Parkland Mom:"When my daughter was brutally shot with an AR-15 gun, I switched to become a Democrat"

She's just an hysterical 'woman' who has no reason to think that PARTY politics is related to having a DEAD KID. Just tell her to go home and grieve sliently. Changing her vote went affect anything. It'll just piss off REPUBLICANS on some political board somewhere who think she's just ANOTHER hysterical mother who will not be 'trumped' by men who have their RIGHT to WEAPONs of WAR.

After all, the Constitution doesn't cover kids going to school with an expectation of not being SHOT at coming out of HISTORY or CIVICS Class? I mean who the fuck do the little bastards and their mothers think they are?
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Good grief! I pity the mother of a dead child who was mowed down by a freaking maniac, but I shall not, I will not allow anyone to take my guns. Got a real issue happening up here in Canuck land again.

The fucking bastard politicians in Toronto can't control gang violence nor do they even attempt to control the drug trade but the sons of bitches are working on legislation that would ban my SKS.
parkland students toured over the summer to get out the youth vote with registration drives. each & every school age child knows what it's like to wonder if they are next.

She's just an hysterical 'woman' who has no reason to think that PARTY politics is related to having a DEAD KID. Just tell her to go home and grieve sliently. Changing her vote went affect anything. It'll just piss off REPUBLICANS on some political board somewhere who think she's just ANOTHER hysterical mother who will not be 'trumped' by men who have their RIGHT to WEAPONs of WAR.

After all, the Constitution doesn't cover kids going to school with an expectation of not being SHOT at coming out of HISTORY or CIVICS Class? I mean who the fuck do the little bastards and their mothers think they are?

Stop saving the trash. Kill the bad guys.
parkland students toured over the summer to get out the youth vote with registration drives. each & every school age child knows what it's like to wonder if they are next.

They have better odds of being hit by lightening
Progressivism/socialism is the perfect environment for hate....

The chances that she was a Republican are slim to none.

why? FLA is not a blue state & that particular district is upper $$$. besides, there are quite a few more prominant (R)s that say they are voting (D). richard painter - W's ethics advisor- for god's sake changed parties so he can run for office this election...
parkland students toured over the summer to get out the youth vote with registration drives. each & every school age child knows what it's like to wonder if they are next.

They have better odds of being hit by lightening


When a disgusting Mexican put a gun to my head and stole my car I became a republican and got my own gun.
Up until Democrat madness became mainstream, guns rarely ever woke up in the morning and decided to go kill someone.....
in fact, in young America, before modern Progressive madness, CHILDREN carried LOADED guns to school....not a single school shooting in over 150 years.

But since the Liberal "Revolution", guns have lost their minds and can't be trusted.

The Parkland shooting happened because of incompetence of school officials and law enforcement. The FBI was told about that fucking wacko and they did nothing. The faggot showed plenty of warning signs and should had been institutionalized early on. But if course bleeding heart liberal policies prevented that.
I can see where some would believe there IS a left wing conspiracy to allow these mass shooting for the purpose of disarming the law abiding.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, the progressives gave us Trump… Anything was going to be better than the alternative… And the last eight years from the shit stain that is Obama
Anger does strange things to you especially if you are easily manipulated by left wing dirty tricksters who use tragedies for political gain. I wonder if the survivors of the estimated several hundred to a thousand innocent Mexican citizens who were murdered with the weapons the insane Obama administration shipped to Mexican drug cartels would have switched to republican affiliation if they had the chance?
When I learned there was no difference between a Republican and a Democrat, I became a libertarian.
She's just an hysterical 'woman' who has no reason to think that PARTY politics is related to having a DEAD KID. Just tell her to go home and grieve sliently. Changing her vote went affect anything. It'll just piss off REPUBLICANS on some political board somewhere who think she's just ANOTHER hysterical mother who will not be 'trumped' by men who have their RIGHT to WEAPONs of WAR.

After all, the Constitution doesn't cover kids going to school with an expectation of not being SHOT at coming out of HISTORY or CIVICS Class? I mean who the fuck do the little bastards and their mothers think they are?

Really it took gun free zones created by Democrats to effectively kill kids.

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