Partisan Politics and the Right to Try.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
President Trump signed legislation into law today, called the Right to Try.

Trump signs 'Right to Try,' says it will save 'tremendous number of lives'

Or if you object to Fox here is the CNN report. Trump signs 'Right to Try Act' aimed at helping terminally ill patients seek drug treatments - CNNPolitics

The story isn’t the passage of legislation. Nor is it the idea that patients who have no hope of recovery can try a new drug before it is approved by the FDA. That is merely the backdrop of the point I hope to make.

There was a time when we could compromise, and even come together as a nation. There was a time when we found common ground from time to time. In the case of this legislation, last year the Senate approved it unanimously. This year, the House passed it along party lines with the exception of twelve Democrats who voted for it.

On Passage - S.204: A bill to authorize the use of unapproved...

Why were the Democrats opposed? Well their excuse was that it might give false hope to the patients. Really? Patients who are going to die might have false hope in an experimental drug?

The reality was that the Democrats would not vote for anything that Trump or Republicans had championed. Taking care of people was once the basic belief of Democrats. But that belief has been abandoned, as I abandoned the party, to the higher calling of opposing anything the Republicans want, and championing anything the Republicans are opposed to. The Democrats are not alone, the Republicans have more than their fair share of similar positions.

This kind of bullshit is exactly why people are disgusted with both parties. It is something I pointed out, at another discussion forum, before the election of 2016. The point I made was yes, Trump and the Republicans were only slightly more popular than Herpes, but Hillary and the Democrats were only slightly more popular than Trump. A pox on both their houses tends to be the attitude of most people.

When you can abandon your beliefs just to oppose your enemy, you not only will not win, but you don’t deserve to. This vote, this vote is symptomatic of everything that is wrong with Politics today. We don’t discuss policy, or positions with anything approaching honesty or truth. We have moron trolls on the left and right who rush in here every day and make a dozen posts about how awful the other side is. They don’t post truth, and they never get any real discussion started. But they are just like our own elected representatives. Opposing the Hail Mary attempt to save a life that is all but lost.

The drugs probably won’t save many lives, but what we learn might. We have treatments for AIDS now, because we didn’t give up. We have Cancer Treatments because we didn’t give up. Diseases that were death sentences generations ago are at most minor inconveniences because we did not give up. We fought to find the cause, the treatments, and even the cures.

Oh well, there is no hope, and we don’t want false hope so you’re dying buddy. Good luck. Today, children are enduring treatments for Cancer. Treatments that were not even imagined fifty years ago. But we did not give up. It broke our hearts to see the kids sick, and we tried, and we learned, and we tried some more, and we learned more. We haven’t yet gotten to the point where we can save them all, but we damn sure will never get there if we shrug and say it’s just too hard, we won’t do it.

There was a time when a gunshot was essentially one hundred percent fatal. We learned, and it went from highly likely that the patient would die, to probable, to possible, and now unless you die before you get to the Hospital, you stand a good chance of surviving. Even gunshots to the head are treatable. The science behind the art of medicine grows only when we try and fail, and try and fail again, and try and finally make some progress. We learn by trying and fighting against the inevitable time after time.

False hope? That is the lamest excuse I’ve heard. Tell the truth for a change. You voted against this legislation because you opposed the idea of President Trump signing it. Not because you opposed the legislation, but because you hate Trump. You have become the enemy you claim to hate. You have become the irrational lunatics who think only of opposing their opposite number.

Democrats, if you want to become the majority again, you don’t need to worry about opposing Trump. You need to start representing the people. You need to actually give a damn about the people who vote, and here is a radical idea, stop shouting at them that this guy is terrible or awful or whatever. Start listening to them.

In other words, bring back the Democratic Party I once voted for with pride because of what we stood for, not what we stood against.
The idea that this law passed with virtually no Democratic support is pathetic. What is the downside to this right? False hope? Well even if it is, what's wrong with that? If a person gains some positivity from trying an experimental drug, that is a plus even if the drug has no effect. And yes the patients will add to the knowledge base that could potentially pave the way to cures.
The Democratic Party cannot "come back".

