Passenger Ignites Firecrackers on Delta Flight Headed to Detroit

Just because the Clinton thing is actual doesn't mean anything. ou can't honestly say with a straight face that Vincent Foster died by suicide. There is way to much evidence to prove otherwise.

This post should be in the conspiracy theory folder..

Yeah, there was so much evidence they charged somebody...oh, that's right, they didn't...

It's pretty hard to charge someone when there is a close Clinton friend as the top Law Enforcement Official in the country.
President Barack Obama was notified of the incident and discussed it with security officials, the White House said. It said he is monitoring the situation and receiving regular updates from his vacation spot in Hawaii.

White House: Failed Airline Bombing Was Attempted Act of Terrorism - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

What a shithead.


What do you suggest he do?

First off, he should have grounded all flights atleast until today, he should have immediately left for his Office in Washington D.C. where he can appropriately monitor and handle the situation and be close to the Pentagon and he should have addressed the nation from the Oval Office, want me to keep going?

President Bush was back at the White House within 8 hours of the 9/11 attacks(against the advice of his top aides, security personnel and cabinet officials. There was an actual threat against the President and White House and he still proceeded back there.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if this guy had not been a terrorist and was a jerkoff playing a prank, the passengers could be sued. In fact, can't we be sued just for reporting something?

Anyone have an update the settlement of the flying imams?

No, even it it was a prank it would still be illegal, and they were in fear for their lives. No court would even hear a suit like that.
It was NOT a prank, stupid.

By ALL REPORTS it was a failed terrorist act using a SOPHISTICATED CHEMICAL BOMB.

Damn, that guy is mature lol. He also sounds like he has an IQ around the same level as a cucumber, lol. I love how he takes a standard thread and turns it into personal attacks.

Next think you know he will say the Bush Administration blew up the twin towers. :cuckoo:

You started out posting in dumbshit and are now posting in dumbshit squared.

By morning iot will be all over the news that this was as much an act of terror as the nose bleed of Burlesconi, the tackling of the Pope and the death threat against Michelle Obama that never materialized.
BTW mature is what you aren't. Grow up and stop being a reactionary pussy. Next you will start boring me with threats of global warming destroying the earth and civilization....

Boy! Loosecannon. What an appropriate online name! Well, the day's reports are all out and you're the one looking like he has shit for brains!

Carry on twat features. We could do with the entertainment. Always a pleasure to watch a true clown at work. :lol:
I'm not as confident about that as you nevadamedic. If the prankster was injured by the passenger I am fairly certain there would be a suit, if not against the passenger, then against the airlines. Of course, it wasn't a prank, but I'm still angry about this John Doe amendment.
The Clinton thing IS actual -- a actual nutjob conspiracy theory.

The hell it is. There are over 25 deaths of people connected to the Clinton's that died under mysterious circumstances. I am an investigator by trade (and a damn good one, I have the hight arrest numbers in the company covering three states, I also train new hires) and all my experience has proven to me that there are no such thing as coincidences.
All that said, there is nothing but circumstantial and anecdotal evidence to support the Clinton conspiracy theories. The chief enemy of any investigator is subjectivity.

A Medic and an investigator. Impressive!

I am an EMT-I here in Nevada. I was on a volunteer fire department for several years and still keep my certs up to date. I am also a CPR, Life Guard and First Responder instructor with the Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America and Jeff Ellis and Associates.

I have been doing Private Investigations in addition for several years and got into Loss Prevention a few years ago (while I was a volunteer with the Pahrump Valley Fire Rescue Service), and I plan on going into Bail Enforcement here in the near future.

Since most of the Fire Department's are Volunteer out here, everyone volunteer has a regular job and carry a pager\radio for when a call comes out.

No need for a cheap shot.............
The hell it is. There are over 25 deaths of people connected to the Clinton's that died under mysterious circumstances. I am an investigator by trade (and a damn good one, I have the hight arrest numbers in the company covering three states, I also train new hires) and all my experience has proven to me that there are no such thing as coincidences.
All that said, there is nothing but circumstantial and anecdotal evidence to support the Clinton conspiracy theories. The chief enemy of any investigator is subjectivity.

A Medic and an investigator. Impressive!

I am an EMT-I here in Nevada. I was on a volunteer fire department for several years and still keep my certs up to date. I am also a CPR, Life Guard and First Responder instructor with the Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America and Jeff Ellis and Associates.

I have been doing Private Investigations in addition for several years and got into Loss Prevention a few years ago (while I was a volunteer with the Pahrump Valley Fire Rescue Service), and I plan on going into Bail Enforcement here in the near future.

Since most of the Fire Department's are Volunteer out here, everyone volunteer has a regular job and carry a pager\radio for when a call comes out.

No need for a cheap shot.............
It wasn't a shot.
Damn, that guy is mature lol. He also sounds like he has an IQ around the same level as a cucumber, lol. I love how he takes a standard thread and turns it into personal attacks.

Next think you know he will say the Bush Administration blew up the twin towers. :cuckoo:

You started out posting in dumbshit and are now posting in dumbshit squared.

By morning iot will be all over the news that this was as much an act of terror as the nose bleed of Burlesconi, the tackling of the Pope and the death threat against Michelle Obama that never materialized.
BTW mature is what you aren't. Grow up and stop being a reactionary pussy. Next you will start boring me with threats of global warming destroying the earth and civilization....

Boy! Loosecannon. What an appropriate online name! Well, the day's reports are all out and you're the one looking like he has shit for brains!

