Past time for Republicans to pick a side

That is completely and entirely wrong. It's saying everyone has to think like you do or they are against individual rights.

What about their rights to free exercise?

You aren't talking about individuality, you are talking about acceptance and even endorsement. What everyone has always pushed for is tolerance, but evidently that isn't enough for orwellians such as you.

Your position has zero merit.
Colfax is saying that individualism is when you are forced to believe what homosexuals believe.

Has there ever been a bigger dumbass in this forum?
It’s not. Not even a little bit.

What it boils down is that you pretend to want individualism but only for you and those like you. It’s fake. You’re a fake.

You are mixing up individualism for anarchy.

You are trying to be slick and failing.

This started out as an actual debate, which you decided you were losing, and then you went to semantics.

Dime store tricks from a dime store hack.
Colfax is saying that individualism is when you are forced to believe what homosexuals believe.

Has there ever been a bigger dumbass in this forum?

He knows he is losing the point, so he went to semantics and jiggery pokery.
Not only did his policies improve the lives of “black fellas”, they improve the lives of all Americans. Even those that have been told it’s all whiteys and republicans fault their entire lives and believe it because they’re unable to think for themselves. Do you know anybody like that?
How did it improve your life.
Be specific with your answer and provide evidence because I know your lying.
You are mixing up individualism for anarchy.

You are trying to be slick and failing.

This started out as an actual debate, which you decided you were losing, and then you went to semantics.

Dime store tricks from a dime store hack.
You can't have an actual debate with Colfax. He/she will beat you down with his/her stupidity.
Laura and I are watching the scenes of mayhem unfolding at the seat of our Nation’s government in disbelief and dismay. It is a sickening and heartbreaking sight. This is how election results are disputed in a banana republic – not our democratic republic. I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement. The violent assault on the Capitol – and disruption of a Constitutionally-mandated meeting of Congress – was undertaken by people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes. Insurrection could do grave damage to our Nation and reputation. In the United States of America, it is the fundamental responsibility of every patriotic citizen to support the rule of law. To those who are disappointed in the results of the election: Our country is more important than the politics of the moment. Let the officials elected by the people fulfill their duties and represent our voices in peace and safety. May God continue to bless the United States of America.

trump and the trump supporters are too stupid to realize they are a threat to the Constitution.
Yeah, because every President and member of Congress since Nixon has given a shit about the General Welfare.
Not in the slightest. I leave that to morons like you.
For what it's worth, i think you twats will win. Destroying a nation is easier than defending it.. And the Russians and the Chinese will be happy to help you.
I don't see it as "Trump's" econ. There was a trend of 2% growth and a tightening labor market. That continued with McConnell's supply side tax cut. And the gop accepted Trump because they knew he'd sign a tax cut. The trend continued and wages for the bottom level workers began to rise.

The fed is tightening credit because mid level workers are seeing income hikes, as the dems have given enough "stimulus" so people can stay home in the pandemic.

Trump said he'd make imports more expensive with tariffs.

as I said, I'm ready for door #3
Trump replaced the trespassers with Americans.
You are mixing up individualism for anarchy.

You are trying to be slick and failing.

This started out as an actual debate, which you decided you were losing, and then you went to semantics.

Dime store tricks from a dime store hack.
No, these aren’t semantics. You switched the topic. You were talking about individualism and then switched to rights. That’s a different conversation with different parameters.

You call it semantics, but words matter.

You aren’t into individualism and neither is the right. You’re obsessed with monoculture. That’s why you demand assimilation. That’s why religion is such a big part of the political right. When you claim to defend individualism, you’re really only defending your own self. It’s not about individualism. It’s about you.
I wonder how many people are teetering on saying, "okay, enough".
Magaturds here call that kind of thinking 'weak'. You know it, I know it. Any sane, rational, patriotic American should remain clear-eyed about it and do their absolute bare minimum to try and put it down, but at the end of my day, they can all EABOD. :dunno:

I'm spent. Gnight all, have fun in the fun house, Mac.
dblack is a Libertarian aka selfish scumbag.
At least the Libertarians I know admit they are selfish scumbags.
I know many libertarians too. Some are inclined to selfishness. But some are more theoretical. It’s not so much about them, individually, as it is a principle of liberty. Some go so far down that road that they seem to be mere anarchists. I’m not open minded about anarchy as a political ideology. I consider it as being painfully stupid.

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