They are a lost cause in terms of America. They should be outlawed.
President Trump signed legislation into law today, called the Right to Try.

Trump signs 'Right to Try,' says it will save 'tremendous number of lives'

Or if you object to Fox here is the CNN report. Trump signs 'Right to Try Act' aimed at helping terminally ill patients seek drug treatments - CNNPolitics

The story isn’t the passage of legislation. Nor is it the idea that patients who have no hope of recovery can try a new drug before it is approved by the FDA. That is merely the backdrop of the point I hope to make.

There was a time when we could compromise, and even come together as a nation. There was a time when we found common ground from time to time. In the case of this legislation, last year the Senate approved it unanimously. This year, the House passed it along party lines with the exception of twelve Democrats who voted for it.

On Passage - S.204: A bill to authorize the use of unapproved...

Why were the Democrats opposed? Well their excuse was that it might give false hope to the patients. Really? Patients who are going to die might have false hope in an experimental drug?

The reality was that the Democrats would not vote for anything that Trump or Republicans had championed. Taking care of people was once the basic belief of Democrats. But that belief has been abandoned, as I abandoned the party, to the higher calling of opposing anything the Republicans want, and championing anything the Republicans are opposed to. The Democrats are not alone, the Republicans have more than their fair share of similar positions.

This kind of bullshit is exactly why people are disgusted with both parties. It is something I pointed out, at another discussion forum, before the election of 2016. The point I made was yes, Trump and the Republicans were only slightly more popular than Herpes, but Hillary and the Democrats were only slightly more popular than Trump. A pox on both their houses tends to be the attitude of most people.

When you can abandon your beliefs just to oppose your enemy, you not only will not win, but you don’t deserve to. This vote, this vote is symptomatic of everything that is wrong with Politics today. We don’t discuss policy, or positions with anything approaching honesty or truth. We have moron trolls on the left and right who rush in here every day and make a dozen posts about how awful the other side is. They don’t post truth, and they never get any real discussion started. But they are just like our own elected representatives. Opposing the Hail Mary attempt to save a life that is all but lost.

The drugs probably won’t save many lives, but what we learn might. We have treatments for AIDS now, because we didn’t give up. We have Cancer Treatments because we didn’t give up. Diseases that were death sentences generations ago are at most minor inconveniences because we did not give up. We fought to find the cause, the treatments, and even the cures.

Oh well, there is no hope, and we don’t want false hope so you’re dying buddy. Good luck. Today, children are enduring treatments for Cancer. Treatments that were not even imagined fifty years ago. But we did not give up. It broke our hearts to see the kids sick, and we tried, and we learned, and we tried some more, and we learned more. We haven’t yet gotten to the point where we can save them all, but we damn sure will never get there if we shrug and say it’s just too hard, we won’t do it.

There was a time when a gunshot was essentially one hundred percent fatal. We learned, and it went from highly likely that the patient would die, to probable, to possible, and now unless you die before you get to the Hospital, you stand a good chance of surviving. Even gunshots to the head are treatable. The science behind the art of medicine grows only when we try and fail, and try and fail again, and try and finally make some progress. We learn by trying and fighting against the inevitable time after time.

False hope? That is the lamest excuse I’ve heard. Tell the truth for a change. You voted against this legislation because you opposed the idea of President Trump signing it. Not because you opposed the legislation, but because you hate Trump. You have become the enemy you claim to hate. You have become the irrational lunatics who think only of opposing their opposite number.

Democrats, if you want to become the majority again, you don’t need to worry about opposing Trump. You need to start representing the people. You need to actually give a damn about the people who vote, and here is a radical idea, stop shouting at them that this guy is terrible or awful or whatever. Start listening to them.

In other words, bring back the Democratic Party I once voted for with pride because of what we stood for, not what we stood against.

Partisan politics is always a detriment to positive results. It's possible there is more to this, however.

