Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

Not surprisingly Obama and liberals are in the minority. They only win elections because their home (the Dimocrat party) is also the home of America's other losers. Combined, they win nationwide elections such as the White House.
Anyway, real Americans are in favor of Keystone, and as soon as the piece-of-shit-in-chief is gone, Keystone will eventually prevail.

Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline

Washington (CNN)A majority of Americans favor the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline -- a result that could give Republicans a boost as they move toward a showdown with President Barack Obama over the project -- a CNN/ORC poll has found.

The 1,179-mile Canada-to-Texas pipeline is backed by 57% of the 1,011 Americans surveyed on Dec. 18-21. Just 28% oppose it, while 15% say they are unsure.

Keystone debate moves ahead

The controversial project has become the subject of a battle between liberal environmentalists who argue it would contribute to global warming and conservatives who say it would create jobs and help the United States break away from Middle Eastern oil.

President Barack Obama has threatened to veto a measure that the Senate is set to vote on as soon as next week, which would end the State Department's six-year-old review of the project and authorize its construction immediately. Obama has said he objects to the decision-making process being removed from the executive branch.

The poll found that support for the pipeline is strongest in the South, where it's backed by 65% of those polled, and in the Midwest, where it has 63% support.

Read the entire CNN/ORC poll

The pipeline also stokes a divide along party lines, with 80% of Republicans backing it compared to just 39% of Democrats, and different age groups, with support strongest at 67% among those 65 and older and weakest at 47% among those between 18 and 34.

Poll Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline -

Well of course they do. Obama is just a dummy and communist to boot. A real sack of shit

There is no reason not to build it other than to cater to extremist demagogues.
Not surprisingly Obama and liberals are in the minority. They only win elections because their home (the Dimocrat party) is also the home of America's other losers. Combined, they win nationwide elections such as the White House.
Anyway, real Americans are in favor of Keystone, and as soon as the piece-of-shit-in-chief is gone, Keystone will eventually prevail.

Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline

Washington (CNN)A majority of Americans favor the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline -- a result that could give Republicans a boost as they move toward a showdown with President Barack Obama over the project -- a CNN/ORC poll has found.

The 1,179-mile Canada-to-Texas pipeline is backed by 57% of the 1,011 Americans surveyed on Dec. 18-21. Just 28% oppose it, while 15% say they are unsure.

Keystone debate moves ahead

The controversial project has become the subject of a battle between liberal environmentalists who argue it would contribute to global warming and conservatives who say it would create jobs and help the United States break away from Middle Eastern oil.

President Barack Obama has threatened to veto a measure that the Senate is set to vote on as soon as next week, which would end the State Department's six-year-old review of the project and authorize its construction immediately. Obama has said he objects to the decision-making process being removed from the executive branch.

The poll found that support for the pipeline is strongest in the South, where it's backed by 65% of those polled, and in the Midwest, where it has 63% support.

Read the entire CNN/ORC poll

The pipeline also stokes a divide along party lines, with 80% of Republicans backing it compared to just 39% of Democrats, and different age groups, with support strongest at 67% among those 65 and older and weakest at 47% among those between 18 and 34.

Poll Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline -
How great then that this country isn't run by mob-rule.

Well sure it is

Not surprisingly Obama and liberals are in the minority. They only win elections because their home (the Dimocrat party) is also the home of America's other losers. Combined, they win nationwide elections such as the White House.
Anyway, real Americans are in favor of Keystone, and as soon as the piece-of-shit-in-chief is gone, Keystone will eventually prevail.

Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline

Washington (CNN)A majority of Americans favor the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline -- a result that could give Republicans a boost as they move toward a showdown with President Barack Obama over the project -- a CNN/ORC poll has found.

The 1,179-mile Canada-to-Texas pipeline is backed by 57% of the 1,011 Americans surveyed on Dec. 18-21. Just 28% oppose it, while 15% say they are unsure.

Keystone debate moves ahead

The controversial project has become the subject of a battle between liberal environmentalists who argue it would contribute to global warming and conservatives who say it would create jobs and help the United States break away from Middle Eastern oil.

President Barack Obama has threatened to veto a measure that the Senate is set to vote on as soon as next week, which would end the State Department's six-year-old review of the project and authorize its construction immediately. Obama has said he objects to the decision-making process being removed from the executive branch.

The poll found that support for the pipeline is strongest in the South, where it's backed by 65% of those polled, and in the Midwest, where it has 63% support.

Read the entire CNN/ORC poll

The pipeline also stokes a divide along party lines, with 80% of Republicans backing it compared to just 39% of Democrats, and different age groups, with support strongest at 67% among those 65 and older and weakest at 47% among those between 18 and 34.

Poll Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline -
How great then that this country isn't run by mob-rule.

It's not intended to be run by a minority of 1 either. Every environmental study done by the state dept said it was good to go, but not your dear leader, noooooooooooo.
Just breaking on Fox News. No article or link yet.

The Democrats continue to obstruct progress that would lower oil prices and make gasoline cheaper for working families.

Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.

Is he still pretending it "needs more study"?

