Pasta firm Barilla boycotted over 'classic family' remarks

"Because they are more concerned with profit than with the emoting of a teeny-tiny minority of cranks like you?"

" What's a good queer-owned pasta manufacturer? The Limp Noodle Co. of Provincetown, MA."

Now tell us how fond you are of homos.

And where did you read any "hatred" into either of those comments? Wherever it may be, it is entirely the fabrication of your imagination and has nothing to do with my intentions. Still waiting for that apology.

Then you won't have any trouble expressing your admiration for homosexuals and their effort to obtain equal marriage rights?

I didn't say I "admired" anyone for their sexual orientation, and I haven't taken a position on gay marriage. Still no "hatred" there, troll. Now, about that apology.

I don't know how it's figured in Arkansas, but for the rest of the world, 2013 isn't over yet.

There are 4 quarters in a year and most business's generate public sales reports for each. So how about you go pull up the CFA reports for the the first 2 quarters of this year.
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And where did you read any "hatred" into either of those comments? Wherever it may be, it is entirely the fabrication of your imagination and has nothing to do with my intentions. Still waiting for that apology.

Then you won't have any trouble expressing your admiration for homosexuals and their effort to obtain equal marriage rights?

I didn't say I "admired" anyone for their sexual orientation, and I haven't taken a position on gay marriage. Still no "hatred" there, troll. Now, about that apology.

You haven't taken a position on gay marriage? You are aware this is well into the 21st Century...what are you waiting for?
Then you won't have any trouble expressing your admiration for homosexuals and their effort to obtain equal marriage rights?

I didn't say I "admired" anyone for their sexual orientation, and I haven't taken a position on gay marriage. Still no "hatred" there, troll. Now, about that apology.

You haven't taken a position on gay marriage? You are aware this is well into the 21st Century...what are you waiting for?

Not your concern. I have not expressed "hatred" for anyone. YOU are the only one throwing around slurs here, sock. Now, hurry it up with that apology.
I didn't say I "admired" anyone for their sexual orientation, and I haven't taken a position on gay marriage. Still no "hatred" there, troll. Now, about that apology.

You haven't taken a position on gay marriage? You are aware this is well into the 21st Century...what are you waiting for?

Not your concern. I have not expressed "hatred" for anyone. YOU are the only one throwing around slurs here, sock. Now, hurry it up with that apology.

Are there any issues of the gay community you support?
CFA is different, they're retail. They can make up the loss of the gay and gay friendly market by having like minded gay haters eat there more often.

Barilla is wholesale. What will a gay hating christian do when they go their local Von's and there is no Barilla on the shelf?

You just don't get this, do you.

It's hilarious. Barilla is dead. All they had to say was they understood the concerns of their customers and would consider those concerns in future marketing campaigns. Instead they run and start humping the leg of jebus...for all the world to see.

As I said, if you got Barilla stock, dump it now, and I mean in the next 12 hours.

Barilla is privately owned by the Barilla family.

That's even worse...there are no stockholders or BOD to jump in and inject a little sanity into the situation.

IMO one of two things will happen. The Barilla family will stick to their bible guns and refuse to back down, sending the company into bankruptcy, or within 30 days you will see a 180 degree mea culpa from them including significant donations to LGBT causes.

I think Barilla will say ...screw em let them eat Chef Boyardee. The Barilla Group employs more than 8,000 people and in 2012 had net sales of more than 3.2 billion euro.
You haven't taken a position on gay marriage? You are aware this is well into the 21st Century...what are you waiting for?

Not your concern. I have not expressed "hatred" for anyone. YOU are the only one throwing around slurs here, sock. Now, hurry it up with that apology.

Are there any issues of the gay community you support?

Also not your concern. I have not expressed any of the "hatred" of which you have wrongly accused me. Now, if you have any character or integrity whatsoever you will apologize at once.
Not your concern. I have not expressed "hatred" for anyone. YOU are the only one throwing around slurs here, sock. Now, hurry it up with that apology.

Are there any issues of the gay community you support?

Also not your concern. I have not expressed any of the "hatred" of which you have wrongly accused me. Now, if you have any character or integrity whatsoever you will apologize at once.

Look I've been playing along, laying out rope. Why don't you show us where I personally accused you of whatever you think I accused you of?
Barilla is privately owned by the Barilla family.

That's even worse...there are no stockholders or BOD to jump in and inject a little sanity into the situation.

IMO one of two things will happen. The Barilla family will stick to their bible guns and refuse to back down, sending the company into bankruptcy, or within 30 days you will see a 180 degree mea culpa from them including significant donations to LGBT causes.

I think Barilla will say ...screw em let them eat Chef Boyardee. The Barilla Group employs more than 8,000 people and in 2012 had net sales of more than 3.2 billion euro.

I can assure you there are at least 3 other varieties of pasta other than Barilla at the supermarket where I shop...and none of them are Chef Boyardee.

