Parts of Georgia Grand Jury's Trump Report Released.

The lying Deep State claimed the WMD was there. If Gore was President he would had invaded too. So would had Hillary.

The same Deep State that decided we needed to bomb the Libyan government out of existence, and Obama complied.

The same Deep State that lied about chemical weapons attack in Syria.

The same Deep State that has you lefties and neocons cheering for war against Russia.

Doubtful they would have invaded. Clinton didn't invade even when Hussein really was in possession of WMDs. He just lobbed cruise missiles to take them out.

And it was neocons who tried blurring the line between 9/11 and Saddam Hussein as an excuse to invade. Doubtful Gore or Hillary would have done that as well.
The grand jury found that several people lied under oath and recommended indictment. The suspects were not named but may have been named in the part of the report that was not released. If the witnesses were for Trump indictments should be swift. If they lied testifying against Trump you will never hear about this again. Chinese loyalist to the democratic party will hand on saying that Republicans are terrified that these charges are hanging over them. In reality, it will be buried and ignored.

How would the grand jury know they lied unless they knew the answers to the questions they were asking beforehand, in which case, there was no point in interviewing these people other than to try to catch them in a perjury trap.
How would the grand jury know they lied unless they knew the answers to the questions they were asking beforehand, in which case, there was no point in interviewing these people other than to try to catch them in a perjury trap.
The woman making the claim is a witch so maybe she used witchcraft. It looks like the entire proceeding has been spoiled.
Doubtful they would have invaded. Clinton didn't invade even when Hussein really was in possession of WMDs. He just lobbed cruise missiles to take them out.

And it was neocons who tried blurring the line between 9/11 and Saddam Hussein as an excuse to invade. Doubtful Gore or Hillary would have done that as well.
Then why didn‘t the Hussein pull us out of the Middle East like he promised? Instead he made the wars worse, and started new wars with Libya and Syria. Hillary was his SoS and was proud of those wars.
False. Conflating Iraq with 9/11 as an excuse to start a major war was a neocon policy.
The “neocons“ have been running the Democrat Party all along. (see Hillary Clinton).
Call them whatever you want, they are warmongers.

Biden may as well make John Bolton his Secretary of War.
And now the neocons run the Democrat Party (see Hillary Clinton).

Biden may as well make John Bolton his Secretary of War.


Hillary Clinton is a neocon running the Democratic party??


Hillary Clinton is a neocon running the Democratic party??

She voted for the Iraq War. She laughed about bombing Libya. She supports our involvement in the Syrian civil war.

Yes, she is a warmonger. She takes her orders from the Deep State.

Biden is no different, that is why he was installed. Now we have a new proxy war with Russia.
She voted for the Iraq War. She laughed about bombing Libya. She supports our involvement in the Syrian civil war.

Yes, she is a warmonger. She takes her orders from the Deep State.

Biden is no different, that is why he was installed. Now we have a new proxy war with Russia.

That doesn't make her a neocon or running the Democratic party. Your claims are not rooted in reality.
That doesn't make her a neocon or running the Democratic party. Your claims are not rooted in reality.
Name one leader in the Democrat Party that is against our involvement in the Ukrainian civil war and their war with Russia.
Name one leader in the Democrat Party that is against our involvement in the Ukrainian civil war and their war with Russia.

You're literally comparing providing aid to an ally of ours ... with an unjustified, full scale invasion of Iraq.

You're deranged. Just thought you might like to know that.

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