'Right to Try' Law Won't Lead to Miracle Cures
It might just be me but saying your voting against something because it might give a terminally ill person false hope is more than a little idiotic.
I believe the fear about this is that drug companies will push false hope to experiment with and verify drugs at the detriment of terminally ill patients. This could cause pain suffering and more acute loss of life. As long as all the facts are laid out and patients are getting the true information so they can make a fair and educated decision then I’m all for it. But we need to be careful when you have billion dollar pharmaceutical companies trying to push drugs out.

I’m a harsh critic of trump but I give him kudos for this one.
I believe the fear about this is that drug companies will push false hope to experiment with and verify drugs at the detriment of terminally ill patients. This could cause pain suffering and more acute loss of life. As long as all the facts are laid out and patients are getting the true information so they can make a fair and educated decision then I’m all for it. But we need to be careful when you have billion dollar pharmaceutical companies trying to push drugs out.

I’m a harsh critic of trump but I give him kudos for this one.

The trials would only be possible if there was no hope for any other treatment. A what have you got to lose scenario. If you use the drug you will probably die. If you don’t you will certainly die. As I said in the OP. A Hail Mary.
President Trump signed legislation into law today, called the Right to Try.

Trump signs 'Right to Try,' says it will save 'tremendous number of lives'

Or if you object to Fox here is the CNN report. Trump signs 'Right to Try Act' aimed at helping terminally ill patients seek drug treatments - CNNPolitics

The story isn’t the passage of legislation. Nor is it the idea that patients who have no hope of recovery can try a new drug before it is approved by the FDA. That is merely the backdrop of the point I hope to make.

There was a time when we could compromise, and even come together as a nation. There was a time when we found common ground from time to time. In the case of this legislation, last year the Senate approved it unanimously. This year, the House passed it along party lines with the exception of twelve Democrats who voted for it.

On Passage - S.204: A bill to authorize the use of unapproved...

Why were the Democrats opposed? Well their excuse was that it might give false hope to the patients. Really? Patients who are going to die might have false hope in an experimental drug?

The reality was that the Democrats would not vote for anything that Trump or Republicans had championed. Taking care of people was once the basic belief of Democrats. But that belief has been abandoned, as I abandoned the party, to the higher calling of opposing anything the Republicans want, and championing anything the Republicans are opposed to. The Democrats are not alone, the Republicans have more than their fair share of similar positions.

This kind of bullshit is exactly why people are disgusted with both parties. It is something I pointed out, at another discussion forum, before the election of 2016. The point I made was yes, Trump and the Republicans were only slightly more popular than Herpes, but Hillary and the Democrats were only slightly more popular than Trump. A pox on both their houses tends to be the attitude of most people.

When you can abandon your beliefs just to oppose your enemy, you not only will not win, but you don’t deserve to. This vote, this vote is symptomatic of everything that is wrong with Politics today. We don’t discuss policy, or positions with anything approaching honesty or truth. We have moron trolls on the left and right who rush in here every day and make a dozen posts about how awful the other side is. They don’t post truth, and they never get any real discussion started. But they are just like our own elected representatives. Opposing the Hail Mary attempt to save a life that is all but lost.

The drugs probably won’t save many lives, but what we learn might. We have treatments for AIDS now, because we didn’t give up. We have Cancer Treatments because we didn’t give up. Diseases that were death sentences generations ago are at most minor inconveniences because we did not give up. We fought to find the cause, the treatments, and even the cures.

Oh well, there is no hope, and we don’t want false hope so you’re dying buddy. Good luck. Today, children are enduring treatments for Cancer. Treatments that were not even imagined fifty years ago. But we did not give up. It broke our hearts to see the kids sick, and we tried, and we learned, and we tried some more, and we learned more. We haven’t yet gotten to the point where we can save them all, but we damn sure will never get there if we shrug and say it’s just too hard, we won’t do it.

There was a time when a gunshot was essentially one hundred percent fatal. We learned, and it went from highly likely that the patient would die, to probable, to possible, and now unless you die before you get to the Hospital, you stand a good chance of surviving. Even gunshots to the head are treatable. The science behind the art of medicine grows only when we try and fail, and try and fail again, and try and finally make some progress. We learn by trying and fighting against the inevitable time after time.