After how many years of study, how many reports already completed?

Apparently placating his enviro-whacko base is more important to him than helping America and saving money for "the little people".

obama doesn't give a dam' about what the majority of anything wants.

obama's purpose is to ruin the United States and he is doing a wonderful job in getting that done.
Just breaking on Fox News. No article or link yet.

The Democrats continue to obstruct progress that would lower oil prices and make gasoline cheaper for working families.

Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.

Is he still pretending it "needs more study"?

After how many years of study, how many reports already completed?

Apparently placating his enviro-whacko base is more important to him than helping America and saving money for "the little people".

obama doesn't give a dam' about what the majority of anything wants.

obama's purpose is to ruin the United States and he is doing a wonderful job in getting that done.
Doesn't matter, Obama's time is ticking away, he'll be gone, then the pipeline will prevail.
Yes, it will happen. Obama may think he's king for life, but he's not. We have time, Obama doesn't ! :2up:

This is what really irks you, doesn't it? You rabid ODS zealots were foaming at the mouth for Obama to lose reelection. That didn't pan out, so you began foaming at the mouth for him to become inconsequential as a lame duck. But now, well beyond the normal lame duck time frame Obama is still wielding power. It doesn't matter what the bill was. It could have been a bill to mandate public blow jobs and you still would be pissed to see Obama laying down a veto just because you hate Obama.
Yes, it will happen. Obama may think he's king for life, but he's not. We have time, Obama doesn't ! :2up:

This is what really irks you, doesn't it? You rabid ODS zealots were foaming at the mouth for Obama to lose reelection. That didn't pan out, so you began foaming at the mouth for him to become inconsequential as a lame duck. But now, well beyond the normal lame duck time frame Obama is still wielding power. It doesn't matter what the bill was. It could have been a bill to mandate public blow jobs and you still would be pissed to see Obama laying down a veto just because you hate Obama.

You didn't call him a racist, or wish him dead...did you forget?
So in this case to you, the "majority" is a mob. That's pretty funny.
The majority is always a mob, hence why we aren't a democracy.

We are the citizens of this country, and if we want OUR land to be used for this project, we should have a voice in the decision.

Anyway, this is nothing more than a temporary setback. The project will happen whether you or Obama want it stopped or not. Get used to it.
I didn't vote for the fucking Obumbler and liberal/socialist Democrap Party machine hacks, either. But WE THE PEOPLE sure did vote, and those guys won. The rest of us failed to provide a meaningful candidate to oppose Obumbler. By our own actions and inaction, we permitted those crap holes of the liberal lemming left to prevail. WE are paying for that.

Shorter Liability: elections have consequences.
Yes, it will happen. Obama may think he's king for life, but he's not. We have time, Obama doesn't ! :2up:

This is what really irks you, doesn't it? You rabid ODS zealots were foaming at the mouth for Obama to lose reelection. That didn't pan out, so you began foaming at the mouth for him to become inconsequential as a lame duck. But now, well beyond the normal lame duck time frame Obama is still wielding power. It doesn't matter what the bill was. It could have been a bill to mandate public blow jobs and you still would be pissed to see Obama laying down a veto just because you hate Obama.

The clock is ticking, Obama will soon be gone and this project will move forward.
Yes, it will happen. Obama may think he's king for life, but he's not. We have time, Obama doesn't ! :2up:

This is what really irks you, doesn't it? You rabid ODS zealots were foaming at the mouth for Obama to lose reelection. That didn't pan out, so you began foaming at the mouth for him to become inconsequential as a lame duck. But now, well beyond the normal lame duck time frame Obama is still wielding power. It doesn't matter what the bill was. It could have been a bill to mandate public blow jobs and you still would be pissed to see Obama laying down a veto just because you hate Obama.

The clock is ticking, Obama will soon be gone and this project will move forward.

Praise Allah!
Yes, it will happen. Obama may think he's king for life, but he's not. We have time, Obama doesn't ! :2up:

This is what really irks you, doesn't it? You rabid ODS zealots were foaming at the mouth for Obama to lose reelection. That didn't pan out, so you began foaming at the mouth for him to become inconsequential as a lame duck. But now, well beyond the normal lame duck time frame Obama is still wielding power. It doesn't matter what the bill was. It could have been a bill to mandate public blow jobs and you still would be pissed to see Obama laying down a veto just because you hate Obama.

You didn't call him a racist, or wish him dead...did you forget?
Lol ! :biggrin:
Yes, it will happen. Obama may think he's king for life, but he's not. We have time, Obama doesn't ! :2up:

This is what really irks you, doesn't it? You rabid ODS zealots were foaming at the mouth for Obama to lose reelection. That didn't pan out, so you began foaming at the mouth for him to become inconsequential as a lame duck. But now, well beyond the normal lame duck time frame Obama is still wielding power. It doesn't matter what the bill was. It could have been a bill to mandate public blow jobs and you still would be pissed to see Obama laying down a veto just because you hate Obama.

The clock is ticking, Obama will soon be gone and this project will move forward.

Praise Allah!

I'll praise all once the piece of shit is gone.

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