enough money to fund a a national march and a revolution. They’re now beginning to consider the long-game: a lasting movement to keep the pressure on pro-gun politicians and the National Rifle Association.​

Parkland students have a cause and $3.5 million. Here’s how they’re going to spend it.

Remington is going bankrupt and these kids have, in two weeks, raised $3.5 million dollars.

You don't even know why Remington is in bankruptcy do you?
Long Live the NRA

how does keeping weapons of mass human slaughter out of the hands of psychos infringe on YOUR rights??

unless you are admitting that you're a violent psycho........... :eusa_think:
nice fear mongering, dip shit :lol:

fear mongering is acting as if those who are seeking rational solutions want to take away YOUR RIGHTS. :blahblah:

fear mongering is also going even further than that, which is what the NRA rhetoric has been doing.
Amazing what you can do with a bunch of trained crisis actors :D

To help fund a national gun-control movement, a small group of South Florida students who survived the worst high school shooting in U.S. history set up a modest website Sunday and created a GoFundMe account to pursue an ambitious goal: raise $1 million.

They’ve received more than three times that amount. In four days.

In a sign of just how much momentum they have, the students who survived the Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland have amassed donations from more than 18,000 people backing the #NeverAgain movement and the March For Our Lives, an anti-gun violence protest they’re planning on the National Mall in Washington D.C. The money has poured in from all over the country, escalating to seven figures before the young organizers could even set up a foundation to fund.

By Tuesday, the pot was nearing $1.5 million. And then Hollywood celebrities Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and George Clooney committed a half-million dollars. Each.

With $3.5 million suddenly at their disposal, this core group of roughly 20 teenagers — still grieving the loss of 17 classmates and school mentors — has enough money to fund a a national march and a revolution. They’re now beginning to consider the long-game: a lasting movement to keep the pressure on pro-gun politicians and the National Rifle Association.​

Parkland students have a cause and $3.5 million. Here’s how they’re going to spend it.

Remington is going bankrupt and these kids have, in two weeks, raised $3.5 million dollars.

You don't even know why Remington is in bankruptcy do you?

Adam Lanza?

Remington, Gunmaker Tied To Sandy Hook Massacre, Makes Deal With Lenders

Long Live the NRA

how does keeping weapons of mass human slaughter out of the hands of psychos infringe on YOUR rights??

unless you are admitting that you're a violent psycho........... :eusa_think:
nice fear mongering, dip shit :lol:

fear mongering is acting as if those who are seeking rational solutions want to take away YOU RIGHTS. :blahblah:

fear mongering is going even further than that, which is what the NRA rhetoric has been doing.
What rational things do you want done?
Amazing what you can do with a bunch of trained crisis actors :D

To help fund a national gun-control movement, a small group of South Florida students who survived the worst high school shooting in U.S. history set up a modest website Sunday and created a GoFundMe account to pursue an ambitious goal: raise $1 million.

They’ve received more than three times that amount. In four days.

In a sign of just how much momentum they have, the students who survived the Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland have amassed donations from more than 18,000 people backing the #NeverAgain movement and the March For Our Lives, an anti-gun violence protest they’re planning on the National Mall in Washington D.C. The money has poured in from all over the country, escalating to seven figures before the young organizers could even set up a foundation to fund.

By Tuesday, the pot was nearing $1.5 million. And then Hollywood celebrities Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and George Clooney committed a half-million dollars. Each.

With $3.5 million suddenly at their disposal, this core group of roughly 20 teenagers — still grieving the loss of 17 classmates and school mentors — has enough money to fund a a national march and a revolution. They’re now beginning to consider the long-game: a lasting movement to keep the pressure on pro-gun politicians and the National Rifle Association.​

Parkland students have a cause and $3.5 million. Here’s how they’re going to spend it.

Remington is going bankrupt and these kids have, in two weeks, raised $3.5 million dollars.

You don't even know why Remington is in bankruptcy do you?

Adam Lanza?

Remington, Gunmaker Tied To Sandy Hook Massacre, Makes Deal With Lenders

freaking lawsuits suing a company that had NOTHING To do with it. Its fucking PATHETIC
I guess if my sons ever get hit by a drunk driver i can sue jack daniels and Ford
i like dick sporting good's outline...

a plea to elected officials to enact "common-sense gun reform," specifically calling for the following regulations:

  • Ban assault-style firearms
  • Raise the minimum age to purchase firearms to 21
  • Ban high-capacity magazines, as well as bump stocks — gun accessories that allow semiautomatic rifles to operate like fully automatic weapons
  • Require universal background checks that include relevant mental health information and previous interactions with the law
  • Ensure a complete universal database of those banned from buying firearms
  • Close the private sale and gun show loopholes that waive background checks

:clap: the only thing i would add is waiting periods and training requirements.
Amazing what you can do with a bunch of trained crisis actors :D

To help fund a national gun-control movement, a small group of South Florida students who survived the worst high school shooting in U.S. history set up a modest website Sunday and created a GoFundMe account to pursue an ambitious goal: raise $1 million.