False hope? That is the lamest excuse I’ve heard. Tell the truth for a change. You voted against this legislation because you opposed the idea of President Trump signing it. Not because you opposed the legislation, but because you hate Trump. You have become the enemy you claim to hate. You have become the irrational lunatics who think only of opposing their opposite number.

Democrats, if you want to become the majority again, you don’t need to worry about opposing Trump. You need to start representing the people. You need to actually give a damn about the people who vote, and here is a radical idea, stop shouting at them that this guy is terrible or awful or whatever. Start listening to them.

In other words, bring back the Democratic Party I once voted for with pride because of what we stood for, not what we stood against.

Partisan politics is always a detriment to positive results. It's possible there is more to this, however.

'Right to Try' Law Won't Lead to Miracle Cures

Almost certainly that is true. There won’t be a miracle cure. But what we learn might lead to a breakthrough that would give us a good treatment in a generation. The treatment when all hope is lost, might just give us the future we all desire, where some of the worst diseases and conditions in our modern world, have reasonable treatments and possibly even cures.

False hope? To qualify for it the patient has to have exhausted all other possibilities, and be terminal. It’s a Hail Mary pass in the final seconds of the game. You might win, but it isn’t very likely.
I believe the fear about this is that drug companies will push false hope to experiment with and verify drugs at the detriment of terminally ill patients. This could cause pain suffering and more acute loss of life. As long as all the facts are laid out and patients are getting the true information so they can make a fair and educated decision then I’m all for it. But we need to be careful when you have billion dollar pharmaceutical companies trying to push drugs out.

I’m a harsh critic of trump but I give him kudos for this one.

The trials would only be possible if there was no hope for any other treatment. A what have you got to lose scenario. If you use the drug you will probably die. If you don’t you will certainly die. As I said in the OP. A Hail Mary.
I see a few cans of worms possibly being opened with this but like I said, I support trying anything as long is it is a legit last resort and all risks are transparent. I’d hate to see doctors getting paid to recommend these drugs instead of safer alternative approaches if it isn’t neccessary.
I believe the fear about this is that drug companies will push false hope to experiment with and verify drugs at the detriment of terminally ill patients. This could cause pain suffering and more acute loss of life. As long as all the facts are laid out and patients are getting the true information so they can make a fair and educated decision then I’m all for it. But we need to be careful when you have billion dollar pharmaceutical companies trying to push drugs out.

I’m a harsh critic of trump but I give him kudos for this one.

Above all they will eventually find cures as the treatments can actually be tried. This is what you are afraid of...
President Trump signed legislation into law today, called the Right to Try.

Trump signs 'Right to Try,' says it will save 'tremendous number of lives'

Or if you object to Fox here is the CNN report. Trump signs 'Right to Try Act' aimed at helping terminally ill patients seek drug treatments - CNNPolitics

The story isn’t the passage of legislation. Nor is it the idea that patients who have no hope of recovery can try a new drug before it is approved by the FDA. That is merely the backdrop of the point I hope to make.

There was a time when we could compromise, and even come together as a nation. There was a time when we found common ground from time to time. In the case of this legislation, last year the Senate approved it unanimously. This year, the House passed it along party lines with the exception of twelve Democrats who voted for it.

On Passage - S.204: A bill to authorize the use of unapproved...

Why were the Democrats opposed? Well their excuse was that it might give false hope to the patients. Really? Patients who are going to die might have false hope in an experimental drug?

The reality was that the Democrats would not vote for anything that Trump or Republicans had championed. Taking care of people was once the basic belief of Democrats. But that belief has been abandoned, as I abandoned the party, to the higher calling of opposing anything the Republicans want, and championing anything the Republicans are opposed to. The Democrats are not alone, the Republicans have more than their fair share of similar positions.