As for Barilla's sales, I'll guess the next twelve months will be 2.2 Euro and the next 1.1.

Unless they roll over and embrace LBGT causes...which is exactly what i expect them to do.
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I don't buy Barilla because I think it's shitty pasta. Couldn't care less about the owner's politics.

The OP is pretty funny though. "Free Speech" works both ways.
Look I've been playing along, laying out rope. Why don't you show us where I personally accused you of whatever you think I accused you of?

All you've been doing is dancing and avoiding because you know you can't support your accusation and you lack the character to admit you were wrong and apologize.

You said, in a post directly responding to me:

I'm not sure all you fag haters have quite understood the number one rule of fag haterdom...

If you're going to bother trolling, at least put a little effort into it. As it is, you're just being a douchebag and making an ass of yourself, sock.
I don't buy Barilla because I think it's shitty pasta. Couldn't care less about the owner's politics.

The OP is pretty funny though. "Free Speech" works both ways.

So, if free speech works both ways, then how come I will be called a bigot when I express a negative opinion about homosexuals, but will be extolled if I put them on a pedestal? As I see it free speech does not work both ways. It is nothing but a double standard a far as people like you are concerned. It is only free speech if is in support or acceptance.
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After I had just gotten done talking about free speech, we have gay rights groups trying to dictate morality and expression to a longstanding company in Italy... sigh.

Gay rights activists in Italy have launched a boycott of the world's leading pasta maker after its chairman said he would only portray the "classic family" in his advertisements and, if people objected to that, they should feel free to eat a different kind of pasta.

Guido Barilla, who controls the fourth-generation Barilla Group family business with his two brothers, sparked outrage among activists, consumers and some politicians when he said he would not consider using a gay family to advertise Barilla pasta.

"For us the concept of the sacred family remains one of the basic values of the company," he told Italian radio on Wednesday evening. "I would not do it but not out of a lack of respect for homosexuals who have the right to do what they want without bothering others … [but] I don't see things like they do and I think the family that we speak to is a classic family."

Asked what effect he thought his attitude would have on gay consumers of pasta, Barilla said: "Well, if they like our pasta and our message they will eat it; if they don't like it and they don't like what we say they will … eat another."

In response, Aurelio Mancuso, chairman of Equality Italia, accused Barilla of being deliberately provocative. "Accepting the invitation of Barilla's owner to not eat his pasta, we are launching a boycott campaign against all his products," he added.

Pasta firm Barilla boycotted over 'classic family' remarks | World news | The Guardian

You haven’t been talking about ‘free speech.’

Restrictions concerning placing limits on free speech apply only to government and public sector law/policy making entities, not private citizens or private groups or organizations.

That gay rights activists in Italy - or anywhere else, for that matter - have advocated a boycott in no way manifests a ‘violation’ of the right of this or any other company to freely express itself.

You again only exhibit your ignorance of the issue.

Dammit, Clayton. That's all you do is call me 'ignorant.' You never explain how. By boycotting them, they are saying 'change your opinion of us or lose us as customers.' I don't know how that DOESN'T dictate free expression. The good thing here is that unlike some businesses here in the US, they told them to like it or lump it.
Look I've been playing along, laying out rope. Why don't you show us where I personally accused you of whatever you think I accused you of?

All you've been doing is dancing and avoiding because you know you can't support your accusation and you lack the character to admit you were wrong and apologize.

You said, in a post directly responding to me:

I'm not sure all you fag haters have quite understood the number one rule of fag haterdom...

If you're going to bother trolling, at least put a little effort into it. As it is, you're just being a douchebag and making an ass of yourself, sock.

So when I said "all you fag haters..." why did you immediately include yourself in that group?
Look I've been playing along, laying out rope. Why don't you show us where I personally accused you of whatever you think I accused you of?

All you've been doing is dancing and avoiding because you know you can't support your accusation and you lack the character to admit you were wrong and apologize.

You said, in a post directly responding to me:

I'm not sure all you fag haters have quite understood the number one rule of fag haterdom...

If you're going to bother trolling, at least put a little effort into it. As it is, you're just being a douchebag and making an ass of yourself, sock.

So when I said "all you fag haters..." why did you immediately include yourself in that group?

Asks the guy trying to paint Van Gogh's Starry Night with a broad brush...
I don't buy Barilla because I think it's shitty pasta. Couldn't care less about the owner's politics.

The OP is pretty funny though. "Free Speech" works both ways.

So, if free speech works both ways, then how come I will be called a bigot when I express a negative opinion about homosexuals, but will be extolled if I put them on a pedestal? As I see it free speech does not work both ways. It is nothing but a double standard a far as people like you are concerned. It is only free speech if is in support or acceptance.

Saying "negative things" about homosexuals = free speech.

Calling you a bigot for it = free speech.

It's not that complicated.

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