They’ve received more than three times that amount. In four days.

In a sign of just how much momentum they have, the students who survived the Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland have amassed donations from more than 18,000 people backing the #NeverAgain movement and the March For Our Lives, an anti-gun violence protest they’re planning on the National Mall in Washington D.C. The money has poured in from all over the country, escalating to seven figures before the young organizers could even set up a foundation to fund.

By Tuesday, the pot was nearing $1.5 million. And then Hollywood celebrities Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and George Clooney committed a half-million dollars. Each.

With $3.5 million suddenly at their disposal, this core group of roughly 20 teenagers — still grieving the loss of 17 classmates and school mentors — has enough money to fund a a national march and a revolution. They’re now beginning to consider the long-game: a lasting movement to keep the pressure on pro-gun politicians and the National Rifle Association.​

Parkland students have a cause and $3.5 million. Here’s how they’re going to spend it.

Remington is going bankrupt and these kids have, in two weeks, raised $3.5 million dollars.

You don't even know why Remington is in bankruptcy do you?

Adam Lanza?

Remington, Gunmaker Tied To Sandy Hook Massacre, Makes Deal With Lenders


Not even close, shit for brains. They were taken over and saddled with massive debt due to it.

Good gawd you're clueless
Amazing what you can do with a bunch of trained crisis actors :D

To help fund a national gun-control movement, a small group of South Florida students who survived the worst high school shooting in U.S. history set up a modest website Sunday and created a GoFundMe account to pursue an ambitious goal: raise $1 million.

They’ve received more than three times that amount. In four days.

In a sign of just how much momentum they have, the students who survived the Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland have amassed donations from more than 18,000 people backing the #NeverAgain movement and the March For Our Lives, an anti-gun violence protest they’re planning on the National Mall in Washington D.C. The money has poured in from all over the country, escalating to seven figures before the young organizers could even set up a foundation to fund.

By Tuesday, the pot was nearing $1.5 million. And then Hollywood celebrities Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and George Clooney committed a half-million dollars. Each.

With $3.5 million suddenly at their disposal, this core group of roughly 20 teenagers — still grieving the loss of 17 classmates and school mentors — has enough money to fund a a national march and a revolution. They’re now beginning to consider the long-game: a lasting movement to keep the pressure on pro-gun politicians and the National Rifle Association.​

Parkland students have a cause and $3.5 million. Here’s how they’re going to spend it.

Remington is going bankrupt and these kids have, in two weeks, raised $3.5 million dollars.

You don't even know why Remington is in bankruptcy do you?

Adam Lanza?

Remington, Gunmaker Tied To Sandy Hook Massacre, Makes Deal With Lenders


Not even close, shit for brains. They were taken over and saddled with massive debt due to it.

Good gawd you're clueless

Which is well, what i just said :rolleyes-41:
Amazing what you can do with a bunch of trained crisis actors :D

To help fund a national gun-control movement, a small group of South Florida students who survived the worst high school shooting in U.S. history set up a modest website Sunday and created a GoFundMe account to pursue an ambitious goal: raise $1 million.

They’ve received more than three times that amount. In four days.

In a sign of just how much momentum they have, the students who survived the Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland have amassed donations from more than 18,000 people backing the #NeverAgain movement and the March For Our Lives, an anti-gun violence protest they’re planning on the National Mall in Washington D.C. The money has poured in from all over the country, escalating to seven figures before the young organizers could even set up a foundation to fund.

By Tuesday, the pot was nearing $1.5 million. And then Hollywood celebrities Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and George Clooney committed a half-million dollars. Each.

With $3.5 million suddenly at their disposal, this core group of roughly 20 teenagers — still grieving the loss of 17 classmates and school mentors — has enough money to fund a a national march and a revolution. They’re now beginning to consider the long-game: a lasting movement to keep the pressure on pro-gun politicians and the National Rifle Association.​

Parkland students have a cause and $3.5 million. Here’s how they’re going to spend it.

Remington is going bankrupt and these kids have, in two weeks, raised $3.5 million dollars.

You don't even know why Remington is in bankruptcy do you?

Adam Lanza?

Remington, Gunmaker Tied To Sandy Hook Massacre, Makes Deal With Lenders


Not even close, shit for brains. They were taken over and saddled with massive debt due to it.

Good gawd you're clueless

Which is well, what i just said :rolleyes-41:

No it isn't, shit stain. You really are one stupid fuck

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