This kind of bullshit is exactly why people are disgusted with both parties. It is something I pointed out, at another discussion forum, before the election of 2016. The point I made was yes, Trump and the Republicans were only slightly more popular than Herpes, but Hillary and the Democrats were only slightly more popular than Trump. A pox on both their houses tends to be the attitude of most people.

When you can abandon your beliefs just to oppose your enemy, you not only will not win, but you don’t deserve to. This vote, this vote is symptomatic of everything that is wrong with Politics today. We don’t discuss policy, or positions with anything approaching honesty or truth. We have moron trolls on the left and right who rush in here every day and make a dozen posts about how awful the other side is. They don’t post truth, and they never get any real discussion started. But they are just like our own elected representatives. Opposing the Hail Mary attempt to save a life that is all but lost.

The drugs probably won’t save many lives, but what we learn might. We have treatments for AIDS now, because we didn’t give up. We have Cancer Treatments because we didn’t give up. Diseases that were death sentences generations ago are at most minor inconveniences because we did not give up. We fought to find the cause, the treatments, and even the cures.

Oh well, there is no hope, and we don’t want false hope so you’re dying buddy. Good luck. Today, children are enduring treatments for Cancer. Treatments that were not even imagined fifty years ago. But we did not give up. It broke our hearts to see the kids sick, and we tried, and we learned, and we tried some more, and we learned more. We haven’t yet gotten to the point where we can save them all, but we damn sure will never get there if we shrug and say it’s just too hard, we won’t do it.

There was a time when a gunshot was essentially one hundred percent fatal. We learned, and it went from highly likely that the patient would die, to probable, to possible, and now unless you die before you get to the Hospital, you stand a good chance of surviving. Even gunshots to the head are treatable. The science behind the art of medicine grows only when we try and fail, and try and fail again, and try and finally make some progress. We learn by trying and fighting against the inevitable time after time.

False hope? That is the lamest excuse I’ve heard. Tell the truth for a change. You voted against this legislation because you opposed the idea of President Trump signing it. Not because you opposed the legislation, but because you hate Trump. You have become the enemy you claim to hate. You have become the irrational lunatics who think only of opposing their opposite number.

Democrats, if you want to become the majority again, you don’t need to worry about opposing Trump. You need to start representing the people. You need to actually give a damn about the people who vote, and here is a radical idea, stop shouting at them that this guy is terrible or awful or whatever. Start listening to them.

In other words, bring back the Democratic Party I once voted for with pride because of what we stood for, not what we stood against.

Partisan politics is always a detriment to positive results. It's possible there is more to this, however.

'Right to Try' Law Won't Lead to Miracle Cures

Almost certainly that is true. There won’t be a miracle cure. But what we learn might lead to a breakthrough that would give us a good treatment in a generation. The treatment when all hope is lost, might just give us the future we all desire, where some of the worst diseases and conditions in our modern world, have reasonable treatments and possibly even cures.

False hope? To qualify for it the patient has to have exhausted all other possibilities, and be terminal. It’s a Hail Mary pass in the final seconds of the game. You might win, but it isn’t very likely.

The headline isn't what I was talking about, but rather the details of the article. For example:
"A right-to-try law would change the current situation mainly by taking FDA out of the equation."
"But in her research, she’s found that the barrier -- when there is one -- isn’t FDA red tape but refusal on the part of drug companies or doctors."
"The Senate bill would also limit the ability of patients getting experimental drugs to sue drug companies or doctors if things go wrong -- but the experts worry that there are better ways to encourage greater access."

Arguments against the bill may cover more than just "false hope." :dunno:
I believe the fear about this is that drug companies will push false hope to experiment with and verify drugs at the detriment of terminally ill patients. This could cause pain suffering and more acute loss of life. As long as all the facts are laid out and patients are getting the true information so they can make a fair and educated decision then I’m all for it. But we need to be careful when you have billion dollar pharmaceutical companies trying to push drugs out.

I’m a harsh critic of trump but I give him kudos for this one.

Above all they will eventually find cures as the treatments can actually be tried. This is what you are afraid of...
Not at all. That’s a pretty dumb question. Did you not understand my last statement? Not sure how I can be more clear

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