Carry on twat features. We could do with the entertainment. Always a pleasure to watch a true clown at work. :lol:

Unfortunately Colin, loosecannon is not alone. When the Ft. Dix Six were arrested, there were plenty of folks on the left who claimed they were too stupid to be "real terrorists". Apparently, amongst the intellectual elite, the criteria for being labeled a "real terrorist" is a high IQ or something. Oh and I think you need an Al Qaeda ID card too.
All that said, there is nothing but circumstantial and anecdotal evidence to support the Clinton conspiracy theories. The chief enemy of any investigator is subjectivity.

A Medic and an investigator. Impressive!

I am an EMT-I here in Nevada. I was on a volunteer fire department for several years and still keep my certs up to date. I am also a CPR, Life Guard and First Responder instructor with the Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America and Jeff Ellis and Associates.

I have been doing Private Investigations in addition for several years and got into Loss Prevention a few years ago (while I was a volunteer with the Pahrump Valley Fire Rescue Service), and I plan on going into Bail Enforcement here in the near future.

Since most of the Fire Department's are Volunteer out here, everyone volunteer has a regular job and carry a pager\radio for when a call comes out.

No need for a cheap shot.............
It wasn't a shot.

Seemed like it............
You started out posting in dumbshit and are now posting in dumbshit squared.

By morning iot will be all over the news that this was as much an act of terror as the nose bleed of Burlesconi, the tackling of the Pope and the death threat against Michelle Obama that never materialized.
BTW mature is what you aren't. Grow up and stop being a reactionary pussy. Next you will start boring me with threats of global warming destroying the earth and civilization....

Boy! Loosecannon. What an appropriate online name! Well, the day's reports are all out and you're the one looking like he has shit for brains!

Carry on twat features. We could do with the entertainment. Always a pleasure to watch a true clown at work. :lol:

Unfortunately Colin, loosecannon is not alone. When the Ft. Dix Six were arrested, there were plenty of folks on the left who claimed they were too stupid to be "real terrorists". Apparently, amongst the intellectual elite, the criteria for being labeled a "real terrorist" is a high IQ or something. Oh and I think you need an Al Qaeda ID card too.

In my book, anyone who commits a crime or does something to install fear or terror in someone is a Terrorist.
I am an EMT-I here in Nevada. I was on a volunteer fire department for several years and still keep my certs up to date. I am also a CPR, Life Guard and First Responder instructor with the Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America and Jeff Ellis and Associates.

I have been doing Private Investigations in addition for several years and got into Loss Prevention a few years ago (while I was a volunteer with the Pahrump Valley Fire Rescue Service), and I plan on going into Bail Enforcement here in the near future.

Since most of the Fire Department's are Volunteer out here, everyone volunteer has a regular job and carry a pager\radio for when a call comes out.

No need for a cheap shot.............
It wasn't a shot.

Seemed like it............
I should have said "Outstanding" instead of "Impressive."
You started out posting in dumbshit and are now posting in dumbshit squared.

By morning iot will be all over the news that this was as much an act of terror as the nose bleed of Burlesconi, the tackling of the Pope and the death threat against Michelle Obama that never materialized.
BTW mature is what you aren't. Grow up and stop being a reactionary pussy. Next you will start boring me with threats of global warming destroying the earth and civilization....

Boy! Loosecannon. What an appropriate online name! Well, the day's reports are all out and you're the one looking like he has shit for brains!

Carry on twat features. We could do with the entertainment. Always a pleasure to watch a true clown at work. :lol:

Unfortunately Colin, loosecannon is not alone. When the Ft. Dix Six were arrested, there were plenty of folks on the left who claimed they were too stupid to be "real terrorists". Apparently, amongst the intellectual elite, the criteria for being labeled a "real terrorist" is a high IQ or something. Oh and I think you need an Al Qaeda ID card too.

Nothing surprises me when it comes to the far left, Chanel. They are every bit as demented as the terrorists, and their ultimate aims are much the same.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if this guy had not been a terrorist and was a jerkoff playing a prank, the passengers could be sued. In fact, can't we be sued just for reporting something?

Anyone have an update the settlement of the flying imams?

now what do you think ????

*grabs copy of 9/11 report (which btw, is NOT a transcript of the hearings)*

Starting on page 47...

Transcripts and videos of the 12th public hearing:

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

The 09/11 Commission issued THE 09/11 WRITTEN REPORT

Shhhhh.... It's a secret. The government doesn't want us to know...

The 09/11 Commission issued THE 09/11 WRITTEN REPORT identify by page and paragraph where the issue of MOTIVATION was discussed - identify by page and paragraph where the testimony provided by FBI Agent Fitzgerald was identified.

Identify by page and paragraph where the 09/11 Commission addressed the issues which motivated the hijackers.

Let's see now...

Black African guy...Check!

He's Muslim...Check!

Probably hates America...Check!

All the required elements are here, so why hasn't Obama pardoned this guy yet or told Holder to be sure and drop all charges after the terrorist is indicted?
President Barack Obama was notified of the incident and discussed it with security officials, the White House said. It said he is monitoring the situation and receiving regular updates from his vacation spot in Hawaii.

White House: Failed Airline Bombing Was Attempted Act of Terrorism - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

What a shithead.


What do you suggest he do?

First off, he should have grounded all flights atleast until today, he should have immediately left for his Office in Washington D.C. where he can appropriately monitor and handle the situation and be close to the Pentagon and he should have addressed the nation from the Oval Office, want me to keep going?

Dear God. Are you fucking serious?
Woo-hoo! Rightwinger, the lefty simpleton does it again! Neg reps me for my post above thereby confirming my words and proving me right! Come on rightwinger, you can admit my words of truth sting your libtard hive mind and are like a thorn in your side. But you are a coward. You don't even try to refute my comments because I have handed your ass to you before and I can do it again!

So neg rep me all you want, you worthless **** wipe. It's like a badge of honor to cause you libtards pain when you have to face the truth!

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