Parts of Georgia Grand Jury's Trump Report Released.

'I did not have sex with that woman'................looks like he wasn't lying, his cigar did.

His pet name for Monica was “humidor.”
A grand jury determining there is enough evidence to charge does, indeed, seem to indicate that there is enough evidence to charge.
A grand jury determining there is enough evidence to charge is a preliminary indication. But it doesn’t actually mean that there is. This is why (at least in some states) there is a regular procedure to have the judge review the entire grand jury proceeding to ascertain whether there WERE sufficient facts adduced by the grand jury evidence to sustain a charge.

Granted, these often get a cursory review and are almost routinely rubber stamped as valid. But there are exceptions.
I love seeing Trumpers say this. After they got zero of the indictments they have been jerking off to since 2016. Good stuff.
If it ever gets to a court, with that witches comments, I can see His defense creating 'reasonable doubt' over her comments of the investigation and others on the jury and their love for trump.
The lying Deep State claimed the WMD was there. If Gore was President he would had invaded too. So would had Hillary.

The same Deep State that decided we needed to bomb the Libyan government out of existence, and Obama complied.

The same Deep State that lied about chemical weapons attack in Syria.

The same Deep State that has you lefties and neocons cheering for war against Russia.
Guess what.
There isn't really any "Deep State."
The term was just a catchy marketing slogan dreamed up by Steve Bannon for the manipulation of the idiot MAGAt crowd back when the halfwit Trump was trying to convince them he was going to "drain the swamp" back in 2016.
Little did they know then that Trump was "the swamp."

It is a shame that ole Vlad Putin now has you MAGAts cowering in fear of war if we continue our support of Ukraine.
You guys, I am sure, would have said the same thing about Adolf Hitler back when he was terrorizing Europe that you say about Vlad Putin today.
"Not our fight."
"He has every right."
"Not REALLY such a bad guy."
"He's a strong leader."
And so on.

With "friends" like you my country doesn't even need enemies.
The grand jury is asking the DA for charges against some witnesses.
And the DA will decide if there is enough EVIDENCE to pursue charges. Buck up little camper, the thugs in DC will make your dreams come true. He'll be indicted in DC for something, likely later this year. That means he'll be convicted and then we'll get a media full court press to sell the lie that it disqualifies him from being president.
These people are so predictable.
How would the grand jury know they lied unless they knew the answers to the questions they were asking beforehand, in which case, there was no point in interviewing these people other than to try to catch them in a perjury trap.
If you don't lie then said "perjury trap" is a non issue isn't it?
Yes there is. United States Secretary of War - Wikipedia

Otherwise known as the Secretary of State now, but all they do is start wars.

NO. The Office of the Secretary of Defense was created in 1947. President Harry S. Truman created that position when he signed the National Security Act of 1947.

The first Secretary of Defense was man by the name of James Forrestal was appointed to that post on 17 September 1947.

The last Secretary of War was a man by the name of Kenneth C. Royall. The Office of Secretary of War was abolished on 18 September 1947.

Royall was appointed Secretary of the Army and the Air Force after Forrestal became SecDef.

The post National Security Advisor was created in 1953. The first National Security Advisor was a man by the name of Robert Cutler

John Bolton served as National Security Advisor to the Traitor until he left that post.

Ain't the Internet Grand?
If it ever gets to a court, with that witches comments, I can see His defense creating 'reasonable doubt' over her comments of the investigation and others on the jury and their love for trump.
Which would accomplish exactly nothing, as none of those jurors will be in the trial. The evidence will be the evidence.
A friend of mine ( a moderate conservative, not pro-Trump) sent me this. It has no direct bearing on the legal legitimacy of any charges that may be brought, but will probably be relevant to how they are received:
OK, only a few minutes of watching the amazing performance of the young woman who is the foreperson of the GA Grand Jury examining the election results and Trump's possible actions leaves me wondering who in hell put her in charge of the jury deliberations. The interview is full of smiles, chuckles, exclamations, hints about matters, knowing glances, etc, and is the most obvious ego trip to come along for a while. A jury foreperson is supposed to do exactly NONE of this. She's a 30 yr old woman, unemployed, apparently with no higher education, but a very strong interest in Wicca. (You know, the modern bunch of witches and warlocks.)

A lot of people are now very upset since this is termed a "prosecutor's nightmare" and endangers the whole case. Which wasn't that strong in the first place.

Not to be sexist, ageist, or chauvinist, but why would a person like this get tapped to run the jury? A Grand Jury usually has more than 12 people on it, was there no one in the group with any better qualifications for the job than this wacko?

It will be interesting to see how the investigation goes now and what
comes from its final conclusions and recommendations. I wouldn't bet heavily on things working out well.

Some day this episode, with the character of the Grand Jury foreman, will be in histories of America's decline and fall. Written in Mandarin.

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